
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

What Happened in the Study Room Stay in the Study Room

Amidst the vast study room, Duke Caius found himself immersed in a sea of papers and books, each emanating the distinct aroma of ink and parchment.

The atmosphere was one of a focused industry, the Duke seated at the center of the room, his stern countenance reflecting the weight of his responsibilities.

Meanwhile his assistant, Vincent was by his side, giving him another document before settling back to his desk.

The room's dark blue tones seemed almost an afterthought, lost amidst the clutter of documents and his unyielding commitment to his work.

Yet, amidst the organized chaos of his work, a small figure managed to capture his attention. Mabel, his beloved adopted daughter, stood at the edge of the massive desk.

Her expression was one of utmost seriousness, her small hand clutching her stuffed bunny doll. Her gaze was fixed on the Duke's hands as they danced across the papers.

The sight of his daughter's adorably intent face was too much for him to resist. He paused his work and regarded Mabel with a gentle smile. "Mabel, is nanny Clara not with you?"

The sudden question caught Mabel off guard, her innocent face momentarily troubled. She hesitated, knowing that she had left her room as soon as Clara had prepared her.

Her reasons were complex, a blend of guilt and trauma from her time at the orphanage, but she couldn't articulate them.

"I... I don't know where Nanny is," she replied, her voice a mixture of uncertainty and a white lie.

It was hard for her to admit that she didn't want to be alone with Clara, so she followed Duke Caius like a duckling.

Seeing through her response, he let out a sigh, understanding her hesitation. He rose from his chair, lifting Mabel into his arms before settling back down with her on his lap.

"Alright, Mabel, be a good girl and I promise you lots of chocolate after I finish this work," he offered, his voice carrying a hint of amusement as he continued to review the papers before him.

The mere promise of chocolate elicited a burst of excitement from Mabel. "Really? Okay, I'll be super quiet!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she clutched her stuffed doll, Mrs. Bunnies, tightly in her lap.

Mabel, the epitome of innocence and curiosity, stood before an uncharted landscape—the Duke's handwriting sprawled across papers, a labyrinth of knowledge, and a tantalizing silver dragon statue that stood sentinel at the edge of the table.

The dragon's captivating glint, as if it held the secrets of ancient tales, drew Mabel's attention like a moth to a flame. Her fingers reached out, yearning for its touch, only to be foiled as another hand intercepted.

Vincent, with an air of importance, spirited the statue away. "Apologies, Young Lady. This holds a significant seal," he explained while giving another papers to his lord desk and then returning to his work.

Mabel thwarted attempt led to a crestfallen pout, her lips forming an adorable frown. And then, with an unexpected shift in her tiny head, a "thud" sounded as her skull met Duke Caius's chin—a simultaneous grimace of pain contorting their expressions.

Vincent, bearing witness to the comical mishap, clamped his hand over his mouth, fighting back laughter. Duke Caius's glare sent a shiver down his spine, yet he struggled to suppress his amusement.

"I'm sorry, Duke," Mabel's voice held a blend of apology and regret as her hand gingerly grazed her aching head.

In response, Duke Caius's giggle bubbled forth, his heart warmed by the genuine concern on Mabel's face.

He tenderly stroked her head, a gesture that sought to alleviate her discomfort. "It's alright, Mabel. I'm sorry, it must have hurt," he empathized.

With gentleness, Duke Caius lifted Mabel into his arms, settling on the nearby sofa. Mabel's eyes, shining with sincerity, locked onto Mrs. Bunnies, her cherished companion.

Softly, she squeezed the plush doll's hand, feeling the comforting fabric against her own tiny fingers. "When I'm hurt, Mrs. Bunnies and I have a mantra so the pain will be gone," she shared, her voice carrying the weight of a secret world between her and her stuffed friend.

"Do you want to help me with the mantra?" Her tentative words hung in the air, heavy with hope.

Would Duke Caius, the powerful figure she admired, partake in her special ritual? Her gaze was a plea, a silent question that spoke volumes.

Duke Caius deliberated briefly, intrigue dancing in his eyes. Was this a magical incantation, or merely the invention of a child? He couldn't resist Mabel's hopeful look, a look that bore into his heart.

"Sure, let's recite the mantra together," he agreed, his smile lighting up the room.

Mabel's joy radiated, a burst of sunlight dispelling any lingering awkwardness. Her face practically beamed as she led Duke Caius through the verses.

