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Home Rebirth as a Willow Tree, building the strongest tribe in all of eternity Chapter 30 - Chapter 30: Chapter 28: Dark Fog (Please Keep Reading) _1

Rebirth as a Willow Tree, building the strongest tribe in all of eternity

Chapter 30 - Chapter 30: Chapter 28: Dark Fog (Please Keep Reading) _1

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Eye Bags Are Not From Age! Meet The Main Enemy Of Under-Eye Bags!

Eye Bags Are Not From Age! Meet The Main Enemy Of Under-Eye Bags!


Chapter 30: Chapter 28: Dark Fog (Please Keep Reading) _1

Translator: 549690339

Within the Wilderness, ferocious beasts are hard to hunt, and their blood is precious – one of the finest ingredients for body tempering.

Moreover, the stronger and more precious the beast's bloodline, the better the effect of its blood in body tempering.

According to a friend of his living in a village, all boys reaching a certain age must undergo a medicine bath in his place. The blood of the ferocious beast, combined with several specific herbs, could yield enhancements in strength after soaking for a certain period of time.

Thus, they have developed into their current state, survived in the perpetually dangerous Wilderness, and passed on their lineage.

Old man Lin once tried to inquire about the recipe but was categorically denied by the other party.

Each ancient body-tempering formula is a long-standing tradition and one of the core treasures of the village, hardly ever revealed to the outside.

But no matter, without the prescription, soaking in the blood of the pure beast can still refine the flesh, merely with differing results in scale.

"Father, didn't you say that the medicine bath is best taken when young? We have all grown big and strong now, will it still work?" Lin Zhuang said in a grumbling tone.

While speaking, he glanced at the Bronze Cauldron and assessed his own physique. The verdict was a very serious one: he probably couldn't fit into the Cauldron.

"The effect is the same when you're older, just not as good as when you were young," Old man Lin grinned, pouring the crimson blood into the Big Pot, and then lit a fire underneath.


Flames roared and in the blink of an eye, the blood in the Giant Cauldron began to churn and steam.

Old man Lin tested the temperature, nodded his head, feeling it was about right, and signaled Lin Zhuang and the others to get in.

Although somewhat reluctant, since their patriarch had given the order, Lin Zhuang and the others had no choice but to obey.

Just as Lin Zhuang anticipated, the Giant Cauldron indeed couldn't accommodate him; he could only soak half of his body.

The same went for Lin Chen.

"Father, isn't the temperature a bit high? Are you sure this is a medicine bath, not a form of tyrannical abuse?!" Lin Chen gritted his teeth, his entire body having turned beet-red in just a short while.

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"Nonsense, what do you know? Only in this way can you stimulate your old skin, and the medicinal effect can be better absorbed. Your old skin will be replaced by new skin, and your strength will be enhanced!" Old man Lin glanced at the Second Eldest Son of the Lin Family and said.

A silent night followed.

At dawn, the morning light reflected on the dewdrops on the weeds, creating a beautiful spectacle.

Jiang Hui woke up from his sleep, feeling refreshed.

Although he was a tree and seldom needed any rest, the habits ingrained over many years from his previous life weren't easy to change.

He extended his senses, covering several kilometers around him.

Within this range, no movement could escape his perception.

Just then, Jiang Hui's countenance subtly changed.

At the very edge of his perceptual range, an aura of mist, seemingly out of nowhere, had begun to pervade.

However, if it were an ordinary mist, it wouldn't have mattered. But this mist was pitch black, like spilled ink. It surged and writhed, gushing out from the unknown depths, spreading around. Its vast, dark mass gave off a malicious and terrifying sensation.

Although its speed was not too fast, reaching him was just a matter of time.

Something big was about to happen in the Wilderness?

Caution rose in Jiang Hui's heart.

The sudden appearance of this black mist was too unusual, too abrupt, making it difficult for him not to make associations.

However, he was currently unable to act. He could only watch from afar, even though the black mist was only a step away from him.

Fortunately, the speed of the black mist spread slower than he had anticipated, giving him ample time to warn the people of Liu Village.

