
I'm not a Wizard

There are people born with magic, and there people who do not. A wizard is supposed to be a powerful sorcerers who dedicated they're entire life for the sake of knowledge of magic. Then there's a hunter, they live they're entire life in the outside wilderness. They hunt prey for food, they go across rivers for water, they wear the fur of creatures as clothing. They do all of this willing instead living the comfortable life style. Both of these two have a similar question. Do you need magic to be a hunter? No. Do you need to learn how to survive to be a wizard? Of course not. But let me ask you this. Do you need magic to a Master Wizard? No, no you don't.

Sora_Gemini · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 15: Lockets and Pots

"What are you doing, Master?" said little Eric as he poked his head out on the kitchen counter.

Solomon chuckled softly. "I'm working on my newest invention, I call it; The Skipper."

"Wow~" Eric awed as he gazed at the golden locket.

Solomon took a wooden chair closer to the kitchen counter before Eric climbed on top of it. Solomon continued to work on the locket as she placed small cogs and blue crystals inside the locket. Eric observed Solomon's movement, as witness the locket being put together piece by piece. When Solomon connected the lid to the locket, she close it before she turned to Eric.

"What does it do?" Eric asked with sparkling eyes.

Solomon smiled as she placed the locket around her neck. "The Skipper supposedly possess the ability to move between certain points through time."

"Through time?" Eric tilted his head.

Solomon chuckled again. "That's right. That's why I call it The Skipper because you can skip through time or more like you are travelling through time."

"Time travel?" Eric said.

"That's perfect! We'll call the concept Time Travel!" Solomon laughed.

"Time Travel!" Eric cheered.

Solomon hushed him as she placed her fingers in front of her lips. "But remember the truth behind alchemy are only between you and me okay?"

"Okay!" little Eric grinned.

Eric's eyes snapped open before he groaned. Another dream, he would say to himself under his breath every morning. As he sat up from his bed he yawned before he opens his curtains, fixed his bed and puts on his academy uniform. Eric would then quietly step out of his shared room before he walked his way down the echoed hallways.

Depending on which way Eric walked, he might meet Janitor Tucker and Miss Wrinkleberry or Principle Dune and Mr Oneil. Eric, however, remained alone the current morning as he admired the peaceful silence. However, the sound of crashing disturbed the silence. In a classroom full of empty seats, Eric raced towards the sound. As Eric approached the classroom, he noticed a man lying on its floor.

The appearance of a black snake held attached to the man's neck. After Eric took another step forward, the snake detached itself before swiftly moved its way towards him. The snake then launched itself off the floor before it closed its fang onto Eric's arm. Eric did not show any reaction as his expression remains unfazed. Eric watched the snake slowly stopped wriggling before it dropped to the floor. The snake laid upon the floor with its jaw wide open, however, the snake's deadly fangs were gone as purple liquid dripped from where they previously were.

Eric's arm had two holes that bleed dark purple blood. Eric took off his glove before he placed his gloveless hand over his wounded arm. A light flashed for less than a second, Eric removed his hand and the two holes were gone.

Eric stared down at the dead man on the floor before he sighed. "I'm sorry, if I came sooner then you could be still alive."

"If only I came sooner..." Eric muttered as he clenched his chest.

Eric then pulled out the locket underneath his shirt. He stared at it for a moment as he pressed the crown of the pendant and the lid flipped open. The black lines were in different positions than that last time Eric used the locket. Eric placed a finger on the shortest line before he moved it anti-clockwise. Eric then pressed the crown before the locket glowed blue again. Within a flash, Eric found himself awake on his bed again.

"I'm really back..." Eric muttered before he quickly got out of bed.

Eric quickly opens his curtains, quickly fixed his bed and rushed as he puts on his academy uniform. Eric would then quietly step out of his shared room before he hurried down the hallway. Eric tried to find the room he was previously was before he heard a crash sound. Eric ran towards the sound before he found the dead man again.

"Damn it!" Eric said before he pulled out the locket again.