"Pain, pain, go away, and then you blow on the place where it hurts the most until it's gone."

"Ready?" Mabel's excitement was infectious, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

She recalled the way her bruises disappeared with the help of Duke Caius's lullaby. To her, he was a magician, a protector with incredible powers.

'What will happen if Duke reads the mantra? It will turn into a super powerful and awesome magic, right?!' Mabel's thoughts bubbled with excitement as she eagerly anticipated the magical moment about to unfold.

However unbeknownst to Mabel, Duke Caius's determination wavered, replaced by an endearing sense of embarrassment. How could a grown man utter something this seemingly absurd?

The weight of his own words now dawned on him, realizing that he was indeed caught up in a playful charade.

Yet, as his gaze locked onto those wide, shining eyes, as bright as the morning sun, and he took in the innocent charm of his daughter face, he found it nearly impossible to muster the resolve to tell her to stop.

Duke Caius cleared his throat, a slightly awkward smile tugging at the corners of his lips. With a hesitant yet determined nod, he said, "Alright, Mabel, let's give this a shot!"

He hoped fervently that this little mantra would be completed as swiftly as possible, his embarrassment now mingling with a touch of amusement.

"Pain, pain, go away!" Together, father and daughter's voices harmonized, echoing through the room, their mantra resounding in the hallowed space.

The repeated verses culminated in a playful blow to Mabel's head and Duke Caius's chin, their shared laughter breaking any lingering awkwardness.

Mabel's small hands clapped in delight, her eyes shimmering with awe as she gazed up at Duke Caius. "Wow, you're so amazing, Duke! I don't feel hurt anymore! It must be because of your strong power, right?!" she exclaimed, her admiration a heartfelt declaration.

Yet, their heartwarming exchange was abruptly interrupted by a small voice, like a raindrop falling into a calm pond.

The reminder that they weren't alone brought a flicker of realization to Duke Caius's eyes. Vincent, hidden behind his papers, fought valiantly against an impending laugh.

His body trembled, his paper-shrouded face twitched as he struggled to contain his glee. Duke Caius's glare, directed at Vincent, was a sight to behold—an unintentional comic confrontation between solemnity and hilarity.

'How could that cold and menacing man say that!?' Vincent's inner musings were a mix of astonishment and enjoyment.

He was certain that tales of Duke Caius's unexpected transformation would soon become the mansion's most beloved legend.

However, realizing the death glare that Duke give him, Vincent quickly regained his composure. With a gracious bow, he managed to save face, murmuring, "I shall take my leave." As he awkwardly retreated, a barely audible "pffttt" escaped his lips, adding a touch of humor to his hasty exit.

Laughter resounded in the hallway, leaving Duke Caius's face aflame. If this story ever found its way beyond these walls, he vowed he'd be tracking down Vincent with the intent to exact revenge.

Suddenly, a gentle touch on his forehead caught him off guard. Mabel's concerned and innocent expression met his startled gaze. Her voice carried a hint of worry as she inquired, "Are you alright, Duke? Your face is really red."

Mabel didn't understand what's happening and why Vincent suddenly leave. The only thing she realized was the Duke's changed in demeanor.

With a soft chuckle, Duke Caius lifted Mabel's hand from his forehead and held it gently. In that moment, he reminded himself that he was now a father, and though embracing playfulness might be awkward at times, it was all worth it to see the joy on Mabel's face.

"I promise, Mabel, I'm fine. Just remember, what happened today is our little secret, alright?" Duke Caius implored with a hint of urgency.

"But why? You were amazing with the mantra! Everyone should know how talented you are!" Mabel exclaimed, her excitement painting a vivid image of their shared adventure in her mind.

Duke Caius's expression turned contemplative, then a spark of mischievousness ignited in his eyes. "You know, Mabel, there's a legendary tale in this mansion," he whispered, casting a sly look at her.

Mabel focused easily changed into the tale in the mansion, so she leaned in, captivated by the intrigue. "Tell me, Duke!"

"Long ago, within these walls, there lived a man who guarded a profound secret," Duke Caius began, his tone dripping with mystique.

"One fateful day, he placed a curse on this very study room. Whoever dared to reveal its secrets would—" he paused dramatically, watching for Mabel's anticipation to reach its peak.

With wide eyes and a tense expression, Mabel urged him to continue, her curiosity almost palpable. "What would happen?"

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