

With the tier upgrade, the wand not only became capable of handling the tier-1 modifier, but it also boosted his stats. Now the goal was to save up again for the new big item: the unique trait.

It wasn't too expensive. Only 25 fragments. While the tier-2 upgrade would cost a 100 fragments.

That might take a minute to collect.

Another new option was the capacity upgrade, which should allow him more spells and modifiers within the wand. The rest of options were the same. Cast refresh, mana regeneration, and stat bonus.

Now he just needed to collect more fragments.

I'm so damn tired, though.

Ethan leaned against the wall, wincing and hissing as he inhaled through gritted teeth from his many injuries, and closed his eyes for a second. He wasn't going to sleep. He just needed to rest his eyes. His ears were on high alert, listening for any noise. Whether it be wind, screeches, or steps.

There were people around, clearly enough. Probably a victim or two of the maniac lying dead a few corridors away. Should he try to find them?

If people were turning on each other, he'd rather not. But the problem was, Ethan still needed to sleep. Probably needed to find food and water as well.

That'd be a lot easier with some people around.

He opened his eyes and brought up his wand menu. He'd cross that bridge when he came to it. For now, he had a modifier to assign.

Reluctantly, Ethan dismissed his claws. He probably had enough mana to bring them back at this point.

Wand #1: [Form: Claws][Sequential: None]

At first, he tried dropping [Flaming Enhancement] on the second box. The one that said "none". But it didn't work. So he dropped it on Claws, and both in the interface and within his chest he felt something click. He brought the configuration screen up again.

Wand #1: [Form: [Flaming][Claws]]

The second case that had "sequential" in its name disappeared, while the default case now contained two cases, one for [Flaming Enhancement], one for [Claws].

That's it? Well. Time to test this. Hopefully, it doesn't burn me.

Ethan triggered the wand and put his proverbial finger on the off button. In case the fire burned him, he was instantly turning the wand off.

Same as the last couple of times, mana rushed out of his chest. The magic layered itself against his hands, strengthening it, growing the claws. When that part was done, his hands ignited with a woosh that made him shrink back.

Ethan waited for the pain to scream into his mind. A second. Two seconds.

Nothing. No pain. Only a comfortable warmth, and dancing yellow and orange flames. And the sensation of his soul being sucked dry.


Ethan groaned and disabled the magic. It was like something had just scooped out a part of his heart and made firewood out of it. He had to breathe deep for a few seconds until the feeling lost its edge, but the verdict was clear.

[Flaming Enhancement] was writing checks his mana reserves couldn't cash.

I guess I need to invest in mana regeneration if I want to use the modifier any time soon. Oh well. A few fragments won't make a big difference.

[Mana regeneration: Increase by 0.04 - 1 fragments]

[Mana regeneration: Increase by 0.05 - 2 fragments]

That was convenient. Once the upgrade sunk into his arm, Ethan really noticed the flow of mana coming into his hands and up toward his chest. He might have been imagining it before, but with the regeneration rate being literally multiplied by ten, he could distinctly sense the tingly energy move up his arm. A quick glance to his status page confirmed the upgrade.

Mana regeneration: 0.1 (5%)

Within the minute, his chest felt full, so he ignited his hands again.

The fire surged around his claws, but Ethan didn't pay it too much attention. Instead, he focused on the feeling in his chest, where this mana seemed to be stored. After a minute, he still felt comfortable, so he opened his eyes and grinned.

"Problem solved, I guess."

Still sitting and resting, Ethan turned his hands this way and that. He touched one of the dead lizardlings with his right hand, and smoke immediately began wafting off its skin. He touched his own bicep, but only felt a comfortable heat, which made him smile for a second before he smelled burnt cloth and was forced to extinguish his hands and smother his burning sleeve.

The flame didn't hurt his enhanced hand, but it could definitely damage his clothes. Which might become a problem. Ethan dismissed the claws and pulled up the new side quest.

Side quest:

Reach level 10


1 trait from a list of tailored options.

3 stat points.

He was almost there. What kind of trait was he going to get?

"Now for the last order of business. Where does the stat point go?"

Mana? More Toughness? Spirit? What did that one even do, actually?

Ethan frowned for a second, then decided he didn't want to deal with that right now. Mana or Toughness. One was dangerously low. The second saved his life and he could use more of it right about now.

