
I'm not a fool

She paid the price for being too gentle She became a badass but later found love in someone she never thought of...

Daniella_Reed · Sports, voyage et activités
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4 Chs

Chapter4 Handsome being (2)

Anna walked down the street in deep thoughts,she smiled from time to time like a crazy fellow but everytime she remembers that she was on the streets and there were people looking at her she bows her head in embarrassment. She couldn't explain why she can't stop thinking about that handsome being with his fair skin,deep voice, black hair which was styled so amazingly and his blue eyes which made her drunk. To her, he was the most handsome person she had ever seen. She suddenly halted in front of a game house and frowned saying in a low tone " Anna get a grip on yourself, you really need to stop thinking about him" then she entered and found a secluded spot to sit. She played as though the game was her only friend unti she lost track of time. Then her phone beeped with a notification, taking the phone she saw her mom's message stating that she was home. "Gosh!! it's 4 already! she screamed inwardly and stood up in a great speed,logged out of the game,took her bag and phone before storming out the game house. With her earpord on,she walked home. She bowed her head down for a moment to change the song she was listening to while walking and she accidentally bumped her head against someone's chest.

She looked up almost immediately, wanting to say sorry but the view of the person she saw left the words hanging in her throat. Her heart beat with an unexplainable speed as she stared at the handsome face that made her weak.

"I'm soo... hun! you are the girl from this morning,what are you doing here" he exclaimed "I thought you wanted to go home and rest but I guess you didn't, seeing as you still have your uniform on" he looked at her from up to down before continuing.

"Thanks for the chair, I got mine already so you won't't have to lie again" ha ha ha he laughed.

Anna was long gone to another realm."I know he's saying something but why can't I hear him, I can only see his mouth moving and him smiling why can't I think of anything else than his face when I see him" she thought while staring at him.

Oh I forgot to ask for your name,my name is Darren what's yours...

Hey...Hi he waved in Anna face before she came back to the world and started stammering again.

" Urm..I.. what...you..how... when..why..you said...

He looked at her and suddenly burst into laughter. He laughed hard until his ribs ached. Anna bit her lips in embarrassment and her ears had a red color for the second time that day.

He stopped laughing and asked her" Do you stammer or are you nervous?

No", Anna retorted I do not, I was just lost in thought. "I'm sorry"

"Its okay" he said and smiled.I said I'm Darren,what's your name? he repeated.

"Hun.... blink blink..... Oh.. yeah.. My..My name. Urrm Anna my name is Anna.

"Anna" he repeated before saying"you have a really nice name"

Thank you. Anna replied shyly.

Awn awn,are you this shy?he asked smiling.

Hun.. uuuh. Anna looked down and bit her lip.

"Where are you going?" he asked

Hun .me? err I'm going home. Anna answered.

Suddenly,he leaned closer to Anna's face and she got goosebumps all over then he whispered"I know you lied that you are not feeling well"

He straightened up and continued "Thank you for the chair once again and for that I'll walk you home, where's your house?

Anna who was just recovering from his closeness stared at him before trying so hard not to stammer. She pointed her fingers in a cute style like a child showing an adult her house and said" It's down the street"

"Wow, you are so cute"he said smiling and Anna could only smile like a fool.

"Then.. let's go" he said again and they started walking towards Anna's house.