
I'm in Hyrule? - A Zelda Fanfic.

Our main character is reincarnated into a Breath of the Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom mashup—lots of progressive strengthening of MC, possibly a sprinkle of r18 / romance. I can guarantee the story will get better as my writing skills improve. I am also going back and updating older chapters. I encourage all readers to give the first ten chapters a try!

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Gamer Leaves Home After Three Years

My time in the Sealed Canyon is nearing its end, and I begin preparations for my departure.

Rhoam and I are in the process of crafting a small cart to store my belongings, and we have made sure to include many features.

The cart has raisable wheels that allow it to turn into a sled or wagon, depending on the terrain it is moving on. It also has a false bottom, where I will place my valuables in case I get robbed, or the cart gets stolen. Lastly, I have built it to allow later upgrades with Zonai or Shiekah tech.

Right now, I will pull it myself, but it's also equipped to be driven by horses or even sandseals.

I've also been upgrading my armor, going through the process of turning my bear pelt into something wearable.

The pelt was first stretched out and then rubbed down with a herb blend that I learned from Rhoam before tanning in the sun for a month. Once this is done, I begin tailoring my new cloak using a wooden mannequin.

The result of hours of sewing and dozens of pinpricks is a cloak that reaches below my knees, with pockets on the inside full of miscellaneous gear, including; flint and steel, kunai, smoke bombs(for future guardian encounters), string, nuts, and dog treats. I'm a bit of a hoarder.

My final outfit is very edgy, the bear head was sewn into a hood, paired with a buff which serves to hide my identity. I have bandoliers strapped across my body, a saber on one hip, a revolver on my belt buckle, and a sharp-looking gauntlet with a glowing yellow chip in my left hand.

Now all I need is pair of black forces.

Floofy has been training his cannon, which I've decided to name 'The Grungler,' with Rhoam and me.

We've developed a fighting style in which Floofy barrages my opponents from a distance, usually in conjunction with a smoke bomb, that has proven very effective.

Floofy's mana stores have also grown a lot, but he has no close-range tools to defend himself, so he is essentially a glass cannon. I want to give him even more protective equipment, but I don't have the tools or components to make it.

The same problem applies to my own gear, I have tons of ideas on upgrades for the Throngler and my Revolver, but I simply lack the resources to execute them.

Rhoam has been really ironing out my blade technique, which matches the water element. My attack style is smooth and sophisticated. I never have straight cuts, but carve arks in my opponent, who are a bunch of boulders right now.

Still, I have hopes of using other elements in my swordsmanship, possibly combining the best of all the respective elements worlds.

When I wake up in my cozy little bed in the rafters of my lab the day of my departure, instead of cheerfully heading off to my morning training, I slowly climb down the pegs I hammered into the wall that lead up to my bunk.

While I am excited to go out and see the world, I am more melancholy that today will be my last with Uncle Rhoam.

I walk over to the cabin, hopping from one stone to another on the well-kept path between our two homes.

The door creaks when I enter the cabin, and I'm hit by the smell of warm tea.

"G'mornin Arjon, I made yeh some tea," the old man says warmly, pouring me a cup.

"Good morning Uncle Rhoam," I reply, setting a pan with some butter over the fire.

We have a breakfast of guinea hen eggs and wild greens, just like any other day, before Rhoam speaks up, "It's about time you head off," he says, speaking casually, like a father telling his kids that it's time to go to school.

I double-check that I have everything ready to go before setting off down the hill with Rhoam, cart in tow. When we reach the boundary to the forest, I take one last look at the cabin on the hill, which I know will be left to the wear of time. It's not just me who is going to be leaving today.

We stroll through the woods in silence. The forest is just waking up, foxes are coming out of their den, and birds are beginning their songs.

I realize that this is the same path that I first took when I woke up here. We soon reach our destination, which is that same hill Rhoa, was logging the day I awoke from my coma.

On the top of the hill is a small chapel. Rhoam grins proudly and says, "Ya didn't think I was just idling around all this time, did ya?"

Before I can respond, he fades into blue sparks, and I see a flash of the same blue sparks appear on the chapels' steeple.

I climb the hill and enter the main room of the structure, where a statue of the goddess Hylia stands tall. I've never been very religious, but I shoot a quick prayer up to the statue, asking for the goddess's help in safely guiding Rhoam to the afterlife.

Once I'm done checking out the interior of the structure, I climb up to the steeple, struggling to get my cart up with me, where Rhoam is waiting for me.

The view from the top of the tower is majestic, I can see a distant grove of Sakura trees, a pine forest, badlands hills, and even a glowing blue Shiekah tower in the distance.

Rhoam has left his simple brown robes in favor of kingly attire; his beard is now trimmed, his body covered in fine gold and silks, and a royal claymore rests on his back.

"We are standing on top of a one-time use travel medallion that will take you right next to a road to Kara Kara city. From there, you will be on your own. Of course, your old uncle has a few gifts left to give you," Rhoam says, pulling some things from his pocket.

"This is my Royal guard's seal, every royal is able to appoint one royal guard, and that guard wields massive political and military power, rivaling that of the royal themselves."

"This seal was mine to give, but I hated the idea of someone else protecting me, so I never used it. It still holds the same power even after my death, I hope you will accept being a guard to a long-dead king, young one."

I begin to respond before being cut off, "Uncle Rhoam, I-" "Shut up, Arjon, I'm giving you nice shit."

The second thing Rhoam holds out is a piece of paper. "This contains a weaving method used to make incredibly valuable fabric, mainly used in the creation of Hyrulian paragliders, I would give you my paraglider, but this is the next best thing."

I secure the two valuable items in a safe pocket before saying goodbye to the king,

"I love you, Uncle Rhoam."

"I love you too, my boy. Say hi to my daughter, it's about time she finds a husband."

With that, the last king of Hyrule fades away, and the travel medallion below my feet flashes. Then, I'm gone in a wink of light.

Ima start naming stuff after the people with the highest fan value because power stones bring me sexual pleasure. Also, comment your ideas because I like to plagiarize my reader's creativity!

Mctoasty_Jrcreators' thoughts