
I'M GOD, SO WHAT? : Former Protagonist is now my side kick ^^

https://discord.gg/eEWTerjxzH For those who wanted to join the discord, feel free but warning you an idiot is running wild there Righteous Master of Villainous Gods If you are interested in the cultivation novel check this one out, initially for a bit long time it's somewhat light and wholesome but as you keep progressing in chapters the characters will also develop and no character will be forgotten and surely you won't be hating why character except for 'protagonists' ^|^ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ For people wanting to help me out there__ dewanshsingh72@paytm painfultruth@axl _________________________________________ Have you been frustrated because the main character of your favourite novel, drama or a movie is just unreasonable and impractical trash? Just because he's the main character he gets a lot of support from world but at same time the supporting characters who are actually good Who actually make some sense are just treated as stepping stones for the main character to shine more brightly Imagine the frustration you feel when your favourite character dies because of the main character's foolish brain and just to make him mature In this cruel world there are only few things that give you relief but what now? Aren't you angry because you can do nothing? Don't you want to smash Main character's face with your fists? Then what if the Gods reincarnate you as your favourite character of the fantasy filled with monsters and magic! The same thing happened with Krish, let's follow him to the world making the protagonist's existence completely dull while becoming God himself He's over powered, he's handsome, he had best back ground, he has over powered friends and family He has the whole army waiting for orders, you think the protagonist has a chance, but Protagonist isn't the only problem There is also a Evil God Krish needs to kill This is the battle The Universe is battlefield A battle between a God vs a God Let's see who wins because fate of existence is in hands of this side character who died for nothing in novel (Guys at least comment and give reviews, it's for free right? You evil people are more shameless than me! I feel like no one is reading my novels and I'm writing for ghosts. I feel happy when someone comments on my work so even if you are pointing out my mistakes please comment and give reviews ^-^)

Painful_truth_ · Fantastique
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319 Chs

Fairies and Dragons (1)

"Silence! The Elders are coming here!!!"

Just as the crowded and loud atmosphere between Klaus and fairies were becoming more and more awkward suddenly a command silenced everyone

All fairies surrounding Klaus distanced themselves and became serious all of sudden and 9 fairies came out from the top

All 9 of them stood out a lot, firstly they had more refined and slightly bigger appearance along with that strong presence with them that made it impossible to ignore them

All fairies arrived right in front of Klaus and the one who looked like a head, in white clothing and clear irritation and hostility on her face said

"What might you be doing here?"

She had a strong presence of about a peak Tier 9 being, it actually surpassed that level, Klaus looked right into her eyes and replied

"I want to try your Fairy test, I want the battle sage's strengthening technique left here..."

All the Elders of fairies heard this and immediately turned back to the Fae, Luna and Cassie with sharp gazes

The three fairies on the other hand tried to avoid their gazes, it was clear as day that this information wasn't supposed to reveal outside

The head of elders turned her head back to Klaus and replied with a sigh

"We somehow threw these annoying shits outside and now they are leaking or secret outside too... How many people know about this outside about this?"

"Just me "

Klaus replied with a straight face, Fae, Luna and Cassie also returned behind him with sorry faces and in fear of wild gazes of other fairies

'So there was a reason why I directly recieved the Elder fairies from them, ha~ looks like all fairies aren't as annoying as them...'

Klaus thought about this matter in his mind with a slight smile on face, the elders of fairies looked at each other and then one of them said

"This isn't something we can give someone like you, you are unqualified for the test!"

Klaus heard her but his face looked a little confused and surprised, Fae came to Klaus's ears and whispered

"That's Alette, she's the first elder of all the fairies and heads too but she's also racist and jealous, we don't have good relations with her so she's taking it out on you..."

Klaus heard all this and understood the situation, there was not much left to explain as it was clear as day that the head of the fairies was clearly looking down on Klaus

That look of disgust seeing just a human being of lower race than fairies was clear on her face

Klaus sighed and said

"I'm qualified for the test in every way, guess I will just ask the one with the authority of mana directly..."

As Klaus said that all the elders suddenly became alert and looked towards Klaus with sudden nervous gazes

'This human??! How does he know about her!?! Is he looking down on me? What's with his attitude and those three! To not only bring someone as lowly as a mere human in this sacred ground but even show this audicity!?'

"Catch this Evil Human!!!"

The head of fairies immediately shouted with rage and extreme irritation in her eyes

The elders immediately became aggressive towards Klaus and immediately tried to immobilise him

"How did you know about that!?"

"Even the Fae, Luna and Cassie don't know about this!?"

"Who are you!?"

"Is he related to Evil God!?"

The elders immediately started questioning and various kinds of chains or roots made up from magic started making their way towards Klaus within a flash

'Damn these friendly fairies became hostile quite fast, the world is really much more dangerous if you aren't a protagonist, I bet they might have defended Reus if he was in my position here...'

