
Opening Ceremony (2)

Basil Lionheart.

He had remained the number one power since the time mana began permeating the world and the 10 clans became 9. Since then, every major occurrence, every rise, and every shift of power in the world had his hand in it. He was the pinnacle of strength that everyone looked up to, the hope that they relied on when things went south, and the final bastion when there was no one else to call on.

He was a man filled with an equal amount of strength and arrogance. There were many he considered below him. There were few he considered family. And even fewer he considered friends or peers. In the entire world,there was only one person, one being he considered above him. It was the being who had guided him and his family to this point, allowing them to remain at the top of the world, uncontested by anyone else.

It was why he was here at First High Magic Academy. Although he was aware that his heir was of age to attend, it was not of any import to him. After all, the children he had numbered by the dozens. Even without an heir, his power continued growing and due to mana he remained in the prime of his life. Although his current heir was talented, in the end, he was a replaceable spare. After all the genes that created that talent originated from him.

Yet he had received an oracle, the first one in years after that incident. It informed him that a calamity had descended that would break the status quo, destroying the world order and turning everything into chaos. He had been instructed to proceed to the opening ceremony of all the academies globally and check the status of the promising strong students entering their first year. The status would carry an indicator of the calamity and he was to proceed with the elimination as soon as possible.

Although he had not been able to receive details about the person who was the calamity due to limitations, he had been assured that the student was strong. Strong enough to survive the sheer pressure that emanated from the being and persevere.

Even though he thought being an errand boy was beneath him, Basil Lionheart dutifully attended all the opening ceremonies across the globe. His final stop was First Magic High Academy where his heir was attending. As he spread his aura around the auditorium, his scarlet eyes captured all the students who were able to resist his aura while staring straight at him.

"Sorry about that, I sometimes have a hard time controlling my aura. I forget how fragile you all are. There's no way we can have a conversation like this." Basil Lionheart spoke up with a light smile, unconsciously imitating words he had heard often. He quickly glanced over the students and professors, noting their pale faces before removing his aura as if it never existed.

"Thank you for having me today. For all who don't know, I am Basil Lionheart, head of the Lionheart clan. I'm very excited to see the next generations of heroes and I wanted to provide a service that I wish had been available to me. For all first-year awakened students, I will offer 10 minutes of my time to each student for consultation on how to properly use your gifts and in which direction you should grow. You only have to use an academy-provided analyzation stone to share the details, however, I personally guarantee on my name and clan name that the information recorded will never be shared with anyone on this earth. The opportunity is open to anyone who wants it but since I have limited time, I'll have to prioritize those who are upper-ranked students. Dean Lionheart will share the details."

As his words finished, and he took a step back, the entire auditorium burst into a round of applause and excited murmurs.

"Thank you so much. Please give another round of applause to the rank 1 hero. As for his offer. Those who are interested please stay behind and you will be organized by rank. I look forward to a good school year. Your class assignments will be posted by the end of the day to your watches. All dismissed."

I watched curiously as a swarm of students began approaching the stage while others began leaving. After a final glance at the stage, I turned away and blended in with the crowd as I left the building. If I didn't have to, I had no wish to meet with Basil Lionheart.

Once I made my way out, I immediately went to the library. My performance against the three clowns had been disappointing and could not be repeated. I had to remember that this was a world where individuals began training young in hopes that they would get a gift. The students who made it to the academy were the best of the best from around the world. Even the low ranks here were standouts elsewhere and I was an outsider who happened to be here. Knowledge was power and I needed to get it.

The library was an impressive building reminiscent of a Roman-style courthouse. 12 humongous columns spanned the front of the multistory building. In the center of the columns, there was a 20-foot marble statue of a man with a lion-like mane holding a large holding a large sword. As I walked past the statue, I caught sight of the name; Basil Lionheart, the founder of the Lionheart clan and the strongest man in the world. When I remembered that oppressive aura, I felt annoyed.

I looked over the statue and memorized the face before moving into the library. The interior was even more impressive with large bookcases that reached the 30-foot ceiling. Each bookcase was crammed to the brim with books of every shape and size. Strategically placed by each bookcase were tables and chairs allowing people to study or chat if they so wished.

I approached the front desk where a young woman with short green hair was sitting. She had large round glasses that covered up her pale yellow eyes and a face full of freckles. In her hands was a large book that was bigger than her face.

"Excuse me?"

She glanced at me and sighed before answering. "You look like a newbie judging by that crisp black uniform. Classes haven't started so there's no way you're here for homework already. And you don't look like a bookworm who likes to study for fun. So, what do you want? Are you here on a dare?"

"I'm looking for introductory books to using mana, status screens, some history books, some martial arts books, and books about training gifts."

"Hmmm, interesting. Judging from that selection, you're a late bloomer and still managed to get into First High? Maybe you are a bookworm after all. And a cute one at that." She gave a wink while finally shutting her book.

"Books about using mana and stats are pretty easy. Section 600c in the back contains all the intro books you'll be using in classes this year. History is in 100a. Martial arts are in 400b but it's better to just go to combat class. I think Rebecca has the first year this year? You'll be whipped into shape or she'll have her wolves bite off your ass. As for your gifts, what is your gift anyway?"

As I gave her a blank look, she gave me a knowing smirk, "I'm the head librarian here. My gift helps to memorize things and analyze information for optimal solutions. I've gone through every book in this library repeatedly and read through most of the stuff at other academies. I usually help professors create lesson plans tailored to students' gifts. The more detail you can give me the better, I can help you. I can assure you that I'm better than any internet search and scouts honor that I won't tell a soul."

Seeing that I still silently looked at her she sighed and muttered about 'new students with main character syndrome'.

