
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Tea, Cakes, and Trouble

Isabella's voice cut through the tense silence, chilling and cold. "What are you doing here, child?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

Mabel summoned her courage, determined to appear brave despite her fear. "I was just chasing after Bunnies with Mrs. Bunnies," she explained, pointing to the rabbits a short distance away.

Isabella's stern demeanor softened slightly upon hearing about Mrs. Bunnies. "Ah, I see. You're quite fond of that toy, aren't you?"

Mabel nodded vigorously, relieved that the conversation had shifted to a less menacing tone. "But be careful not to run into people," Isabella warned, her voice carrying a subtle threat. "Especially not into me."

A shiver coursed through Mabel as Isabella's words hung in the air. She desperately wanted to escape the presence of the Red Witch and clung tightly to Mrs. Bunnies.

As she attempted to make her getaway, a cold hand stopped her in her tracks.

"Why don't we have a chat for a while?" Isabella suggested, though her smile looked more like a sinister grin to Mabel.

Mabel hesitated, her instincts urging her to avoid this woman at all costs. "I'm sorry, but my Daddy said I can't go with a stranger," she replied, trying to muster a reasonable excuse.

Isabella's eyes twitched at the mention of "Daddy," but she fought to maintain her composure.

Despite her annoyance, Isabella was curious about the child. She took a more amiable approach, introducing herself.

"Allow me to introduce myself, then. I am Isabella Suncrest. What is your name?"  Isabella inquired, attempting friendliness.

Mabel sensed the shift in Isabella's tone and, although wary, decided to reciprocate with a friendlier demeanor.

Clara had taught her that a young lady should always strive to be polite, even when faced with someone they might dislike.

"Umm... I'm Mabel," she replied, keeping her response short. "I need to go," she added with a sense of urgency.

Isabella, however, held Mabel's hand firmly, preventing her escape. Mabel winced slightly at the tight grip. Panic welled within her as Isabella persisted.

"You heard me before, right?" Isabella queried, narrowing her eyes in mild annoyance. She found children's comprehension irritating.

Mabel merely nodded, too terrified to respond verbally. Her sweat was palpable, and she trembled slightly. Isabella's gaze, though not outright hostile, filled her with unease.

"Follow me," Isabella ordered, still clutching Mabel's hand as she led her away.

Mabel desperately hoped that nothing bad would happen to her. She longed to scream for her father or Clara to come to her rescue, but her voice failed her. 

For now, she had no choice but to obey the Red Witch's command, hoping that compliance would spare her from any harm.


Mabel found herself seated across from Isabella, her eyes darting nervously around the opulent tea room.

The delicate porcelain cups and saucers, the array of dainty finger sandwiches, and the decadent desserts all seemed so inviting. Yet, she was too uneasy to appreciate any of it. 

She had moved carefully to avoid the intense scrutiny of the Red Witch's emerald eyes and now sat still, barely daring to breathe. Every fiber of her being urged her not to make any sudden moves.

Glancing at Mrs. Bunnies, who sat across from her, Mabel regretted not holding her beloved stuffed toy in her arms for comfort. She felt a deep longing for its reassurance.

As the silence stretched on, it became increasingly suffocating for Mabel. Isabella had yet to utter a word, and the tension in the room weighed heavily on her small shoulders. It felt like an eternity.

Suddenly, Isabella extended a delicate porcelain cup of tea towards her, gesturing for her to take a sip. Mabel hesitated, her hands trembling as she reached for the cup. 

She took a sip of the tea, which should have had a sweet taste, but her nervousness seemed to strip it of any flavor.

Isabella arched an eyebrow, her tone almost bemused. "Is the cup too heavy for you?" she inquired, puzzled by Mabel's unsteady hands.

Unbeknownst to Isabella, Mabel was trembling from fear. In her mind, she couldn't understand why the child would be so afraid when she hadn't done anything harmful.

Mabel quickly shook her head. "I... I'm just feeling a bit nervous," she stammered, struggling to conceal her fear even as her heart pounded audibly.

"Hmm... Has your nanny failed to teach you anything? You seem rather sheltered," Isabella remarked, her words sharp and judgmental. 

She continued, her tone laced with derision, "Or perhaps Lirio has pampered you so much that he's forgotten you'll have to navigate the noble social circle one day. As expected from him, the lack of parenthood makes him like that," she added, sipping her tea with exaggerated elegance, making sure Mabel understood her disdain.

Mabel, her annoyance beginning to outweigh her fear, found herself growing irritated with Isabella's dismissive attitude towards her father.

Her anxiety gradually transformed into defiance. Why should she be afraid of the Red Witch, anyway?

"You're mean. My Daddy tries really hard to take care of me!" Mabel exclaimed, raising her voice. "He's kind and loves me, unlike you. He's the best Daddy ever!" She huffed, venting her frustration.

