
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Duke Caius Frustration

Mabel lay in her bedroom, her gaze fixed on the ceiling as the night descended and darkness gradually consumed the day. She clutched Mrs. Bunnies tightly, staring into its crimson orbs. 

The color reminded her of the Red Witch, filling her with embarrassment and regret. How could she have spoken to Isabella that way? She had no genuine interest in potions, and now she regretted her outburst.

Suddenly, she couldn't contain her frustration any longer. Mabel kicked the air and buried her face in Mrs. Bunnies' plush body. 

She shifted onto her stomach and let out a muffled scream, her voice stifled by the stuffed doll's embrace. What would she do tomorrow? Surrendering to Isabella was not an option; her pride wouldn't allow it.

The bedroom door creaked open, and a tall figure entered, shrouded in shadows. Mabel's eyes lit up as she recognized her father, Duke Caius. With boundless excitement, she shuffled to the edge of her bed and beamed at him.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with joy.

Duke Caius settled beside her, his large hand tenderly patting her unruly hair. "How was your day, Princess?" he inquired, his gaze warm and affectionate.

Mabel clutched Mrs. Bunnies to her chest, a radiant smile on her face as she recounted her day's adventures. "It was amazing! I had so much fun talking with Anne!"

Despite his own busy schedule and the weight of his responsibilities, Duke Caius couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.

"Great. I'm sorry I can't spend more time with you," he admitted, a tinge of disappointment clouding his expression.

Mabel's response was nothing short of heartwarming. She leaned in and hugged her father tightly. "It's alright, Daddy. I'm really happy. You made my life better by adopting me, and that's more than enough for me."

The father and daughter shared a heartfelt embrace, each silently cherishing the love and understanding they found in one another. 

Following their heart-to-heart conversation, Duke Caius wore a grave expression, his eyes fixated on Mabel. The shift in his demeanor prompted Mabel to mirror his seriousness.

"Mabel, I want to ask you something important," he began, his voice steady and deliberate. Mabel listened attentively, a sense of foreboding creeping over her.

Duke Caius's question came as no surprise. "Why would you want Isabella as your tutor?" he inquired, his gaze penetrating her.

Caught in a bind, Mabel hesitated briefly before formulating her response. "I'm... interested in becoming a mage and learning about potions! I have an affinity for water magic, so I thought it would be better if I learned about magic earlier," she replied, her head bowed in apparent humility.

Mabel hoped that her father would not discern her lie, but the weight of it settled heavily on her conscience.

She only wished to spare Duke Caius the pain of discussing her mother, a topic that appeared to be a source of discomfort for him.

Duke Caius, however, seemed to see through her ruse. He delivered a playful flick to her forehead, eliciting a pained but slightly amused response.

"You're a bad liar, Mabel," he teased, though his eyes sparkled with fatherly affection.

"But it's true! You never teach me about magic or provide me with a tutor!" Mabel protested, hoping her persistence would make her fabrication more convincing.

Duke Caius countered with wisdom, his paternal concern shining through. "You're still very young, Mabel. Learning magic requires a solid foundation in reading and understanding complex texts. I don't want to rush your childhood," he advised.

Duke Caius was determined not to rob Mabel of her youth, a privilege that had been denied to him by his own parents during his own childhood. 

His deepest desire was to ensure that Mabel experienced an extraordinary and joy-filled youth, one that would be the antithesis of his own upbringing.

Mabel, however, was resolute in being friends with Isabella and knows about her mother. She crossed her arms, voicing her boredom with candor. 

"But I'm bored! This house is big, but there's nothing to do!" she complained.

Her father relented, sighing as he considered her plea. "I promise I will take you to town, and we can do something fun, Mabel. So, forget about those potions," he offered, concerned about the potential dangers lurking within Isabella's teachings.

He couldn't allow Mabel to fall into the clutches of the woman who harbored such animosity toward her. It would undoubtedly be a harrowing experience, one he was determined to shield his daughter from. 

Undeterred, Mabel turned away from him, laying in her bed with her back facing Duke Caius. She proclaimed her intentions with a sulky demeanor. 

"If you don't grant my wish, I don't want to talk to you forever!" she declared, her resolve firm.

Duke Caius grappled with the turmoil in his heart, his concern for his daughter battling his fear of Isabella's intention.

He reached out, gently touching Mabel's shoulder, and pleaded for her understanding. 

"Please don't be like that, Mabel. This is for your own good," he implored.

Still, Mabel remained obstinate, unwilling to give in to her father's wishes. His entreaties persisted, offering her every sweet and treat she desired. 

"I will give you all the chocolate and sweets you like the most, as much as you want. Stop sulking, Mabel," he pleaded, his desperation evident. 

Mabel's stubborn silence only fueled Duke Caius' frustration, but he believed that stepping out of her room and giving her some space might help her come to understand his decision better.

"Well, if that's how it's going to be, I still won't permit you to study potions with Isabella," Duke Caius stated as he left Mabel's room.

Isabella seemed to have grasped her place in the manor, as she hadn't appeared in front of his daughter in the two weeks that followed. 