Three days later.

The pervasive black mist had finally infiltrated the boundaries of Liu Village.

At the entrance of Liu Village.

The grand sun hung high in the sky, its early light shimmering like gold dust, bathing the people below…

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MS: Finding the Right Diet for Me


Upon receiving Jiang Hui's message, Old man Lin and the others had been waiting in formation for a long time.

They all held weapons. Particularly noteworthy were Lin Zhuang and Lin Chen, who had directly plucked the ivory tusks of the One-horned Elephant they had hunted some time ago. They might not be handy, but they carried an imposing air.

"Damn it, what the hell is that? It looks shady and doesn't seem like anything good," Lin Zhuang said, his fierce gaze and imposing aura made him look like a ferocious beast.

Although he hadn't yet mastered the Treasured Technique, his physical prowess was evident. Even those who had just learned the technique would be far less formidable than him.

"The elder brother is right!" The Second Brother of Lin Family, Lin Chen, had an astonishing aura as well. His eyes shone brightly. The rugged ivory tusk was placed on his shoulder, adding to his intimidating physique of about two meters, providing an aura of pressure.

He had been on the brink of collapse due to the damn Rune all these days and desperately needed an opportunity to vent.

Today, it finally arrived.

Around them, as the black mist grew closer, eerie, earsplitting growls started to emit faintly.

On top of that, Lin Zhuang and the others smelled a stinking odor, akin to rotting corpses.

"Everyone must be on their guard!" Old man Lin had a serious expression, warning everyone. The black mist was very strange and made him feel as if something would burst out of it at any moment.

Just as Old man Lin was deliberating, a few monster-like creatures of human size, with bodies pitch black and mouths full of blood-red fangs, actually burst out from the black mist.

The monsters had bloody red eyes, akin to scattered glow-worms in the night. In less than a moment, hundreds of them had crawled out.

This sight had scared some of the younger and more timid ones who couldn't help but cry out. But their screams were quickly drowned out by the roar of stick-like noises.

It was the two brutes, Lin Zhuang and Lin Chen.

They didn't care about the monsters. They plunged their enormous ivory tusks into the thickest concentration of the creatures, and the force of their thrust alone killed several grotesque creatures with their gaping mouths.

Although these monsters looked frightening, they weren't particularly powerful. Lin Zhuang and Lin Chen could easily smash a large swath of them with a single swing of their tusks.

The arrival of the black mist had been an imposing display of sound and fury, but it ultimately was mere bluster.

Jiang Hui had been prepared to intervene, but upon seeing that the creatures in the black mist did not pose any real danger, he abandoned the idea.

For the people of Liu Village, these monsters were just right. They were an excellent opportunity for physical training and for enhancing their combat experience.

But just because Liu Village could handle it with ease, didn't mean that the other settlements could.

If what Old man Lin said was true, in the Wilderness, tribes like his old one were scattered about like stars in the sky, innumerable. Some small tribes often had no Sacrificial Spirit to protect them….

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Home Rebirth as a Willow Tree, building the strongest tribe in all of eternity Chapter 31 - Chapter 31: Chapter 29: The Look of Inexperience (Please follow the story)_1

Rebirth as a Willow Tree, building the strongest tribe in all of eternity

Chapter 31 - Chapter 31: Chapter 29: The Look of Inexperience (Please follow the story)_1

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Chapter 31: Chapter 29: The Look of Inexperience (Please follow the story)_1

Translator: 549690339

This battle, from sunrise to sunset, had turned into a complete one-sided massacre.

The people of Liu Village were decimating the fog monsters single-handedly.

Everyone had trained in the Body Tempering Scripture. Although the extent of their improvements varied, even the weakest among them possessed strength equivalent to a thousand pounds.

With their broadswords in hand, they could easily cut the monsters in the fog in half, akin to chopping melons and vegetables.

However, the number of monsters was simply too numerous; every time a batch was killed, another batch would regroup, seeming endless.

By the end of the fight, when the black fog dissipated, the villagers were nearly exhausted.

Everyone was covered in blood, panting heavily, and drenched in sweat. Even so, they were all excited, sharing smiles of accomplishment.