Isabella's response came with a smirk that could freeze even the warmest hearts. "Oh, really? It seems you don't know your father as well as you think, Mabel," she retorted, her voice laced with icy venom.

Leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms, Isabella continued her verbal assault. "You, much like your mother, believe that everyone adored her when in truth, they saw her as an easy target. How amusing, even your impoliteness and ignorance mirror hers."

Mabel's eyes widened at Isabella's words. She wondered how Isabella knew her mother and why she mocked her so ruthlessly.

She wanted to ask more, but Isabella's rudeness fueled Mabel's annoyance, slowly igniting into anger.

Mabel had never met her mother, but she held a steadfast belief in her goodness.

"You're wrong! My mommy must have been a beautiful and compassionate person," A flush of anger rose to her cheeks, and she straightened her posture, defiantly staring into Isabella's eyes.

Isabella couldn't help but laugh, a bitter sound. She leaned forward slightly, her ruby eyes narrowing into slits as she scrutinized Mabel's face.

"You can't label someone as compassionate when, in reality, she stole a man from his lover. She was a cheap woman."

Isabella immediately regretted her harsh words, realizing she had gone too far with a child. However, her deep-seated resentment towards the woman Mabel resembled clouded her judgment.

Isabella's words struck a chord with Mabel. She was momentarily rendered speechless. She wanted to defend her mother's honor, but she knew nothing about her mom. 

She didn't even know what to say. The frustration built up, and she realized it was time to leave this unsettling encounter.

As Mabel reached for her beloved Mrs. Bunnies, she accidentally knocked over a porcelain cup filled with scalding tea. Her eyes widened in shock, and she flinched at the scalding sensation on her hand. Tears welled up in her eyes. She tried to stay strong, especially with Isabella watching.

Unexpectedly, Isabella rose from her seat and approached Mabel. The child braced herself for scolding or worse, but Isabella's actions surprised her. Gently, Isabella took Mabel's injured hand in her own.

Looking at the burn, Isabella sighed, "You need to be more careful next time. Let me help you—"

Before she could finish, the door burst open, and Duke Caius stormed in, his face contorted with displeasure.

He forcefully took Mabel's hand from Isabella, his eyes filled with a deep-seated animosity.

"What have you done to Mabel?" Duke Caius demanded, his voice rising in impatience. He couldn't stand the thought of Isabella harming the child.

Isabella simply sighed, gesturing to the broken porcelain cup. "She did it to herself," she replied, but Duke Caius wasn't buying it.

He knew Isabella had a troubled history and deeply regretted ever allowing her into their lives.

"Do you think I believe your excuses?" Duke Caius seethed. "If I catch you near Mabel or harming her again, I won't hesitate to act, Isabella. You know what I'm capable of."

Isabella chuckled lightly, her gaze holding a hint of sadness. "I will always be the villain in your eyes, won't I?" she mused.

Isabella's sad chuckle went unanswered as Duke Caius carried Mabel away from the room, determined to ensure her safety and tend to her burns. Dealing with Isabella would come later, but right now, his priority was protecting Mabel.

Duke Caius gently seated Mabel on the sofa, his eyes focused on her burned hand. He couldn't fathom what had happened, but he knew that Mabel was a careful child who didn't usually knock things off tables.

Duke Caius's hand then hovered over Mabel's, and a warm light emanated from his touch. Mabel's hand started to heal under his magical ability.

He looked into Mabel's eyes and noticed a hint of sadness. "Are you alright, Mabel?" he asked with genuine concern.

Tears welled up in Mabel's eyes, and she began to cry, which only heightened Duke Caius's worry. He hugged her tightly, gently patting her back.

"It's alright, Mabel. I'm here with you," he reassured her.

Mabel nodded and separated from the hug. She gazed at Duke Caius with big, tearful eyes and asked a question that caught him off guard. 

"Is my mommy a cheap woman?"

Duke Caius's expression turned to one of anger, his patience with Isabella running thin. That woman already crossed the line too much, he wanted to kill her. 

Duke Caius's expression contorted with anger, his patience with Isabella stretched to its limit. That woman had crossed one line too many, and his desire to kill her intensified.

Screw with their past, it was behind him, and he knew dwelling on it was futile.

His voice was filled with conviction as he responded, "No, Mabel. Your mother was a wonderful person, like an angel. Everyone loved her."

Mabel continued with more questions, her curiosity about her mother evident. "But why did she leave me? Why did I end up at the orphanage? Did my mother hate me? Where is my father? Why isn't he here too?"

These questions weighed heavily on Duke Caius's heart. He couldn't reveal the painful truth to a child so young, the truth about the mistakes and complexities of the adult world that had led to her unfortunate circumstances.