She evidently understood that Duke Caius' warning wasn't an idle threat. However, he couldn't grant Mabel permission to study with Isabella until he was confident in her tutelage.

Over a week, Duke Caius diligently searched for another tutor for Mabel. Each evening, he would visit her in her room, hoping to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

Yet, every conversation ended with Mabel's silence and averted gaze, her determination unwavering.

One sunny afternoon, after a particularly stubborn standoff, Duke Caius decided it was time to introduce Mabel to her new tutor. He hoped that a fresh start might ease the tension that had settled between them.

In the drawing-room, the four of them—Duke Caius, Mabel, Lana, and Vincent—gathered for the introduction.

Duke Caius had ensured the tutor credibility, selecting the most renowned instructor in the entire empire.

"Mabel, I've found a remarkable tutor for you. She excels in potion-making," Duke Caius informed her.

"Hello, Mabel. I'm Lana Starling, and I'll be your tutor from now on," Lana introduced herself with a soft tone. She appeared to be in her mid-40s, though her gray hair and wrinkles made her look older.

Despite this, Mabel remained in a sullen mood, her arms crossed, her mouth turned down. She had ceased talking to her father for a week, hoping to sway him to let her continue her studies with Isabella.

'Why doesn't Daddy understand? I don't want another tutor; I want Isabella!' Mabel thought in frustration.

An idea dawned on her—perhaps if she made the new tutor dislike her, her father might comprehend her intent. 

With a pointed finger and a judgmental expression, Mabel addressed Lana, stating, "I don't want an old tutor like you! You're much too old for this!" She slammed her hand on the table for emphasis.

The room fell into a stunned silence, particularly Duke Caius. He had always known Mabel as a well-behaved child who wouldn't mock someone unless provoked.

Lana responded with a patient smile, "My dear child, though I may appear older, my heart and spirit are youthful and brimming with energy. I can teach you about potions."

However, Mabel didn't stop there. She added something that might irritate Lana further. "Really? I can't see your spirit through that outdated scarf and those antiquated clothes," she said mischievously.

"The colors don't even match; how oblivious are you to wear them and claim you have a young spirit and heart?" Mabel continued.

Mabel had picked up a bit of Isabella's cockiness, and she was rather enjoying it.

Lana's face turned beet-red as she struggled to contain her anger, while Vincent couldn't help but burst into laughter. Duke Caius, on the other hand, rubbed his temples in frustration.

Lana, however, made another attempt to persuade Mabel. "My appearance and attire don't matter in potion and magic classes, dear. What truly matters is the knowledge I will impart to you."

Lana's confidence and pride shone through, as no one in the empire could deny her expertise.

"Knowledge, huh? I think that wrinkled brain of yours is already stretched to its limit. Teaching me might accidentally fry that brain, and the potions, too," Mabel continued with her newfound cockiness.

While she might have been rude, Mabel found it oddly enjoyable. She now understood why Isabella liked to be sarcastic. It was quite fun.

Vincent burst into uncontrollable laughter, causing him to drop the tray he had been carrying. Duke Caius, although a bit proud of how Mabel had chosen her words, still felt the need to maintain boundaries.

"Mabel! How could you say such things? Apologize to Lady Lana," Duke Caius said sternly.

Lana's face turned an even brighter shade of red, nearly matching an apple. She had had enough of Mabel's comments. 

Lana stood and, with the last of her grace, stated, "This is enough! I can't teach someone without manners. I'm sorry, Your Grace," she said with a bow to Duke Caius before exiting the room.

Duke Caius let out a deep sigh as he leaned back into the sofa. He grasped the reasoning behind Mabel's cockiness and the message it conveyed, yet he couldn't comprehend her insistence on having Isabella as her tutor.

"Mabel, you mustn't utter such hurtful words to anyone, especially those older than you," he scolded, his tone stern.

But Mabel remained unresponsive. With a silence that spoke volumes, Mabel left the room without uttering a word, leaving Duke Caius to sigh even more heavily.

"I may be out of line, Your Grace, but I believe Mabel's opinion should also be taken into consideration," Vincent remarked as he approached the table, tidying up the untouched tea and dessert.

Duke Caius crossed his arms and said, "What does my daughter know about the consequences of her decisions?"

Vincent continued tidying the table, picked up a teacup, and placed it on the trolley. "I understand that you're deeply concerned about Mabel, Your Grace. However, a child may be wiser and more astute than you give her credit for."

With the trolley now laden with the remnants of the tea and dessert, Vincent left the room, leaving Duke Caius deep in thought.

There seemed to be no convincing reason to entrust Mabel to Isabella's tutelage, but there were a hundred reasons against it.

He still couldn't fathom Isabella's actions, especially the hurtful words she had directed at Mabel, particularly regarding Selena. 

Recalling the night he had confronted Isabella, he felt anger and desperation welling up within him once more, making it even harder to place trust in her.

'What's the matter with Isabella, anyway? I understand she may never forgive me, but to hurt Mabel and harbor such hatred for Selena even after ten years?' he pondered.

He struggled to understand the depth of Isabella's anger, especially toward Selena and Mabel. 'Is she using Mabel's suffering as a means to exact revenge on me?' he questioned.