Eric woke up from bed again. Eric quickly opens his curtains, quickly fixed his bed and rushed as he puts on his academy uniform. Eric would then quietly step out of his shared room before he hurried down the hallway. Eric ran before he step into an empty classroom. Eric heard the crash sound again in another room.

Eric groaned. "Oh! Come on!"

Eric woke up from bed again. Eric quickly opens his curtains, quickly fixed his bed and rushed as he puts on his academy uniform. Eric would then quietly step out of his shared room before he hurried down the hallway. Eric ran again before he tripped over his feet. Eric pushed himself up before he heard the crash again.

"This is getting ridiculous!" Eric yelled.

Eric woke up from bed again. Eric quickly opens his curtains, quickly fixed his bed and rushed as he puts on his academy uniform. Eric would then quietly step out of his shared room before he hurried down the hallway. Eric sprinted before he crashed through a door and saw the man is about to open a decorated box that was wrapped with a blue ribbon. Eric reached out to the man, but as soon the man opened the box the black snake attacked him.

"YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Eric screamed from the top of his lungs.

Eric woke up from bed again. He jumped out of bed as he rushed his academy uniform on. Before he quickly ran out of the door before closed it quietly. Eric ran like hell upon his heels as he stormed into the classroom and snatched the box out of the man's hands.

"What do you think you're doing?" the man growled.

"Saving your life!" Eric stated as opened the box and quickly grabbed the black snake's head.

"What the? What is this?" the man uttered in shock.

Eric squeezed the snake's head before a pop sound was heard. Eric then returned the snake's head into the box, and place the box on a table. Eric turned to the man as he breathed with battered breath. Sweat glinted on Eric's forehead and his uniform was ruffled.

"You saved me... thank you." the man said.

"You're welcome." Eric huffed.

"Sit down, I'll prepare some tea." the man said as he seated Eric.

The man then walked away while Eric relaxed on the seat. Eric then tried to fix his messy uniform before the man walked back while he held a silver tray. The tray had a round white teapot, two matching teacups and a small bowl of biscuits. The man poured the teapot into the two cups before he properly seated himself.

Eric stared upwards as stared at the man. He wore a black thick woolly shirt, long black pants that were held by a leather belt, brown shoes, and a long white coat. He had short dark brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. Underneath the man's bangs, Eric could glimpse a scar on the man's forehead.

"I'm sorry this isn't that much, I should've been more prepared." the man said timidly.

"Don't apologize, I wouldn't have you to expect someone entered here this early in the morning," Eric said before he sipped from his cup.

"Even with that said, I want to properly thank you. I had no idea that there was a snake inside that box." the man said as he rubbed the handle of his cup.

"That reminds me. Where did you get that box from?" Eric asked.

The man flinched slightly as he avoided eye contact with Eric. "Well... today is my birthday."

"Your birthday?! Then happy birthday to you!" Eric grinned, which made the man stare at Eric blankly.

"Thank you..." the man uttered before he coughed to himself.

"Anyway, today is my birthday. Every year I would receive a present from my family, however, my family doesn't think very fondly of me." the man explained.

"So they gifted you a red-bellied snake?" Eric raised a brow.

"You know of its species?" the man's eyes widen.

Eric nodded. "Of course I do. They are very common in the Drood Forest."

"They are." the man stated.

There was a short moment of silence before Eric stretched out his hand toward the man. The man stared at Eric before he stared at his hand. The man stretched his hand and shook Eric's hand.

"I heard this is the proper custom to greet someone in the Linus Kingdom. As to show my manners towards I'll introduce myself." Eric stated as he shook the man's hand in return.

"I see." the man uttered as he let go of Eric's hand.

Eric smiled innocently. "Hello there, my name is Eric Brace, and I'm a first-year student in this academy. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, my name is Harry Spode Minton and I'm a teacher at Uneadora academy," Harry said.

Eric hummed. "Minton? Do you mean the famous potteries artists?"

Harry sighed. "Yes, that's my family. Well, on my father side at least."

"What about your mother?" Eric asked.

