
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Ashford Manor

With an air of grandeur, the carriage glided to a halt in front of the imposing Ashford Manor. Mabel's eyes widened as she took in the awe-inspiring sight.

Tall, marble columns framed the entrance, and a sweeping staircase beckoned with its promise of grandeur.

The scent of fresh flowers from the meticulously landscaped gardens mingled with the faint aroma of polish, enveloping her senses in a world of luxury.

Bounding out of the carriage with the help of Duke Caius, Mabel couldn't contain her excitement. Her feet seemed to skip across the marble flooring as her voice filled the air, resonating against the lofty ceiling.

"Woah, this place is giant!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm reverberating with every word.

Amidst the graceful bustle of butlers and maids, Mabel felt like she was stepping into a dream. Their respectful yet warm greetings made her heart swell with an intoxicating mix of happiness and wonder.

"Welcome back, Your Grace," butler Charles intoned with a bow, his warm smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. "We have been eagerly anticipating your return."

The Duke acknowledged Charles' greeting with a dignified nod, his mere presence radiating an aura of authority and respect.

Mabel, meanwhile, absorbed the attention like a radiant sunflower soaking up the morning light.

Looking up at Charles, a charming blend of shyness and curiosity played on Mabel's features. "Oh, are you talking to me, Mr. Butler?" she asked, her voice carrying a melody of innocence and eagerness.

Charles's lips twitched in amusement as he met Mabel's gaze. "Indeed, I am," he replied with a soft smile. "Welcome back, Princess Mabel." His bow was accompanied by a glint of warmth in his eyes that mirrored the newfound glow in Mabel's heart.

Mabel's heart danced to a faster beat. 'Princess?' The thought echoed in her mind, almost too good to be true.

She cast a quick glance at her dress and a satisfied grin curved her lips. 'I must look really pretty today!'

Her heart swelled with pride, momentarily forgetting that Duke Caius had already declared her a princess of the Ashford Dukedom a while back.

"Princess Mabel? That's me!" Her triumphant declaration was punctuated by a confident pose, her arms thrown wide.

The Duke and Vincent shared amused glances, their fondness for Mabel evident in their expressions. Even the butlers and maids were enchanted by her innocent charm, their laughter ringing through the air.

Mabel continued to explore the manor, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in every exquisite detail. While Charles engaged in conversation with the Duke, Mabel was in her own world of amazement.

Trailing behind her like a protective mother duck, Vincent ensured her every step was safe and secure.

As Mabel's gaze wandered, it came to rest on the majestic staircase that beckoned to her imagination. She couldn't help but ponder where those steps might lead, what hidden adventures awaited her above.

Yet, her musings were interrupted by a gentle touch on her shoulder, causing her to turn around in surprise. There stood Duke Caius, a soft smile gracing his lips as he spoke.

"Why don't we take a look at your chamber, Princess Mabel?" His voice was warm and inviting, his eyes holding a tenderness that matched his words.

Mabel's eyes lit up like stars, her excitement bubbling over. "I have my own chamber? Awesome!" she exclaimed with infectious enthusiasm, her voice dancing with delight.

The sensation of being carried in the Duke's arms was a thrilling mixture of comfort and excitement for Mabel. It was as if her dreams were materializing, one by one, right before her eyes.

As they strolled down the elegant hallways, Mabel couldn't help but notice the looks of awe and admiration that the maids and butlers cast their way.

She couldn't fathom that the Duke, known for his icy demeanor, could be seen in such a different light.

Finally, they arrived at her chamber, a haven of tranquility and charm. The room embraced a palette of pastel pink and white, creating an ambiance of serenity.

Mabel's eyes widened like saucers as she stepped into her new sanctuary. The sheer beauty of the surroundings left her momentarily speechless.

In a burst of joy, she gasped and then let out a delighted squeal, her excitement palpable. With a gleeful dash, she bounded over to the large four-poster bed, its canopy of tulle billowing around her like ethereal fairy wings.

Amid her playful twirls on the bed, she couldn't contain her awe. "This is the biggest bed I've ever seen!" she exclaimed, her laughter dancing through the room as she bounced up and down in exhilaration.

A fond smile graced Duke Caius' lips as he observed Mabel's infectious enthusiasm. "It's all yours, Mabel," he assured her, his hand patting her head affectionately. In his eyes, her happiness was worth more than any treasure.

