
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

From Darkness to Light: Mabel New Beginning

The battlefield lay in ruins, devoured by raging flames that consumed buildings and earth alike. Amidst the relentless chaos, two valiant women donned in formidable armor stood, their bodies battered and stained with the toll of battle.

Their eyes met, a tumultuous whirlwind of regret and fury swirling within.

"Why? Why would you betray me?" The woman with silver hair and piercing purple eyes demanded, her disheveled silver locks framing her gaze, brimming with betrayal and seething resentment.

"I'm sorry, Mabel. It's for me. For my kingdom!" The woman with emerald eyes retorted with unwavering resolve. She pressed on, "But let us not forget, it was your father who laid waste to my realm."

Mabel tightened her grip on her sword, preparing for another clash. "Anne... Did our friendship mean nothing to you?"

"My kingdom, my very essence, means everything to me!" Anne declared fervently, charging towards Mabel with a sword gleaming in her hand.

With regret shadowing her eyes, Mabel met Anne's advance, their swords clashing in a harmonious symphony of determination and sorrow.

Love bound them, yet Mabel's resolute commitment to safeguarding her kingdom could not waver, even if it meant confronting her dearest friend.

The swords continued their dance, but then, Mabel spotted an opening in Anne's defenses. Without hesitation, she thrust her sword, piercing Anne's heart. Silence fell like a heavy curtain.

"I... always believed in us, Anne, more than just friends, like family... We could have had it all. Why did you choose to shatter it?" Mabel's voice quivered as she held Anne in her arms.

Anne coughed up blood, her voice trembling as she spoke. "Have it all? It was never ours, only yours. It was never meant to be mine. I regret it all... I'm so sorry," she whispered, closing her eyes.

"No! Anne!" Mabel's anguished cry echoed across the desolate battlefield as tears flowed freely, mourning her fallen friend.

But then, Anne's eyes flickered open once more, her hands darting out to seize Mabel. Now, she was perched triumphantly atop her friend.

"My thirst for vengeance won't be quenched! You'll meet your end at my hands, Mabel!" Anne declared with a mischievous giggle.

"Noo!!! You're the one who's finished! I'm the victor!" Mabel shot back, her laughter bubbling forth as she playfully pinned Anne.

Their laughter filled the air as the once-battlefield transformed into a serene field of cosmos flowers.

The once-lethal swords had magically morphed into harmless sticks, and the two women now resembled carefree children at play.

Anne, determined to get the upper hand once more, lunged at Mabel, attempting to pin her down. But Mabel skillfully halted her friend's advance.

The laughter continued to echo through the cosmos as they ended up lying side by side in the fragrant flower field, sharing the pure joy of their friendship once more.

With gasping breath, Mabel exclaimed, "This is a blast! We absolutely have to do this more often!" She adjusted her position and locked eyes with Anne.

Anne's emerald eyes sparkled in the afternoon glow, filled with mischief. "If you let me be the hero next time, I'll gladly play again!"

Mabel paused, her playful smile transforming into a mischievous grin. "Alright! The next time we play, you're the hero, Anne! I'll be the most wicked villain you've ever seen," she declared with a giggle.

Anne raised her hands to the sky dramatically. "Very well! I shall become the mightiest hero to vanquish your evil!"

As the excitement waned, Mabel noticed something on Anne's hand—a cluster of blue bruises. She shifted closer, concern evident in her voice. "What happened to your hand?"

Quick as lightning, Anne concealed her hand and sat back. "Oh, that? Just a little fall, Mabel."

Mabel furrowed her brows, studying Anne seriously. Anne rarely fell or acted carelessly. "Really? Where, when, and why?" Mabel fired a barrage of questions.

Anne avoided Mabel's gaze and hesitated before replying, "It was on the stairs. You see, I'm not accustomed to these fancy dresses, and I slipped." She chuckled, attempting to diffuse the tension.

"Hmmm, but you hardly ever fall, Anne." Mabel remained skeptical, sensing something amiss in Anne's body language.

Anne's grip tightened on Mabel's shoulder. "I promise, Mabel! I was simply tired from those etiquette lessons, and I became a bit careless," she reassured, forcing a smile.

"But—" Mabel began, her concern lingering.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Clara's voice. "Children, let's wrap up the play. It's getting late, and we should head home."

"Ah, right! Come on, Mabel." Anne stood up, brushing off her dress adorned with flower petals, and offered her hand to Mabel. They hastened toward Clara.

Mabel, however, couldn't shake her worry for Anne. Something about her friend's demeanor seemed off, and she couldn't help but fear that something had happened in Anne's household that she was unaware of.

After bidding farewell to Anne and promising to play again soon, Mabel raced back to her room, suddenly remembering her most beloved friend, Mrs. Bunnies, whom she had unintentionally left behind during her outdoor adventure.

She couldn't bear the thought of her cherished stuffed bunny feeling lonely and abandoned.

