
I'm The Devil

WSA 2024 entry novel Synopsis Getting Reincarnated as the Biblical Devil isn't something our protagonist ever thought was possible. He was a firm believer and knew how powerful God and the Angels were, they are existence that are not to be thrived with especially God. But here he was as the Archangel Samael, the left hand of God or the poison of God casted from Heaven to hell for rebelling against his Father, God. "what is the meaning of this, is this God's doing" our protagonist wondered as he knew very well that there is no way that the Almighty would not know something about this. So he decided to wait a little while to see what would happen to him but something else happened, what he had expected did not happened, so he has to take in the fact that he is now the new Devil, the Lord of Hell, Lucifer Bloody Morningstar. check out my other works. The Omnipotent System My Infinite System

Adams2004 · Fantaisie
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229 Chs


"His name shall be called Seth"

With a tender smile, Adam said. "Seth," he repeated softly, the name rolling off his tongue with a sense of reverence. Turning to Eve, he sought confirmation in her eyes.

Eve's weary but radiant gaze met his, and she nodded in affirmation. "Yes, Seth," she whispered, her voice filled with love and pride as she reached out to stroke her son's tiny cheek.

As Adam cradled their newborn son close to his chest, a profound sense of gratitude washed over him. Despite the trials and tribulations they had faced, here, in this humble hut, surrounded by the warmth of their love, they had been blessed with a precious gift—the gift of new life.

Together, Adam and Eve marveled at the miracle of Seth's existence, their hearts overflowing with joy and wonder. In his innocent face, they saw the promise of a future filled with hope and possibility, a future they vowed to nurture and protect with all their strength.