"She was a noblewoman who was the eldest daughter of a Grand Duke in the Linus Kingdom." Harry sighed again.

Eric took a moment of thought as he slowly saw hidden detail through Harry's explanation.

"Why don't you have a noble title?" Eric's question made Harry flinched.

"Because my father is not a noble..." Harry briefly said as he slips his cup.

"Is that why you possess your father's surname and not your mother? Is it because they don't recognize you as your mother's son." Eric said as he slowly felt tightness in his chest.

Harry nodded while Eric clicked his tongue before grumbled. "This is why I hate nobles."

"Pardon?" Harry asked.

Eric shook his head before he flashed a friendly smile. "Nothing, I just remember something when I was little."

"I see," Harry said before he has bitten into a biscuit.

"Say, Mr Minton," Eric spoke.

"Yes, Eric?" Harry replied.

"What type of cake do you like on your birthday?" Eric ask.

"That's an odd question, but I'm sorry to disappoint you. I rarely get given a cake on my birthday." Harry slightly frowned.

"Why not?" Eric questioned.

"My father was always too busy with work and my mother's family would always give me a chocolate cake," Harry explained.

"What's wrong with chocolate?" Eric asked.

"I'm allergic." Harry chuckled.

"That's so cruel!" Eric raised his voice.

Harry cracked a smiled before he laughed. "I know! They're the worst!"

Eric remained silent as he waited for Harry to calm down from his laughter. After Harry finally calmed down, Eric timidly asked.

"Do you like cake?" Eric averted his gaze.

Harry chuckled again. "Sorry, but I don't. Most cakes are too thick and chewy."

"Huh?" Eric blurted.

Harry hummed. "What's wrong, Eric?"

Eric grinned as he lifted himself off his seat. "Hey, Mr Minton! Can you meet me after classes are over?"

Harry's eyes widen. "Alright then, but are you planning?"

Eric placed a finger over his lips. "It's a secret. You'll have to wait until after class."

Eric walked out of the door before he waved at Harry. "Goodbye, Mr Minton! Thank you for the tea!"

"Uh... bye then," Harry muttered, as he watched Eric hit a wall before he left the room.

[Later that day]

"Where is he?" Harry sighed as he waited inside the classroom.

Eventually, there was a knock that echoed the room. Harry lifted his drooping head as he watched Eric entered the room with a yellow box. After Eric was a boy with curly dirt-brown hair while he held a green box. After the boy was another boy with lavender hair walked in a light purple box.

"Hi, Mr Minton! Sorry, we're late, I got lost." Eric grinned as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Hello, Sir! Happy birthday!" Clover waved.

"Mr Minton! You should've told me it was your birthday!" Cody chuckled.

"What?" Harry blurted.

Eric hummed as stared at the door. "Come on Onyx! Get in here already!"

"Silence you idiotic baboon!" Onyx growled as he entered the room with a black box.

The four students surrounded Harry's desk while Harry stared at them with a surprised expression.

"What is this?" Harry questioned.

"I wanted you to enjoy your birthday, so I ask my friends and roommate to help me." Eric grinned as he place his yellow on Harry's desk.

"You didn't need to," Harry muttered.

"That may be true. But none of us asked you if needed this, to begin with." Cody commented as he placed his light purple box on Harry's desk.

"This is far too much though," Harry argued.

"Too much? I say it's not enough!" Clover said as he placed his green box on Harry's desk.

"But I..." Harry mumbled before Onyx cuts him off.

"Quit your complaining. We are all here by our own choice, not because you are obligated us to." Onyx scowled as he placed his black box on Harry's desk.

"Sorry..." Harry muttered.

"Don't apologize! Quick, open your presents already." Eric said with a cheerful smile.

"Alright." Harry sighed before he opened the yellow box.

When Harry opened the yellow box, he saw two rounded shapes of glass that were connected by silver metal. Harry stared at Eric with a confused expression.

"What is this?" Harry asked.

"They are my newest invention, I called them Spectacles! They benefit people with poor eyesight." Eric explained.

