
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Chapter 33

Chapter 33


- Well, are you done? - Daisy watched in awe as I combined the reactor with my enhanced suit.

- Almost, just the final touch... that's it! - I finally stepped away from the reactor I'd been working on for fourteen hours, then wiped the sweat off my forehead.

- Come on, test it quickly! If you succeeded, Stark will bite his elbows in envy!

- I'll do it now, don't be in a hurry! - I answered her, and then going to the computer began to load into the reactor, self-learning AI, which was written by me in just a few hours, and then left to improve on its own. It was essentially like Tony's, but much weaker. But over time, through code improvements and training, it would become much more powerful.

It took only a few seconds for the AI to load, so I took the reactor in my hands and then strapped it to my chest with a special mount made of the same material as my suit. So it won't just come off.

- Well, I hope it doesn't explode! - I slapped my palm on the reactor.

- Stop what?" Daisy exclaimed, and then clenched her eyes shut in fear of flying into the air.

At the same moment my body, starting with my chest, began to be covered with the suit. The whole process took only three seconds and I was now well protected. Now if Gwen attacked me again, she wouldn't be able to hurt me. Rather, she would charge up the vibranium in the suit, and with that energy I could counterattack her.

- Can you not make jokes like that next time!? I really thought it might explode, didn't I! - Daisy said grudgingly as she opened her eyes, and then began to look at my costume.

- Hmm, what's so special about it? It looks the same to me as it did before. - Daisy asked skeptically.

- And you hit it. - Before I could say anything, she kicked me in the stomach, but I didn't feel a thing.

- Hey, don't be so harsh!

- You told me to hit it, and you didn't have to scare me. - Daisy snorted.

- It's all right. Hit me again. - I smiled involuntarily, watching the suit glow a little purple.

Daisy hit me again, but this time I released the energy from her last punch, and she was pushed back a little.

- What was that? - Daisy was surprised, and then I quickly explained to her how my suit worked.

- That's so cool!? Make me one! - this girl demanded with a twinkle in her eye.

- Easy, bring me the same amount of vibranium, and then sleep with me, then I'll quickly make you one. - I quickly spoke out.

- Ha, you could have just said you wouldn't, you little pervert.

- Siri, mode two! - I turned to the AI.

- Engaging mode two! - came the artificial female voice, and then the hands, feet, and torso of my suit changed slightly. Repulsors appeared on them, both for flying and attacking.


- Siri, adjust the repulsor power enough to get me off the ground fifty centimeters. - I gave another command.

At the same instant, energy burst from under my feet and I was airborne.

Having taken over the control to manual, I began to slowly master the control. And after five minutes I could more or less control the suit. But I still needed a lot of practice, so I wouldn't make any mistakes. Especially at high speeds.

- Huh, you really did it! - Daisy jumped up to me as soon as I landed.

- Hmm, so you've been doubting me all this time? - I made a hurt face.

- Well, considering your age, I was skeptical. But rest assured, I will never underestimate you now. - she patted me on the shoulder.

- Okay, you're forgiven. By the way, what day is it today? I forgot all about the time on this project.

- Today is Tuesday, and after tomorrow your aunt flies back and you will have to go to school, and here are your documents about training in a special camp. - Daisy gave a quick report and then held out the folder with the documents.

- Thank you, then I'll spend all day tomorrow honing my flying skills, and then I'll go home in the evening. - I said my plan out loud so that Daisy would know about it too, and then I sat down to rest....




- Well Daisy, thanks to your company these two weeks were not so boring, what do you think? - I looked at my partner who gave me a ride home.

- Yeah, I wasn't bored either. Before Fury put me on the same team as you, I was always on boring missions. Now I'm a high school teacher and partnered with some cocky kid. Heh, I've wanted a break like this for a long time. - grinned the girl.

- Well, don't get sentimental. - I gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder. But as soon as my hand touched hers, I felt as if I had electrocuted her, and the girl seemed to black out.

- What the!? - I exclaimed in surprise, more or less realizing what was going on.

- Daisy, are you all right? - I started to try to rouse her, but she didn't respond. So I pulled her out of the car and carried her home and laid her down in the guest room. I assumed this was another one of my powers. After all, the last time I had explored my body, it was as if my cells were charged with bioelectricity.

While Daisy lay paralyzed on the bed I started cooking dinner for two, nothing fancy. Just rice and vegetables and beef stew. As soon as I started chopping the ingredients, my body began to disappear and reappear piece by piece. Realizing that this was another ability, I immediately concentrated my senses and began to follow my body. After a few seconds of feeling the new processes, I tried to repeat them myself and I succeeded. After all, I immediately became invisible. Unfortunately, I didn't have any criminals on hand to test the paralyzing touch. But I was in no hurry, and tomorrow I could practice on criminals.

So constantly activating and deactivating the ability to become invisible, I continued to prepare dinner. After all, I think that Daisy will come to her senses soon enough, and she will be angry and probably hungry. That's where my cooking will help calm her down, and I hope it does.....



Early access to chapters on my Patreon. Chapter 50 is already available.
