
Chapter 2 A Divine Weapon

"They are going to catch up. Save me. I will pay you back." She gritted her teeth and said.

Leon looked the woman up and down, feeling thirsty suddenly.

Fuck you!

Woman! What a perfect woman!

It was worthwhile to die!

Leon didn't take his eyes off the woman's huge breasts. He looked down and found that she was wearing a miniskirt dress and her fat buttocks were sitting on the grass. It was really a waste of natural resources!

Leon was so excited that he felt difficult to breathe.

"Really? Then let me... take a sip?"

Anna's face darkened in an instant, and a huge sense of nausea came to her heart. She subconsciously gathered her clothes around her chest.

She didn't even know if this man had the ability to save her!

What an impolite request!

How could he insult her like this!

Leon seemed to have realized his rudeness. After all, the person was a mage.

But he had never slept with any woman for two years!

"No? Then I won't save you!"

Before Anna could answer, the pursuers had already arrived!

What the fuck! Five mages were flying!

Each of them had a magic stick or dagger in their hands. Even though Leon was an ordinary person, he could easily feel how powerful they were.

She was dying!

Leon agreed with Anna.

"Anna, run! Why don't you keep running? Bitch, let me see where you can escape now!"

Anna had no choice but to place her hope on the strange man.

"Can you really save me?"

Leon swallowed and was about to answer.

She turned her face away and bit her lips. It seemed that she had made up her mind and was about to cry. "Are you still want to suck?"

"Suck!" Leon said without hesitation!

At this time, there was no need to be shy. Of course, the happy thing went first!

Now that the five of the pursuers had arrived, they were sure to catch Anna this time.

However, at this moment, they saw that Anna was determined to die with her back to them. She pulled down her clothes on her chest, revealing a round and upturned breast.


Leon was thrilled to the extreme!

Not to mention that. Seeing that he didn't respond, Anna's face turned red. She had to hold her breast with her hands and send the nipple to him.

Oh my God!

Two years!

This is the moment Leon truly feels alive.

He leaned forward rudely and sucked hard with his mouth wide open.


The woman groaned and took a big step back. She quickly pulled up her clothes and said: "You promised to save me!"

The five people who were also shocked and burst into laughter!

"Anna, I didn't expect you to be so cheap..."

"If you said earlier that you wanted to live on like this, you should have let the five of us have a good time. We will let you go."

"Yes, you beg a stranger... Oh my God, he doesn't even have spiritual power. He is a loser! You are begging the loser to save your life and let him suck your breast? Anna, you are so ridiculous! Hahaha!"

Everyone's attention was focused on Leon.

Anna was aware of this. She said anxiously: "Since you can get live in such a powerful dense forest, you must know some powerful man. Let him out to save me! You promised me!"

It took Leon a long time to recover from the excitement.

"Damn it! I'm doomed!"

Leon didn't regret it. He even wanted to be closer to Anna.

Confronting such a beautiful woman, whatever it happened he must be brave!

"I'll do anything for you!" Leon said as he took out the kitchen knife behind him!

"Bitch! I haven't tasted Anna's body yet. How could you get ahead of me?"

The leading man in a black robe looked at Leon with disdain. He didn't feel a trace of spiritual power from Leon, and there was no fear in his heart at all.

"Jed, I advise you to stop. My father won't let you go!"

Gritting her teeth, her breasts stood up, which looked more attractive!

"Do you think it's reasonable to meet a strong beast attacking you in this dense forest?"

Jed licked the tip of his tongue and gave a sinister smile.

"But we have chased you for such a long time. We have to taste the sweetness!"


Anna spit, disgusted with his obscenity.

"Guys, let's fight!" As Jed gave the order, the four men in black behind him rushed out like ghosts.

"And that guy, kill him together. Don't let him go out!"

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The five men surrounded Leon and Anna. It was impossible for them to run away.

"Come on! You just promised me!"

Anna tugged at the corner of Leon's clothes nervously and wondered if he was a liar.

Leon was still thinking about the taste of Anna's nipple. He just came to his senses.

Leon lifted the kitchen knife, tore off the cloth wrapped around it, and pointed it at the five men.

"Ha-ha, it turns out to be a kitchen knife. I thought it was some kind of weapon originally. It seems that Anna is destined to be mine today!"

Jed seemed to be sure to win. He couldn't help but feel happy.

Like a deflated ball, Anna felt weak all over her body and collapsed to the ground.

"It turns out that the person you have high hopes for is this kind of person?"

As the five of them slowly approached, the magic power around them continued to grow!

"Damn it! Just to die. Before I'm going to die, I even taste a woman. It's worth it!"

Leon roared, but his vision gradually blurred and he couldn't hear the sound outside.

"What... what's going on? Am I dead?"

Leon was confused. Was he killed in an instant? A person without magic power was nothing different from an ant in the eyes of Jed and others.

However, in the eyes of Jed and others, it was totally different.

The rusty spots on the kitchen knife in Leon's hand began to fade away, revealing its original face. The blade was very sharp, shining with golden light.

"Who dares to disturb my master? I will tear you into pieces!"

An old voice came from the knife. Just this aura alone was like shaking the heaven and earth!

"Is, is this a divine weapon?"

Jed and the others didn't have time to think too much and stepped back. Looking at the knife, they were scared to death.

Only divine weapons would have intelligence and speak human words. Moreover, the pressure that was about to destroy the world was overwhelming. At this moment, he was sure that the kitchen knife in front of him was a divine weapon!

In this world of magic, not only the mage was graded, but also the weapons were classified into different grades. The more advanced the weapons were, the better they would be able to assist mage. As for this type of divine weapon, there weren't many divine weapons that existed in the world.

Jed couldn't believe what he had seen. The legendary divine weapon appeared in front of him.