
Chapter 143 Thunder Gun! Admiral Flees!

On the isolated island, the fierce battle has come to an end.

I saw that the ground was full of scars, almost no intact ground, all kinds of potholes, ice cubes, small puddles, and burning flames, with faint blue smoke rising.

At this time, the navy uniforms on the yellow monkey and the green pheasant have been damaged, and only a little remains on their bodies, but they have already been stained red by blood. After the fierce battle, the red has completely turned black , looking very embarrassed.

The two kept panting heavily, looking sluggish, and no longer had the strength to continue fighting.

On the other side, Li Yiming's condition is slightly better, but he is still panting slightly, and he also has large and small scars on his body. Although the desperate fighting method is gorgeous and efficient, the consequences are the same serious.

Feeling the faint pain on the body surface is a feeling that I haven't experienced in a long time.

However, this is the end at most. Although the two admirals teamed up are extremely powerful, Li Yiming is not weak at all in terms of swordsmanship, physical skills, devil fruit development, or the mastery of two-color domineering. Also a little bit more.

So the outcome of this battle was already doomed before it started.

"Brother, you are as strong as a monster!" Huang Yuan panted continuously, his eyes were extremely solemn, he had no intention of joking at all, and his face was full of fear and panic.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Yiming is the only man who has almost defeated him.

He cooperated with Aokiji very tacitly, and he also left some serious scars on the opponent's body during the period, but it couldn't affect the opponent's fighting spirit at all.

The latter was like a tireless beast, whether it was pain or not, Whether it is a crisis or a crisis, neither can shake the opponent's will.

Even Kaido, the 'Hundred Beasts' who is also one of the Four Emperors, can't do this.

Obviously, there is an obvious problem in their navy's deduction of this man. The other party does not have the potential to become the fifth sea emperor, but has become comparable to or even surpasses the strength of the sea emperor. At such a young age , it's really terrible!

This sea is about to fall into chaos again. If he and Aokiji fail to escape today, it will definitely be a very heavy blow to the navy. By then, this sea may really become a pirate Paradise, when the time comes it will be bad.

Not only Huang Yuan thought of this point, but also Aokiji beside him.

The two looked at each other indiscriminately, and they both saw the meaning in each other's eyes. They couldn't continue to entangle, they had to find a chance to escape successfully.

At the very least, the intelligence gained today must be passed back.

Li Yiming's every move of the two has been completely caught in Li Yiming's eyes, and he couldn't help but chuckled, "Don't be so nervous, I won't kill you, I am very satisfied with this battle, and I also got what I want. What I want, and the two of you are quite to my liking, so relax."

"In addition, the conditions I mentioned before are still valid, even you Aokiji, why don't you just quit the navy and hang out with us, nothing else, but the treatment can still be guaranteed."

When he said this, Li Yiming was quite confident.

After all, before arriving at the Chambord Islands, they went to Sky Island on purpose and removed all the gold on it.

That is, when returning to the sea, he happened to meet the golden lion and killed it by the way.

So not to mention two admirals, even half of the navy, Li Yiming's current financial resources can afford it, and it can even be said to be more than enough.

"It's really exciting. If I met you before joining the navy, maybe I would have agreed. But unfortunately, I am a navy now. Although I am usually lazy, I am still very satisfied with my current life. Yes, I have no intention of changing jobs, so I want to disappoint you, little brother.

"I'm not quitting the Navy either."

The two rejected Li Yiming's "good intentions" one after another.

After such a tangled conversation for a while, their physical strength has recovered a little bit.

Although they don't support long-term battles, there is no problem in continuing to use their abilities, so they also resisted a little. confidence.

"That would be such a pity."

Hearing this, Li Yiming shook his head helplessly.

"Since you are not willing to join, then I will not force you. Although I will not kill you, but for the sake of certain things in the future, your navy will not come to get in the way. I will trouble you two uncles to rest for a while. Think of it as a paid vacation!"

As he spoke, Li Yiming began to wave the spear in his hand, injecting magic power into it. Red magic power fluctuations began to appear on the surface of the black spear, and the coercion that emerged became even more terrifying.


"You don't need to call me to know, go!"

There was a rush of shouts, and the yellow ape flashed to the green pheasant, grabbed the latter's shoulder, and then turned into photons and flew away from the isolated island, flying several kilometers in the blink of an eye If it wasn't for the fact that he was carrying a person, he could still be faster.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one spot of light left in the distance.

