
Chapter 100: "Shadow Controller".

The specific reason behind the feud doesn't matter anymore.

Everything serves his plan.


What Chen Miao and the others didn't know was that shortly after they left the noodle shop, the flesh and blood on the ground turned into a pile of ash before the eyes of onlookers, scattering with the wind without leaving a single bloodstain behind.

"Got it."

The officers who had just arrived at the scene, ready to clean up, quietly put away their tools after witnessing this and looked at their colleague, "Notify the Supernatural Department."


Meanwhile, in a small private room of the Oura Clubhouse, a man in a white shirt woke up gasping for air, his face ghostly pale and eyes flickering with fear, as if he had just woken from a nightmare.

"How did it go?"

The other people in the room teased with a laugh, "What did Chen Miao say? Did he hold back on the spot, or did he admit he was wrong?"