"With that kind of attitude, you're lucky you're handsome. If you don't want to tell me the exact gift, what category would you put it under? Mana, physical, natural? Internal? External? Help me help you or you'll be searching forever."

"Mana." I wanted to share the bare minimum and didn't plan on anybody knowing the exact details of my gift unless I absolutely had to.

"Okay. Books related to mana gifts are in section 800c. It should have things related to internal use and external manifestation of mana. If you decide you can share specifics come back and I can direct you to more specific books. You're allowed to take out 15 books for 3 weeks and can only renew once before you have to bring it back in person. I recommend snagging all your intro books today before classes start or they'll be gone by tomorrow. There's a general syllabus by the first-year bookshelf"

"Okay. Thank you." I turned and began to walk away from her.

"My name is Rachel cutie. Come back if you need any more help with finding books or if you have questions. Big sis will help you out for a kiss." She cheerfully called out.

"That's sexual harassment," I responded without looking back. Big sis my ass. I could see through whatever mana mask she had on her face to look younger. Her true age was a woman who was in her 40s.

I quickly found the syllabus and grabbed all the books mentioned in it. I also grabbed a couple of books on the history of the world, statuses, manifesting and enchanting objects with mana, and basic physical training. Satisfied with my haul I found a free table and sat down. For the next couple of hours, I sat and read through the books, trying to gain an understanding of the skills and stats.

After reading all the introductory books on status screens, stats, and gifts, I felt like I had a more general understanding of how things worked.

According to the book, there were three types of stats. Regular people started with physical stats like strength, stamina, speed, perception, and vitality at around rank G. Once a person was awakened, depending on their gifts and their innate physique those stats could be anything from F to B rank. Stats like strength, speed, and stamina could be raised by extensive physical training or by battling out in dungeons. Vitality through repeated injuries and healing while perception through training vision acuity and reaction time. All stats could be raised by special elixirs gained in dungeons.

When an individual awakened, people gained the intelligence stat which aided in mana manipulation into different skills as well as the magic power stat which represented the body's current capacity for mana. All gifts were powered by mana, the only difference was whether it was internalized as fuel or externalized.

The final type of stats was a random collection with no definable reason they appeared. It could be based on physical appearance, luck, or something else. Something like my Charm stat would fall under that category.

When it came to increasing rank, it could be done due to a combination of two things.

1. The majority of their stats had to increase to the next level.

2. The usage of the gift had to have reached 100% of the current rank.

Once those two criteria were hit, the rank would go up and the individual would experience an overall qualitative improvement in their bodies.

As awakened individuals trained they tended to fall into one of three categories. People who mainly used physical weapons while augmenting their bodies with mana and their gifts, people who mainly used mana to perform what could be considered magic, and those who used a mixture of the two.

Of the 3 top-ranked students, Lionel Lionheart was an individual who focused on the physical path. His body was trained extensively and he augmented his strength with his aura and sword gift.

Solomon Nova was of the magical variety. His family was known for using a variety of magic as represented by their silver hair that became stained with mana. The specialty of the Nova family was a skill called Infinite Magic Bombardment. No one knew how it worked, just that it seemed like a never-ending barrage of magic missiles that could last if the person was weak and hours if the person was as strong as their family head.

Evelynn Isolde was somewhat in the middle. From what I remembered, her weapon was a spear but her clan was known for ice gifts and she perfectly combined it into her battle style.

From the gifts I had, I could see that I was somewhat in the middle as well. Although my physical stats were currently bad, I had a gift to create physical weapons as well as the skills to use mana however I wanted. Once I gained an official weapon from the school, I would have to go to training grounds to figure out the most efficient way to fight. I didn't plan on picking any I couldn't win but if unexpected variables attacked me, I had to be ready to pound them into the ground.

Happy to be reading again, I spent several hours reading at the library until my stomach grumbled. When I checked my watch I saw that it was close 6 pm. On a whim, I decided to check my status screen, curious to see if any changes had happened.


Asani Martin

Child of the Nox Clan

[Charm – A]

Gifts: 3/3

Gifts: ▷Eye of Odin (D)(7.00%), ▷Beloved By Mana (F), ▷Mana Craftsman(F)(11%)

Curses: 5 Effects.

Blessing: 5 Effects.

Crimes committed: (1/1)(Assault & Battery)

Familiar: None

Mana attribute: N/A

My eyes focused on my gifts, happy to note that I was seeing some improvement toward the rank. Curious as to what caused it, I focused on my hand.

"Craft a Brick" I whispered and energy drained from me, creating a brick identical to the one in my room.

When I glanced at my status screen, I couldn't help but grin.

▷Mana Craftsman(F)(14%)

"Imbue Hidden Attribute." More energy drained from me but my smile only widened.

▷Mana Craftsman(F)(15.5%)

"Imbue Fortified Attribute."

▷Mana Craftsman(F)(17%)


[Shadow brick]

[Creator: Asani Martin]

[A brick created with mana. It will disappear within 30 minutes unless the creator supplies it with additional mana.]

[Attributes: 2/2]

[Hidden: ….]

[Fortified (C): …]

▷Eye of Odin (D)(8.00%)

I analyzed the brick again but no additional increase happened.

"Still not too bad." I could spend an evening cracking out bricks and the gifts would rank right up.

Pleased with my discovery, I wanted to try one more thing. I held up a book I hadn't read before. It was an advanced book on manifesting and enchanting things with mana.

Holding the book in front of me, I flipped to the first page and muttered.


My vision immediately went black and my head immediately slammed into the desk.

info dump :(

Summer_Dazecreators' thoughts