Li Yiming, who had already expected the actions of the two, was not surprised at all. Instead, he grinned with a playful look on his face.

"Since you're here, don't leave in such a hurry, accept the gift I gave you first!"

As he spoke, his legs exerted force violently, and a huge pit was directly stepped on the ground by him. With the help of this force, the whole person jumped high, and the right hand holding the gun drew back the bow.

The arm hidden under the light armor was already bulging with blue veins, and the terrifying red magic power gathered on the gun head.

The next moment, the power of the thunderous fruit was also wrapped around the gun body, and the white and red were intertwined, turning the originally clear sky All have been reflected in deep red.

"Lightning Lance!!!"

When all the energy was fully concentrated, Li Yiming exerted all his strength and threw the 'Her Faith's Spear' in his hand instantly.

A terrible sonic boom sounded instantly, and under the blessing of Thunder, the spear that was released from his hand was chasing quickly at a speed that surpassed that of the yellow ape. From a distance, a white and red line flashed past, blinking. Kung fu flew a long distance.

Li Yiming fell from the sky, no longer paying attention to the situation in the distance.

This is his farewell gift to the yellow monkey and the green pheasant. Since it is the first time to use it, it is not particularly proficient, so it can be regarded as a simple try!

If it doesn't work, he won't care too much.

"Master Shangshen, I won, I shouldn't have disgraced you this time!"

Li Yiming, who returned to the side of Goddess Faith, smiled lightly, completely different from the madness in the previous battle. At this time, he has a sense of déjà vu of a sunny boy.

Hmm... If you ignore his broken armor and blood-stained body.

"Ah, this battle really opened my eyes. At least in terms of fighting skills, I can't compare with you at all. Yiming, you are really a child who always surprises people. Back then, you It was a wise decision to stay."

Goddess He Faith, with gentle eyes, praised generously.

Hearing this, the smile on Li Yiming's face became even brighter, "It is really a joyful thing to be appreciated by Lord Shangshen, I will continue to work hard, so now, please ask Lord Shangshen to help me update Let's take a look at the ability value, I have a hunch that there may be unexpected gains this time!"

"Of course there is no problem, but you'd better clean it up first, after all, you are in an indescribably embarrassing state like this!"

Bowing his head along the fingers of the red-haired goddess, Li Yiming immediately noticed his physical condition.

The well-built armor has been cut with a lot of cracks, and there are very obvious scars on the body, as well as some unknown black marks. This battle is indeed fierce 02!

"Really, the light armor that was deliberately prepared before leaving, turned out to be destroyed like this before meeting that guy. It's really surprising, but it doesn't matter. Without armor, there is no armor. It doesn't make much difference anyway."

He stretched out his hand and directly broke off the broken light armor, completely exposing the body inside.

Even the clothes have been damaged, and the sturdy bronze body is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Sweat and blood are intertwined, but this beauty has not been destroyed. Li Yiming's body seems to have been tempered. Even the best bodybuilding champion is not as well-proportioned as his body, which is both strong and beautiful. But it's hard to do.

No, whether it is Kuina or Goddess Faith, the eyes are subconsciously condensed here.

The expression on the face of the god and the man is slightly weird, but it is not too out of control, but the cheeks are slightly rosy.

But Li Yiming, who was the person involved, didn't notice this situation. After throwing the broken light armor on the ground, he turned around and walked towards the sea.

During this period, naturally, he did not forget to drink the magic potion to recover from his injuries.

There is no need to be stingy at this time, a bottle of panacea can be poured directly, and the large and small injuries all over the body will be repaired in an instant, without leaving any obvious scars

"Huh, sure enough, it's more comfortable without the injury. The person who invented the panacea is really a genius!"

Li Yiming couldn't help sighing.

After washing the body, since the ship is still at the port of the Chambord Islands, there is no way to change clothes for the time being, Li Yiming can only bare his upper body.

The 'Her Faith's Spear' thrown by him before has also been recalled, and the body of the gun is still intact. As for whether it has left some deep memories for the yellow monkey and the green pheasant, then he is not sure, anyway, at least In the following time, they will not be seen again.

Needless to say, the human physique of Pirate World is really terrible.

But if it were any other person, he would have been easily killed by Li Yiming in the previous battle. How could he stand up like Huang Yuan and Qingzhi, one was stabbed several times and the other was stabbed twice? , is really scary enough.

