
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

The Enigmatic Red Witch

Anne shifted the conversation toward Mabel's mother, hoping to offer a welcome distraction. "So, what about your mother, Mabel? She must be incredibly beautiful!"

Anne's eyes lit up at the mention of "mother", and she seemed eager to discuss her. Such conversations were rare for orphans like them, but now they had families, and it was a topic they could explore freely.

"I don't know, Anne," Mabel sighed softly, her eyes casting a sorrowful gaze upon the fallen flower petals that had come to rest on her cake. 

"No one in this house wanted to speak about my mom. She passed away while giving birth to me. All they said is that she was kind."

Anne expressed her sympathy, apologizing softly. "I'm sorry, Mabel, I didn't realize."

It was undeniably peculiar that Duke Caius possessed knowledge about Mabel's mother, given the circumstances surrounding her placement in an orphanage rather than with him. 

The mere existence of Mabel's mother, who had long departed from this world, was a sensitive subject, further shrouded in mystery and unanswered questions.

"It's alright, Anne, but the only person who talks freely about my mom is the Red Witch. But, she only speaks bad of her," Mabel admitted with a frown.

Mabel was torn. She wanted to know more about her mother, but Isabella's words had instilled doubt and fear in her. She turned to Anne, seeking her friend's advice.

"What do you think, Anne? Should I ask her about my mom?" Mabel's eyes were wide with hope as she awaited her friend's guidance.

Anne couldn't help but smile, a warm affection for her lifelong friend filling her heart. She pinched Mabel's cheek playfully and chuckled. 

"This doesn't sound like the Mabel I know. The Mabel I know never hesitates. So, what does your heart want?"

Mabel gently rubbed her cheek, acknowledging the truth in Anne's words. In the face of her fears, she needed to summon the courage to uncover every facet of her mother's life.

After her conversation with Anne, Mabel came to a resolute decision. She felt an inexplicable urge to befriend the enigmatic Red Witch, despite the apparent foolishness of such a choice. 

Her burning desire was to uncover the truth about her mother, regardless of whether it was laden with darkness or bathed in light.

While she contemplated seeking answers from Duke Caius, his sorrowful gaze each time she broached the topic of her mother made her feel guilty for even asking.

Conversations with Clara, on the other hand, always ended with the subject skillfully diverted, frustrating Mabel. She was growing increasingly impatient with Clara's evasive responses.

Mabel found herself standing before the door to Isabella's workshop, inexplicably drawn to the chemicals and mysteries that lay beyond. It has been two weeks since she saw her, and she felt nervous. 

Still, Mabel needed to talk to Isabella, and with determination, she knocked on her door. Despite her countless knocks, Isabella remained unresponsive.

Suddenly, billows of smoke poured out from under the door, igniting panic in Mabel. Had Isabella met her end in a disastrous experiment? Her concern overrode any hesitation, and she flung the door open.

Inside the workshop, a giant cauldron emitted purple fumes, creating an eerie atmosphere. Isabella's crimson hair was visible beneath a gas mask, each breath heavy and labored. She appeared deep in her work.

Mabel's intrusion startled Isabella, prompting her to usher Mabel out while hastily removing the gas mask.

"Have you lost your mind?!" Isabella barked, her sharp words piercing the air, leaving Mabel trembling in fear. "You could have been poisoned if you breathed that!"

"I-I'm sorry," stammered Mabel, her heart pounding wildly. The Red Witch had always frightened her, and now she was furious. The fear was paralyzing.

Realizing the danger she inadvertently exposed Mabel to, Isabella sighed. She couldn't afford to let Mabel die in her workshop, not with Duke Caius breathing down her neck.

Utilizing her magical prowess, Isabella cast protective spells over Mabel, ensuring she wouldn't succumb to the toxic fumes. Now, she felt the need to ask Duke Caius to give her a new workshop outside the manor. 

Once satisfied that Mabel was safe, Isabella delivered a curt instruction. "Now, get lost," before retreating back into her workshop.

But Mabel, gripping Isabella's dress and clutching Mrs. Bunnies tightly, mustered all her courage. "Can we talk?" she implored, her voice quivering.

"No," Isabella replied coldly, slamming the door shut in front of Mabel's face.

Mabel, fueled by frustration and determination, refused to back down. In a final act of resolve, she flung the door open once more and cried out, "If you don't want to talk to me, I will drink your potion and die, so you can be punished by my daddy!"

Isabella, initially rendered speechless, watched as the smoke from the cauldron dissipated, allowing her to relax somewhat. 

Crossing her arms with a challenging tone, she retorted, "Do it. I don't care if you die," a sinister smirk playing on her lips.

Mabel, gripped by sudden nervousness, searched for guidance in the form of her loyal companion, Mrs. Bunnies. Her pride battled her fears, compelling her to press forward. 

She stammered out a response, "Alright then! I... I will! You... You will regret it and end up in the scary prison!" Her words trembled as she hid her underlying nervousness.