"Still. Toughness is pretty high. I just need to rest and let it work its magic. Some extra mana reserves would be good. Plus, who knows? Maybe there's something out there that can snuff out my claws. If I find myself in a situation where I need to keep recasting Claws, I'm screwed."

With that, Ethan assigned the point to Mana, then leaned back against the wall. His body was slightly less sore. The many stabs—most were superficial—still radiated pain, but they were getting better. Thankfully, he wasn't bleeding, as far as he could see.

Well. Not externally, at least. Though he felt like Toughness should protect him a bit from internal bleeding. If not… He'd had a good run. He doubted there were hospitals nearby anyway.

But maybe there's healing spells out there? That would be useful to have.

Ethan closed his eyes for a few moments. Since an hour or two ago, he'd been caught in the system messages, the lizardlings, the side quests. He hadn't had a chance to think about the outside world at all.

What was happening? He recalled the message. Something about realities being found? They spoke about sub-par mana levels and tampering. Did that mean his home world has had its magic cut off?

Lots of questions he'd like the answers to. Eventually.

For now, he needed to survive.


A scratchy voice suddenly reached his ears and Ethan's eyes shot open. It took him a second to realize the voices were coming from down the hall, and that he'd dozed off.

Dammit. At least they're stupid enough to be loud.

Ethan cautiously turned and saw only two lizardlings. Levels 4 and 5.

"We should go back. Tell the chieftain."

"Shut it. We can harvest them first. Share their fragments."

The two slowly approached, and Ethan took stock of his body. He must have been asleep for a bit because he couldn't feel the stabbing pains anymore. Only soreness.

Ethan chided himself as he tracked the two lizardlings. Dumb. If another person had come around, I would have been in trouble.

He really couldn't afford to make those kinds of mistakes.

The lizardlings stepped in front of him, and Ethan's claws ignited. The two screeched with surprise as Ethan clawed the throat of the first one. Blood sizzled and smoked as it hit the wall. The second recoiled in shock, but Ethan didn't kill it. Instead, he took its legs from under it with a well-placed kick. Then, aiming his claw at the lizardling's face, he asked. "What level is your chieftain? And where are the humans?"

The lizardling's lips stretched across its sharp teeth. "I'll tell you. So he can break your bones and add you to the cage with the other humans. And then we'll feast on—"

Ethan touched the lizardling's bare chest, and it screeched with pain.


You have defeated [Lizardling - Level 4]

You have defeated [Lizardling - Level 5]

Wand #1: 4 fragments collected.

In the end, the lizardling had cracked pretty quickly. It could have lied, of course, but it really did seem to trust its chieftain.

Ethan made his way down the stairs where the torch was still lit, then turned right. The hall was empty this time around. Light on his feet, he followed the tunnel, then turned left, killed two more lizardlings for 3 fragments, then took another left and followed the torches. A minute later, he found the camp.

It was sparsely populated, and the few lizardlings he could see were armed. They seemed to be occupying some sort of reception area. A wide open space with a fire at the center, and torn clothes or just leathers to serve as beds. Beyond the fire, he could see cages, but he couldn't make out what was in them.

Ethan didn't think of himself as a hero, but he wasn't going to let potentially decent people get devoured by these weirdoes. Plus, that chieftain sounded like a good bag of levels, and clearing the rest of the camp should net him a good haul.

One last thing, though.

Ethan still wanted to save up for the Unique Trait upgrade, but there was no need to be too greedy, especially when he was about to head into a big fight.

[Stat Bonus: Increase by 1 - 5 fragments]

Ethan grinned and applied the upgrade. When the process was over, he ignited his hands and stepped into the room.

He had fragments and levels to collect.

And people to save, too. Of course.



When Liz had left her shop and walked into the strange portal, she had hoped to get through the tutorial quickly. Maybe watch a video or two then head home for a well-deserved shower and dinner.

She hadn't expected to find herself in a cage this quick. She also didn't expect to have to comfort a stranger while they had a meltdown. "I'm sure they're fine," said Liz as she studied the cage she was in yet another time. "The aliens gave us a choice, didn't they? You don't give a tutorial to someone you want to kill, and it'd make no sense for them to bring children in here. I'm sure they're somewhere safe. We've got to get out of here. Whatever has them riled up won't last forever, and I'd rather not end up in a stew."

