
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Shopping Spree

She clutched Mrs. Bunnies tightly to her chest, her heart fluttering like a butterfly's wings. "This place is amazing," she whispered, feeling as if she had stepped into a fairy tale.

The shop's interior was a treasure trove of beauty, with dresses that seemed like works of art, each stitch a testament to skilled craftsmanship.

Sparkling jewels adorned display cases, radiating their brilliance in the soft illumination. The air was redolent with fragrant perfumes, enveloping the room in a cocoon of opulence.

Mabel's eyes grew wider as she beheld the exquisite dresses and shimmering jewels. "Wow, everything is so pretty!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with wonder.

Her excitement was infectious as she skipped and twirled around the shop. Her eyes were saucers of awe, capturing the allure of dresses and jewelry that had long been foreign to her. Vincent trailed along, the embodiment of calm amidst her whirlwind.

As they ventured deeper into the shop, the shopkeeper approached Duke Caius with a mixture of nervousness and respect.

"Y-Your Grace," he stammered, "It is truly an honor to have you in my humble establishment. Please inform me of any way I may serve you." he said as he bow respectfully at the Duke.

Throughout the land, Duke Caius was known for his daring feats and formidable reputation. He had tamed dragons and led rebellions against the Crown Prince, a figure both admired and feared.

He had single-handedly solved some of the empire's greatest challenges but at the same time became half of the empire's problem.

Yet here, he stood composed, his mere presence commanding the room. His achievements and controversies blended together, shaping him into a puzzling enigma. Making people wondered what the enigmatic Villanous Duke would do next.

Mabel's voice echoed from the other end of the shop. She was captivated by the myriad dresses and sparkling jewels.

"Duke! This one and that one too! I want everything, hehehe!" she bubbled with excitement, gesturing towards various dresses and jewelry.

"Dress elegantly, dear Mabel, like a true princess," the Duke sighed, his tone hinting at disappointment. He pondered for a moment before inspiration struck him.

Determined to lift Mabel's spirits, he devised a plan to make her laugh. Despite his fierce reputation, he hoped this endeavor would lighten the mood, especially after their first encounter had left her in tears.

"Why don't we purchase it all?" he suggested, conjuring a magic circle in his hand. In an instant, a mountain of gold coins appeared before them.

With a mischievous grin, he chuckled like a classic villain, casting the gold coins into the air. The coins rained down, sparkling like a cascade of wishes.

Even the shopkeepers and servants, who had been cowering, gasped in astonishment.

Mabel was entranced by the sudden appearance of gold. Her excitement was palpable, her eyes wide with disbelief. Never had she imagined Duke Caius to be this whimsical and wealthy.

"HAHAHAHAHA, TAKE IT ALL, YOU PEASANTS!" the Duke roared, tossing handfuls of gold into the air. He reveled in the moment, his laughter ringing like a melody.

His eyes glinted with mischief as he threw coins, an expression of pure enjoyment on his face. The shopkeepers, initially cowed, now eyed the gold hungrily, their avarice overpowering their fear.

"Long live Duke Caius!" they chanted in chorus, their desire for gold outshining their anxiety. They dove for the coins with a zeal that bordered on frenzy, driven by greed.

Mabel couldn't help but be drawn into the fever. She darted around the shop, laughter bubbling from her lips, collecting the glittering coins.

It was like a whirlwind of joy, a kid in a dreamy wonderland surrounded by treasures of all kinds.

"HAHAHA, YOU PEASANT!" Mabel giggled, echoing the Duke's playful taunt like a playful echo.

Amidst the gold rain, she was swept up in the exhilaration, her original purpose of shopping forgotten in the midst of the glittering spectacle.

On the fringes, Vincent watched with a bemused expression, marveling at the Duke's antics. He shook his head, disbelief etched across his features.

"Your Grace, do you not think this is a bit... extravagant?" he ventured, his voice laced with disapproval.

The Duke's laughter ceased, and he turned to Vincent with an utterly straight face. "Do you genuinely believe this to be real, Vincent?" he inquired, raising a sardonic eyebrow. "This will all vanish in a mere moment. I'm not about to squander my wealth like that."

Vincent stood in stunned silence, grappling with the Duke's cryptic words. The next instant, the Duke was laughing once more, hurling more coins into the air.

The chink of coins against the floor became a symphony of opulence, melding with the surreal atmosphere that had settled over the shop.

