
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Butterfly and Memory

Mabel had been spending a leisurely morning within the opulent confines of Ashford Manor, taking a break from her lessons with Isabella. 

The Red Witch had offered no explanation for her absence that day, leaving Mabel to ponder her whereabouts. Curiosity had tugged at her thoughts like a persistent thread.

From a window on the first floor, Mabel spotted Isabella engaged in a hushed conversation with Charles near a carriage that stood ready to depart. 

This presented an unexpected opportunity, a chance to spend time with Isabella outside the confines of her father's watchful eye. Mabel, determined to resume their interrupted conversation, seized the moment.

She quickly descended the grand staircase, gracefully skirting past servants and visitors, her loyal companion, Mrs. Bunnies, in her hand. Her steps led her through the manor's grand entrance and toward the waiting carriage.

Isabella had barely settled into the carriage when Mabel, with the energy of youthful determination, leaped inside, landing with a soft thud upon the velvet cushioning. 

Isabella's eyes widened in momentary astonishment, her usual composure disrupted by this unexpected guest. Before she could voice a protest, the carriage began to roll forward, leaving Isabella little choice but to address the situation at hand.

Isabella finally found her voice, her tone bearing the faintest traces of exasperation as she inquired, "Why are you here?"

"Our conversation was interrupted by Daddy, so I wanted to talk to you about it," Mabel explained, settling Mrs. Bunnies beside her.

Isabella massaged her temple, reluctant to revisit the topic of Mabel's mother. Not because Duke Caius had threatened her, but because it brought back painful memories she wished to forget. 

She had let her emotions get the best of her when they first met, hence why the subject had come up. Now, she had grown accustomed to Mabel's presence and had learned to control her emotions. She had no desire to discuss Mabel's mother any further.

"I've already told you everything I know about her. That's the limit of my knowledge," Isabella stated, leaning against the carriage's cushion and gazing out the window. 

The carriage had yet to pass through the manor's gates. "Now, you should get out."

Isabella wanted to knock on the carriage's partition to instruct the coachman to turn back, but Mabel grasped her hand, pleading earnestly.

"Please, I just want to know," Mabel implored. "I know you were friends with Daddy, and he knows about my mom. So you must know something too."

Isabella's frown deepened. Mabel had pieced together parts of their history, but there was more she didn't know. Isabella debated whether to reveal the truth, but ultimately, she chose silence.

Seeing that Isabella wasn't going to speak, Mabel clutched Mrs. Bunnies to her chest. She didn't know where Isabella was taking her, but she had faith that Isabella wouldn't cause her harm, except perhaps for the emotional turmoil she often stirred. 

So, the two of them sat in silence, lost in their thoughts as the carriage carried them on their unknown journey.

When the carriage came to a halt, they found themselves deep within a forest. The terrain grew steep, and the carriage couldn't venture no further. The coachman approached, knocking on the carriage window to address Isabella.

"Lady Isabella, this is as far as the carriage can go," he informed her.

"That's fine; we will continue on foot," Isabella replied.

The coachman opened the carriage door, mildly surprised to find Mabel inside, but he refrained from commenting. He assisted both Isabella and Mabel out of the carriage and received instructions from Isabella.

"Wait here. I'll be gone for a few hours," she said, and the coachman bowed in acknowledgment.

With that, the two of them ventured deeper into the forest. Isabella's persistent silence made Mabel increasingly nervous, especially amid a forest. 

Though she had faith in Isabella, doubts crept in. What if Isabella left her alone here, considering she might dislike her? These worries made Mabel clutch Mrs. Bunnies even tighter.

Unable to endure the silence any longer, Mabel broke it. "Where are we going?"

"Stay quiet and follow me," Isabella replied, quickening her pace.

Mabel, dressed in a delicate gown and shoes, struggled to traverse the forest's challenging terrain. Trees and small insects seemed to impede her at every turn. 

Frustrated, she tucked her hand into Isabella's robe, refusing to let go. Isabella sensed Mabel's grip and halted, sighing. This was precisely why she disliked dealing with children.

Isabella extended her hand to Mabel. "Hurry up, but don't slow me down," she instructed.

Mabel nodded, holding Isabella's hand tightly. She felt a warmth and kindness emanating from Isabella, even though her words were often curt. They continued their journey until Isabella stopped near a breathtaking waterfall. 

The sight was mesmerizing, with crystal-clear water and a surrounding field of vibrant flowers. Mabel even spotted unique butterflies near the waterfall.

These butterflies had distinct patterns, their wings resembling glass with a radiant purple hue that almost seemed to shimmer. As they fluttered about, Mabel noticed sparkling dust trailing from their wings, akin to fairy dust.

Overwhelmed by the beauty, Mabel exclaimed, "Wow! This place is stunning! Look at those butterflies. I've never seen anything like them!"

