
I'm gonna love you

On a drunken celebration because she just got her first big job Jennifer and her best friend's little brother Taesan make out but that's okay cause Just when Jennifer goes to her brand new top marketing company she is faced with facing her ex boyfriend Hong Taehyun who happened to dump her on her 21st birthday six years ago, now as her boss and dating her ex best friend Josie things get a little awkward but it's all fine because Josie's ex boyfriend Ji-hoon is back in Seoul after an extended trip in Thailand for his photography and is suddenly showing interest in her. Jennifer's single life is about to get wild and scarier.

Jadielwe · Urbain
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16 Chs


Jennifer's eyes widen in shock. never before had she seen Taesan sound so serious before. she knew that things were getting complicated and weird so she felt that space between them was needed but his response made her feel so shocked and worried that she hadn't noticed their relationship had at some point already changed."Taesan," She murmured unable to think of anything to say to those honest and intense words."Please..." he began, his voice begging, his eyes soft and pleading.Jennifer forced a laugh as she saw how serious he was being. She knew she had to run as far away as she could to stop this madness."Why are we being so serious? we will always see each other anyways I have to go, I have some work to do.""But-""Goodnight, have a safe drive home Taesan."She runs away not caring how ridiculous this was, running from a kid you saw as a brother for a long time suddenly flirting with you.She runs in the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. "Is it the bangs? Is that why men are all over me suddenly?"===============================================================================================Jennifer walked out of the dressing room after trying a new dress on, she heard their company had a work function and everyone would be dressed nice which meant she had to look her best. She had gotten zero proper sleep this entire week and still felt tired but she wasn't going to let her issues come between her and slaying.She asked for another dress to the store assistant. Jennifer was texting with Yoona who swore was going to meet her at the mall but was running 1 hour late.Jennifer still busy texting bumps into a woman, "Oh sorry-" She paused seeing the person she hit was none other than Josephine lee aka Josie.Josie gave her a icy stare. Jennifer ignores her cold stare knowing her mother taught her better than that."I'm sorry I should've looked where I was going.""No worries" she said coldly. Her words laced with poison. And it clearly showed on her face as she looked her up and down taking in every little detail before continuing, "Just as clumsy as in college I see."Jennifer held her fist in a tight ball. Josie was condescending as before this time with an added layer of bitchiness. "I guess so."Her eyes were dark and filled with disdain. It seemed as though she hadn't changed one bit since their days at college when they had once been friends. "What are you doing here, anyway? It's not as though you would be shopping for a decent outfit.""I have a work thing, so I came to get something nice."Jennifer laughs, "No incase you forgot I have a masters degree in marketing...""Well, it must not be a good job since you can't even afford better shoes." She then glanced at her own expensive leather bag and designer dress. A haughty smirk spread across her lips.Jennifer moves closer looking at Josie amused. She didn't want to do this but Josie's attitude was making her so pissed."I guess your boyfriend didn't tell you then...""Excuse me, what?" The mention of her boyfriend caught her off guard. Her jaw hung slightly open for a moment as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She quickly took a breath to compose herself. "What do you know about Taehyun?""We actually work at the same department, in the same company.""Same department? So you work together every day then?" she asks a bit more aggressively than she had planned her jealousy and anger making her tone sharp.Jennifer nods unable to hide the satisfaction she got seeing Josie's reaction."Everyday."She grips the shopping bag harder until her knuckles turn white, trying to control herself. She was not going to let this girl win so easily. "You're lying.""I'm sorry the boyfriend you stole isn't as honest as you hoped, oh yeah and he told me he cheated on me with you while we were dating, I'm not surprised seeing as everyone slept with you in college."Jennifer tried to play nice but Josie had pushed her so now her claws were out plus she was bitter. very bitter so bitter she wanted to bring Ji-hoon up.Josie's throat felt like it was closing up. The words hurt more than she could have expected. Her jaw dropped slightly, her mouth now hanging open in surprise. she did not expect her to go there. No girl had ever gotten under her skin like this. Her fists tightened. "That's complete bullshit."Jennifer had to hold back a loud chuckle seeing this sort of reaction from Josie, it was too much fun for her.Jennifer smirked, "Oh no, you look upset...sorry by the way nice shoes." She turns to leave knowing she had pissed Josie off so much she would probably not let it go."Hold on!"Jennifer smirks turning around. She knew Josie always had to have the last word and this time would be no different."What?""Did you really think you could throw all that in my face and just walk away?" she stepped forward getting right up in her face, practically eye to eye with her. Jennifer crossed her arms looking anything but amused. Josie really had some nerve."Go ahead, I'm waiting talk."Josie leaned in close until her face and Jennifer's were only about an inch apart. the two girl's eyes staring right into each other. "You might have forgotten but the fact is that your man is my man now and he's mine for good. so back the hell off.""Good, you took my trash for me.""Watch it you slutty skank" Josie spat it out. her own insecurities leaking through her cruel words. She could not let this girl win so easily.Jennifer was not about to drain her energy on this idiot, she had way better things to do with her time."Good day to you Josie."Josie stood there for a second, her face contorted with anger and humiliation. She couldn't believe she had the audacity to walk away. "I'm not done with you.""Oh but I am."Josephine's anger boiled within her. She was not going to let this girl get the last word. "You're a skank and you'll always be a skank. No wonder your ex cheated on you."Jennifer gave her the middle finger as she walked away not wasting any of her time on a self conscious loser.