
I'm reborn as Rudeus Greyrat

This is a fanfic based on the world of Reincarnation of the Unemployed with Rudeus as an assassin. Not that it's better than the original Rudeus, but I enjoyed the world, its characters, and the story. In addition to Rudeus' basic plushies, the character will have a game system, but a more willful one than usual in this type of fanfiction. Yes, it's the type of system that has a mind of its own and often trolls the protagonist. But in the end, the system ends up on his side. This fanfic was banned, I tried to change some things maybe now it will be ok. and the story is at patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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37 Chs

Part 21

More rocks.



Enjoy reading.


My mind was completely absorbed in the magic circle I was drawing with my own magic. Something I had been working on for the past few months. The summoning magic grimoire itself I didn't even read, I swallowed it in two days. And then the experiments with the new school began. First, the already prepared circles from the book were used. Then the refinements began. And finally, I was able to combine the magic of summoning and healing. I called it a healing spirit. In essence, it is an energy construct to which are attached powerful healing spells of the highest and holy ranks, as well as the latest modification of my author's regeneration spell. At its core, however, is a construct of thought. It is not a full-fledged mind, but a form of artificial intelligence, capable of making decisions about how and when to use healing spells, as well as controlling them slightly worse than my own mind. That is, the spirit is able to mimic the visualisation of a spell, which increases its control many times over. If we adapt this feature to the painting of artefacts, it should increase their effectiveness many times over!

Returning to the healing spirit, however....

In its final form, it sort of merges with the target's body, taking the form of a magical tattoo. It has its own mana reserve, on which the spirit can exist autonomously for months before disappearing. But, when using spells, the mana reserve will be consumed and thus the spirit's lifespan will be shortened.

In parallel, I developed a special mana transfer spell. It essentially uses fragments of healing magic that transforms my mana into a more neutral form of healing power, and then transforms that power into mana suitable for the donor. Since the mana of living beings is kind of individual. And, during the development of this spell, I made sure that my magical energy is indeed much denser than that of other people. It's kind of like an organ transplant, it can be rejected. And if I just somehow transfer my mana to another person, it can even kill him. It's easier with relatives, but it can still have negative consequences. Well, the spell I created allows me to transform mana and replenish the mana reserve of other people. However, in the process, about a quarter of mana is lost, and another part of it goes to the spell itself. So the target only gets half of the mana I put into the spell. But then again, my mana is much more dense, and in the conversion process, a lot more of the less concentrated energy comes out of a small fraction of my mana. And if you simplify this spell by removing the transformation parameters, I can transfer my pure mana to others as well. This is not suitable for humans, but the spirits I have created can be fed periodically so that they do not disappear over time.

After another month, I added a few more enhancements to the base healing spirit, improving its diagnostic abilities. And, it was exactly what Lilia needed so badly. Yes, while the healing spells themselves weren't as effective as I was, the spirit's ability to detect problems in the human body where healing needed to be used was excellent. So, in the end, the spirit was even better at healing than the healer, including myself.

After I created several such spirits and introduced them into the bodies of my relatives, Lilia, then Zenith and even Norn and Aisha. Just in case. And, if the others' spirits were just lurking, waiting for their time, then in Lilia's case, her magical pattern immediately began to emit a faint light, showing that the spirit had already begun to work.

- It's incredible... - Zenith whispered excitedly as she watched the spirit work. - Rudy, you really are incredible! To create something like that...

Yes, as a healer, she was impressed with my invention.

- With this magic, you could easily rise to a high position in the church if you wanted to. - She remarked.

- I'm not very religious. - I shook my head.

- Well, I guess I'm not either..." The woman smiled weakly.

That's pretty much it. Zenith isn't exactly a deeply religious person. But she grew up in a Milis culture that is steeped in the ideas of that faith. Many of the rules of the cult aren't so much religious to her as they are domestic.

