
The System's wrong!

Aster stood out on his balcony staring out into the void of nothingness. Much like his solitary cell, this Hell wasn't any different.

"What do you see out there?" Lilith questioned from behind him, her head laid on his shoulder.

"Nothing. Is it, like you, made by my perceptions?"

"You're starting to get the hang of this. This domain is exactly however you perceive it."

"How did my predecessor view it?"

"A land of flames and lava. A place where everyone suffered, and no one could repent. The only sounds were screams."

"Almost textbook for how it is always described."

The two stayed in silence maybe not enjoying but accepting the tranquility.

"How do you see it?"

"I see whatever I'm told is out there."


There wasn't much for Aster to do as Satan, he sat around without any purpose.

"What's my job?"

"Whatever you want it to be,"

"That seems to be an ongoing theme." He stood up from the bed he shared with Lilith and put on his coat.

"You disobeyed the rule of god, so in response, you got to make your own. Whatever you do now is all up to you."

Aster stood in place pondering over his options, 'I can do anything. Maybe, I can help those trapped here.'

"I'd like to see the people trapped here."

"Oh..." Lilith adopted a seductive smile as she crawled on the bed closer to Aster.

"And why might that be?"

He pushed her away and fixed his coat, "Does that matter? Can't you just tell me how to do it?"

She pouted, "You're no fun."

He stared at her his face stonecold, her previous attempts had worked because they were directly attacking his ideal fantasies but now the effect had lessened.

"Fine, fine. Just imagine it, and you will be brought to where those here suffer." She explained and fell spread eagle on the bed.

Aster closed his eyes and the area around him warped. The previous elegant room was made into a void with numbered doors on both sides of him. The top number was believed to be the room number while the bottom number seemed random.

"Satan, Lilith, welcome! I didn't expect I would, be seeing you both so soon." The voice was changing between masculine and feminine almost between every word.

"You're?" Aster asked.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Death. You must be a new one."

"Where am I?"

"You're in the waiting room of souls. After being judged they are sent down here, or up to Heaven."

"By weight."


"Of course. But I'll instead show you."

Out from his cloak came a flawless soul, no specks of black were visible.

"This is the baseline. A soul based on God himself. I put the perfect soul here." On one side of the scale was placed the soul of God, and Death reached back in his cloak for another soul.

This soul looked similar to the first, not near as bright and flawless though. Sporadic throughout the soul was small black dots.

The soul was placed next to the soul of god and the two seemed to be in equilibrium for a few moments before the scale reacted by the second soul shooting down.

"It looks like we have a new resident."

Aster closed his eyes and the area warped. In front of them appeared a door, an insanely large number in the billions, a 1 written below it.

"What does this number mean?"

"You don't need that information, Sir."

Satan walked up to Death and held them up by the neck. His voice was dark and bellowed throughout the void, "What does this number mean?"

Death only laughed there voice constantly changing between genders.

"Satan, you need to put him down. You gain nothing by fighting with them here." Lilith grabbed his arm.

"I'm not okay with this! That soul didn't deserve to be here!"

Death's lifeless eyes stared back at Satan's hardened ones, "You're not the judge, that is my job. I don't tell you how to run Hell and you don't tell me how to judge souls. That is the understanding we, the incarnations, hold each other too."

Aster dropped Death, as he and Lilith reappeared in the bedroom. He walked to an elegant vase and threw it against a wall in sheer anger.

Just as quickly the dust appeared it vanished and the vase reappeared.

"This system is wrong!" Aster bellowed.

"Honey, I believe you should lay down." Lilith was hesitant to approach him in his fit of rage.

"How can I not act when people are being unjustly persecuted?"

"This isn't what I asked for! I wanted to repent! I didn't want this role! I don't want to be King of Hell! I want to be a sinner at the deepest parts! I need to repent and not be held to such a high standard!" His fist slammed a table no damage visible after a single moment.

"Honey..." She wrapped her arms around his waist and held her body against his back.

"I didn't want this... I didn't sign up for this... Why! Why even in death are there so many injustices?"