
I'm A God Of The Harem

The universe was created to give birth, the sun was its incubator, from them it arose to become the future monarch. He who was born in a special and unique way will have a future full of joy and love, as well as short-lived adventure. Start reading to find out more. (This is a Fanfiction by Douluo Dalu - Doupo - Against the Gods - Konosuba) - [I do not own the rights to commonly used phrases and characters, except for the protagonist of the fanfiction.] (No lemon +18)

DaoisthjLX4f · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs


Returning with her daughter and her two friends to the Spirit Hall, Shen Wèizhī asked in a questioning tone "Xiyue, why did you leave the house without even telling me and your mother?"

Shen Xiyue was immediately flustered by the question and while stuttering, she said in an innocent tone, "I-I just wanted to go out and play with my friends, and then I'm bored staying at home all the time without seeing the outside world."

So she approached her father and hugged him affectionately as she looked at him from bottom to top with her big tender eyes, thus showing her cute face that she always used in these types of situations.

"ok, ok. Anyway, now let's go home because we have to talk about something very important for our future, then you can go and play with your friends, but you will have to take yourself to two level 97 Douluo Titles" said Shen Wèizhī with a I sigh and thus let the matter pass

Shen Xiyue nodded immediately and was very happy to see that her father was not angry, so she took her friends' hands and started talking to them on the way home.

Returning to the Spirit Hall after using the space power to transport them through a tunnel created in space, Shen Wèizhī gathered his entire family to reveal his next goal, as he had been on the Douluo Continent for over a hundred years.

Once everyone was gathered in the Supreme Pontiff's hall, he looked at his daughters who were close to each other in birth order, while his two wives stood on his knee as they looked at him affectionately.

He didn't know why something like this had happened, because when he saw them coming, they didn't say anything and both stood on his lap while looking at each other with an aura of provocation.

Ignoring the two women who didn't really understand, he coughed a couple of times to attract attention, and then said, "Today I brought you all together to tell you two important things.

The first: I intend to go to the Divine Realm with your mother Gu Yuena, to avenge the death of your deceased Uncle, the Dragon God, my younger additive brother.

The trip might take a week or two, but I don't think there will be any problems getting home.

The second is last: I have decided that I will go to see what there is outside the world of Douluo Dalu and the divine kingdom, for this reason I will have to leave you for a certain very long period, but I promise you that I will return even if it is impossible!

As you know, your father is not a native inhabitant of this world of Douluo Dalu, but I was born from the sun which rules every planet in this solar system, including the Divine Realm where the Gods live there.

So far I have limited myself to staying in this world mainly because I didn't want to leave you at such a young age, but I also know that sooner or later parents will have to let go of their children to let them grow up properly.

I don't know who said this nonsense, but even so, I will have to leave you for a long time and this saddens me a lot, especially now that we lived a harmonious life and full of happiness"

So I look with tenderness at the two daughters and then at the two wives, while they too unconsciously knew that one day this thing would have to happen, especially when they learned of Shen Wèizhī's origins.

Little Shen Hao De started to cry as she held her father's legs, saying with sadness and tears on her innocent and tender face "whaa...why does Daddy want to abandon Hao De!??

If Hao De did something that dad doesn't like, then Hao De will change for dad, but don't abandon Hao De Whaaa..."

Shen Wèizhī as well as his wives and other daughters, were saddened to see such a scene, and so stroking his daughter's little head, he said in a reassuring voice "Hao De, you have done nothing to displease Daddy, but it's just that I will only be busy for a long timematters that may be difficult.

Remember, you will forever be one of my precious daughters, and no matter what others think of you or me, you must never doubt my love for you, for I will always love you."

Finally, picking up his daughter who stopped crying, I cuddled her for a few minutes and then watched her fall asleep, so I took her back to her room and then continued the meeting.

Shen Wèizhī was very sorry to see a member of his family cry, especially when he could feel his daughter's strong and deep emotions towards him.

Gu Yuena sighed and said as she went to her side, "husband, don't worry about our daughter. She will understand on her own that our family is indestructible to any adversity." then she gave a passionate kiss to comfort Shen Wèizhī's sad mood.

She is Bibi Dong, they understood Shen Wèizhī's personality a lot. On the outside she was very strong and indifferent to any adversity, but when it came to her family than her, she would be more gentle and so also vulnerable.

No one including Shen Wèizhī himself thought that love for family was a thing that made him weak, rather, it was a feeling that made him stronger to continue to protect, love, live, and other emotions that would only make him complete .

As beings who have become Immortal since entering level 100, Shen Wèizhī knew very well that feelings were the most precious thing for a being who lived for a long time.