Sure enough, the top powerhouses in this world can be called monsters.

Back to the Chambord Islands, there is still chaos here.

However, the navy soldiers who were stunned by Li Yiming before had woken up one after another at this time, and seemed to have received an order to suppress the entire island.


The murderer who killed the Tianlong people could not be caught, and the failure of the two admirals naturally required some people to pay the bill.

The helpless navy can only catch some ordinary pirates, so as to alleviate the anger of the world government, even if this method can played a negligible role.

Not paying attention to the reaction of the Chambord Islands, Li Yiming and others have returned to the ship at this time.

Next, go to the new world!

Originally, it was possible to fly directly across the Red Earth Continent to reach the new world, but after hearing that there was a fish-man island deep in the sea, the goddess He Faith and Kuina suddenly became excited.


The former wanted to accept a few talented mermaids to be his followers, while the latter wanted to see them.

They hit it off immediately, and there was no chance for Li Yiming to refute.

But in fact, she will not choose to stop it. After all, men probably want to see mermaids, so with the help of Goddess Faith

Next, the ship was engraved with new sacred characters, and without coating, it dived directly into the water and headed for the depths of the seabed.

Kuina, who had never seen the seabed, stood on the deck, looked around curiously, and let out exclamations from time to time.

Only at this time can it be seen that she is an innocent girl.

Affected by this kind of liveliness, Li Yiming and Goddess Faith also showed faint smiles at this time.

"It's just entered the sea, and some rare sea creatures are still behind, so take advantage of this time, let's update the ability value, which one of you will come first?"

The words of Goddess He Faith, recalled Li Yiming and Kuina at the same time.

Both of them have crossed their own thresholds, they have been improved more or less, and their ability values ​​must have undergone great changes. Anyway, they need to update their ability values, so the two of them can do it together.

All right.

"Then Kuina will come first!"

Hearing this, Kuina did not refuse, but nodded obediently.

"Okay, Guina, lie down on the chair!"

"Okay, Lord God!"

After Guina responded respectfully, she went straight to the chair on the deck, took a deep breath, and waited for the end of the power value renewal ceremony with a little anxiety, while her heart was full of

looking forward to.

Seeing this, Goddess He Faith cut her finger and squeezed out a drop of divine blood.

The azure sacred text began to jump instantly, and the ability value belonging to Kuina was refreshed rapidly at this moment, that speed can be described as quite fast.

After a while, all the values ​​stabilized completely.



Strength: f321 | Durability: f367] Dexterity: e428 | Dexterity: e437 | Magic: 0

"Development Ability"

Swordsman I




[Swordsmanship Genius]

• When equipped with a sword, there will be a temporary additional development ability 'Swordsman'

· Slightly improved perception of sword skills

"Oh? The increase in ability value is really fast. In just a few days, the overall increase has been more than a thousand points. This speed is really too fast. Sure enough, the child from another world

I really don't know what to say about my qualifications, it surprised even a god like me.

Looking at the ability value belonging to Kuina, Goddess Faith Hetos showed a slightly surprised expression.

However, she was not too surprised. After all, compared with Li Yiming, the change of Ku Yina is not too unacceptable. This is probably the difference in reference!

And without upgrading, there is actually a development ability. To be honest, the understanding of God's grace in the past has been completely subverted by these children from other worlds.

Now even if there is any situation [Goddess He Faith will probably not be surprised.

Perhaps, this is the infinite possibility unique to human beings.

"Get up, little Guina."

"Thank you Lord God, I feel really good now!"

Kuina, who climbed up from the chair, put on her clothes, stood on the deck and moved her body a little, without any sense of strength emerging, but she could feel that her body was stronger than before.

It's a lot easier.

This also made her feel more and more that it was an extremely correct decision to worship Li Yiming as her teacher and join the Faith's family.

If this continues, sooner or later, she will definitely become a world-renowned great swordsman, and then launch a final challenge to that supreme position.

I believe that day is not too far away!

"Okay, now that Kuina's ability has been updated, it's your turn next, Yiming, take off your clothes and lie down!"

"Ah, Lord God."

As Li Yiming took off his coat, he revealed a touch of anticipation.

It would be best if the accumulation of great achievements is completed and the upgrade standard is reached, then he will have more confidence to deal with the next battle, at least he will not die with Im.

If Goddess Hettos can be kept from doing it, then it is better not to do it.