- But, even if you don't practice the faith, still, remember that when you grow up, you don't have to be like your father and fool the girls! - She said admonishingly.

- Then I must marry Lilia!

- Ah... umm... - Zenith was confused.

She clearly did not welcome the idea.

The maid herself, aware of my relationship with Roxy, only smiled.

- Mister, I am happy to serve you, and you can have as many wives as you want.

- Lilia! - Zenith was outraged. - What are you teaching my son?

- Ahem. Let's not talk about that for now. - I raised my palm. - Personally, I think it's too early for me to think about marriage.

- Exactly. - The blond girl nodded. - Until you're fifteen, Rudy belongs to Mum! And even then, your chosen one will have to work harder to earn my favour!

Saying that, Zenith gave in to an impulsive impulse and grabbed me in a hug, pressing my face against her chest. Oh, this is every bit as wonderful as before. At times like this, I even forget a little that Zenith is sort of my mum. But, what nice breasts she has. And now she's all mine! And a little bit of Norn and Aisha. Actually, I don't think Mum would let me play with her breasts. The only way I can enjoy it is in a hug like this, when she wants to squeeze me again.

Yeah, I feel like I'm slowly sinking further and further into the abyss of perversion in this world.

Oedipus Complex achievement!

You have a special attraction to your own mother, how horrible!

Reward: The path out of the perverted world is closed to you forever.

Good thing Roxy didn't see that.

Well, she wouldn't have laughed at it or judged it, I guess. But I would have been very embarrassed.

Back to the magic...

I've been in this world for nine years now, and my tenth birthday is coming up. My mana reserve is monstrous, but I intend to make the most of the last few months of magic progression. Day in and day out, I've been draining my mana to near zero as my mind refuses to let up from exhaustion and shuts down. The last time this had happened to me was in my childhood, when I was just starting to cast spells and my reserve was still so small that even not particularly powerful spells could drain me completely.

And combining previously developed enchantments with the artificial intelligence core requires so much energy for its creation that even my mana reserves can be quickly depleted. Though, each time I did it, my reserve became even greater.

Yes, I transferred the experience of creating a healing spirit to other spells as well.

In particular, the first thing I decided to do was to improve my defence.

In the meantime, I asked Roxy to look around in Shirone for some materials I wanted to use for my future magic trick. I also approached Phillip with this question. I had the money, but the Boreas had enough connections to be able to go to the auctions of rarities. Actually, I was going to make not only a magic trick, but also some other artefacts, like a personal grimoire. But I wanted to make a magic trick first.

For now...

I put my personal protection on a special armour. A flexible, tight-fitting suit of carbon weaves. A particularly malleable form of carbon fibre and a soft lining. But the suit itself was thin enough that it felt like a second skin. It was, after all, a form of carbon armour.

It was into this suit that the reinforcement and molecular bonding modification spells that the artificial intelligence controlled were prescribed. On top of that, individual fragments with protective spells were built into the suit, including a life support barrier. In an emergency, the suit can activate these spells itself. Or it can do so on command.

At the same time, I also began the fabrication of my focus.

Reinforced composite steel as a hollow hilt, inside of which a number of spells are painted. The cavity itself is filled with specialised wood. A processed branch of a magical tree that I was able to obtain through an auction with the help of Boreas. The branch is still alive and, having become part of the artefact, has begun to fuse with it, feeding the metal with its power.

The tip of the rod was embedded with a dragon stone extracted from the innards of a slain monster. In general, there are different kinds of dragons and they are one of the strongest monsters of this world, so their parts are quite expensive. The stone alone cost me almost two hundred Asura gold coins. These coins, by the way, are the most expensive currency in the world.

The dragon itself was just a regular dragon. I mean, there are fire dragons, there are dragons of water and wind and even earth. Parts of these dragons are more suited for a focus with a specific focus that would facilitate the use of a particular school of magic. In my case, however, there was a neutral stone that was equally effective in supporting any direction of magic, but somewhat weaker than an elemental stone.