"Poor eyesight? How did you know I had poor eyesight?" Harry asked.

Eric chuckled as he gestured his hand over his eye. "You always squint eyes whenever you looked at me."

"I see..." Harry said as his face grew warmer.

"Put them on." Eric encouraged.

"Alright." Harry sighed before he placed the spectacles on his face.

"So..." Eric waited for Harry's response.

Harry's eyes widen as he scans his surroundings with an awed expression.

"I think he likes it." Cody chuckled as he elbowed Eric.

"Oh~ What a relief." Eric sighed.

"My gift next!" Clover said as pushed the green box to Harry.

"Alright." Harry chuckled before he opened the green box.

Harry opened the green box and saw a set of brand new sculpting tools.

"This is wonderful. I needed a new set but the ones in stores weren't in good quality." Harry smiled.

"You're welcome! I made them myself." Clover grinned proudly.

"Truly? You must be the son of a talented blacksmith." Harry praised.

"I am!" Clover huffed with pride before was pushed by Onyx.

"Open my gift now," Onyx said coldly.

"Alright." Harry stuttered before opened the black box.

Harry opened the black box and inside was a black bracelet. Harry glanced up at Onyx, who had his eyes gazing off the other direction.

"It's an enchanted bracelet. While you wear it, you have immunity to all poison... and venom." Onyx said as he cough the last part.

"Venom?" Harry muttered as he gazed towards Eric.

Eric had his head turned in the other direction as a drop of visible sweat dripped down his chin. Harry softly chuckled as he puts on the bracelet.

"Thank you Onyx, that's very thoughtful of you," Harry said but Onyx still had his eyes away from Harry.

"My turn~." Cody cooed as he pushed his gift towards Harry.

"Alright," Harry said as he opened the light purple box.

Inside, Harry eye's widen. There was a white cake with strawberry jam written "Happy Birthday".

"What kind of cake is this?" Harry asked as he stared at Cody.

"I classified this as a flourless cake, it is basically an unstirred custard baked in the oven, however, it can also be unbaked or typically moulded in a dessert ring or springform pan then simply chilled before unmolding. It's sensitive to being baked under direct heat or being overcooked. The result is usually a crack down the middle. But I somehow made it and uh..." Cody explained before he paused and turned to Eric.

"What did you called this thing again?" Cody muttered.

Eric chuckled. "It's a cheesecake."

"Cheesecake! That was it! This beautiful creation is called a cheesecake!" Cody smiled.

"A cheesecake?" Harry muttered.

"Would you like to try it?" Eric said as he pulled a white cloth and carried silver utensils.

"Yes please." Harry gulped.

Eric pulled out some sheets of paper with pentagrams printed onto them. Eric snapped his fingers and five plates appeared on top of the papers. Everyone stared with awed.

"So cool!" Clover said with sparkly eyes.

"So this is why you told me not to bring plates. Clever!" Cody grinned.

"Alchemy is truly capable of many things," Onyx uttered as he examined one of the plates.

"What was that? That almost sounded like a compliment~" Eric cheekily grinned.

"Go die baboon," Onyx said coldly as he glared at Eric.

Eric raised his in defence. "To be continued I guess." he sighed.

Cody then took a pair of the silver utensils before he cut the cheesecake and placed the slices on the five plates. Eric took a bite of his slice first while the others waited a short moment. After the moment passed, Harry took a bite of his slice and his face lit up.

"It's delicious!" Harry beamed as he took another bite.

Cody took a bite. "It has a sweet yet slightly tangy flavour."

Clover hummed. "It's so smooth! It's not like a cake at all."

"So rich and creamy. I could even see this serve to royalty." Onyx commented with a slight smile.

Eric sighed as he finished his last bite. "Almost like how Master Solomon would make it."

"MASTER SOLOMON CAN BAKE?!" everyone gasped, except for Eric.

Sorry for such a long wait. I've finally recovered and managed to finish these three chapters. I hope you enjoyed them.

Sora_Geminicreators' thoughts