Isabella, now donning gloves and equipped with a butterfly net and jars, explained, "These are purple dust butterflies, exclusive to the Paladia territory."

Isabella swiftly captured one of the butterflies with utmost care. Excited, Mabel approached another butterfly resting on a rock, tempted to touch it but receiving a sharp reprimand from Isabella.

"Don't touch them. They can feed on human blood. They thrive by draining animals or humans dry," Isabella cautioned, successfully capturing yet another butterfly.

Mabel recoiled in shock. "Such a beautiful creature can feed on blood?" Her disappointment at not being able to touch the butterfly was palpable.

Isabella held the captured butterfly by its wings, placing it gently into a jar. "Not everything beautiful is gentle," she remarked as she continued to collect more butterflies, filling all the jars.

Kneeling beside the jars, Mabel observed them closely, her eyes filled with wonder and a determination not to let them slip from her grasp.

The butterflies inside the jars fluttered desperately, crashing against the glass with a distinct clicking sound. Mabel marveled at how these seemingly fragile creatures could endure such collisions.

This butterfly triggered memories of someone special, someone who had a deep affection for these creatures. It brought to mind a woman who had made Isabella's life feel like a tumultuous storm, yet at the same time, had cherished her dearly.

"It's your mother's favorite animal," Isabella suddenly revealed.

Mabel's eyes widened at the mention of her mother. She turned to Isabella, her curiosity piqued. "How? Didn't she know that these creatures are dangerous?"

Mabel couldn't hide her happiness and excitement. Isabella was finally talking about her mother, and for once, it wasn't in a negative light.

"She knew, and she was proud of them. She found them beautiful and strong," Isabella replied, her focus still on capturing more butterflies.

Isabella's mind drifted back to a cherished memory. It was a beautiful day spent in the heart of a massive greenhouse within the palace grounds. The vast space was home to various species of birds and insects.

Among them was the very butterfly they were capturing now. Isabella recalled the moment it had alighted on Selena's outstretched fingertip, startling her.

"Don't touch it; it could suck your blood," Isabella had cautioned, attempting to shoo the butterfly away. Selena, however, gently held her hand back.

"It's fine. This is my favorite creature. They're beautiful and strong. Even though they appear delicate, they can defeat the mightiest of animals. Isn't that just like you?" Selena had said, chuckling as the butterfly took flight again.

Isabella retorted, "So you're saying I suck blood from humans and am essentially a dangerous creature?"

Selena had seized Isabella's hands, responding with a warm smile, "Of course not. You're beautiful and strong, just like those butterflies."

The memories of that distant day flooded back, as vivid as ever. Isabella could recall the scent of damp earth, the deep purple of Selena's eyes, and the graceful butterflies. 

But the more she remembered, the more painful it became. That's why she had buried her past, immersing herself in her research.

Unbeknownst to her, Isabella ascended to the pinnacle of her craft, becoming the most renowned potion crafter in the entire empire. 

Her skills were so unparalleled that even the Emperor himself recognized her talents and contributions.

Yet, despite this acclaim and recognition, there lingered an emptiness within her that fame and accolades couldn't fill. 

Mabel's voice snapped Isabella back to reality. "She must have been a strange woman," Mabel remarked.

Isabella chuckled softly, admitting, "Well, yes, she was."

Mabel gazed at Isabella, and it was a sight she'd never witnessed before – Isabella laughing. It felt strange, yet it filled Mabel with a profound sense of joy.

For once, Isabella was revealing an expression other than anger or condescension. It was as if a veil had been lifted, exposing a hidden facet of her character.

In that moment, Mabel found solace in the fact that she could evoke a genuine smile from Isabella through the memory of her mother.

"Wow, you're laughing!" Mabel exclaimed innocently, noticing the fleeting smile on Isabella's face.

Isabella, caught off guard, cleared her throat and replied, "It's just your imagination," turning her face away to hide her rosy cheeks.

Mabel, with a mischievous giggle, wasn't about to let it slide. 

"Let's rest for a while," Isabella suggested, trying to change the subject.

"Ah, wait," Mabel piped up, following Isabella to a massive tree where they settled. 

The distant sound of the waterfall added to the serene atmosphere. Isabella reached into her bag, producing a sandwich for herself and an apple for Mabel.

"I brought lunch for myself. You can have the apple," Isabella stated as she took a bite of her sandwich.

Mabel frowned, feeling both tired and hungry. She understood she'd tagged along uninvited, but surely Isabella could have shared her meal. 

"Stingy," she muttered while munching on her apple.

Isabella overheard Mabel's comment and rolled her eyes, retorting, "You're the one who followed me around. You should be thanking me; I did share my food with you."

"But it's because of you stopped talking about my mommy," Mabel grumbled, turning her head away in disappointment.