
I'm babysitting the hero and the villain.

"DAD! Look my manga, [Zero Piece], made it to top 10!" "MINION! Get me that [Zero Piece] action figure, the whole set!" Ah did I mention that my daughter is a Mahou Shoujo and my boss is an Elder one. and they're mortal enemies. no? well I guess you just have to find out.

N8lix · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs

Chapter 6 : Family time

The drive was far more silent after that. Minus the nagging of Voth in my mind.

[Minion! I demand my own house to display my things.]

… yeah. It seems that this hikikomori is obsessed with anything and everything Mech… she even had what I like to call a treasure trove of advanced civilization's battle suits.

[They're practical! They won't take much space!]

… yeah right like I said advanced civilization seems to prioritize function over form, hence her obsession with earth's mech.

[I just need an island for myself! That's cheap right?]

To Charly, he saw me being hugged by the arm by a little girl while driving, in reality there's an eldritch god biting me with her whole body.



I didn't bother to park, I left my car by the driveway inside the residence and threw the keys to Charly.

"Can you ask Kelly if her school has a… primary school attached to it?"

"Well, Master Blaidd, I think the first step should not be registering her to a school but figuring out who the parent of the girl is."

"I suggest you don't Charly. Instead, could you help me adopt this child?"

"Adopt? For what reason?"

Because if not my 'boss' can't come to this reality and have her daily dose of mech. I can't say that now can I?

"*cough cough* Look at her, she's in rags. I believe she either is on the run or abandoned."

"... true, but that's the more reason to find her parents and bring them to justice."

What's with this insistence all of a sudden? Are you a lawful good paladin?

"Oh they will have their retribution, don't you worry."

I said as I was shoving the tentacles away from my face.

Making my way into my villa, the little girl in my arms suddenly jumped and started to cling to the mecha. that was 'hijacked' and 'built' by my house intruders…. If you can call them that…


Ah yeah it seems like Voth hasn't gotten over that….

"Damn those councils and their galaxy guardian magical girls! Always ruining things."

…. It seems like there's bad blood between them.

"Which reminds me…. MINION! GET ME A GAMING PC!"

!? What's with that request?

"Why would a being like you need a gaming PC?"

"I…. um…. I need it for research!"

…. Oh yeah that reminds me this being is a Hiki, albeit a higher being, but still a Hiki...

"... I have no prior experience with gaming PCs… if you have the list of the thing you want you can just ask Charly to procure it for you."

"Reall– I mean As expected of my loyal minion! "

"… as long as you're happy… oh yeah that reminds me, how is…. The girl…"

"Ah the original owner of the body? And don't call her girl! She has a name!"

"Oh? What's your name, little one?"

"M-m-m-mother says my name is Zarya. Zarya Zala Blaidd."

… that's a mouthful, and why is my last name in there?

"Pretty no?"

The tentacle speaks.


I don't have a say in this now do I?

After leaving my 'daughter' and 'boss' with the giant mech, I went to my office to check on some things that are bothering me. I searched for the term 'magical girl' in Gugel.

… and as expected what comes out is just a series of queries regarding an anime with sailor suits…. Which reminds me… That magical girl… Psi… Sigh… 'me' in this world, what have you been doing…

"AHA! I know you are cultured too!"


I turned around and saw a biomass clinging to my shoulder with multiple eyes and tentacles. Yeah. it's a nightmare. But hey at least with this I can tell who I'm talking to:

Eldritch abominations = Voth.

Cute girl = Zarya.

"Ohoho Magical Girls? I didn't know you had this fetish in you!"

"... I'm researching."

"I noticed… should I leave you males to do it while you research(P*rn) or would you need my help?"

"Help is appreciated because I can't seem to find anything regarding it(Magical Girl + Councils)"

"Ara ara that's bold of you… Tell you what, if you manage to find an energy core and stabilize the portal I may be of some… help."

Huh? Is the information that expensive? Or does Voth need to be physically here to research Magical girls? Don't both of them cross paths like every other day in the vast universe?

"Of course."

"Fufufu… looking forward to it."

That's a strange flow of conversation…

"Father… I'm sleepy."

"... I shall have a room prepa–"


… And she's gone.


Falling asleep in my arms. That's totally convenient. I slowly make my way towards the living room and then


"DAD! I'm back!"

What's gotten her so excited.

"And What's with that awesome Mech ?"

"A hobby I picked up."

"And what's with the girl in your arm?"

"A girl I picked up."



"*dials a phone number* Hello FBI"