
I'm All The Protagonists ?! (Currently in Arifureta)

Like all those shitty fanfiction I reincarnated But what does that mean the protagonists are lucky only because of me ?! And they are the reason I'm dead ?! Follow me in my quest to take back what is rightfully mine !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiverse story: 1st World is Arifureta 2nd World will be Solo Leveling(Can change any time) 3rd will be Apotheosis or ATG(Can change any time) Maybe more.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- The tens or so firsts chapters are not the best so please read at least the firsts twenty chapters. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st: English is not my native language, It's french so don't expect a good English from me 2nd: I'm in my last year of high school so i will only update when i feel like it or have time 3rd: This story will be bad, generic story, overpowered MC, shitty plot, shitty romance, bad scene description, plot hole.... 4th: If you want to say something on my grammar, sentence formation... Do it but tell me why or tell what I need to change for my writing to become better and if possible make this shit readable 5th: It's my first novel/fanfiction, I write it just for fun and because I feel like it.

RaYaNaSh · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Entering the Orcus Labyrinth

Knock Knock

"Sir Hero It's time for breakfast."

Hearing miss spy, I got up from the bed and diriged myself toward the doors. But when I passed by the mirror of my room I saw a handsome young man with white hair with strands of blood red, vampire canines stretching from his mouth and blood red eyes, he is at least 180cm tall and have a very defined body and apparent muscle can be seen through his clothes. (A/N: Like Hajime post-fall but a less 'wild')

I froze for a second and realized that this handsome young man is me, I should have known that my looks would have changed but I did not expect that!

As I was admiring my look, spy-san knocked on my door once again.

"Sir Hero are you awake?"

"Coming!" I said as I quickly put an illusion on me using Light magic while thinking that having a shapeshifting ability would've been good.

As I opened and come face to face with her, I tried using my hypnosis ability on her and after two second the color of her eye's changed to a bright pink before quickly becoming normal once again.

While I was using hypnosis, I noticed my mana depleting so I'm guessing that the ability is using supernatural energy to work and because her magic defense is only 150 and my magic is at 350, I didn't have any problem to hypnotize her.

But I don't need her if I can't contact her without being face to face so I cancel it and for a moment she doesn't understand what happened and it's a good thing because it shows that victims will not have memory of what they have done while being hypnotized.

"Hey are you ok?" I said showing a worried look.

"Ah! Yes sorry. I don't know what happened." Spy-san said with a confused look.

"Haha don't worry. Soo what can I do for you?"

"I came to say that breakfast is ready Sir."

"Oh! Then lead the way please." I said while gesturing her to show me the way.

Finishing breakfast we all went to the training to continue our training but me being me, Hiyama and his friends never stopped to beat me up saying that it was training and although I'm a lot stronger than them I don't want to show my self now because it will be way to weird that I became so strong just after one night and although I'm certain that captain Meld can't see through my illusion, I don't want to risk it.

Commander Meld have stats in the three hundred and a lot of experience so even if I have regeneration if he cut my head or destroy my heart, I'm dead for sure so for I lay low till I leave the abyss.

We had the same routine for a week but today after we all finished our training.

Meld gathered us together to make an announcement.

"It's been a week since our training began and you all have made tremendous progress but although you are strong you don't have experience in fighting real battles so tomorrow, we will be going to the Orcus labyrinth to help you gain experience in real battles. So be prepared mentally and have a good rest to be in your best condition for tomorrow. Alright dismissed you can all go back to your room!"

After listening to him we all went to our room to rest.

During this week, each night I went in ROVJI to train and my stats have raised, not what I would've wanted but it's enough for now.

[Name: Nagumo Hajime

Gender: Male, ????(LOCKED)

Age: 17 (43 mentally)

Bloodline: Origin Vampire (<1% Unlocked) ????(LOCKED)

Race: Human (>99%), Vampire (<1%), ????(LOCKED)

Level: 26

Class: ????(LOCKED), Transmuter

Strength: 550

Vitality: 550

Defense: 550

Agility: 550

Magic: 1850

Magic Defense: 1600


All Attributes Affinity, Transmute[Mineral Appraisal, Precise Transmute, Decreased Magic Consumption, Increased Transmutation Speed, Mineral Probe, Mineral Isolation, Mineral Fusion, Duplicate Transmutation, Automatic Transmutation, Compression Synthesis , Image Composition], Language Comprehension, Enhanced comprehension, Regeneration, Hemokinesis[Physical Boost, Weapons Creation] Immortality(Type 1,2), Vampirization, Hypnosis, Elemental Magic[Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Thunder],Iron Stomach

Unique skills: Library of Heaven's path, Absolute control over???? (LOCKED)

Soul Item: Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal]

I think it's enough to hunt some monsters of the abyss. And while training my magic I developed a sort of soul sense that let me sense anything containing mana in a radius of 50 meters around me.

