
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 7: The Beastial Forest

Chapter 7: The Beastial Forest

In my previous life, I explored boxing, Muay Thai, and various martial arts, experimenting with swords, bows, and numerous other weapons.

Why did I try them? Simple... they were fun! Plus, I found those skills beneficial for my business.

Admittedly, I'm quite a curious person. Winning a fight brought me immense joy.

Hence, when dispatching the goblins with the sword, I executed the task effortlessly.

Though I have a little experience and expertise with the sword, I'm not that skilled. I'm probably mediocre in my field.

I'm also still getting used to this body so my movements were rusty, fortunately, because of Alfonso's mentality I am overly calm so I was able to perform better. However, given that my motions were restricted and that Alfonso's body doesn't exercise, it was still fairly difficult. But my movements looked perfect because this body wanted to look graceful and always elegant.

‹ I should exercise. ›

With those thoughts aside, I soon looked at my status.


|Name: Alfonso Quiñones|

•Age: 12

[Points: 21]

Level: 2 [Low]






•Martial Arts: 23 (Low)

•Swordsmanship: 57 (Average)

•Medical Skills: 33 (Low)

•Singing: 22 (Low)

•Instruments: 70 (Unknown)

•Magical skills: 52 (Average)

•Horsemanship: 55 (Average)

•Arts: 117 (Master)


Glancing at my stats, I observed that my previously categorized low-level swordsmanship transformed into an average level when I applied skills from my past life, with the arts contributing as well.

This realization dawned on me: the levels and skills from my previous existence could enhance and accumulate in my current status if effectively utilized.

‹ Fascinating... › I murmured to myself.

However, what intrigued me was the mystery behind my unknown instrument skills. The only plausible explanation I could fathom is that my current level is incapable of revealing the true extent of my skills due to it being exceptionally high. Alternatively, it might be because I haven't showcased or tested my instrumental abilities, preventing an accurate assessment of my level. I can confidently assert, though, that I excel at playing instruments like the piano.

Nevertheless, I quickly set aside those contemplations and examined the points I had gathered.

‹ 21, huh... ›

I murmured in my thoughts, and just as the idea of a shop crossed my mind, the system promptly appeared from my view.



•Current Points: [21]

Techniques/Books: [Open]

Potions: [Open]

Abilities: [Open]

--------------------View more-------------------

When I realized that the system was almost identical to the game, I smiled inwardly.

I then thought of clicking the open button next to the ability.



•Current Points: [21]

Techniques/Books: [Open]

Potions: [Open]


-Super Slash: 50

-Brute Thrust: 150

-Psychokinesis: 40

-Deadly Cum Thrust: 210

-Teleportation: 5000

-Revolutionary Rod: 2000

--------------------View more-------------------

When I thought of clicking the open, a bunch of abilities showed, some of them were affordable but most of the good ones were expensive and all of the abilities were more than the value of forty. So I was not able to buy anything.

The points I accumulate can enhance my skill levels, purchase abilities, acquire books with combat techniques, and more. The exciting part is that I can upgrade the abilities I acquire, making them stronger or even evolving them through consistent daily practice.

That's why I was eager to come here, to hunt and accumulate points. It's crucial for my survival and fight for myself.

In a realm teeming with monsters and constant conflicts, anyone not considering becoming stronger would be deemed naive or foolish.

Regardless, my priority is accumulating more points. Recalling Mary's mention of the nearby goblin tribe, I see this as a prime chance to enhance my strength!

But while I was in my world of thoughts, I could not help but notice everyone's baffled faces at my sudden actions earlier.









Mary's Side

Everyone had an unbelievable look on their faces.

Especially Mary who still remembers the words Alfonso said last night,

| " Once I grow stronger, I'll offer Mary the choice of freedom, " |

Mary was puzzled as to why Alfonso was going to such great lengths just to become stronger. She wondered if it was to get his father's attention, but doubted that would work since his father was unlikely to notice him no matter what he did.

Considering what he killed are only goblins.

After thinking it over, Mary was even more confused about Alfonso's motivations. One thing she knew for certain was that he had taken Valentina's words deeply to heart.

Ever since his conversation with Valentina, Alfonso had shut himself away for days, and when he finally emerged he was acting very strangely.

Even though Mary didn't understand Alfonso's reasons, it was clear he had been profoundly affected by whatever Valentina had said to him and was drastically changing his behavior as a result.

Observing Alfonso, Mary couldn't help but ponder the future that awaited him. Lost in contemplation, a voice interrupted her,

"Mary, you mentioned that there might be tribes of goblins near here, right?"

She gave a nod and replied, "Certainly, young lord." However, her expression shifted to a frown, suggesting she quickly grasped Alfonso's intentions. Valentina and Christine, upon hearing Alfonso, also displayed signs of concern.

Because of it, Valentina couldn't contain her mouth and finally spoke.

"Taking on a goblin tribe just because you defeated three? I'd be swamped even attempting that. Arrogant! Honestly..."

Valentina exclaimed angrily, her whispered mockery evident in her tone.

However, when Alfonso heard her words, Alfonso slowly turned his gaze toward Valentina and looked at her in silence.


