
Pixie Prunes

"Please wait, Young Master!"

The giant cherry blossom glided down onto the stage under everyone's watchful gazes, leaving a trail of delusive flowery images. Looking at it, one could not help but feel calm and at peace.

Logean Wuji had been expecting them, but he kept a subtle look of surprise on his face anyhow.

He could see what appeared to be two Greater Immortals, which was actually quite surprising to him. He thought that, with the horrible state of the current realm, Greater Immortals would be few and far between. Realizing that he still had not done a thorough search of the entire realm, he accepted it and moved on.

The immortals were a man and woman, both of them having long and dull pink hair. Their daoist robes were also bright pink, making one think they had something of an obsession with cherry blossoms. As for their daughter, she seemed to be around fifteen years old, looking no older than Ye Zhiyuan.

Her hair was a very bright heather purple, unlike her parents'. Her dress was once pink, but various colors had been splashed onto it to give it a unique look that suited her. Her skin glowed in the evening light, like polished jade. Her eyes bore a strikingly shocking resemblance to sparkling sapphires, easily leaving a large number of people speechless.

The flower landed on the stage and the immortals hurried off of it, bowing before Logean Wuji. With a wave, he raised their heads and said, "Please, 'Sir Wuji,' is fine."

Not expecting him to deny his own title, the immortals seemed a bit flustered.

"Mom, Dad, you could learn a thing or two from Sir Wuji's humble disposition." Their daughter was the last one off the flower. She bowed her head to Logean Wuji in greeting, then also waved at the crowd.

"Hey. Hey, Li. Hey! HEY!" Somewhere in the crowd, a married man was waving dumbly at the girl. His wife shouted at and smacked him upside the head, snapping him out of his stupor.

Logean Wuji nodded in response to her greeting, then waited for her parents to speak.

"Sir Wuji, we are sorry for showing up when the talent show has already ended. Regretfully, we received the news a bit too late." Logean Wuji nodded, tacitly telling them that it was a small matter.

"We are the immortals of Heavenly Sakura Peak, hailing from the Cloudy Nation of the North. I am Cerasus Prunes, this is my wife Zakura and my daughter Pixie." Logean Wuji nodded, acknowledging them.

"Would Sir Wuji be willing to consider our daughter? I assure you she will not disappoint." Zakura smoothly requested this, her head still held low. Logean Wuji smiled, agreeing to their request.

After introducing them, Cerasus went over to his daughter and put a hand on her shoulder. He sent a spirit transmission to her saying, "Alright Pixie, this is it. Go out there and wow Sir Wuji with your martial talent!"

Hearing this, the easygoing girl seemed sullen. She responded, suddenly hopeful, "Father, I was thinking that maybe I could show him my painting? I saw so many wonderful sights on the way and-"

"What!?" Forgetting to spirit transmit his words, Cerasus covered his mouth after seeing that people were beginning to look at him funny. Smiling wryly, he waved his hand to call his wife over and the two of them stood before their daughter.

"Zakura," he spirit transmitted, "come hear this. Pixie's having fantasies about becoming a 'painting saint' again."

"Pixie! What have we been telling you all these years? Martial talent is all that matters, and you have it in abundance. When you are blessed with such a talent, squandering it to chase childish dreams is an insult to the heavens that blessed you. Stop this foolishness!"

Seeing the family speaking in spirit transmissions, a lot of people began to grow impatient and bored. It was now closer to night, the world darkened in order to make way for the moonlight's illumination. Warmth transposed to the void, releasing the chill of night bit by bit.

"Mom, Dad, I really think that I can do it. There are so many new things for me to paint and, like you said, I was blessed with martial talent, but also the talent to paint. Isn't it an insult to heaven for me to neglect my painting as well?"

In response to this, both her parents aggressively shouted through spirit transmission, "No!"

"You are the heiress of Heavenly Sakura Peak. More importantly, you have a chance at gaining Sir Wuji's favor."

"You must impress him, Pixie. Painting will not do that."

Sadly, Pixie had to give up and agree to their demands. Dejected and dispirited, Pixie left their side and walked over to Logean Wuji, trying her best to remain undeterred by it. Cerasus and Zakura exchanged a look, scoffing.

"Sir Wuji, do you have any simple techniques on you?"

At Pixies strange request, Logean Wuji opened his mouth but had no words to say. Instead he shut his mouth and fished a manual out of his clothes. On the cover of the book were the words 'Basic Forms for World Dominating CQC,' exactly like that.

Logean Wuji disregarded the title and gave it to her, but she couldn't help but find the title to be a bit pretentious. Looking on from atop the giant flower, her parents' expressions also went blank and they gave the manual a closer look.

Pixie skimmed through it hurriedly, as if she was merely giving it a cursory glance- which she was. When she was finished, she handed the manual back to Logean Wuji and took a few steps back.

At that moment, her delicate demeanor was engulfed in a stoic aura of violence. Her fists tightened and her brows furrowed, her teeth peaking out of her pretty pink lips as she growled.

"Single Slap Stuns the Cosmos!"

Pixie's legs spread and her upper body bent; her entire being was providing the power for her to perform a slap. Even though it seemed simple, Logean Wuji realized that it was the perfect rendition of one of the many basic forms contained within the manual.