But tonight, I will not train because training for almost 2 months alone can make you insane, you'll tell me that I have Felicia but even if she sounds like a real person, she is more of a robot with good vocals cord than someone real so yeah, I'm already fed up of training so tonight I'll just laze around, I think. And well my current stats are enough to hunt some monsters of the abyss so end of the training for now.

While I was about to sleep, I heard a knock on my door so I went and opened the door and I arrived face to face with Koari in her pajamas.

"Shirasaki-san, what can I do for you?" I said neutrally without much emotion because I'm really dead, I'm just too tired mentally. I just want to go to sleep.

Seeing my sleepy face, she said:

"Ah! Sorry were you sleeping?" She said a little embarrassed.

"No don't worry I was just preparing my stuff for tomorrow."

"Sorry for bothering you but I have something really important to say." Although I already know what she will say I'll still listen to her and think of what I'll say.

"Then come in and make yourself comfortable." I said while gesturing her to enter.

"Thank you." As she entered, she began to blush more and more but I was too exhausted to think of that.

"So, what can I do for you Shirazaki-san?" I asked while preparing tea and giving it to her. I take a chair and seat in front of her.

"Nagumo-kun I don't want you do go to the labyrinth tomorrow."

And after that it was the same as the story, she told me that she had a dream about me vanishing in the abyss, how she knows me from what happened in middle school and why she sees me as the strongest person in her heart etc. So, after all the blabla and unlike I the story I try to tell her to no to worry but...

"You don't have to worry about me I may not look like it but I'm quite strong myself you know." I said with a confident smile on my face.

"But Nagumo! It's not a game you could really die and I don't want that so please don't go!" She began to become out of control and let her emotion overflow so I take a hold of her shoulder and say the same line than the manga.

"I'll depend on you to protect me then. You're a Healer, no? And because I'm kinda frail I want you to protect me with your abilities. It's embarrassing to ask a girl to protect me but I promise I'll do my best to get stronger." I said as I scratched me cheek because of my embarrassment (I'm really embarrassed to say that, I mean I'm almost two time stronger than one the strongest human for God's sake.).

"I understand! I'll protect you!"

After this embarrassing moment I remembered what Hiyama will do tomorrow so I went in the ROVJI and created some curse with Dark Magic.

After a good night of sleep and a delicious breakfast we are now in the city of Horaud, in front of the Orcus Labyrinth. And it just looks like a big cave, apart from the entrance that feels like we are in a carnival I can't see anything special.

Entering the labyrinth, for the next two hours we fought monster and to not attire to much attention I just killed the monsters that the others have already weakened and although I earned coins by finishing them off the amount I earned did not even reach the hundred so before I go the abyss, I can't hope to have a decent amount of coins to earn. I used the same method than the original Hajime so to not look like I haven't done anything during my training. But something bothers me, it's my instinct are telling me not to continue if I don't want to die and although I know why I feel that but It's beginning to feel uncomfortable after so long.

After another hour we finally arrived to the 20th floor and the dumb Hero Kouki is showing off by using his overpowered skill. But he used one that marked me, its name is Heavenly slash, it let you launch a white slash of light magic that can easily cut through metals and although the attack is cool what really marked me is that another type of energy is mixed in the slash, I don't know what is it but I can suppose that it is the famous Sword Intent but because I don't really specialize in any weapon it does not interest me that much for now.

When Kouki used his skill some parts of the cave fell off and a beautiful shiny and sparkly crystal appeared on one of the walls.

"It's beautiful! What is that crystal?" Asked Kori to Meld.

"Oh! It's a Grants Crystal, it doesn't have any special proprieties but because it's beautiful it's popular among the nobles." Said Meld as he began to walk toward our next step.

"You want it don't you Kaori? So let me take it for you." And as the dumba** Hiyama said that he began to climb the wall to get the crystal.

"Come back down! It can be a trap!" Meld was screaming at Hiyama he already reached the crystal.

"See It was easy." But just as Hiyama got a hold of the crystal a magic circle appeared and the second after we found ourselves on an enormous bridge of 100 meters in length and 10 meters wide with dark looking abyss under us.

"What is happening?"

"Where are we?"

As my classmates began to panic and throw questions a black summoning circle appeared in front and behind us, where stairs that go up a, a crimson magic circle is pulsing with magic and hundreds of demons appears from it but the more terrifying thing is the ten meters radius magic circle at the front where a demon larger than 10 meters with four legs and horns on its head, that looked like a Triceratops appeared. It has crimson eyes and seemingly sharp nails and fangs and with flames coming out of its Horns.

While all my classmates froze seeing it and Meld was shocked by what he was seeing.

"Impossible…. A Behemoth."