In the absence of Lord Willow God's protection, they had weathered this calamity. This was enough to prove their growth during this period and shows they didn't disappoint the cultivation Lord Willow God had bestowed on them.

"Bloody birds, why the hell are you eating my sheep!"

Upon returning, Old man Lin discovered that almost half of the hundreds of wild mountain sheep he had been painstakingly raising were dead. All that remained were skeletal remains, and there was no question about who the culprit was!!


Blowing his beard in rage, he wished to pluck those monsters from the fog and give them another beating.

If they have guts, they should go after his elder and younger sons and see whose fists are bigger. What's the point of eating his sheep?!

The incident with the black fog didn't linger for long in the minds of the villagers, and they pushed it to the back of their minds in just a little over half a month.

Only Old man Lin, still fuming, wanted to find the fog again and beat up the monsters to avenge his lambs.

While everyone else was becoming more docile with age, he was becoming more hot-tempered.

Thankfully, Lin Zhuang and the others held him back.

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The reason why they could act so recklessly was because they had Lord Willow God backing them up. However, if they all rushed out to seek revenge on the black fog, would Lord Willow God still protect them?!

Hearing this, Old man Lin finally calmed down, but was still angry. He made a stern threat. The next time the monsters emerge, he will defeat ten or even eleven of them alone, using their heads to honor the spirits of his lambs.

Winter gave way to spring, and the earth sprung to life with the warmth of the season.

The early sun rose, casting a broad beam of light.

With the heavy layer of snow completely melted, the season of rebirth had once again arrived.

Worth noting is that, in this short period, Jiang Hui had almost accumulated over half of the experience points needed for his next upgrade.

It seemed like the fog monsters were highly nourishing to him. Any believer of his who killed them would net him a significant amount of experience points. The only pity was that he couldn't act, otherwise, Jiang Hui would certainly have displayed his power that day and captured all the monsters in the fog.

One day, above the Liu Village, smoke from cooking rose, along with the scent of food, carrying with it the unique essence of human life.

Mrs. Zhang, along with several of her daughters, were busy cooking. They were stewing beast meat that had not yet been eaten in a cauldron.

The meat of ferocious beasts was extremely easy to store, especially in the freezing winter months. After defrosting, the previously sliced beast meat still remained tender and fresh, as if it had just been slaughtered.

Old man Lin was also pitching in. Although his flock of sheep had not increased this winter, many ewes were expecting. In a few months' time, there would be a nest of lambs waiting for him, which buoyed his mood considerably.

"Father, there are people coming from outside the mountain, they seem to be refugees…"

Lin Rui, the fifth son of the Lin family, suddenly rushed in, speaking with a peculiar expression.

"Refugees?" Old man Lin frowned but quickly let it slide.

The Wilderness was filled with fierce birds and wild beasts, powerful entities that could easily flatten tribes and even villages, especially after the recent black fog… It wasn't surprising if many tribes were destroyed and there were refugees.

Old man Lin pulled out a ripe yam from the fire pit and handed it to Lin Rui. He then stood up and said, "Take me to see."


The two had come to the outskirts of Liu Village.

Before they got close, they could already see many figures in Old man Lin's eyesight.

These people were dirty and shabby-looking, with fear in their trembling eyes as they stared at Lin Zhuang and Lin Chen, who stood in front of them.

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The presence of these two Lin brothers was too oppressive. Each of them was about two meters tall with muscular bodies, their arms thicker than the refugees' thighs, they stood like iron towers.

"We come from a nearby Native Tribe. Our tribe was annihilated in a recent calamity. Only a few of us were fortunate enough to survive. We had no choice but to flee here. Please, kindly give us some food."

An old man with wild white hair, a stooped back, and a weary expression on his face full of wrinkles and dirt stepped out as Old man Lin finished speaking.

The old man's face was marked with hardship and despair. His cracked lips were constantly coughing. As he spoke, his body shivered uncontrollably, and his steps became even more unsteady.

"Many of our women are already several months pregnant. If they don't get enough to eat soon, they may die along with their unborn children."