Even more impressively was the fact that her peaceful energy took on the aspect of 'World Dominating CQC,' allowing her slap to cut through the air and stir up a minor whirlwind.

She did not stop, performing various other moves perfectly. Logean Wuji could appreciate this, but most of the people watching were unable to. So, he called for Master Gouki.

"Pixie, I want you to demonstrate for the people watching exactly what your talent is. Allow Master Gouki to perform an energy attack, then copy it and use it against him."

The girl obediently nodded, "Understood, Sir Wuji."

Though she complied, Logean Wuji already knew that this was not what she wanted to be doing. Even spirit transmissions could not hide from his passive eavesdropping skills.

Master Gouki made sure to confirm with Logean Wuji that it was fine to proceed, then got down into his low stance, bringing his hands to his sides. "Haahhh..."

His low growl was stretched out across a short period of time, then his hands shot forward and his palms opened up.

"Scorching Heat-Surge Fist!" Blazing red energy had gathered, flowed down his arms and into his hands before being propelled in the form of a bright fireball. He had intentionally slowed it down so that Pixie could dodge it, and she easily did.

After that, Gouki stood up straight and awaited Pixie's response. Though it was quite hard to believe, Logean Wuji had said that Pixie needed only to see his move performed and she would be able to perfectly mimic it. He would not know how such a thing would be possible, but he also knew that certain genius-level talents were able to do similar things.

As expected, Pixie copied his stance and even his extended low growl. The exact same kind of energy that Gouki had channeled also appeared on her body, causing the battle-hungry monster to exhale hot steam from his nostrils.

Pixie then shouted the same words, "Scorching Heat-Surge Fist," then cast a blazing ball of fire toward Gouki.

"Marvelous! This is the true fighting spirit," Gouki shouted, pounding his chest with his large fist and praising her at the same time.

Now it was much easier for the people in the crowd to understand the implications of such a feat. At first they were confused, but soon enough they began to realize that that little girl was a cheat unlike any other. A true life hack!

"Apologies for the intrusion, but I must experience it for myself." An elder came onto the stage, a broadsword in hand, and knelt before Logean Wuji before walking over to Pixie.

"Young Miss, please try taking this one on. Full Moon Slash!"

Pixie evaded the attack and then brought a sword out of her spatial ring.

"Full Moon Slash!"

The old man received the attack excitedly, laughing giddily as he bowed to her. "Little Miss is a true genius. Her talent places her above the boundaries of her generation."

Once more, another person came up onto the stage.

"Little Lady Prunes, please accept my attack. Phoenix Drive!"

"Phoenix Drive!"

Yet another person came up after that one, eager to experience the thrill.

"Miss Prunes, slap me in the face with a Sky Wolf Paw!"

"Sky Wolf Paw!"

"Young Prunes, why don't you take on my... Scarlet Qilin Rush!"

"Gimme a taste of my own medicine! Thousand Horn Festive Spear!"

"Entertain me for a bit as well, Miss Prunes! Heavenward Whisk!"

In a few minutes, more than twenty people had gone up on stage to experience Pixie's talent firsthand. Admittedly, she was a monstrous genius. Logean Wuji would have put a stop to it all at first, but he was too busy digging deep into her karma and such. Once he found what he was looking for, a complex expression played across his face and he sank into deep thought.

This was why the giving of free samples had gone on for as long as it did. Pixie was a bit tired by now, and sweat was running down her face. Logean Wuji finally spoke, discontinuing the process.

"That will be all. Cerasus, Zakura, Pixie, rest up and see me tomorrow atop Mount Logean."

Finally, after a somewhat long and grueling day, the people could return to their homes. Those of them that had come from either beyond the village or beyond the Logean Mountain Region could be seen visiting either of the two inns, houses of newly made friends or setting up camp on the outskirts. More people than had ever been present in the village for centuries had, at this time, begun to settle in for the night.

They would surely reminisce on the events of the day. Master Gouki and his students, Ling Jian'er and Cyrus, Xiao Wanshou, Zhou Hua and Zhou Mantiao; all these people were reliving the events of the day and smiling on the past, while also looking keenly toward the future.

Bi Xue and Yan Longxi were on their way up the mountain when Logean Wuji, Ye Hong and Ling Ji'er passed them by. He took them up with him, and together they all retreated to the ancient village for the night. The father and daughter duo were given one of the many recently cleaned mansions to live in, which came with a massive courtyard, multiple guesthouses and a pagoda.

As for Pixie and her parents, they withdrew into their flower and took it into the air. After expanding its size about tenfold, Cerasus caused the petals to close in, completely concealing them within.

"Well done, Pixie," her mother said, taking her hands.

"Mm! You've made father proud, child! Logean Wuji was impressed with you for sure!"

Pixie could sense the joy exuded from her parents, so she forced a bright smile and giggled, "Hehe, it's all thanks to Mom and Dad talking some sense into me."

"Oh, don't be modest, dear. It was all thanks to your outstanding talent! Not so, Cerasus?"

"That's right, honey. It was all because of Pixie's exceptional ability."

They carried on in their discussion, so Pixie could only stand there and smile, nodding whenever she needed to. Even so, the light of her sapphire gems was reduced significantly after that. As of right now, whether or not that brightness would ever return to her eyes was unknown.