Martha loudly hiccuped and wiped at her eyes. "But what am I going to tell their parents? It took me away without letting me make sure they're safe! What if—"

"For the love of god, lady," growled Gerald. "We're in goddamn cages and these monsters keep smacking their lips at us whenever they come by. How about you worry about yourself for a second?"

Liz gave the man an annoyed look. She agreed with the sentiment but not with how it was said, but whatever. Now wasn't the time to comfort the distraught young woman.

The mechanic turned her attention back to the cage. She could break out of this. That was the easy part. The problem was, how were they going to deal with all of those lizard things surrounding them? Most of them were above level 4, while Liz, Martha, and the man named Gerald were all level 1.

Her eyes fell on the pool of blood next to the broken cage and her stomach twisted itself into knots. If they broke the cage, the lizardlings would fall on them like a bunch of feral rats.

Someone had tried, and the screams were still echoing in her ears.

Liz shook her head and pushed the fear gnawing up in her chest down. She looked through her system again. The crossbow she'd selected was a good weapon. But she'd only discovered that she had a crappy aim once she was inside the tutorial. The thing took too much out of her. When she woke up and found the lizardlings, she was only able to shoot one arrow before getting dizzy. And then that was it. She got caught.

As she stewed on her failure, she narrowed the cause down to one thing, and one thing only: Mana. She needed to raise that stat and its regeneration. But how? Why wasn't there a guide or a manual for this crap?

She turned to Gerald and found him looking at her. He looked resolved, and he must have been thinking the same as her.

We can't stay here.

She gave him a small nod, then asked. "Risk it?"

The man looked at their surroundings for a second, then turned and nodded. "Once they give us a chance," he whispered back.

They couldn't keep waiting. They couldn't wait for the lizardlings to get hungry.

Liz looked away for a moment, wondering what the chance would look like when she saw it.

Down the tunnel she'd been brought in from, two torches were moving. At first, her stomach dropped. She thought it was the little army of lizardlings that was coming back. But when the young man stepped into the room, hands burning with fire, Liz jolted up to her feet.

This was it.

Liz gripped the flimsy rods that made up the cage and turned to the other two. "Hey! Help's coming. Get ready," she told them as her simple metal and wooden crossbow appeared in her hand. A glowing bolt was already set, and Liz exhaled and aimed.

I have to hit to something. I need the levels. I… holy shit.

Liz couldn't stop watching the carnage taking place. Within seconds of the newcomer stepped into the room, blood and smoking viscera began flying around him. A lizardling got knocked down with a punch, while another got grabbed and swung by its tail into another group right before he turned his attention back to the first one. The man stomped on the downed lizardling's neck and killed it.

The level above the man's head changed from 9 to 10.

In a way, it reminded Liz of an adult roughhousing with toddlers. Only the difference here was that the lizardlings were being stabbed, kicked, and left burning, bleeding out, or both.

It was just so… one sided. The remaining lizardlings rushed to the man, only to be quickly dealt with. The spear tips—whenever a lizardling managed to get to him—barely went into his flesh.

They might as well have been toothpicks.

Within seconds, barely a handful of lizardlings were still up.

[Lizardling - Level 5]

[Lizardling - Level 8]

[Lizardling - Level 14]

[Human - Level 10]

"He's already level 10… How?"

Gerald scoffed. "Probably got lucky."

Liz looked sideways for a moment, then ignored the man. That didn't look like luck. The young man looked too comfortable fighting, and those feints and leg-grabs looked way too smooth for a beginner. This was either a very privileged person who'd had personal trainers since they were four years old, or it was someone who'd grown up around the wrong crowds.

What am I doing?

Liz shook herself awake and raised her crossbow, aiming at the closest lizardling. The level 5. She exhaled, then pulled the trigger.

The bolt of blue light flashed forward and struck into the lizardling's back.

Liz lowered her shaking arm and leaned against the wall as the world spun around her, but it was worth it. She'd hit her mark. It would have been embarrassing to miss the lizardling when it was barely ten feet away.

You have defeated [Lizardling - Level 5]

You have reached Level 2. 1 stat point awarded.

You have reached Level 3. 1 stat point awarded.