However, after a moment of introspection, Duke Caius sighed and chose to let go of the uncomfortable feelings swirling within him. 

He acknowledged his own limitations in understanding people, especially when it came to Isabella. Understanding them wasn't necessarily a requirement, especially where Isabella was concerned.

Duke Caius decided to take a walk outside, seeking the solace of the fully blooming garden to clear his mind. The tension of recent events weighed heavily on him, and the fresh air and fragrant flowers were a welcome respite.

As he strolled through the garden, the scent of blooming roses filled the air. The manor's garden was vast, with different sections dedicated to various types of roses, from pristine white to vibrant red. 

He couldn't help but think of Selena when he passed by the white roses. She had always favored them, and their delicate fragrance had become synonymous with her presence. But today, he found himself irresistibly pulled toward the red roses.

The sight of the red roses evoked memories of Isabella, her fiery hair, and her sharp, unyielding demeanor. In an absent-minded moment, he reached out to touch one of the roses, inadvertently pricking his finger on a thorn.

'Even the sharpness of these thorns reminds me of how sharp her words can be,' Duke Caius mused, a perplexed expression crossing his face.

Shaking his head as if trying to dispel unwelcome thoughts, he questioned himself, 'Why am I thinking about her at a time like this?'

He sighed in frustration, realizing that his preoccupation with Isabella likely stemmed from Mabel's desire to have her as a tutor.

Her presence had become an unwelcome, persistent thought in his mind, one he couldn't easily dismiss.

With a troubled expression, he massaged his temple, grappling with the complicated feelings and thoughts swirling within him, uncertain of how to navigate the situation.

Unbeknownst to Duke Caius, he had strolled all the way to the gazebo hidden behind the red rose garden. There, he discovered Isabella enjoying a leisurely tea time. 

He hesitated for a moment, torn between seeking her opinion on Mabel's situation and his reservations about her. Ultimately, he chose to join her at the gazebo, approaching slowly.

Isabella's response was typically sarcastic. "Well, unwelcoming guest," she quipped, placing her teacup on a coaster.

Duke Caius was accustomed to this sort of banter and took a seat without hesitation. "I need to talk to you about something," he began, his tone less confrontational than usual.

Isabella's furrowed brows deepened, and she commented, "Talk then, you never hesitate to express your opinion anyway," as she reached for a macaron and savored it.

Analyzing what kind of harsh words the Duke might unleash, Isabella prepared herself for a confrontation. In the meantime, the maids bustled about, preparing another set of cups and tea for Duke Caius.

Duke Caius got straight to the point, saying, "It's about Mabel; she wants you to be her tutor."

He found himself unusually calm and composed today, lacking the desire to threaten or argue with Isabella.

He simply sought her opinion to determine whether he could trust her with Mabel's education.

"And you didn't permit it, right?" Isabella retorted, already finished with her macaron and sipping her tea with delight. "So what's the matter, then?"

Isabella had anticipated that he would never allow her to tutor Mabel, which was why she had agreed to Mabel's challenge in the first place.

"Mabel insists that you become her tutor and wants me to dismiss the tutor we had arranged," Duke Caius explained, leaning back in his chair.

Isabella couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. It was the first time she had witnessed Duke Caius in such turmoil, and it amused her.

As minutes passed in silence, Duke Caius remained relaxed, enjoying his tea. Isabella, however, found his demeanor peculiar. He had never been so comfortable around her, even during their engagement years.

'Is he so desperate to deny that child's wishes that he's seeking my opinion?' Isabella pondered to herself.

Meanwhile, Duke Caius's mind was preoccupied. He had always declined Isabella's company in the past and rejected her as a tutor.

Yet today, he was open to hearing her thoughts. He awaited her opinion, knowing it would determine his final decision.

Isabella, however, chose to remain silent, unwilling to entangle herself further in the matter. The two of them sat in silence, their intense presence even agitating the maids.

Isabella impatiently tapped her fingers on the table but eventually gave up. She sighed, saying, "It's a minor matter; why are you so troubled by it?"

She refrained from offering a clichéd piece of advice like "follow your heart," finding it too embarrassing.

Isabella had a point. Why was Duke Caius letting this matter trouble him? He could simply wait until Mabel's rebellious phase passed and she spoke to him again. Why make it a problem for himself?

It dawned on him that Mabel wasn't the source of his frustration; it was his own hesitation. Deep down, he wanted to believe that Isabella had truly changed. 

But, he couldn't bring himself to admit that Isabella had indeed evolved, that the woman before him was different from the one he had known.

With a self-deprecating chuckle, he muttered, "How foolish of me," before leaving Isabella to her own bewildered thoughts.

The next day, Clara visited Isabella's workshop to deliver Duke Caius's order for her to teach Mabel potion and magic.

Isabella was upset and annoyed that he had agreed to the child's wishes. However, she had no choice but to comply with the Duke's orders.

I'm sorry for the long chapter. This chapter was supposed to be two parts, but I edited it while the novel was already in premium state, and the novel chapter order can't be changed :" I'm really sorryyy

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