The old clan leader of the Native Tribe cried out. He was already feeble and had a hard time making it this far. If he continued on like this, he would not survive the day.

"This…" Old man Lin opened his mouth, his look filled with pity.

He saw that many women in the crowd were indeed pregnant, and there were also newborn babies. Either one would struggle to survive in the Wilderness on their own. Even adult males could not survive without any real strength, becoming food for these fierce beasts.

Comparing their situation to the refugees, the villagers of Liu Village felt grateful for their circumstances.

They didn't have to worry about food, shelter, or getting advice from Lord Willow God to progress rapidly.

All of these depended on the grace of Lord Willow God!!!

"Please wait a moment. This old one needs to consult the Deity of Worship of our village. If he agrees, I will gladly welcome you," Old man Lin announced loudly. Despite his age, his voice was still full of spirit.

Even though he was appointed by Jiang Hui as the first Village Leader of Liu Village with the power to handle the affairs of the village, when there were significant events, Old man Lin would still feel the need to consult Jiang Hui.

However, as soon as he spoke, the surrounding refugees let out surprised gasps.

They were stunned by the words "Deity of Worship" spoken by Old man Lin.

Did they hear that correctly?

This place, it's actually protected by the Deity of Worship?!!

Almost all the refugees widened their eyes, their fear mingling with intense envy.

Meanwhile, Lin Zhuang, Lin Chen, and Lin Rui showed an impressive amount of pride on their faces.

Look at these country bumpkins!

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Home Rebirth as a Willow Tree, building the strongest tribe in all of eternity Chapter 32 - Chapter 32: Chapter 30: The Beginning of Adding

Rebirth as a Willow Tree, building the strongest tribe in all of eternity

Chapter 32 - Chapter 32: Chapter 30: The Beginning of Adding

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Eye Bags Are Not From Age! Meet The Main Enemy Of Under-Eye Bags!

Eye Bags Are Not From Age! Meet The Main Enemy Of Under-Eye Bags!


Chapter 32: Chapter 30: The Beginning of Adding

Members, Respecting Willow God as Superior _1

Translator: 549690339

"You can earn faith value in this way?"

On top of the mountain.

Feeling the surge of faith value from Old man Lin and the others, Jiang Hui was puzzled.

He could not recall doing anything special.

However, adhering to the principle that anything received for free is always the best, Jiang Hui shrugged off the need to understand why.

As for the arrival of these refugees, he had known it way long ago, but considering their helpless state, he did not bother informing Old man Lin.

"But no matter how you look at it, these refugees are potential followers on the move. It would be good to give Old man Lin a dream, urging him to retain as many as possible," Jiang Hui thought.

The importance of followers was self-evident. The more followers he had, the faster his experience points would grow.

Meanwhile, at the foot of the mountain, Old man Lin had already led the original inhabitants of the Native Tribe into Liu Village.

Liu Village's actual inhabitable area wasn't particularly large, given that there were only eight people residing there. And so, as soon as the refugees from the Native Tribe stepped into Liu Village, several majestic marble structures caught their eyes instantly.

Each of these structures was impeccably square and flawlessly built; they appeared to be crafted masterpieces, causing the Native Tribe folks to gasp in admiration.

"Brother, what's that?"

The sight of a gigantic skeleton caught the Clan Leader of the Native Tribe off guard.

His eyes widened; it seemed he had discovered something extraordinary as his body involuntarily trembled slightly.

"Ah, that one. It's just a ferocious beast that my eldest and second son casually killed a while ago. We intended to dispose it after consuming its meat, but I guess we forgot about it over time," Old man Lin introduced casually, seeming incredibly nonchalant.

Forgot to throw it away? Who would believe that? Who could believe it?

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This huge beast was placed along the footpath; even a blind person could notice it! It was not a matter of forgetting to throw it away, it was clearly meant for showing off.

However, despite what they thought, the Native Tribe all forced smiles onto their faces.

In the end, wasn't this a display of strength too? If only they had such power, their tribe would never fall to such depths!