Liz immediately put the points in mana, then began working on the fibers that held the cage together.


Well, they aren't completely defenseless, at least, Ethan thought to himself as he noticed the crossbow shot. He turned his attention back to the highest leveled lizardling. The chieftain.

He'd hit level 10, which meant there was a trait waiting for him. He wished he could get his trait right now or look at the new quest, but he couldn't afford the distraction. Not when his enemy was another enhancer-wand user who was slowly positioning himself to use that massive tail of his.

Seriously. The thing was as long as the lizardling was tall.

The two kept circling each other, which frequently opened Ethan's back to a wanna-be ambusher. Of course, they were quickly dispatched, which seemed to progressively worsen the chieftain's temper until it finally spoke in a scratchy voice.

"You will pay, human. We will fea—"

"Shut it," said Ethan as he lunged forward.

The chieftain's eyes narrowed, and it whipped its tail forward, aiming straight at Ethan's face and at the last second, a smile stretched across his lips.


He hadn't been sure where the tail was going to hit, but he'd hoped for something high. High enough he could tear into it quickly. Toward his feet or knees would have been awkward, and he would have had to defend himself or jump—which would open him to another strike. But eye level?

Ethan parried with his left hand and grunted at the impact that rattled his shoulder. With his right, he swung down and tore four deep grooves which scratched and sizzled the lizardling's tail to the bone.

It screeched with pain, but Ethan didn't let it recover. He stepped closer and aimed a clawed hand straight at the chieftain's neck, but that tail was a lot faster than he expected. It slapped Ethan's hand away before it could hit its mark.

The second tail-whip went for his left foot and Ethan readied another strike, only to be caught on his side by a different tail.

Ethan threw himself back and wheezed with pain. The chieftain had two tails now, and it leered at him with its slitted eyes. A forked tongue slipped out, tasting the air as Ethan straightened back up.

"Crafty little shit."

Ethan took in his surroundings again. The three prisoners had broken out of their cage and were fighting one of the lizardlings—well, two of them. One woman was still basically just standing behind the other two, doing nothing.

Ethan noticed the level of their lizardling, and his lips drew into a line. A level 8 lizardling might be too much for them.

He focused back on his own opponent and stepped forward. The lizardling chieftain dragged both tails back, ready to strike.

Can't help them if I don't finish up this guy first.

Ethan smiled at the lizardling, then ran a couple of steps and took a leaping jump.

The lizardling was surprised for a second but it reacted quickly by whipping one tail at ground level and another at head level.

Ethan tanked both tails, wincing from the impact while his right claws shot toward the lizardling's throat. A tail whipped up, barely deflecting his strike, but he still drew blood. Ethan racked the chieftain' shoulder, but not enough to be debilitating. The lizardling gave him a vicious look as it readied itself for another tail-whip, but Ethan was close enough. And he wasn't done.

He took a small step and stabbed with his left arm, sinking his claws wrist-deep into the chieftain's chest. Yellow slitted eyes stared at him in surprise, and Ethan wrenched his hand back and wrinkled his nose at the smell of burnt flesh.

"No feasting for you."

You have defeated [Lizardling - Level 14]

You have reached Level 11. 1 stat point awarded.

Wand #1: 8 fragments collected.

With the chieftain's fragments collected, Ethan went to give a hand to the other participants.

As he approached, he found the lizardling toying with the man. The stranger had opted for a sword, and even though he didn't seem that proficient with it, it still kept the lizardling at bay. The second fighter, a young woman wearing blue and stained overalls had a crossbow in her hand, and she seemed to be struggling to breath as she turned toward him.

The lizardling finally noticed his arrival, then its eyes drifted to the smoking corpse of the chieftain.

It began turning its dagger toward Ethan—

And he tore half of its neck out with a quick clawed swipe as a blue glowing arrow hit it in the chest.

You have defeated [Lizardling - Level 8]

Ethan eyed the arrow for a second, then turned to the shooter, a question on his lips. Had she also received the notification?

He quickly realized his question would have to wait. The crossbow-wielder stumbled, her weapon dissolving into motes. She panted, a hand on her chest, and Ethan recognized the phenomenon. Luckily for her, it should be easy to fix.

Plus, well. She did help take the lizardling down.
