
I'm babysitting the hero and the villain.

"DAD! Look my manga, [Zero Piece], made it to top 10!" "MINION! Get me that [Zero Piece] action figure, the whole set!" Ah did I mention that my daughter is a Mahou Shoujo and my boss is an Elder one. and they're mortal enemies. no? well I guess you just have to find out.

N8lix · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 8 : Aftermath

[Tch, Bunch of barbarians, calling themselves elegant and whatnot but I know deep down they're a bunch of useless self-righteous groups of overzealous believers!]

"That's quite an insult Voth."

[Of course it is! Look at what they did to the backyard!]

… You talk as if you own the place… Well in a way you do, being my boss and all.

"But… it means that it's cheaper to buy the land."

[Huh? Why do we need to expand for?]

"... didn't you want to… I don't know… store your collection somewhere?"


… I'll keep that in mind…

I just walked out of the bathroom with my bathrobe, huh, it seems the damage is only to the backyard. Well I haven't checked the Ground floor yet so—


Akh, my head! The scream of an eldritch god… Damn… my head feels like it's been hit by thousands of trucks… and I'm now rolling down the stairs.

Thud thud thud.


Stop! Stop screaming please….

"So this is your house Psi? I never thought your family is so ri– EH? Why is there a civilian here!? Psi, you gotta see this, is this someone you know?"

Shit, there's someone here! I better play dead! Least they suspect me for something!

"Huh? I've swept through the perimeter. What are you talking about– DAD!?"

I 'stayed' unconcious.

[Voth, can you help me play dead?]

[Play dead? Ah sure.]

EKH… I suddenly felt a pain in my chest, my body was not responding at all, I even wanted to scream but I couldn't… WAIT THIS IS A CARDIAC ARREST ISN'T IT! I should have ask–


PZZZZT lightning FSX

[Done, I've restarted your heart as someone zap you with electricity]

cough cough

Now everything's hazy and white…

And I'm moving? My vision is still hazy but I can feel us moving at a fast pace.

Sounds of Sirens and someone's crying?

I need some rest.


When I come to, I'm looking at an unfamiliar ceiling… I looked sideways and I saw Kelly and Zarya asleep in one of the sofas… this seems to be a VVIP room in a hospital.

[Voth, you there?]

[Huh… uh… yeah…]

[Hmmm what's wrong with you?]

[I was watching ov— Surroundings! Yeah I'm watching the stars and other realities. It's not like you're the only reality I pay attention to you know!]

… and a tsundere now.

[How long was I out?]

[Not sure… I lost my connection to you when those magical girls came, was only barely able to restart your heart. Damn those magical b**hces.]

[Well I'm here now aren't I?]


Now I'm embarrassed I said that.

[So, our daughter's are getting along just fine.]

[Huh where did that come from? Minion! Did the cardiac arrest mess with your brain?]

[No… I hope not…]

[You better get that thing checked! Or else how I can freeload off of you!]

Sigh… at least my boss is back to normal.

[So… have you found the mech?]

[EEEK! How do you know I was searching for the Mech when you're unconscious!]

[So I was right!]

[Tch, I should've stopped your heart longer! You're too smart for your own good minion!]

[So… did you find it?]


[... Oh there's something that even escapes your sight? Is it because it's taken by those magical girls?]

[Quite. I may be able to pierce through worlds and secrets, but The Council and their B****s have a space folding technology that acts as a temporal backpack, I think they call them Interdimensional Nonliving Vault or INV for short.]

… an instant inventory system like those novels…

[Any candidates?]

[Ugh… must be those two, PSI and Sigma was it. I'll Tear them apart, NO! I'll break their minds slowly HEHEHEHEHEHEHE]

[Or… I can just order one custom made for you…]

[Tch. don't try to bait me with that I'm not a little kid!]

[Imagine, designing a live-sized 1:1 mech.]


[With actual Metal, and functioning cockpit.]


[And guns… lots and lots of guns.]


[... I'll tell you once I figure it out.]

[Tch! And here I thought u wanted something for all that effort.]

Hahaha… I chuckled a bit. It's a good chat. But living with an elder god in my head is quite dangerous too.


The sun is up and the doctor immediately came in to give me a thorough checkup. She is a tall blonde woman, athletic body… and there's this air of matureness in her, her eyes are blue like the ocean, her face looks like a french model in those fashion shows.

"Everything seems fine Mr. Blaidd. If there's no other complications you may go back at the end of the week."

"I believe you know the best doctor, but is it possible to get discharged sooner?"

As I was having a conversation with the doctor, a pink haired lady walked out of the bathroom with a school uniform.

"Dad… please listen to the doctor and rest for a few days here."

"... Kelly, be good in school, that's the best thing that I could hope for. As for me, you don't need to worry about me, I still have years ahead of me!"

"Pfft! Yeah right! I'll see you later!"

Well… That feels awkward… I wonder why she looked at me with guilt…

I feel like I'm forgetting something.



"And that's the last bone that needs to be pushed back in place."


"A little warning would be nice."

"If I warn you, wouldn't it feel more painful?"