
Chapter 5 Tuss

"Fuck! I'm going to have an in-depth conversation with the girl. Who disturbs me?"

Leon couldn't help cursing in his heart, "God is deliberately against me, isn't he?"

Anna, who was in high spirits earlier, was also disturbed by the thunder. Her face was flushed. It was really terrible to be disturbed when having such a thing, okay?

Leon was about to continue, but Anna's face suddenly turned pale.

"It's just a few claps of thunder. You're so scared. Come to my arms. Don't be afraid!"

Although Leon was also frightened just now, he still had to keep calm in front of the woman.

Leon reached out and held Anna's waist, but the latter didn't respond.

"Run, sir!"

Anna turned around and said to Leon with a serious look on her face. Just now when she perceived outside with spiritual power, a strong and familiar smell was rushing over.

"Do you regret having sex with me?"

Leon's mind was a mess. When he was about to pounce on Anna, a deafening voice came from outside the window.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you insult my saintess!"

Before Leon could react, Anna had already put on her clothes and flew out.

Leon finally realized that something was wrong and got out of bed to check what was going on.

A young man in a white robe stood in the sky, his body shining with lightning. His strength seemed unfathomable!

"Tuss, how dare you! It's none of your business to meddle in my business!"

Without any fear on her face, Anna rushed forward and confronted the young man in a white robe.

"My highness saintess, you are the saintess of our race. How can you let a mortal rape you?"

It seemed that the young man knew Anna, and he respected Anna very much.

Tuss raised his hands to draw the lightning. Then he aimed at Leon and hit him.

"My highness saintess, this guy is doomed today!"

The lightning struck black holes on the ground and hit Leon at a very fast speed.

Leon stepped back and said: "Damn it! There are so many troubles. This woman is really a siren!"


Anna wanted to stop Tuss, but she was too weak to do so. She could only shout loudly.

At this critical moment, Leon had no choice but to take out the "kitchen knife" again and close his eyes. The lightning was so frightening!

"I'm going to die because of this woman today! Damn it! What bad luck!"

However, several beams of lightning stopped ten meters away from the kitchen knife, as if a minister saw a king, and then dissipated.

"What? That's a divine weapon?"

Tuss couldn't believe his eyes. A mortal actually had a divine weapon in his hand!

"Tuss, now you have seen how powerful the master is. I advise you to go back as soon as possible. As for our clan, I will explain to them."

Anna was relieved to see that Leon was fine.

Tuss just snorted with disdain: "Sir? I can't get any magic power from his body. Saintess, don't be deceived!"

Hearing what Anna called Leon, Hess got angry again.

"Bro, I think you must have misunderstood. I just knew miss Anna for one day and I saved her."

Seeing that the man knew Anna, Leon explained in a hurry. Although he didn't have spiritual power, he consciously believed that he was much better than Jed.

"Humph, misunderstanding. I think you are a lecher!"

However, Tuss didn't listen to Leon's explanation and was about to attack again. Anna opened her arms and protected Leon behind her.

"I'm willing to do so. As for the engagement between me and you in our clan, I will tell them in person!"

Obviously, Anna was also angry. It was not until then that Leon realized that Tuss and Anna had such a relationship. No wonder Tuss hated him so much!

"Bitch, you should have said that you have a man. Now you are caught!"

Leon thought to himself: "It seems that I can't escape today."

"As long as I kill him and bring you back to our clan, you will be mine. I will teach you a good lesson then!"

Tuss's face became more and more gloomy. He licked the tip of his tongue and looked at Anna's hot figure. It was abnormal for him to say that he has no physiological reaction.

"Tuss, how dare you!"

Anna was also infuriated. Although she was confident in Leon's strength, she was afraid that her family would be implicated if she irritated Leon.

"After I kill him and grab that divine weapon, I will be the head of the clan. At that time, you will have to submit it to me!"

Tuss said with a wild smile as if he was looking forward to his future with Anna in bed.


Without further ado, Tuss stretched out his big hands and tried to grab Leon.

"Damn it! Who disturbed my sleep?"

"This man dares to kill my master. Does he really think I don't exist?"

A dog and a chick jumped out from behind Leon. For a moment, a gust of strong wind blew around, causing a huge change in the world!

The black dog turned into a plump black girl, revealing its fierce tusks.

The chicken was a little petite, but there were a pair of several meters long wings behind it.

"Kelsey, let's work together to get rid of this guy. Then we can compete for the master!"

"No problem. I'll teach him a good lesson today!"

Leon couldn't see what had happened because he fell asleep again.

Anna couldn't help but cover her mouth in surprise. No wonder Leon was a God. His pets were all divine level. This time, she was afraid that Tuss would be in trouble.

Looking at the two hot beauties flying towards him, Tuss frowned.

"Who the person is? He not only has a divine weapon but also has two god beasts that can transform into human form?"

Tuss immediately used magic to protect himself. As long as he could escape back, he could call for reinforcements. By then, everything here would belong to him, including the two in front of him were god-favored pets.

Looking at the bulging breasts of the black girl, Tuss couldn't help reaching out his hand to pinch them. At that time, they would all be mine!

Kelsey flapped her wings, and countless fine needles hit Tuss like raindrops.

The black girl stretched out her sharp claws and pounced on him.

Facing the two super god-favored pets, Tuss couldn't resist at all. In just half a minute, most of his demonic power was consumed.

In the end, due to lacking physical strength, Tuss dropped directly from the sky. The black girl and Kelsey seized the opportunity and launched another attack.

"We can't let him run away, or our master will be hurt!"

"It's not your turn to tell me this. I can improve the food!"

The woman's claws passed through the body of Tuss, opened her mouth, revealing her sharp fangs, and bit him.

Before Tuss could react, he had become a corpse. The whole world returned to peace again.

"What's going on? Why do I faint every time I'm dying?"

Leon rubbed his head and cursed. He had to make it clear even if he had to die!

But when he woke up, he saw Anna and his two pets standing beside him, and Tuss was gone.