On the other hand, without feelings, you cannot live your life with full satisfaction and awareness.

While they were continuing their meeting, Ah Yin learned about her husband's death, and also knew why he died or why she didn't feel very sorry about his death.

Many, throughout the continent of Douluo, have always wondered how Qian Xunji, the previous Supreme Pontiff, managed to discover and pursue Tang Hao and his wife without problems.

Especially because just when Qian Xunji was about to encircle and suppress Tang Hao and his wife, this first one already had level 90 and thus had the possibility of becoming a Douluo Title months before the incident.

Until now, Ah Yin being the blue silver empress and soul beast of one hundred thousand years, has always been a pure and innocent woman, so I never doubt that there was someone who revealed their locations and thus reveal her existence of beast of the soul for a hundred thousand years.

Just a few days ago, he went to the forbidden place of the soul beasts, the core area which was ruled by a mysterious figure who was older than any soul beast that lived for millions of years.

There I encounter the opportunity of a lifetime, a special plant that possessed the ability to reveal the truth of destiny and the past, thus revealing the story of how Qian Xunji's pursuit began.

She clearly saw her husband sending a letter to the Spirit Hall, thus revealing her true nature as a soul beast, and thus continuing to reveal their location over and over again, for the sole purpose of deepening their emotions and then making her sacrificed himself to him.

Tang Hao who knew that a soul beast had the ability to sacrifice his life to give the ring and soul bone to whoever he wanted, so as to make the fusion process 100% successful, devise a plan to become a Douluo Title.

Taking advantage of Ah Yin's pure and innocent feelings, and using the continuous suppression and pursuit by Qian

Thus giving birth to Tang San, a son who disgusted him from the bottom of his soul, at least until he discovered that he was talented.

However, his plan was almost complete, but just when Ah Yin was about to make his sacrifice and give him his soul ring and bones, he saw a scene that he will never forget in his life.

Qian Xunji was reduced to blood particles, and only the smell of blood could be smelled, signifying his death.

With her passing, he was so scared and so he ran away for his life and brought Ah Yin who was still useful to him, but when they found a safe place for both of them and thus secretly killed her with his own hands after giving birth to his son, Ah Yin suddenly disappeared, leaving alonea ticket.

The note said: Tang Hao, I will go away to look for a person who could perhaps help us. Ps: Don't worry about my safety, love yours Ah Yin.

When he read the letter, he fainted in anger and so he went to Star Dou forest to vent his anger by killing a lot of innocent soul beasts but along the way, I accidentally found a pair of ninety thousand and one hundred thousand Soft Boneless Rabbit years.

I immediately burst out of happiness and attacked them, killing the mother, who however made her daughter flee, thus obtaining her ninth spiritual ring, even if it was not the one she wanted.

Ah Yin after you find out about all this mess, I burst into tears from pain, sadness, regret and other feelings that I had never felt before in my life, being a naive and innocent woman.

Aside from indifference to her husband's death, she vowed to find the surviving bunny and make her become her stepdaughter, especially since she was a friend of her deceased mother.

In the evening, Shen Wèizhī returned to his room while he took out with some surprise a bunch of pure white lights, while he said with a perplexed tone "if I'm not mistaken, this is the soul of that mother council that I met years ago, but why was it in Tang Hao's ring?"

Not understanding how a rabbit so attentive to his daughter's safety and his own had finally become someone else's spirit ring, he decided to resurrect her body and soul first.

Being a Supreme God, these were too simple things to do, even a King God could do them, and perhaps even a First Degree God.

By casting a light strong enough and full of vitality at the rabbit's soul, he could see its resurrection and finally the re-creation of a physical human body.

He quickly looked away and put on her a new dress created by the energy of Creation that opened a few years ago, then coughed a couple of times and asked the woman who recovered to her surprise "do you remember me?"

She replied unconsciously, while still distracted by thoughts of what happened to her before waking up in front of this young man who looked like an eighteen year old "I was chased and killed by a human, and to save my daughter, I used all my strengths and abilities"

Slowly remembering what happened to her, she suddenly remembered where she saw this young man, so she said in surprise "you are the young man who saved us from those beasts many years ago.

Thank you for helping me resurrect, I will be in your debt. Now I would like to find out how my daughter is and where she is currently, I don't know if sir can help me? " So I look at him with pitying eyes

Shen Wèizhī said without thinking too much, because he wasn't a bad boy "okay, let's go to the Shrek academy"

Having no things to do at the moment, I immediately took her to meet her daughter, especially since she wanted to pet the soft ears of a rabbit.

End of Episode 12