In that span of silence, the current new Alfonso recalled last night's painting, a reminder of his past life that he would always keep in mind to not be an arrogant person again. But truthfully, he was not going to attack the tribe of goblins if he didn't have Mary around him.

He comprehended Valentina's muttered words, recognizing that launching an assault on a tribe merely for dispatching a single goblin was not just reckless but also arrogant.

Simply attacking a tribe just because he easily killed three goblins was suicide. But Alfonso is different, —he was different! He has a system and a lot of fucking strong knights around him after all.

Dismissing these reflections, he turned his attention to Christine, contemplating in silence.

‹ I've been wondering since yesterday, but I can't recall who she was or where she appeared in the game. It seems like I've forgotten something crucial... ›

Meanwhile, everyone was at their edge because of how silent Alfonso was, they didn't know what he'd do. Especially Mary who knows that Alfonso took Valentina's words deeply. Well, that's what she thought.

As for Valentina, she grew concerned, fearing that she had truly crossed a line this time.

But their thoughts were halted when Alfonso finally moved and turned his head toward where the goblins came from, as he rested the point of his sword on the ground.

Sweat began to form on their faces, they noticed that the person they were looking at radiated a different aura. And because they are worried about how Alfonso would react to Valentina's words. Especially, Christine, she felt a chill running down her spine when she was gazed at coldly by Alfonso.

However, their worries were for naught when Alfonso finally spoke,

"Yes... Indeed, I was arrogant.

Without me realizing it, I've hurt everyone around me. Especially the people I cared about.

...And I'm truly sorry for that."

His voice sounded remorseful and sorrowful as the new current Alfonso remembered how he hurt his mother and how he regretted the words he muttered that day in his past life.

"But! that still doesn't give you the right to be so disrespectful. How dare you Valentina, I'm warning you, don't cross the line" Alfonso continued with an evident glace in his eyes and soon added more, "Anyway, I would like to raid the goblin's tribe with Kevin and you Valentina.

That'll be a good experience for us to grow.

For a master like him, it would be easy to destroy a tribe of goblins however, he is only there to guide us. If I find myself unable to match your pace, I'll swiftly retreat." He then looked at Valentina.

"I'm sure that goblins with such numbers are not enough to challenge you anymore." He continued with his cold gaze, after looking at Valentina's rank he knew that Valentina would not improve anymore if she kept this up

She is, after all, being halted from developing because the Alfonso that existed before someone transmigrated does not want to get her in danger or even team up with Kevin to fight beasts.




Hearing Alfonso's words, everyone was stunned. An arrogant boy who never apologized nor put his pride down. A boy who was insecure toward a talented knight and didn't put himself at risk and Valentina.

Now 'in front of' their eyes, just apologized and were even willing to help Valentina to get stronger. He is putting himself aside first. What else can they speculate? Alfonso is too weak and childish to even plan something for Kevin, and it's not like it would be beneficial to kill Kevin. He would only be hated more by Valentina, that's why they were sure that he wouldn't do that.

That was what everyone thought. Little did they know, that in the game, Alfonso harbored intense jealousy that would eventually lead him to kill Kevin and even scheme to imprison Valentina in the future.

Furthermore, Alfonso who always acted like a dog toward Valentina tried setting boundaries. That was already shocking enough especially for Valentina.

Because of what was happening, they were all perplexed, except for one silent person,

It was no other than Mary. Her expression looked like she realized something, her eyes wide as her hands trembled. Her sophisticated look crumbled for a mere seconds unbeknownst to her.

She's been trying to deny the thought of Alfonso being regretful of what he did in the past after he was called out by Valentina, but it all proves now after seeing how he responded to Valentina's words.

‹ I now comprehend the meaning behind his paintings. In that particular artwork, a child wore a sorrowful expression, indicating the pain he caused to those around him. It was nothing but a reflection of himself. ›

Mary then furrowed her eyebrows even more.

‹ I understand now the depth of Young Alfonso's yearning for strength...

He was sorry for what he did to me and others... And to make amends for the things he did, he's now aiming to relieve my worry and set me free from the harm he once inflicted...

No wonder he also tried helping one of the maids. ›

Mary then furrowed her eyebrows even more.

‹ Young lord, it's not your blame to bear. Had I been there to protect you on that fateful day... Your path wouldn't have taken such a sorrowful turn... ›

Soon Mary looked at Alfonso with a tender look.

She believed Alfonso had lost all concern, but today's proof shows he still deeply cares.

She was also fully aware that Alfonso is currently blaming himself for how he behaved toward others after Valentina called his doings.

The words that he was not capable of being loved must have shaken him, he comprehended that people around him were hurt by him. However, he is trying to change now... Mary would gladly help him.

‹ Don't worry my lord... I will always be here for you! ›








Alfonso's Side

When I was done with my speech of persuading them. A notification from the system suddenly appeared.


{+50 points}

[You changed Mary's image of you]

I soon glanced at Mary with my non-expressionless face but inside I was saying,

‹ What the fuck? ›

I caught a glimpse of her tender look but after that, everyone nodded at my words and went on to search for the goblin's tribe or whereabouts.

Sorry, for the late upload (Exams again sigh!!!)

New_Leaf626creators' thoughts