
I'm Poseidon

Lasssi_Con · Autres
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5 Chs

torment among siblings

it was never explained what it was like for the God's when they where in Kronos stomach in the myth, I never thought much about it.

I was greatly annoyed and slightly depressed by that dammn Esophagus but that was manageable my god brain prevented me from going insane and other mental illness all I felt was annoyance and burden when I was passing through

but the fucking stomach acid is a whole another level.

It fells like my skin is constantly being burned by fire but with no smoke to choke me .

It feels like am bathing in boiling hot water that never cool down

I screamed and scream but all that is allowed the dammn fucking acid to enter my like mouthwash but It Burns inside out fuck

but I can't die my fucking cells regenerate all I have to do is bear while screaming it feels like I'm in hell .

but then into a cavity that seems to HAVE been burned onto the flesh of Kronos.

I weakly crawled my way in and lie there I breath out phew I'm so relieved and tired I don't even question while I can see anything at all while am still in his stomach.

then a chorus of voice's ring out behind me asking if am alright I can't help but notice a man he must be Hades.

but I'm so tired that I don't even Care, and I get annoyed with the voices even though it's probably the first time I've talked and to anyone in years

I almost snap at them ", Do I look like I'm fucking alright to you

But I don't, because I know that these people or rather gods are now my family are they all have been through the same thing I have but I can't help but fell slightly salty that Zeus didn't have to experience them

I laughed at loud the God of the sea is felling salty.

After I sighed and groned a bit I groan a bit I stand up and face my siblings

the first things I notice is that they are all Stark naked.....

I don't know what I was expecting we were all eaten soon after we were born and Kronos stomach acid would have melted any clothes we had even if we did anyway

then a sudden thought comes to me ... maybe the gods were always naked in there statue and paintings because they got used to it within Kronos belly? but then I pushed that thought aside and look at my siblings to take in there appearance. I don't know how I can tell who is who immediately, maybe it's a God thing?

Demeter is the first one I see . for she has long golden coloured hair light green eyes and exquisitely designed eyebrows and a godly figure.she is a beauty to behold but that was expected of a goddess.

Hades was next to her..... he has pitch black hair and eye's,pale chalk-white skin and a sculpted athletic body

Hera was behind them .... and I dare say she is beautiful just as Demeter if not more than her Hera has pitch black hair that's fades inti Brown at the bottom the same striking Amber -hazel eye's of our mother slightly tanned skin that I have no idea how she got since we're in a pitch black stomach, lightly curved eyebrows a small but straight nose ,rose colored lips and a more heavenly figure than Demeter she also has a slightly arrogant expression?

I may have started at her a lot longer than necessary because of how beautiful she was I now understood why Zeus chased after her so much in the beginning after all , I almost started drooling my self even though I was basically a eunuch in my past life .

then I turned to look at my favorite goddess, Hestia, holding a bright fire I can tell she's more beautiful than Hera, but the she felling she gave was motherly felling.

she had plain but lustrous black hair , warm and inviting amber eyes flecked with gold and brown soft looking Pink lips , not quite tanned skin and the same godly figure and they all appear in there early twenties or late teens ,

all this thinking and accept in a blink of an eye

I'm okay.... I guess? just glad to be out of that ", I say while pointing to the acid that I can now see has a light greenish color.

what is your name ?,Hera asks

POSEIDON ", I said confidently and proudly

well , welcome to your very own Tartarus", Hades said sounding bored and slightly sarcastic

" just ignore him ", Hera says while looking at hades with some slight disdain

looks like am not like very much even in Kronos belly but how did he know Tartarus

Are you hungry? Hestia says

sure I replied

Hestia then walks to the back of the cavity for a bit and I talk to Hades what's it is like here

it's better than over there " he said pointing at the acid

Hestia came back handing me some dried meat and ambrosia I ate I thank her it didn't taste better than what i ate she smiled at me sadly I smiled back

I sat down next to hades and start thinking what to do

I first star by assessing myself

I can't look at my face but i can assume some things based on Percy Jackson myths I appear to be around seventh or eighteen years though I have been in Kronos stomach for thirteen days

I send some time thinking through my memories should I do as the myths or follow my own way

I eventually give you thinking and decided to just wait until the time's arrives

times move slowly in his stomach

even with the cavity there is nothing to do so we argue Hera word's hurts me she said I look like that monster who swallowed us she never calls me her brother I sighed.

the other person who don't joint is Hestia so we do engage in conversation at times.

we talked about when we do when we get out . Hestia is a very hopeful Goddess even after been trap firsts she still hope .

year's pass like that or what feels like years you never really know in Kronos stomach

until one day a rock washes up on shore