Amidst the joyful chaos, Mabel's laughter intertwined with the cascading coins. She couldn't help but find the whole situation utterly surreal.

Here she was, adopted by the enigmatic Duke and Prince, showered in a golden rain of laughter and opulence.

Her grip on Mrs. Bunnies tightened, a silent affirmation that her dreams had transformed into reality. Mabel marveled at her own luck, cherishing the newfound sense of belonging and adventure.

As she watched the Duke's playful antics, Mabel's thoughts drifted back to the moments that had led her here. The courage to speak up, the leap of faith she took when approaching the Duke — it had all led to this incredible twist of fate.


The city's architecture basked in the dusk warm embrace, its intricate designs brought to life by the golden rays.

The carriage glided gently over the cobbled streets, a rhythmic melody of hooves reverberating through the air.

Mabel's joy was palpable, her eyes lit up like stars as she relished the memory of trying on dresses and exploring the glimmering jewelry.

The Duke and Vincent were captivated by her lively chatter, their smiles reflecting her excitement.

With a radiant grin, Mabel proudly displayed a sparkling necklace to her companions. "Just look at this! Isn't it gorgeous?" Her voice danced with enthusiasm as she spun around in her pink dress.

She playfully tugged at the frills of her dress, giggling as she proclaimed, "I feel like a real princess in this!"

"And see, Mrs. Bunnies has her own dress and crown now!" Mabel's joy knew no bounds as she raised her beloved stuffed toy to show off its miniature regalia.

But amidst the sparkle and laughter, the Duke's gaze fell upon Mabel's hands, their past trauma evident in the scars that marred her skin.

Concern creased his brow as he asked gently, "Mabel, what happened to your hands?"

Mabel's demeanor shifted, her eyes dropping to her hands. Fingers curled tightly, she hid her scars behind the safety of her new dress, as if shielding them from the world.

A mixture of emotions swirled within her. Shame, fear, and the remnants of her painful past made her hesitate to reveal her vulnerability.

Even though the orphanage was behind her, its marks lingered as a haunting reminder. The Duke's care and kindness couldn't erase all the pain.

Sensitive to her discomfort, the Duke's arms enveloped her in a protective embrace. As they watched the sun's descent, his soothing words melted into the evening air.

"You're safe now, Mabel. I'll keep you safe," he assured her, his voice a gentle whisper that painted promises of security. "No one can hurt you here. Not in this land, not while under my watch."

In this quiet moment, Mabel's tears flowed freely, a release of emotions she had bottled for far too long. The Duke's embrace became a harbor of solace, a shelter from the storm.

Memories surged, evoking fear and loneliness. But as her tears fell onto his lap, a newfound sense of comfort blossomed within her, pushing back the shadows of her past.

In her mind's eye, she conjured the oppressive walls of the orphanage, its pain and sorrow. And with a determined exhale, she let them go, like leaves carried away by the wind.

Her heart yearned to seize the joy of the present—the vibrant dresses, the glistening coins, the laughter that filled the air.

Life had expanded beyond the orphanage's confines. Mabel was free to paint her destiny alongside the Duke, twirling into a future filled with possibilities.

The Duke's embrace tightened, his hand tracing calming circles on her back. As the sun's glow surrendered to the horizon, a tranquil aura enveloped them, casting a warm, golden spell over the scene.

In this suspended moment, the past and the present merged, etching an indelible memory in Mabel's heart. She had found a place where she truly belonged.


Bonus Scene:

"We... We've been scammed," said the shopkeeper as he was collapsing dramatically on the floor.

"This is worse than the time I accidentally ate an entire jar of expired pickles" His face was devastated as he looked at the servants of his shop running around cleaning all the mess the Duke made.

"I WILL REMEMBER THIS UNTIL THE END OF MY LIFETIME" he screamed manically as he hit the floor beneath him. "I WILL AVENGE YOOUUU."

Clack, the sound of the stones coming out of his pocket, and all of his servants suddenly cry and embrace him. Their tears and snot were a mess as they became one in the shopkeeper's clothes.

"MANAJERRRR," all of them cried as the gold coin in their pocket changed into stones. So do all of the gold coins on the floor.

It was clear that the gold coin that had turned into a stone was the one that the Duke had enchanted with his magic. The gold coins used for paying for the dress and jewelry were, in fact, real.

Hello, I decided to rewrite the story. But don't worry about the conflict and plot, it would be the same. I just changed the pace and added more father-daughter bonding.

Suzu_Rimcreators' thoughts