Mabel's excitement propelled her around the room, a whirlwind of exploration and wonder. Her eyes sparkled as she took in every detail, from the plush armchair tucked in the corner to the ornate vanity table adorned with dainty trinkets.

Her gaze lingered on the bookshelf, lined with an array of colorful storybooks, each one promising an adventure waiting to be unfolded.

With a delighted gasp, Mabel exclaimed, "Wow, look at all the pretty books!" Her heart danced at the thought of embarking on new journeys through the pages of those tales, her imagination already taking flight.

In the midst of her discoveries, she suddenly sprinted over to Duke Caius, her happiness spilling over. "This is the best room ever! Thank you, Duke!" she bubbled with gratitude, wrapping her small arms around his waist in an affectionate hug.

The Duke chuckled warmly, embracing her in return. "You're welcome, Mabel. I'm glad you like it," he responded, his deep voice carrying a sense of genuine contentment.

Mabel's joy knew no bounds. She was swept up in the realization that she would be living in this grand chamber, surrounded by all the elegance and beauty she had ever dreamed of.

She couldn't wait to explore every nook and cranny, to make it her very own haven of happiness.

As her excitement continued to bubble, a sudden knock on the door broke the spell. Duke Caius strode forward to answer, revealing a woman standing on the threshold.

"Your Grace," the woman addressed with a respectful curtsy, her presence exuding grace and professionalism. "I'm here to assist with Mabel's care."

Duke Caius nodded, gesturing for the woman to enter. "Of course, please come in," he welcomed before turning his attention to Mabel. "Mabel, this is your new nanny. She will be taking care of you while you're here."

Mabel's gaze shifted to the newcomer, her curiosity piqued. "Hello, Mabel. My name is Clara Beaumont, but you can call me Nanny Clara," the woman introduced herself, her voice kind and inviting.

Clara's warm brown eyes, framed by delicate glasses, held a reassuring promise of understanding and patience. Tucking a strand of her short brown hair behind her ear, she took a gentle step forward.

However, Mabel's heart tightened with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. Memories of the orphanage's cruelty flooded her mind, causing her to instinctively retreat behind Duke Caius, seeking refuge and protection.

Clara's nurturing smile remained as she noticed Mabel's hesitance. She recognized the signs of trauma that the little girl might be carrying from her past.

"Dear Mabel," Clara's voice was gentle as she knelt down, bringing herself to the same level as the child. "I'm here to care for you, to make sure you're happy and safe at Ashford Manor."

Mabel's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, her vulnerability raw and palpable. "You won't hurt me, right?" she asked in a soft voice, her gaze avoiding Clara's eyes.

Clara's heart went out to her, her tone reassuring as she responded, "No, my dear. I could never hurt you. I'm here to take care of you, to be your friend, and to help you in every way I can."

Duke Caius knelt beside Clara, his presence offering a comforting anchor for Mabel. "You are safe here, Mabel," he affirmed, his voice steady and certain. "Clara is kind and trustworthy, and she will ensure that you're happy and well taken care of."

Mabel's gaze shifted between Clara and the Duke, her emotions mingling with hope and apprehension. She clung to Duke Caius, her grip a silent plea for reassurance and protection.

Amidst her fears, Mabel longed for acceptance, for someone who would see beyond her scars and offer unconditional care.

Her eyes held a mixture of uncertainty and longing, hoping against hope that Clara could be that person.

Clara and Duke Caius exchanged concerned glances, their shared goal to provide Mabel with a sense of security. Clara understood that building trust would take time, patience, and a lot of compassion.

"Listen, Mabel," Clara spoke gently, her voice like a soothing balm. "I promise you, I won't hurt you. I'll be here to listen, to support you, and to help you heal."

Mabel's gaze flickered with a glimmer of hope. Slowly, she let her guard down, allowing herself to trust the sincerity in Clara's words.

"Let's take things one step at a time," Clara suggested, offering her hand. "How about we get you settled in and find something delicious to eat? You must be hungry after your journey here."

Mabel's eyes lit up at the mention of food, her earlier apprehensions momentarily forgotten. She nodded eagerly, her heart beginning to open to the possibility of a new chapter in her life—one filled with caring souls, warm embraces, and the promise of healing and happiness.

Hello, I decided to rewrite the story. But don't worry about the conflict and plot, it would be the same. I just changed the pace and added more father-daughter bonding.

Suzu_Rimcreators' thoughts