This thought left a bitter taste in the Clan Leader of the Native Tribe's mouth.

Moreover, he grew increasingly curious about Liu Village. He remembered visiting the area in his younger days, but he could never recall a village there!

Besides the few men leading the way, he had not seen another soul on the way.

"Brother, why is the village so… sparsely populated?" After hesitating for a moment, the Clan Leader of the Native Tribe could not help but ask.

Usually, a tribe would have more than a hundred people, a village by right should have more.

"Ah, well, there are only ten people in Liu Village, including myself. Apart from the one who is my spouse, the rest are my children. There haven't been any outsiders, so naturally, it may seem a bit desolate," Old man Lin explained- the news hit the Native Tribe people like a bolt from the blue.

They dared to establish a village with only ten people?!

This was child's play!

But then…

The sight of the Ferocious Beast's carcass on the roadside made everything reasonable all of a sudden.

The villagers here were just too powerful! They dared to hunt Ferocious Beasts as food!

These thoughts left the Clan Leader of the Native Tribe feeling quite bitter.

Apart from the Head of Liu Village and his spouse, Liu Village was made up of merely eight people, two of them could slay Ferocious Beast and feast on its meat; this made him feel inferior by comparison.

Given that their tribe, with over a hundred and eighty people, was considered quite sizable around these parts and even boasted many talented young men, none could match the level of the sons of Liu Village's Clan Leader.

Why couldn't such capable men be part of his tribe?

With a sigh, the Clan Leader of the Native Tribe decided to stop probing; he already felt the impact, it was a lot to process.

Night fell casting a hazy shade upon the land.

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Liu Village was quiet.

In a makeshift wooden house.

The strongest man of the Native Tribe sought out the old man.

He was in his thirties and wielded an iron axe. His physique was much inferior to Lin Zhuang and Lin Chen, but within the Native Tribe, he was deemed exceptional.

The Clan Leader of the Native Tribe had high hopes for him, but after comparing him with the other two, he felt their strongest man seemed too weak.

"Clan Leader, I am here to represent everyone and discuss some matters with you," the man said hesitantly after a while.

"Cough, there's no need for you to speak, I already know what you want to say!" The Clan Leader of the Native Tribe waved off and, after emptying his steaming bowl of beast meat soup, he spoke.

"Clan Leader, you…you know?" the man stammered.

"Even though my ears aren't that sharp, I'm not stupid. You all want to stay here from now on," the Native Tribe Clan Leader sighed deeply. "I've been considering this issue even without your input."

"While Liu Village may be remote and sparsely populated, its inhabitants are extraordinarily strong. They hunt ferocious beasts, and it even seems the Deity of Worship protects the place. It's reasonable and just for us to try to join them."

While speaking, the elderly Clan Leader's eyes gleamed with anticipation.

He didn't care much for power. Even if he lost his leadership position after they joined Liu Village, he would feel content if he could provide his people with a better place to live in his lifetime.

The simplest and most straightforward way to survive in the Wilderness was to join a powerful force.

"Okay, let's do this. I'm going to speak with the Clan Leader of Liu Village, see if they're willing to take us in," the Native Tribe Clan Leader stood up assertively after slamming on the table.

"Old Clan Leader, I'll accompany you," the man started assisting quickly.

After many turns, they quickly arrived at the doorstep of Old man Lin's house.

Old man Lin wasn't surprised by their purpose of visit, and without beating around the bush, he immediately agreed.

The development of Liu Village would take efforts from numerous people, and more importantly, lots of talented people; just relying on his own family was far from enough. Therefore, he was more than happy to see new people willing to join.

Especially since Lord Willow God had discreetly reminded him beforehand.

"In that case, we, the old ones, are ever so grateful to you, Clan Leader," The old Clan Leader and the strongest man of their tribe both looked excited. They could hardly believe matters had proceeded this smoothly.

"No need for thanks. But I must remind you, if you want to join Liu Village, you must forget everything from your Native Tribe days.

Here, everything is arranged by Lord Willow God. We should hold Lord Willow God in the highest regard!" Old man Lin waved and spoke seriously..