Also, the same dragon's blood was used in the wand for additional hardening and bonding of the tree and stone.

The stone itself was eventually encased in a protective crystal sphere synthesised with magic. It is as strong as metal, and due to the thickness of the material, it can be used as an impact weapon. In essence, it's a mace that amplifies magic and can be used to bluntly stab enemies. But most importantly, it is a spirit encased in a magic stone that can control the spells of the wand. It's a whole set of combat spells of different elements.

Yeah, it's funny, you've got yourself a wand that can cast its own spells.

But, unlike armour, it necessarily needs a command to activate a spell. But, at the same time, the wand itself can direct the magic to the desired target. So, I don't have to create a spell, I just activate it in the wand. It's like pressing a skill button in a game. And if I set a target, the wand will direct spells to it. This allows me to use even complex attack spells almost instantly.

The spells the wand is equipped with are cold blast, heat field, earthquake, hurricane wind, mire, anti-magic field and lightning strike. But, the most important calibre of the wand is the combined painting, which includes a metal projectile incarnation spell and a raillgun.

And, of course, with the help of the spirit I can easily change the parameters of the activated spells. I can set the radius of the cold blast and its power, simply lower the temperature, or instantly freeze everything around me. Earthshock can cause the ground to simply shake, or create crevices, raise sharp spikes from the ground. Well, or a lightning strike, it can be used in the form of a powerful shock charge of electricity, or a small discharge in the vicinity, change the power, range, shape of lightning. And all these adjustments happen in a fraction of a second, it is only necessary to get accustomed to the interaction with the spirit.

By the way, the antimagic field, it is not quite a spell, it originally had only the form of a pattern of barrier magic. When activated, it creates a powerful barrier around it, which wreaks havoc on all magical structures, preventing sorcery. I won't be able to sorcery properly either, but... in this field, you can still use magic circles, including my wand with its spell set. By the way, this anti-magic field does not directly destroy magic, theoretically, you can adapt to it and, even though it will be harder, but even in it you can create magic if you have enough concentration.

And finally, the wand, like any magic trick, reduces mana expenditure, in this case, for any spells.

Also, the structure of the magic and its integration into the stone allows for future upgrades, improving the spirit itself and adding more spells to its arsenal.

Just in time to complete these artefacts in time for his birthday, as a sort of turning point.

Over the past week, I've developed a new spell with fragments of summoning magic that creates mobile energy spheres that fly around and attack my targets with lightning magic. When it runs out of mana, the spirit sort of devours itself, creating one last powerful discharge. In fact, that's what I called it - the spirit of lightning. It can also be used as a magic lamp.

By this time, by the way, Lily had already fully recovered from the effects of the old poisoning. And had almost fully recovered her swordsmanship skills. Although, she wasn't even close to my father. She had an intermediate level water style, and a beginner level sword and north style. I'm not even sure if she could defeat Eris in a duel. But, it's worth noting that my cousin is really talented at swordsmanship and already surpasses many adult swordsmen. After all, she's being trained by a sword queen!

And finally...

Waking up another morning, I no longer found the effects of magic progression in my status.

My mana reserve has reached its maximum and it seems that it will no longer grow like before.

Rudeus Greyrat.

Lord of Darkness level 6.

Health - Shota on steroids

Mana - depleted to the level of a god of magic


Strength - almost as strong as a man's

Dexterity - can do somersaults on her hands.

Stamina - enough for three times in a row, and after resting a few more times.

Perception - can smell Gilen's heat.

Intelligence - overflowing with knowledge.

Luck - has two brides and a bed maid.

