
Chapter 1. The New World

I really remember my past life, I was stabbed by someone who wants to take my belongings, If I haven't fought back then, will I be going straight to this world too when I die old that time?

I really wonder, but anyway its been weeks since I came into this world, lot of things new to me here. First this world has magic, second my parents are known as The Greatest Hero who saved this country from a countless demons and won battles against the other empires.

I don't know what happen to them but they decide to run a bar which unfortunately looks like a lion's den, so many weird and scary people coming now and then. And lastly of course the news for today about that creepy pervert man.

"Richard! Why are you here again??! don't you have a lot of papers to do in the palace?", yup that's my mom, the Great Magician of all times.

"yeah, yeaaah i came by to visit sienny~" *swish* suddenly something crossed over between me and him "Hey! you're so meeaan! you could've hurt your daughter!".

"you sneaky pervert! get off your hands!", "ok ok!" he sat on the chair next to me.

"by the way Helen how's your magic" suddenly they became serious. "my body already healed this week but still my magic haven't regain its full power yet" Papa served pervy some beer "hey you shouldn't sneak out of palace, who knew what will happen", "ohohooo did you hear that?~ your papa is worried at me~ isn't it sweet?" what? you talking to me pervy? "goouh", "yeah I'm talking to you" he smiled back, really this dude creepying me out.

"Hey who said I was worried about you? I was worried at the palace, at the Queen and at your son! Are you really the king of this country?" yeah way to go pops. seriously you pervy what are you doing here? as if you can hear me.

"why? even you? you don't want me here?" he's looking at me! can he understand me? what? "hey look at your face haha, you cute little bean" he touched my cheeks and then BAAM! "AAAHHH!! My haaannndddss!! I will tell this to Cordy! Uwaaaaaaa" and then he runs away.

"hey don't you think you overdoing it?"

"serves him better, who could've think that, that man who runs like that was the mighty King of Central Kingdom!" yep you heard the pops,He is the King! well, I still don't know how great this Kingdom is and its pervert King but I guess, I'll gonna listen to their story first since I dont have anything to do besides eating and releasing it to my diaper.

"You know that he was just worried at us right? Mike?"

"yeah, but I also know that, I alone can protect the two of you even this bar right??).


"how stubborn, don't be like your father Sienny ok?"

"what now?? you really going to call her Sienny??" with these two, I really find myself lucky to born in this world

-The Next Day-

"hi little Sienny~" this man again "ooowww she's happy to see mee"

"Really Richard you're here again?"

"oh pleeaase Helen~ let me just take a break here?~"

"*sigh* I guess the luck was on you this day, Michael went to the market for replenishing our supplies, anyway how's your son?" oh this man is married too? I wonder who's the wife of this pervert man like, I bet He use his power to get his wife, poor Queen.

"that kid of mine starting to be like his mother, except he barely smile, and overall he started to be scary like his mother *sigh*" whooa he had son?

"but he just went 4 years old this year?"

"yeah but his mother is very strict, you know rules for being a son of a royal family, I wish I had daughter too" he looked at me, dude you should mind your own child and go home and make your own daughter!

"goouh","yeah but I hate it when my wife suffers from the pain of giving birth" wait! You do understand me! "koo","Surprising right?" He smiled at patted my head gently

"I told you Richard there's no way you can bring a child without going through a woman's body!"

"We had you and Michael at our side that time so it went well, but next time I don't know what will going to happen"

"Hey Richard, always remember that a woman's body is stronger than you think it is, you should believe in her"

"thanks Helen, I'm really glad that We had the two of you"

"Yeah so go home and stop touching my daughter!" and there was no day when this man wasn't being kicked out by my father.

"Isn't they looked good together?" mother smiled at me. I guess the bond between them is deeper than friendship.