With trembling steps, Mabel approached the gargantuan cauldron, glancing nervously back at Isabella, whose smirk only deepened her nervousness. As she gazed into the cauldron's murky depths, panic welled up within her.

But before she could make a reckless move, a familiar voice intervened. Clara, her nanny, rushed in, gasping in shock at the scene before her.

"What on Earth, Mabel? What are you doing here?!" Clara exclaimed, having combed the manor alone in search of the adventurous young girl.

She shot an exasperated look at Isabella, who remained unfazed. "She came in on her own."

Clara sighed in exasperation, addressing Mabel firmly, "Come here, Mabel."

Mabel breathed a sigh of relief as she retreated to Clara's side. The experience with the cauldron had indeed rattled her, and she couldn't fathom why Isabella had seemed so nonchalant. What if she had genuinely been in danger?

Isabella, however, resumed her work at the table and offered a piece of unsolicited advice, her words dripping with sarcasm. "Honestly, you should put a leash on that child so she doesn't die because of foolishness."

Clara, still grappling with the worry Mabel's disappearance had caused her, issued a stern admonishment. "Don't ever run away from me again, Mabel!" she said firmly, her concern evident.

Mabel hung her head, guilt and embarrassment painted across her features. "I'm sorry, Nanny. I just wanted to talk to Red... I mean, Lady Isabella."

Clara frowned, perplexed by Mabel's sudden interest in Isabella. It was a stark contrast to her usual avoidance, especially after the harsh comments Isabella had made about her mother. 

"Why so suddenly, Mabel?" Clara inquired.

Mabel, her nerves getting the better of her, grasped for an explanation. She couldn't told her the truth about what she wanted to know about her mother. Clara would divert the conversation again. 

"Umm... Because I'm interested in potions?"

Isabella, on the other hand, couldn't contain her laughter and spun her chair around. "You? Someone who willingly jumps into a cauldron is obviously brainless. So don't bother with potions," she taunted, crossing her legs with an air of indifference.

"Isabella!" Clara scolded, glaring at her friend's insensitivity.

Isabella, ever unapologetic, shrugged her shoulders dismissively. Meanwhile, Mabel's frustration and embarrassment toward Isabella intensified, leaving her unable to decipher the enigmatic Red Witch's true intentions.

Mabel, determined to prove herself, tapped her foot impatiently and crossed her arms defiantly. "Oh, are you scared to teach me? Is this your limit in potions? I thought you were a great mage! You can't even teach me," she declared, turning her face away in a show of pride.

Isabella, disliking being underestimated, especially by a child, furrowed her brows and locked eyes with Mabel. "My abilities are far too important to waste on a child like you," she retorted, her tone sharp and unwavering.

Despite her initial reluctance, Mabel refused to back down. She was irked, and with Clara protecting her, she saw an opportunity to challenge the Red Witch and satiate her desire for revenge. 

"Hmph! Just admit it, you're just scared to fail to teach me," Mabel shot back, her expression defiant.

Meanwhile, Clara watched the verbal sparring between the two with keen interest, curious about how Isabella would respond to the child's audacity.

Isabella rose from her chair, her heels echoing ominously as she approached Mabel. The young girl's anxiety intensified, unsure of what Isabella had in store for her.

Standing face-to-face with Mabel, Isabella offered a challenging smirk and held Mabel's chin with her fingers, ensuring their eyes were locked. 

The audacity of this child challenging her magical and potion-making prowess ignited a fire within Isabella. She had earned her reputation as the empire's finest, particularly in the realm of potions. 

Even when she was banished from the palace, the Emperor had personally entrusted her with research orders. Now, a mere child dared to question her abilities? This was unfathomable.

There was no way Isabella would allow this child to succeed in her quest. She intended to make her teaching so arduous, so grueling, that Mabel would ultimately yield. 

The Red Witch was not one to be trifled with, especially in the realm of magic and potions.

"Bring it on, then. Let's see how long you can endure my tutelage." she taunted, then returned to her chair.

Mabel trembled, now genuinely afraid of the Red Witch, but she refused to back down. Her determination remained unwavering. 

"I... I'll prove you wrong! I'll become a greater mage than you!" she declared, her resolve firm.

Clara couldn't help but chuckle as she watched the exchange between Mabel and Isabella. Her initial worry had now transformed into a sense of relief. 

She turned her gaze towards Isabella with a knowing smile, fully aware that her friend wasn't inherently cruel.

Isabella might have a sharp tongue and be somewhat insensitive to others' feelings, but deep down, Clara knew that cruelty wasn't a part of her character. 

Isabella's demeanor often came across as a defense mechanism, an attempt to avoid confronting her own emotions.

With optimism, Clara hoped that this interaction would pave the way for a better relationship between Mabel and Isabella. 

There was potential for both of them to learn from each other. It promised to be an interesting journey to observe, one where these two contrasting personalities might find common ground and grow together.