
I'm Lucky To Have You Here

*Book Cover Art by my friend, Jen.* “Jiang Shiyi, how many people have confessed to you?” Jiang Shiyi took a minute to think about it, and as she’s about to give an answer, she could feel the dark cold atmosphere forming around her. “It seems like there’s a lot!” Jiang Shiyi quickly laughs it off, “of course not!” … … “Ye Nanchen! It’s my turn to ask you now!” As Jiang Shiyi looks at him with stern eyes. Ye Nanchen looks at Jiang Shiyi with caring and loving eyes, “You're the only and only one that I’ve confessed to.” Main Characters: Jiang Shiyi aka Tian Dou, Ye Nanchen

Theshadow · Urbain
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6 Chs

Replacement ID

"Nanhua Street, please." Jiang Shiyi says to the taxi driver. 

There's three more days before the fall semester starts, and Jiang Shiyi is going back to campus to get a replacement student ID card. She was packing her bags and realized that she lost her card. She looked everywhere for it, but it wasn't there. 

"Jiang Shiyi? What are you doing here?" one of the seniors she knew from last semester asks her. 

Jiang Shiyi was hoping she won't see anyone so she didn't put much effort in dressing. She pretended that she didn't hear it and continued walking. 

"You didn't see me…" she kept murmuring to herself. 

Suddenly someone came up to her and stopped her path. 

"Where are you going?" The voice asks. 

Jiang Shiyi, who was a little guilty conscience didn't recognize whose voice it was, and thought it was the senior. 

"Senior, I'm sorry." She was wearing her hood and head was down, so she didn't see who it was. She quickly apologizes and waits for the person's response. 

The voice faintly laughs, "lift up your head," he says. 

Maybe it was because she had calmed down, she realized the voice sounded different. Jiang Shiyi lifted her head, and saw that it wasn't the senior. 

"Ye Nanchen?" 

Jiang Shiyi had known Ye Nanchen ever since she remembered. But didn't expect to see him here. 

"Tian Dou, what are you doing here?" he asks.

'Tian Dou' is Jiang Shiyi's nickname as a kid. Jiang Shiyi is the only girl in her family, so when she was born, her parents gave her a nickname called Tian Dou. 'Tian' means sweet and since she was so tiny like a bean, that's where the 'Dou' came from. 

Jiang Shiyi doesn't like people calling her Tian Dou. Even though not many people know that nickname.

"Don't call me Tian Dou!" she says with a little angry tone. 

"Why? I like the name Tian Dou," he says with a little tease. 

Jiang Shiyi gives him a face, and then walks around him. 

"Wait, where are you going?" Ye Nanchen starts walking next to her. 

"Going to get a replacement ID," she says. 

Jiang Shiyi is known to lose things, and every time she loses something, this guy will start making fun of her. 

Just like she expected, Ye Nanchen laughs. 

"When can you keep your things together and not lose things?" he says. 

"Why do you have to care so much! I didn't lose your things!" Jiang Shiyi doesn't know why she screamed at him, but all she knows is that she's having a bad day right now. 

Seeing the way she walked away, Ye Nanchen knew right away she's mad. "This girl still has such bad tempers," he faintly says with a smile. 

"Nanchen! What are you looking at?" Xiao Yu walks up to him and looks in the direction that Ye Nanchen is looking at. 

Ye Nanchen looks away and says, "you can go first. I have something to do."

Xiao Yu looks at him as if he heard it wrong. "What do you have to do?" 

Both of them came today for work. They were ordered to come to college to give military training to college students. Usually this training was given to freshmen, but this year, it changed a little bit. This year both freshmen and sophomores have to do it. 

"Who did you find here?" Xiao Yu asked and didn't forget the way Ye Nanchen was looking before. 

"I guess lately I've been going easy on you guys. Maybe I should add 100 laps of running after dinner." Ye Nanchen coldly says. 

Xiao Yu's shivers and quickly shuts his mouth. 

… … 

It didn't take long for Jiang Shiyi to get her replacement ID. But since it was her second time getting it, she had to pay a $20 fee. 

"This time, if I lose you again, I'll…" before she can finish saying, a voice interrupts her. 

"You'll what?" Ye Nanchen asks as he looks at her with doting eyes. 

Jiang Shiyi is still a little mad at him, so she didn't give him any attention and just walked past him. 

Ye Nanchen smiles, "Let's go eat lunch at Tan Ji?" he asks her. 

Tan Ji is a noodle place that they usually went to when they were kids. 

Ye Nanchen is 4 years older than her, and usually would bring Jiang Shiyi to go there and eat. 

Jiang Shiyi gives him a look, "It's your treat?" she asks. It's not like a bowl of noodles she can't afford to pay for. But that $20 she spent on the ID… 

Ye Nanchen smiles and nods, "of course." 

Jiang Shiyi smiles when she hears that. "I want bubble tea too," she added. 

Ye Nanchen saw the sparkle in her eyes, "You~" he slightly shook his head with a smile.