
1. The party

"I can't do this for real.""Girl, come on. It's just eyeliner, not like you're going full glam. Plus, everybody's probably drunk as hell by now, so no one will notice one freshman wearing eyeliner.""But—""No buts. Now come here and let me help you look hot... it's my duty as your roommate."Arguing with Camila was a losing battle, but a girl could always try. She was the type of person who got along with everyone and always had a smile on her face. The moment I entered the dorm room, she gave me a hug and took me under her wing. I was thankful to have met someone like her, especially since I knew that if this were high school, someone like me and someone like her would never have interacted at all.Camila was effortlessly confident, with a natural ability to make anyone feel at ease. Her bright, infectious energy contrasted sharply with my reserved demeanor. Yet, she never made me feel out of place. She had a knack for pushing me out of my comfort zone just enough to try new things, like this party tonight."Alright, close your eyes," she instructed, holding up the eyeliner like it was a magic wand. "You're going to look amazing, I promise."With a sigh, I complied, letting her work her magic. As she carefully applied the eyeliner, I couldn't help but feel a little thrill of excitement mixed with nerves. Maybe this party wouldn't be so bad after all, especially with a friend like Camila by my side."So remind me again why Tamara isn't coming with us tonight," Camila asked as she focused on perfecting the eyeliner."Her boyfriend took her on a trip with his friends. She wanted me to come along, but... I didn't want to impose. I've been clinging to her long enough.""Oh, come on, you two are like twins with different races and completely different personalities. You're a package deal, so it wouldn't be imposing."I knew she was trying to cheer me up, but the truth was I depended too much on Tamara. Without her by my side, speaking to people at parties, I felt awkward and out of place. Small talk was a nightmare for me. It was bad.Camila finished the eyeliner and stepped back to admire her work. "There you go. You look stunning."I glanced at the mirror, seeing a slightly bolder version of myself. "Thanks, Camila. I appreciate it.""Don't worry. Tonight is going to be fun. You've got me, and I'll make sure you have a great time."Her enthusiasm was contagious, and despite my apprehensions, I felt a flicker of excitement. Maybe, just maybe, tonight wouldn't be as daunting as I feared. With a deep breath, I decided to trust Camila and let myself enjoy the evening.===========================================================================Camila and I entered the party fashionably late, I had traded my comfy jeans for a trendy mini that oddly gave me a confidence boost. I really liked my legs, so getting to show them off gave me a bit of a thrill. The air was filled with the stench of alcohol and sweat as people danced against each other, seemingly seconds away from getting naked.The last party I attended was at Tamara's, and there were only two other people apart from her and me: her grandma and mom. It was a sad party, to say the least, but we ended up watching a marathon of horror movies.As we navigated through the throng of bodies, Camila's infectious energy kept my nerves at bay. She greeted everyone with her usual exuberance, introducing me to people whose names I would surely forget by the end of the night. The music thumped through the speakers, a pulsating beat that seemed to sync with the pounding of my heart."See, this isn't so bad, we are gonna have some fun right girl?" Camila shouted over the music, giving me a reassuring smile.I nodded, trying to relax and enjoy myself. The atmosphere was electric, and despite my initial apprehension, I felt a twinge of excitement. We made our way to the kitchen, where a makeshift bar had been set up. Camila handed me a drink, something fruity and strong, and we clinked our cups together as I looked around trying to convince myself this will be a fun night."To a night of fun and new found Independence!" she cheered.I took a sip, the alcohol warming me from the inside. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad after all. With Camila by my side, I felt a surge of confidence. This was my chance to step out of my comfort zone and embrace the college experience, the Amelia who got bullied in middle school for being "Ugly", "Weird", "Too quite" was gone, I was now fully grown and a woman no more second guessing myself or being too scared to speak up.As we moved back into the crowded living room, Camila pulled me onto the dance floor. The music was loud, and the energy was contagious. I let myself get lost in the rhythm, forgetting my worries and enjoying the moment. For the first time in a long while, I felt free."I'm a horrible dancer, but guess what? I don't care tonight!" I cheered, lifting my cup up. Camila gasped before breaking into a loud chuckle. We continued dancing, twirling around without a care in the world."See? It's fun!" Camila shouted."So fun!" I echoed."We are coming to more parties, right?"I sipped my beer, trying to ignore the nasty taste that I couldn't tolerate until just recently. The first time I drank, I puked, and Tamara had to clean up the mess. She was a real one for that."Girl... it's time to go on the hunt."Camila's words left me confused. What the heck were we hunting? And why?"Hunt?" I asked, confusion written all over my face."I mean... finding hot guys and kissing their faces off," she clarified with a mischievous grin.I laughed, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. This was so out of my comfort zone, but maybe that was exactly what I needed. I glanced around the room, scanning the crowd of dancing bodies and trying to spot someone who might catch my interest. Camila was already eyeing a tall guy with a killer smile."Come on, you're a hot girl and any of this idiots would die to have your attention so let's go find your victim," she encouraged, pulling me along.I let myself be led, the thrill of the night pushing aside my usual reservations. As we moved through the crowd, I noticed a guy leaning against the wall, looking slightly out of place. He had dirty blonde hair, a chiseled jawline, and a brooding intensity that made my heart skip a beat."What about him?" I whispered to Camila, nodding in his direction.She followed my gaze and grinned. "Perfect. Go talk to him."I turn to her shaking, "Just like that?""What more do you need?""I don't know, a pep talk perhaps?"Camila chuckles, "As if...now go on and turn on that sweet girl charm you have."My stomach fluttered with nerves, but I squared my shoulders and took a deep breath. It was now or never. I made my way over to him, feeling Camila's encouraging presence behind me. I know all night I had been trying to convince myself I was no longer the old me and that she was dead and berried however, I knew I was still me and I could not talk to guys that looked like that with any confidence.