Bonus points - 6


Great Enchanter

Laplace Factor





Lightning Magic ur. 71

Gravity Magic level 24

Water Magic level 47

Fire Magic level 51

Earth magic level 49

Air Magic level 45

Healing magic level 55

Detoxification magic level 48

Barrier Magic level 32

Summoning Magic level 5

Artifact Creation level 24

Martial Arts level 25

Fencing level 19

Battle Spirit skill 15

Cooking level 4

Polyglot level 9

Bonus points - 12


Healing Spirit

This is what my status looked like on my tenth birthday. During my sleep, my mana had recovered by about a tenth. The old effects were gone, but, for some reason, the system was counting the magical spirits I had made a connection with.

It's worth noting that the spells I used for accelerated growth before training, no longer need to be used. They were designed to pump up a child's body specifically, but despite my age, physically I'm already a teenager. I'm even taller than Eris, who is two years older than me. I look about fifteen years old myself. My family and friends are used to it, especially since the changes didn't happen instantly, but as if naturally. But, it is worth remembering that I am still ten years old, or rather my body in this world, and immediately there is a suspicion that something is wrong.

In any case, during these ten years in the new world, I have achieved a lot of success in mastering magic, and some skills. Although, the level didn't grow much. Even Sylphie was more advanced, as I periodically sent her notes with orders, for the fulfilment of which she received additional experience. Well, my dear Sylphietta, I order you to eat well, wash your hands, learn a new spell and sleep.

And here, in fact, is my birthday.

Yesterday I took the day off and went home. Although, actually, I think Eris's training is already finished. She has a basic literacy, she knows magic at the elementary level, she can count, and with her talents in swordsmanship, that's enough. It's time for me to think about my old mission and become an adventurer. But I wouldn't want to leave my family for too long.

- Hmm...

Listening, I immediately noticed the sounds of footsteps. There seemed to be more people in the house than usual. And, it's not even necessary to speculate. So I took my time washing my face, getting dressed, and only then did I leave my room to go down to the ground floor.

- Rudeus... - A cat met me at the stairs.

- Oh... Gilen, you came to visit? - I smiled.

So, most likely...

- Where should I hide the present? - Eris' voice came from downstairs.

She wasn't even shouting, but her grandfather's upbringing had taken its toll on her, and she hardly ever spoke softly, but she could shout. Cyrus must be proud of her.

- Um... can you show me your... figures? - The cat asked awkwardly.

- Oh... so you were put here to keep me busy....

Gilen's only visible eyebrow raised in a pitying way. Actually, they might as well have prepared a surprise while I was asleep. Everyone is already used to the fact that I've been getting up late lately due to magical exhaustion. Although my family seems to suspect it's just laziness.

- Okay, let's go. - I grinned.

The cat sighed in relief and followed me into the room. Actually, here I really arranged some of my favourite figurines. I didn't sell all the figurines I created. There's the Roxy figurine, raising her staff majestically. There's a Sylphie figurine that sits on her knees looking very embarrassed. Zenith and Lily are in the same composition, with my mother sitting in an armchair and a maid bringing her tea. A little to the side stands Eris, proudly sticking out her chest and placing her black sword point to the floor. And behind her back is Gilen with two of his swords.

These are some of the last statues I made, adding dyes to them to give colour. I must say that the colour took some work to achieve a more natural look.

- That's me?" the swordswoman asked, glancing at her figurine.

- Yeah, what do you think?

- Does it look... beautiful? - As if asking herself, the cat said.

I smirked and plopped down on the bed, putting my hands behind my head.

- And how much were you asked to hold me back?

- Ah... no, I... I... I'm just curious to see your figures. - The cat hesitated.

- Hey, I'm well aware that today is my birthday, and it's highly doubtful that Lilya and Zenith have forgotten about it. Looks like Eris has come too. So they're in there right now preparing the table. But really, you didn't think this would be a surprise, did you?

- That's right. - Sighed the cat, lowering her ears.

- But I'm glad you and Eris came too.

- Aha...

In fact, if I pretend to be surprised by the celebration, it might even offend Zenith and Lilia. Although, maybe it was Eris' arrival that was the surprise. But then it's strange that Gilen was sent to guard me. Unless she was useless downstairs, so they put her on something to do.

