
I'm live fortune telling

Wang Yue crossed over to a parallel world and was forcibly bound by the system to inherit a fortune-telling shop. "This damn system has been stuck at 99.99% for two years. Do I really have to give up?"

Dust_free · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
317 Chs

Chapter 294: Master Wang, I'm sorry, but I may not have the money to give you right now.

Next, let's welcome the final lucky person tonight!"

"His ID is: Sinful Heartbeat."

When Wang Yue mentioned this ID name, the viewers in the live stream room were all stunned.

Daring to call himself that when consulting Master Wang for fortune-telling?

Sinful Heartbeat??

Does this mean falling for someone you shouldn't have feelings for??

Or is it because the person you like committed a crime?

It seems like another person with a story, otherwise how could they choose such an ID name.

According to Master Wang's law, the fate of this destined person is likely related to the ID name, so the ID name "Sinful Heartbeat" is quite intriguing.

Then the viewers started looking forward to who this destined person would be.

However, under the viewers' hopeful gazes, this destined person still hadn't appeared on the screen.

The viewers were puzzled.

Then they started commenting in the barrage:

"What's going on??? Where's the person?"

"Did Master Wang's abilities scare them off?

Are they too nervous to join the voice chat?"

"Come out quickly, don't waste our time!!!"

"Master Wang, if the person is too scared to join the call, then replace them.

We can't all just wait for them, right?"

"Yeah, let's switch to another person, probably some murderer or a wanted criminal who accidentally got picked, and now they're scared and won't come out..."


After waiting for a while, Wang Yue still didn't see anyone joining the voice chat, and he noticed the barrage suggesting to switch people.

He calmly said, "The ID is: Sinful Heartbeat, is the destined person here?"

"If you're here, please join the voice chat. If you give up this opportunity, I'll randomly select another destined person."

"After 10 seconds, if there's still no one joining the voice chat, we'll pick another destined person."

After Wang Yue's words, the viewers in the live stream room were excited.

If they switched people, they could try to get a chance again, even though it's difficult, but what if they succeeded.

So they all cooperated to start the countdown on the barrage:








As the 10-second countdown neared its end, the user named "Sinful Heartbeat" still did not turn on the microphone.

Then Wang Yue calmly said:

"So let's now draw another person who is fated."

For a moment, the viewers in the live broadcast room were as excited as if they had taken a stimulant, all excitedly shouting in the barrage.

This was the first time since Wang Yue started broadcasting that someone had given up their spot and a redraw was necessary.

This time, I must seize the opportunity and grab this spot.

Shortly after, Wang Yue sent out another lucky bag.

Almost instantly after it was sent out, it was grabbed.

This time, the lucky person who grabbed the spot had the ID: "What the heck life, f**k," while the viewers who missed out once again lamented, not understanding why they couldn't grab it?

Is their hand speed still not fast enough?

Or is there some special trick?

Wang Yue saw that the spot was taken, but just the name of this ID...

Why couldn't anyone have a more normal one?

Then Wang Yue faced the camera and spoke up:

"Please the lucky individual who secured a spot, turn on your microphone, ID name: 'Screw this crappy life'."

Upon hearing Wang Yue reveal the ID name, the viewers froze once again.

What kind of experience led to choosing a username like this?

Soon enough, a request for microphone access from the other party came through.

After Wang Yue approved it, a man in his thirties appeared on the screen.

His hair was a bit tousled, his gaze somewhat unfocused, with stubble on his face, a slightly lean figure, wearing a yellow delivery uniform, sitting on the ground.

He looked a bit worn out and somewhat disheveled...

From the background, it was clear that he wasn't at home but in a grassy area.

There were several toppled wine bottles on the ground, indicating recent drinking.

The man then forced a smile at the screen and said:

"Hello, Master Wang!"

"Hello to the viewers in the live stream room."

"I'm Liu Buzhu, 35 years old, currently just an ordinary delivery driver."

Although the man seemed slightly intoxicated, he spoke coherently without any drunken outbursts or shouting.

For some unknown reason, the viewers in the live stream room felt a pang of sadness upon seeing Liu Buzhu in this state.

At this moment, Wang Yue also showed a slight smile towards the screen and greeted:

"Hello there, fortunate one."

"What are you trying to calculate?"

Liu Buzhu listened with a bitter smile and then spoke to the camera:

"Master Wang, I'm sorry, but I may not have the money to give you right now.

I don't know if you can help me first.

When I get my salary, I will definitely repay you the fee promptly."

Upon hearing Liu Buzhu's words, the viewers in the livestream room fell silent.

In this society, is there really someone who can't even come up with 3000 yuan?

Could this be intentional troublemaking?

As a result, the barrage on the screen became lively:

"If you don't have money, why are you causing trouble?

Get out of here and stop wasting Master Wang's time."

"If you're short on cash, you can borrow from a friend, or use lending platforms.

There are plenty of ways to get money.

Not having money isn't an excuse not to pay..."

"This life is really messed up.

If you can't even come up with 3000 yuan, how have you survived until now?"

"They didn't say they won't pay, just that it's not convenient now.

They will pay when they get their salary. Do you really need to speak so harshly?"

"@Above, do you just believe whatever others say?

What if they don't show up later, will you pay back the money?"

"Exactly, Master Wang isn't running a charity.

If others follow suit and don't pay the fee, should Master Wang still do the fortune-telling for free?"

"You dare not to pay the fee? You're really audacious, trying to avoid paying.

Aren't you afraid of karmic consequences?"


Two different voices appeared in the barrage, instantly sparking an argument.

Some believed that since Liu Buzhu didn't have money, he shouldn't waste everyone's time.

Who gets their fortune told without paying? Others thought that everyone faces difficulties at some point, and there's no need to be so harsh in speech...

Wang Yue also furrowed his brows slightly, not answering immediately but using the skill "See Clearly," looking at Liu Buzhu.

He wanted to see what the situation was.

In the next moment, Liu Buzhu's destiny trajectory appeared before Wang Yue's eyes.

After understanding his destiny's path, Wang Yue's furrowed brow slowly relaxed.

In that moment, Liu Buzhu gazed at the barrage on the screen, his face contorting in even more agony, despair...

Then, he hastily spoke:

"You've misunderstood, I truly don't refuse to give, but..."