Upon entering her bedroom, the night had already descended, and Clara, with a flick of her fingers, illuminated the room with a gentle magical glow. Despite being tucked into bed, Mabel clutched Mrs. Bunnies tightly.

"Mabel! Your dress is filthy. Don't get into bed like that," admonished Clara, her tone parental.

Mabel flinched, then obediently climbed out of bed. "Ugh, sorry, Nanny. It's just that I forgot to bring Mrs. Bunnies with me."

With a soothing tone, Clara reassured her, "I understand, Mabel. Don't forget her next time, alright? I'll call the maids to change your dress, and we can have dinner after that."

Clara affectionately patted Mabel's head before leaving to summon the maids. Meanwhile, Mabel walked over to the sofa and sat down with Mrs. Bunnies.

She examined her beloved doll, gently stroking its soft white fur and gazing into its red, unchanging eyes that shone in the dim room. She hugged it tightly, her heart heavy with regret.

"I should have taken you with me today! I met Anne!" she confessed, her voice full of remorse. "I'm sorry for leaving you behind, Mrs. Bunnies. I've been a terrible friend." she embraced the stuffed bunny.

Inanimate as it was, Mrs. Bunnies seemed to "hug" Mabel back a little tighter, offering silent comfort in response to Mabel's heartfelt confession. It was as if the stuffed bunny understood the depth of her regret.

"I promise I won't forget you next time. Anne and I vowed to play together again, so you'll have a chance to meet her," Mabel reassured her treasured stuffed companion

Mrs. Bunnies remained silent, as always, offering Mabel the comfort of its enduring presence. This stuffed doll had been Mabel's constant companion through her time at the orphanage, understanding her better than anyone, even Anne.

The fact that Mabel had forgotten her dear friend weighed heavily on her heart. She didn't want to part with Mrs. Bunnies, not for a moment. Yet, her life had changed, painted with bluer skies and brighter suns.

She didn't need reassurance from a stuffed doll; she had everything she ever wished for. That's why she'd forgotten about Mrs. Bunnies. Still, something in her heart clung to the cherished doll. She wanted it by her side always, an unbreakable promise.

"Today was so much fun! I got to play the hero and celebrate victory over Anne. We even crafted flower necklaces and gave them to Daddy, Nanny, and Vincent!" Mabel's excitement bubbled over.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot." Mabel reached into her pocket and retrieved a tiny necklace. "I made one for you too, Mrs. Bunnies. I hope it's not too big." She carefully adorned her stuffed friend with the delicate gift.

"Mmm... Mrs. Bunnies, I hope I can always be this happy," Mabel murmured, her gaze fixed on the balcony where the moonlight streamed in.

She cradled her stuffed doll and opened the balcony door. The cool night air caressed her skin, carrying the fragrance of the garden's flowers.

Her balcony afforded a view of the expansive garden behind Ashford Manor, and even at night, its beauty remained undiminished.

Mabel's eyes settled on the full moon, its textured surface resembling a slice of cheese. Mabel's small frame carried her to the balcony's railing, but she couldn't quite reach the tall ceiling.

So, she fetched a chair from her room, propped it up against the railing, and rested her head. With Mrs. Bunnies in her arms, she gazed at the full moon.

The moon had always held a comforting allure for her, offering warmth and security, akin to her favorite strawberry cake.

"I hope every day can be like this, and that sadness never returns," she whispered, closing her eyes and soaking in the night air.

Her reverie was interrupted by Clara's voice calling her back to reality. "Mabel, come here. Let's change your dress," Clara gently urged.

Mabel turned to look back at the room, where Clara and the maids stood waiting for her. Yet, as she took a step toward them, memories from her time at the orphanage surged back, halting her in her tracks.

It was the loneliest and most sorrowful period of her life when everything had seemed stacked against her when the world felt like it was calling her back to her old, painful life.

Mabel had never understood why she was unloved back then. She had always been kind and well-behaved, never causing trouble. Yet, she was the target of disdain.

What if the same resentment lurked in this new household, hidden behind friendly smiles?

Mabel had been unloved for so long that the sudden affection and happiness she now experienced felt too good to be true.

Were all of these joyful moments just part of a dream? Would she wake up to find herself back at square one?

The questions swirled in her head, fueling her anxiety. Her heart raced, and a cold sweat began to bead on her brow. She clung tightly to Mrs. Bunnies.

"Mabel?" Clara called, puzzled by her sudden halt.

Mabel looked at Clara, her voice clear and earnest. Then, she gazed at Mrs. Bunnies, whose red eyes seemed to reassure her that this was not a dream. Even if it were, at this very moment, she was undeniably happy.

She had experienced the best moments of her life, moments she'd never dared to imagine. The painful past felt like a distant memory, and she felt safe once more.

"Yes, Nanny! I'm coming," Mabel said with newfound determination, rushing toward Clara and embracing her, feeling the warmth of Clara's presence to ensure she was real.

Clara chuckled and returned the embrace. "Let's go, Mabel. Everyone is waiting for you."

Mabel nodded, certain that this was no dream at all.