
I'm A Villain In The Apocalypse

Everything was normal. Until an apocalypse entered the Earth, of course. [Scenario 1 - Try not to die.] It seemed like our planet had been caught in a game between constellations. . . . Additional Tags: Evil MC, Villain MC, Calm MC, Apocalypse, Constellations, No-Yuri, No-NTR, Fantasy, Sexual Content, Beautiful Female Leads, Multiple Lovers, Demons, Angels, Game-Elements, Monsters, Ruthless MC, and of course, the only tag that will remain in every single work that I make... YANDERE!!!

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19 Chs

When Someone Is About To Die, They Reveal Their True Colors (I)

[Scenario #2 — Playing House.]

[Difficulty: High]

[Information: In each area, four houses will appear. There are four types of houses: red, green, yellow, and black. Each player will be able to choose which house they want to enter and team up with other players there. But if one chooses the black house, they will be by themselves. The rules of the game are simple: each house will attack each other, and the game ends when one of the houses captures the flag that is positioned in the center of each house.]

[Clear Conditions: Take control of every flag.]

[Bonus: You will receive a temporary 10x status for the duration of the second scenario if you select the black house, in addition to having your rewards tripled.]

[Failure Penalty: You'll enter a weakened state for the rest of the third scenario.]

"Ah... what house should we choose?" Daniel asked as he scratched his head. 

Yup... being able to see those bonuses is incredibly useful.

"Oh! Alaine, what's your favourite color!?"


"Ah... nevermind then."



"Any suggestions, Lucius?" Alaine suddenly asked.

I turned to her and simply smiled faintly.

"I don't know about you guys... but I..."

I tapped the [Black House] option on the panel in front of him.

"I always liked the color black." I waved my hand.

[Transferring the player...]

"A-AH... Wait!"

Alaine's eyes widened at my words; she hurriedly tried to take my hand, but I disappeared just in that moment.

"Oh... I forgot about a single detail. How am I supposed to attack and defend at the same time?"

I really forgot about that detail.

Whatever... having a 10x increase in my status will be very useful.

"Open store." I immediately called out.

I was going to buy the 1✪ Upgrade Orb; I have enough points for it. Besides, platinum-level players get a 50% discount.

I just discovered that now...


[1✪ Upgrade Orb!]

[Price: 5.000 (50% Discount)]

[- 5.000 Coins]

After buying the upgrade orb, a small blue orb appeared in my hand.

"How can I use this?"

After thinking about it for a while, I simply opened my status and pressed to upgrade my unique skill.

[Would you like to consume a 1✪ Upgrade Orb to upgrade the skill?]

"Yes." I tapped the [Yes] button.

[Ding! Your unique skill has been upgraded to a 1✪ skill!]

[The special ability "appraisal" has been unlocked!]



Rarity: Legendary

It allows the user to see other people's status.]

"That's just what I needed...!"

Honestly, I'm not that surprised.

I expected something like this to come soon or later.

[Hihihi~, hello once again!]

[I'm only here because something really rare happened! Someone actually chose the Black House!]

[Because of that same fact, I'm only here to say that there's a special benefit for the black house player...]

Oh... don't you fucking dare say it...

[That same player can actually carry the flag with himself!]

Huff... that was close.

[That's simply it. Other than that, good luck!]

"Well... I'll take the flag with me then. I'll be in the offensive~" I couldn't help but smile.

Although, I don't know what kind of abilities each player has, I'm pretty confident in my attributes right now...

[The game has officially started!]

[You have received a temporary 10x increase!]

"Haah... so, which house should I try to attack first? I don't know what that little clown said—"in each area". What does that mean?"

[The constellation "Shivering Veil" says that the entire world is divided into more than one million areas.]

[The area you're currently in has about 400 players without including you. Naturally, the distribution is not evenly distributed because each player can select which house they enter.]

[The constellation "Thousands Faces" nods in agreement.]

"Ah... who are you?"

[The constellation "Shivering Veil" scares the other constellation away.]

[The constellation "Shivering Veil" smiles upon you.]



I guess I'm stuck with her.

[Warning! The unique skill "Secret Sigh" has forcibly unlocked its other special skill.]

[You can now see through the veil of the constellations.]


That was random?

I didn't expect that my unique skill was that overpowered.



"Ah... god damn it."

Suddenly, a massive hole blasted through my black house. From it, a swarm of players—maybe thirty or so—charged in desperately.

Well... it shouldn't be a big problem...

[The title "Demon In Human Form" has been activated.]

[If the user kills a player, he can absorb a tenth of their status along with the player's coins.]

Say less...


I rushed towards them...

As I lunged into the fray, my hands crackled with icy energy. Waving my hand, I unleashed a wave of freezing cold, sending shards of ice flying at my attackers.



The ice shards collided with the players, freezing them in their tracks.

Some stumbled and fell, while others tried to dodge but found themselves ensnared in my icy trap.

"Haah...!" I took a deep breath,

Due to the sudden increase in my attributes because I killed a player, those 2 or even 1 attribute point that I received directly became 10 or 20.




The remaining players screamed loudly; they were probably thinking that their teammates were only frozen.

If only they knew that they were actually dead...

"Well... time to finish this."

"It wasn't even a fight to begin with..."

"Huff..." I let out a cold breath.

My eyes sharpened, my body tensed up, and immediately, a deep chill covered the entire area.

A blizzard of frost engulfed the remaining players in a whirlwind of ice and snow, freezing them to ice sculptures.

"Ah... Despite having so much mana right now... that damned blizzard was really my limit." I sat down.

"Check notifications..."

[You have killed 36 players...]

[You have received a total of 12.700 coins!]

[You have received 21.9 Dexterity, 16.4 Constitution, 19.4 Strength, and 4.7 Magic.]

Their attributes were really trash.

None of them even had a magic skill, I guess they are indeed rare.

"Sadly, killing players doesn't give me exp." I stretched my body.

[The constellation "Frost Queen" is satisfied with your actions.]

Ah... it makes sense now.

"Shivering" can be translated into ice; there's also the ice skill that she gave me.

And "Veil"...

Well, in ancient times, queens used veils to cover their faces.

So, I guess it makes sense.

"Anyway... the location of each house is displayed on the map. So, I'll directly go to the green house."

"They decided to attack the 'weakest', so I guess... I should at least repay the favor."

There are four hundred and one players...

Well, now there are 364 players...

I should be able to at least get... 364 points in each attribute.

That is... if I'm the only one killing them.

Who knows?