
I'm gonna love you

On a drunken celebration because she just got her first big job Jennifer and her best friend's little brother Taesan make out but that's okay cause Just when Jennifer goes to her brand new top marketing company she is faced with facing her ex boyfriend Hong Taehyun who happened to dump her on her 21st birthday six years ago, now as her boss and dating her ex best friend Josie things get a little awkward but it's all fine because Josie's ex boyfriend Ji-hoon is back in Seoul after an extended trip in Thailand for his photography and is suddenly showing interest in her. Jennifer's single life is about to get wild and scarier.

Jadielwe · Urbain
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16 Chs


"Taesan."Her eyes widen as her heart suddenly raced but mostly she felt confusion. Why was he acting this way suddenly? He suddenly switched from cute younger boy to manly seducer or something of the sort.Taesan raised his eyebrows, noticing her expression change slightly as she shifted in his grasp.His mind immediately shifted to worry as he thought he had crossed a line."Did I-?" he started, wanting to confirm if he overstepped a boundary.She moves away a bit as Yoona returns with coffee and cakes on a tray, "Let's eat." Yoona happily says"Can't deny free food," he said with a laugh, gesturing for her to place the tray on the table. ================================================================================Jennifer enters her apartment building exhausted and full of cake, she couldn't wait to take along bath and pass out watching Rick and Morty. She steps into the elevator and as it is about to close someone rushed inside. Her eyes widen."Ji-hoon?"she could tell he was trying to figure out who she was so she added, "I'm Jennifer, I was Josie's friend in college."Ji-hoon immediately recognizes her and the look in his eyes says a 1000 words. He quickly regains his composure and smiles"Jennifer...wow...long time no see...how's Josie doing..""No clue...I haven't spoken to her since graduation, I left Korea and came back only last month." "...and you're back in Korea now for good?"She laughs unsure of how to word her answer, "Just three years or so..."A small relief shows visibly on his face but he quickly suppresses it"That's nice...what line of work are you in marketing right?""Yeah marketing...." She was surprised he remembered what she studied back in the day."...and you're single?" his demeanor changes when he asks this looking more interested in her response.She nods slowly, "very single."He turns to her with an amused look on his face, "It's been so long we should catch up...maybe over dinner" he smiles playfully.Her eyes widen as the elevator reached her floor. "Uh sure..."Jennifer's lack of enthusiasm slightly dampened his optimism, he had to get his foot back in the door."Great, I know a nice spot over in Myeongdong where the food is amazing. tomorrow works for you?""I have work...maybe the weekend." She backs out of the elevator, "Great talk."he's in no mood to be discouraged so easily"how about Sunday? lunch?"===========================================================================================Jennifer barely got a wink of sleep, she was up thinking about the day's events wondering if everything that happened was real or not. Did cute Taesan sort of flirt with her?Did her ex best friend's ex boyfriend ask her on a date?She frowns more looking at her lunch but not having any appetite. she sighs getting up with the tray of food and suddenly bumps into a hard chest. She gasps seeing Taehyun covered in her grape juice."Sorry." she whispers.He could feel his heart pound in his chest as he looked at her, her eyes full of guilt and remorse for her accident. She was so cute with her soft apology, and for a moment, it made him forget all their history and how hurt he had been by her when they had broken up.Without thinking, he reached out and wiped the spilled liquid off her cheek with one hand.He couldn't help but notice the way her breath hitched at the touch of his hand, the softness of her skin and how she froze. For a moment, everything around them seemed to fade away, all sense of professionalism gone.Taehyun felt his breath quicken, his senses suddenly sharper as he felt the heat of her skin against his palm. The sudden realization that she was still just as attractive as they had been was dawning on himHe quickly withdrew his hand and cleared his throat, trying to regain control of his emotions."Sorry, uh, let me try to clean it." She hated herself for feeling anything for him, she hated how he still made her heart race after he had shattered it. He broke her and left her feeling lost and cold. Taehyun nodded, trying to recover the composure he had lost. It took a moment for him to regain his sense of logic, and when he did, he realized how unprofessional he was behaving."No, no it's fine, I'll just..."He paused as a thought hit him, "here let me take your tray."She disagreed shaking her head, "No, let me.""I insist," he said firmly, taking the tray from her gently.She steps aside letting him have his way. She always let him win and she hated it.The moment she shifted out of the way, Taehyun couldn't help but notice the way her body moved, how her curves accentuated her figure. She was like an angel, with her elegant stature and her delicate facial features.He found himself staring at her for a moment, before he quickly snapped himself back to reality and turned around with the tray. For a moment, he felt his mind reeling with thoughts that he couldn't act upon but he quickly shook it off when he noticed the stares from a few staff members nearby."Uh excuse me."She quickly rushed to the elevator's. She felt his intense stare and it made her feel like the silly girl who melted at just his touch. She hated him and she needed to remind herself of that.As she walked away, Taehyun could feel his eyes lingering on her. There was just something about her that always made his mind go blank. As soon as she stepped into the elevator, he sighed, shaking his head to try to get his head back in the game.The last thing he needed was to be caught staring at his subordinate at the office. He quickly took a deep breath and headed off for his scheduled meeting.


Jennifer walked out of the office building later feeling grateful that the day was over, She leans against the wall waiting for Yoona to pick her up. She wanted a cold beer and to snuggle into her bed, work was not hard at all, it was life that was beating her up and making her exhausted.She is lost in her thoughts when she spots Taehyun across the road walking over to a blond woman, he smiled happily hugging her and kissing her lips. "Josie?"