
I'm His Secret

Krista is a simple woman who wants nothing else in her life but to be happy with her family. But it looks like it will disappear because of someone who came into his life, Chandler. To the young man he felt that he was very worthless and did not deserve to be loved. Because of that young man, Krista's heart was filled with anger. How can Krista take revenge if she is just a secret in the young man's life. Will he be able to leave in his arms? I'm His Secret to his life.

Ultimategel · Sports, voyage et activités
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

I got dressed faster than a flash. Why did I forget to set the alarm clock? I took my backpack and put the things I needed to bring and of course I didn't forget Chandler's magical folder. I put it on both of my shoulders and put on my glasses.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I shook my head when I saw that my eyebags had grown. Mother Resi called me again so I left my room and went down to the living room.

As soon as I left the house, my car was ready. My driver opened the door for me and I got in there, in the backseat. I was holding my phone and Chandler was constantly texting me. He also texted where I should give his folder and what other nonsense he saying in the text. I just ignored his other text.

I was just in a daze the whole trip, every now and then I would close my eyes. I yawned when the car stopped in front of the school. I'm still sleepy.

I opened the car door again and I got out. I don't feel like walking to school. I'm still sleepy plus hungry. I didn't eat last night, I forgot. I stopped in the middle of my walk because I felt dizzy. I held my forehead.

"He's really annoying. It's his fault!" I said to myself.

Can I still walk? Even my stomach is complaining.

"Miss, are you okay? You've been standing there for a while." I looked up to see who's asking me.

Bien. How can I not fall for someone like this? It's just annoying to think that he might be this concerned about everyone.

"Just feeling dizzy and then also hungry." I said with a pout. Gosh, I feel awkward right now.

I saw him holding back a smile. Why are you holding back? You keep getting more handsome in my eyes.

"That's why. Come on, I'll go with you," and he walked ahead.

I didn't follow him because of that he looked at me. Both my cheeks were getting hot, I think I'm blushing when he looked at me. Gosh, am I being obvious?

"Come on."

"I don't know if I can handle it," I reasoned and he approached me again.

"Hold my arm, I will guide you." I did what he said. But instead of just touching, I wrapped my hand around his arm and he didn't say anything about what I did.

While we were walking, others were looking at us because of our position as if we were lovers. I smiled at what was in my mind. Wow, I'm thrilled but I can't take it out because I'm only with him. Hold back, Krista!

"We're going to the cafeteria first," he said as we walked.

Suddenly, the bell rang signaling that classes would begin. Immediately the students ran out of the hallways, they must have entered. It's good and no one will look at us.

"How are you? Aren't you coming in?" I asked as we entered the cafeteria.

"I'm coming in but I'll help you first," he said and made me sit on a chair in the cafeteria. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Whatever, it's up to you." He nodded and turned to buy.

I touched both my cheeks. Am I blushing? I suddenly smiled because it made me feel hungry and dizzy. Is there an advantage? I slapped my forehead because of what I thought. The important thing is that I am with him.

There is a pair of shoes in front of me. Is Bien here right away? I looked up and frowned when I saw that it was Chandler.

"Where are you? Why didn't you reply to my texts?"

I didn't answer him and took his folder containing his research paper from my bag. I gave it to him and he took it.

"Happy?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Tsk," he said and left.

He's really annoying! It's also irritating because that boring research paper kept me awake!

"You alright?" I looked at Bien who was holding food.

I smiled at him, "Sure. That's delicious, thanks for the food."

He put the food he bought on our table and watched me eat. It's embarrassing but I'm really hungry. After drinking the water, I belched.

"Oops, sorry." He laughed a little.

"Are you okay?" he asked and I was still smiling as I nodded.

"Oh my!" My eyes widened as I realized something. He frowned at my reaction.


"We're in the same class," I said laughing because I always forget that he is in my class.

"Yup, Krista. Shall we go in?"

He said my name! Oh my!

"Yes, let's go." I was about to get my backpack again when he took it.

"I'll take it so you don't get tired," he said and I agreed.

He was holding my bag as we walked together back to our room. I wish the hallway we were walking through would be longer, it would have no end but the reality is really sad. When we entered the room, he spoke to our teacher the reason why we're late and we sat down in our seats.

While our teacher was discussing, my mind wandered to what happened earlier. I didn't realize it was lunch break. I didn't get up from my seat and I stretched out my two hands.

I stood up and looked at Bien's chair. He was still there while writing something in his notes. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I just want to stare at him all day.

"Hi, Krista." I turned around when I heard my name.

It's just Everly.

"Hello," I said briefly.

I thought she was going to leave but she spoke again.

"Can you come later? I want to have a bonding moment with you," she said smiling and suddenly he grabbed both of my shoulders.

I looked over there and she saw my reaction so he awkwardly lowered his hand that was on my shoulder.

"I'll see if I can, maybe I'll be sent home early."

"Okay, go ahead," and he returned to his seat.

Everly, she is the most simple student of all. What I mean is that her makeup is simple, I think she only uses powder and lip balm with a little color. She's not white either, just average. I don't know why she wants to be with me or be friends with me.

No one even talks to him. Maybe she was only comfortable with me. But I can't help but think that there is something really different about her.

"Okay, let's go."

I looked at Bien's place. He stood up and took his backpack. He approached a man in a jersey. Do they have practice?

I immediately followed them. I'm just walking slowly so they might think I'm following them, that's really what I'm trying to do. They were going to the tennis court, I was about to enter there when someone grabbed my arm.

I know who it is again. His inclination is really to extend his arm.

"What!?" and I withdrew my arm from him.

I was right, it was Chandler again. I was about to leave again when he spoke which stopped me from walking.

"Do you like Bien?" he asked and I faced him again.

"Why? Do you care?"

"Tsk, what will happen if he finds out about us." I gave him a look that made him laugh. "Just kidding, I don't want others to know about us either," he added.

"That's right. If you don't say anything sensible, I'll leave."

After I turned I heard the screams of some students. I turned again in Chandler's direction and made him gather there. Even though he really likes being popular here at school. Well, for others he is popular but for other students who are really studying they don't care about Chandler.

"Ouch," I said when I bumped into a student. Why am I always looking at Chandler's direction?

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I said and looked to see who it was.

He is not familiar with me. A tall man with long hair. It just passed me but I heard what the other person with him said.

"When are we going to make the plan?" he asked but I didn't hear the tall man's answer to his colleague.

What plan is that? Maybe just for the project? What else can I think about? I just walked back to our room. After I sat down, I looked at Bien's place but he wasn't there. Won't he come in?

I was depressed while looking at it. I imagined earlier that he was there while writing. Why did I just notice you now? My eyes slowly closed. I just woke up when one of our classmates spoke and announced that our Teacher was coming. I'm still sleepy!