
Chapter 7: The day before her 18th Birthday

I, Andy am currently on the company's elevator to come back to the main dance studio to check on Athena's dance practice.

It will be a little difficult to talk to her after what happened.... Andy murmured softly

Main Studio:

Athena still enraged, acted like nothing happened. She started yo socialize with her co-dancers and reminded them to be careful and not to hurt their selves. Their first dance will be a little seductive and they're in pairs.

After half an hour of practicing without rest, the door of the dance studio opened and Athena raised her hand indicating to stop the music as she saw a man standing at the side of the door.

The dancers whispered and is looking for gossips. Afterall this man seemed familiar yet it's like the first time they saw him. The man who stood at the door with a little sweat om his forehead is Andy!

Andy who looked as dashing as ever, wiped his sweat with a handkerchief. The man with a bristly eyebrows, defined cheekbones and a concrete jaw walked towards Athena and there he smiled. Everyone in the room fell silent as they saw this beautiful scene of a god-like and a goddess who looked just like no extraordinary people.

"Andy!" Athena called to him.

The whole crew members fell even more silent because they've felt like they're strucked with lightning!

Is that the gay one she's calling? or is this another manager of hers?

"I'm hust here to remind you that this day is your final practice okay? Be careful. And also I emailed you the change in your schedule... You'll be going on-stage rehearsal earlier than expected.. Just check your e-mail, I'll be leaving you for a bit to check the performance location" Andy explained thoroughly

"Yes, noted! Mr. Manager!" Athena talked excitedly. A phone call disturbed the silence in the whole room, a familiar ring tone sounded.

Andy saw this and pinched the cheeks of Athena, acted like he's not nervous. At the eyes of Athena, hetill treats her as his little sister. Athena waved goodbye to him with a weight in her heart as she saw the retreating figure of the man holding a phone talking professionally with a serious face

Andy's side:

Andy saw the incoming call and answered as he pinched Athena's cheeks out of habit. He hesitated a bit before pointing his fingers to the dancers behind her, indicating to resume practice... and then he left.

"Hello?" A middle aged man is heard through the phone "We got rid of him already" Mr. Lee added. "Okay, thanks! Sorry for the trouble!..." Andy replied, "Bye!" he added and rushed tl hung up the phone call. He hated having negotiations with the security department afterall.

Andy pushed the elevator's underground floor, the parking lot. He walked and searched for his car. The car that 'they' always use just remained simple in the exterior, but inside is a luxurious design, personally designed for Athena.

Athena, disappointed with how Andy acted towards her, they resume the practice accordingly.

Andy drove away and set his location going to the Starlight Arena, the biggest arena found within the city. He drove at least 30 minutes with the highest speed.

He was welcomed by Miss Yvonne, the manager in-charge of preparing the stage for the upcoming live performance.

"This way Sir" She talked smooth

Andy let her lead the way without responding.

They arrived on the stage first to check on the designs on lay-outs, and Andy checked everything carefully. He even asked to tighten some props which he thought is too loose. Some of the props are also moved because of his decisions.

They arrived next to the audience seats. He just checked some areas and when he felt contented he gave the crews a quick thumb's up.

"Miss Yvonne, Thanks for the hard work for the past months! And also... don't you think something's different woth me today?" He asked curiously because he didn't even see her react with his new look.

"Oh now that you mention it..." The manager thought hard of what has changed... It's obvious though...

"You're more manly now eh?" Andy have had enough of this normal reaction from her and said " *laugh* You're so clueless *laugh*" He left making the young manager confused of his actions. In his eyes the manager remained ignorant of the world.

Yvonne's thoughts: 'Of course I knew you'll straight up' I knew from the start. I just need to remain 'an idiot' to your mind. I'm just your ex, nothing more. Yvonne smiled bitterly.

Going back to the story:

As Andy thought of going back to the Main Studio to check on Athena, he remembered that tomorrow is also her birthday on par with her debut on the entertainment industry.

He hesitated a bit and pushed the button on the VIP floor, the highest floor and the president's office. He pushed the button and he immediately got to the highest floor. Before entering the office you'll be having a whole body scan and a fingerprint scan. He took about an hour before getting permission to go inside the president's office.

He knocked five times before he heard the president say: "Please enter"