- Rudeus.

- Yes, Gillen?

- What gift would you like from me?

The cat looked at me expectantly.

- Hmm, you don't have that tradition, do you? Don't worry, it's enough for me already that you came, really.

- I see. - The cat smiled.

- You're a wonderful gift yourself.

Though I said it with a kind of double meaning, it didn't seem like the cat realised it.

- But if you want to do something for me, you can let me touch your ears and tail.

- If you want. - She shrugged.

You don't even need a birthday for that, it's not the first time I've asked for it, and Guilen almost never refuses. Only in spring, when she starts a special period of life, she becomes uncomfortable with touching, and she refuses such caresses.

- Oh, that's right... you're a Greyrat too. - She noticed.

- What?

Gilen's gaze was directed downwards.

- Ahem... that's a normal reaction. - I shrugged my shoulders now. - You know you're a hottie, so there's nothing to be surprised about.

- Is that what you think? - Cat tilted her head.

- Of course I do. Where did that doubt in your voice come from? I heard that Philippe offered you to be his mistress recently.

- Yeah..." she grinned and looked away.

- By the way, why did you turn him down?

- He has a wife.

- But, they don't belong to the Milis faith and, not that they love each other much. In fact, I'm glad you turned him down.

- Hmm.

- Then I still have a chance.

- No." The cat shook her head.

- Of course you do..." I sighed.

Actually, it wasn't the first time I'd tried to flirt with Gilen. Last time I'd even picked the perfect time, just as she was going through her period. Beastmen are especially active in the spring. But this cat wasn't looking for a mate at all. She treated me as a friend and did not consider me as a possible mate. After all, when we met, I was a child in her eyes. And, in fact, I am still a child by local standards, if you count only my age. Although I don't really look like one.

- Still, is there really no chance at all?

- Maybe... in a couple of years. - The cat replied.

- Oh, good!

- You're definitely Paul's son. - Gilen grinned.

- Hnn...

Considering that she knows about my relationship with Roxy and probably guesses that I'm also sleeping with Lilia, it hardly bothers her that I'm kind of a child. It's more a matter of preference. And the fact that she didn't give me an outright rejection is a good thing.

In the meantime.

We talked a bit more, and then our conversation was interrupted by Lilia, who came to call us downstairs.

- HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUDY! - Eris exclaimed at the top of her voice as soon as I appeared on the stairs.

- Ha ha... thank you... - I looked around the living room.

Even Phillip and Hilda were here, and Cyrus. As well as some servants from the Boreas mansion.

- Well, you're surprised we're here too, aren't you? - Eris jumped closer.

- Of course I'm not. - Sternly answering her.

The girl opened her mouth in surprise.

- ''I was hoping that you would definitely come. You are my favourite cousin after all. But I'm surprised that Uncle and Mistress Hilda also came, as well as Lord Cyrus.

- Ah... well... p-I see...'' The girl squeaked embarrassedly.

- Really, I'm pleased that you all came.

A smile appears on her face.

Eris, on the other hand, proudly stuck up her nose, deciding that everything was going just fine. 

- Rudy, come here. - Zenith called out to me.

- Yeah.

When I got downstairs, I was presented with my presents.

- A book this time too?

- You love them, don't you?

- Sure, and it's a really nice present, thanks Mum.

It was an encyclopaedia of monsters. I mean, regular monsters, not girl monsters.

- Oh, it's not just from me! - I added Zenith right away. - We picked it out with Leela.

- Thank you. - I nodded to the maid as well.

She only smiled gently in return.

- And this is my gift! - Eris exclaimed. - It's... I mean, from our family!

It's a book too. The maids brought a heavy iron box with a lock.

- Open it!

Eris handed me a small key. When I opened the box, I realised it wasn't a box. It was the iron shape of a book. Inside, there were blank sheets of parchment stacked flat, and on top of them were strange threads for binding.