Klaus cursed the rules of the world in his heart with a bitter smile but he didn't react because

'Crimson Deity'

Next moment suddenly the bright colourful atmosphere turned crimson all of sudden and all kinds of magic got shattered right in the spot

From behind the Klaus Elena came out with cold eyes and questioned

"Where is Aine?"

As Elena did that all the fairies present there felt shivers down their spines, the next moment the whole forest had hundreds of thousands of movements

And within seconds thousands of fairies surrounded Klaus and Elena from all sides, the elders had become clearly hostile and the head shouted

"Who are you people!? How dare you-!?!"

But just as he was to say something again next moment a fairy who was as big as humans in whitish green clothes and beautiful wings appeared there

She was far more stronger, almost incomparable to anyone present there except for Klaus and Elena

"You will die if you continue here Alette..."

As soon as she came her cold voice sent shivers down spines of all elders present there

The Elders immediately became obedient and started to reflect in themselves, seeing such reaction from Elders other fairies also became obedient and out down all the Magic they were preparing

Elena came forward and said "How have you been Aine?"

As Elena said that the newly appeared fairy became slightly emotional and immensely surprised and asked

"Leader...? Is that really..."

Elena just nodded with a straight face, Aine moved her gaze around them and next moment suddenly Klaus, Elena and the fairies got teleported to another place

They were currently inside a wooden house which was extremely luxurious from inside, Aine stepped forward and pointed towards chairs around the table in distance and asked

"Please sit here..."

Everyone nodded and sat on the tables, the teas and some snacks also appeared out of thin air in front of them

Aine kept staring at Elena and finally questioned

"How are you here leader, I clearly remember you being caught by that-"

"I revived!"

Elena had an instant reply with a straight face, Aine was very surprised by this kind of answer and with an absolutely baffled face she asked

"How!?! Did you have some kind of artifact left?! How did you do that?"

Elena took another sip and pointed towards Klaus with calm gaze

"There are many things we don't know about the world Aine..."

Aine's gaze moved towards Klaus, Klaus on the other hand just kept smiling with a straight face but the next moment her gaze moved towards the three fairies and a sudden scream rushed out from her throat

"Tier 10!?! This is impossible!?! How?! There shouldn't be any possible way! A mutant?"

Aine's head was clearly steaming right now because of the shock and unpredictable possibilities happening right in front of her eyes

Elena came right in the middle of her gaze and questioned again

"Put those matters aside, how did you and Mulan manage to escape at that time?"

Aine returned to her senses and her face turned suddenly serious and she replied in grave tone

"I don't know...after you got caught by him, all the remaining of us tried to release you from that evil but most of us got killed without even knowing the cause

He was immensely powerful, he was just too absurdly strong, none of us could use our authorities properly in his mere presence

He cruelty slaughtered each of them, Mulan somehow managed to survive his punch in exchange for his 50% life force and as it was our turn to die suddenly the Gods descended, we took that time to escape from the place

After that I don't know what happened but everything returned to normal, the devils returned and then, I and Mulan collected the remaining fairies and Dragons and secluded ourselves here"

Everyone present there nodded in understanding with serious faces then Aine's gaze moved towards Klaus

'He has no strong presence!? It's clear that even a leader is respectful to this human, wait?! Is he even a human his calmness is too much for it to be called human...'

Aine was truly a being who had lived thousands of years, she was able analyse Klaus's status by just analysing his behaviour and recent behaviour and opened her mouth again

"The fairies and dragons who have lived here are quite arrogant because they haven't seen the true reality here, I'm sorry for not providing you with a better first expression..."

Klaus looked at her with a smile and just replied calmly

"You don't need to worry about such small matters haha!"

Hearing Klaus's sweet truly eased Aine's worries and next moment she suggested with a big smile

"Leader! Would you like to meet with Mulan!? Let's take this chance to visit Dragon Hills too!!"

As she said, Elena nodded with a calm face along with Klaus and fairies who had excitement

Everyone stood up and next moment everyone got teleported right in the sky of dry hills at the corner of the big Island

'The density of mana is truly strong here, although fairy forest had pure and smooth mana here the mana is just absurdly dense and tough!'

Klaus looked around the place with a surprised face and as he looked back he noticed the forest wasn't much away from the place

'Having two types of mana in such close distance as expected of the legendary dragon and fairies...'

Klaus also noticed various dragons flying all over the place and many sleeping on top of sky high peaks

Aine smiled and pointed towards the highest peak completely covered with clouds and said

"That's the home of Mulan! Let's fly fro-"

""""What are humans doing here!!!??!??!!!!?""""

They were just about to leave but suddenly next moment everyone noticed a huge red dragon rushing towards them while preparing for his dragon breathe