- Oh, this...

- This is parchment made from the skin of a magical beast! - Eris announced solemnly. - And the thread is made of dragon veins! And those stones over there are magical stones.

That's right, there were a few more magic stones.

These are the things I wanted to acquire through the Boreas. Materials for my personal grimoire. Not just a magic book, but a tool for working complex magic. Like a wand. The problem is that really complex spells can't easily fit into a simple magic circle, you'd need a whole diagram to draw them. I've heard that some powerful spells are a whole separate book. In general, such a magic grimoire is like an artefact for quick casting of time-consuming spells.

- Thank you, Eris, it's really a wonderful gift.

- Ah... yes, of course! - The girl shone with happiness.

Afterwards, there was a celebratory dinner in a small family circle. Of course, they didn't organise a ball on my birthday, but it was even better. It was a cosy family atmosphere. Even so, the adults still drank a little.

And just like my last birthday party, I ran outside to set off fireworks. Only now it was much prettier. I also used the image of a dragon instead of the face of my favourite girl.

And towards evening, I played chess with Philippe.

- You're already playing better than me, Uncle.

- It's really interesting. And, thank you for the set you made that time.

- Did your friends enjoy the game?

- More than. - The man smiled. - Some of the nobles would like to order similar sets. You could make money from it, but I would advise using chess as a gift.

- It would be reasonable if I wanted to join the high society.

- Hmm, why not?

I arched an eyebrow questioningly.

- How about it? Eris likes you and none of us mind if you take the name Boreas. If you agree, I'll tie her up tonight and throw her into your bed.

- Ahem.

Even the system took that saying strangely.

I saw a message appear above Phillip's head.

Level up!

Matchmaker level 90.

What should I say to that?

- I apologise uncle, I am of the opinion that a girl can only be tied up in bed with her consent.

- Ha ha ha ha ha...I see. - Phillip laughed.

And, that was not all he was going to say.

- You are endowed with an incredible talent in magic, I can see that. Though, somewhat wasteful, but that doesn't seem to be a problem. And you see the game... hmm, in the future you could lead House Notos, or the entire Greyrat family in general.

You come in here, make politics.

- That's right. You're Paul's son. - Philip grinned. - Eris won't mind if you have mistresses.

- Ahem!

I gave another tactful cough.

- But, of course, you might as well just take her and live happily ever after with her. I think if I were to marry her off to someone else, she'd immediately beat her fiancé, run away and become adventurous.

- Hmm, that's quite likely. - I couldn't help but admit it.

- So what do you think?

- Actually...I'm not so against it. I mean, I can see that Eris has a thing for me.

- I'm glad to hear that. - Phillip smiled.

He seemed really pleased. There was no sense of paternal jealousy coming from him.

- Only... I try not to talk about it, but I've already promised to marry one girl... or rather two.

Philip opened his eyes in surprise. Then he covered his face with his hand and grunted.

- Pfkgh... yeah... you're definitely Paul's son.

- Didn't even tell your mother. And, it sounded more like childish promises, but I was quite serious.

- I see, ha ha... yeah... yeah... well, that won't be a problem.

The system upgraded Philip's matchmaker again.

- And, still, there's no need to rush it. - I concluded.

- Whatever you say.

But, in a way, it's kind of heartwarming. That the Boreas are happy to welcome me into the family.

It was beginning to get dark outside the window, and eventually the guests went home. I was a little tired by this time and didn't immediately notice the oddity. It was only when I went back to my room to go to bed that I realised what was wrong.

Eris was sleeping in my bed...

She really wasn't with the other Boreas. And it looked like she'd been left here on purpose. Even dressed up in that see-through short dress! And, I'm not surprised by this plan from her parents. I'm surprised that the girl agreed to it! It looks like she's tired and fell asleep while waiting for me.

- Good night, little sister.

I didn't bother to wake her up and just lay down next to her.