
I'm A God Of The Harem

The universe was created to give birth, the sun was its incubator, from them it arose to become the future monarch. He who was born in a special and unique way will have a future full of joy and love, as well as short-lived adventure. Start reading to find out more. (This is a Fanfiction by Douluo Dalu - Doupo - Against the Gods - Konosuba) - [I do not own the rights to commonly used phrases and characters, except for the protagonist of the fanfiction.] (No lemon +18)

DaoisthjLX4f · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

Ascension Day

A space rift opened near a young and very beautiful girl with a rosy face, pale skin and a soft appearance resembling a fully ripe honey peach.

She has beautiful long legs, while her long brown hair is styled in a scorpion braid that hangs from her head to her waist, and she possesses a pair of bright, sweet, and intelligent eyes.

She and Xiao Wu, a spirit beast who transformed into a human upon reaching one hundred thousand years, and is also Xiao Tuzi's daughter.

Seeing as he discovered that his daughter had given herself a human name, he did the same while taking the surname Xiao, because being soul beasts, they did not use names except when he transformed into humanoid figures.

Xiao Wu who was in his room eating some carrots with gusto, almost choked to death when he saw the space anomaly and then his mother who thought he was dead, not to mention the boy he dreamed of every chance he got .

Looking at the two figures that had landed in the room, the carrot in his mouth fell to the floor as he said in shock, "Mom?"

Xiao Tuzi cried with happiness as she went to her daughter who was enchanted, so she hugged her and said with love and affection "Xiao Wu, mommy left you alone for so long.

I don't know how you've lived these years but now that I'm here, you won't have to face difficulties alone anymore."

So I caress her while Xiao Wu recovered and burst into tears, saying "Mom, I missed you a lot and since you left me, I had to hide for fear that that bad guy would come looking for me.

Then when I was about to die of hunger, I had to go out to get some food and so I met some masters of the soul who wanted to take me and then sell me at auction, because I had rabbit ears.

Luckily there were Da Ming and Er Ming who appeared in time and saved me, but then when I was sleeping while they went to settle a territorial dispute, some humans attacked me by surprise, so they captured me.

Luckily there was the headmaster of Shrek Academy who was nearby and saved me in time, so I became a pupil of this academy, until you two appeared"

Before long, she was able to recount the most important things that had happened to her since her mother became a spirit in Tang Hao's spirit ring.

Shen Wèizhī stepped aside while mother and daughter were talking, so with the intent to leave the room, she was stopped by the voice of Xiao Wu who was not far from him "Don't leave benefactor, I want to thank you for saving my mother and avenging my revenge"

Xiao Wu then gathered courage and added "now I no longer have any reason to seek revenge, so I have decided that I will go where you go and stay with you to repay the favor you gave me"

She is his mother they had talked about it together and finally decided that it was more advantageous to stay with such a boy, at least he can protect you from the bad guys who want to kill you or captured for the spiritual body, ring and bones.

Shen Wèizhī began to reflect on whether to accept being followed by this mother and daughter couple, or ignore him and leave them alone, but seeing their ears that were twitching from the tension of his decision, he made a decision based on his personal taste.

"ok, I can take you with me, but in some time I will have to leave and so I will leave you to the care of my wives and daughters, and Xiao Wu can make good friends"

Hearing her positive response, they both felt relieved and so looked forward to meeting these daughters and wives that Shen Wèizhī mentioned.

After getting organized, Shen Wèizhī told Xiao Wu to greet the director of Shrek Academy and then prepare the few things he wanted to take to his new home.

Shen Wèizhī directly gave one hundred thousand mountain of gold to Flander, the director of Shrek Academy, he was very happy because he knew that it was an astronomical sum for any person or noble.

Then leaving Xiao Wu to bid farewell to the two or three people he barely knew, they left and headed to the Spirit Hall.

As soon as they arrived, Shen Wèizhī introduced the mother and daughter to his wives and daughters, so although there was some friction over bringing females back, Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong didn't complain too much.

At least until Shein Wèizhī brought back another wife, but this according to them was impossible, mainly because they made them promise him.

Time passed and five months slowly passed, and finally it was the time for Gu Yuena and Shen Wèizhī's departure to the Divine realm.

Shen Wèizhī looked at his daughters who were crying, and so I caressed them one by one and said to him "be strong, my daughters, because for a more beautiful meeting, we need to separate first.

When I return, I will play with you for many days, until you are satisfied and no longer want me around." So with a smile, he tickled the girls and then made them laugh and distract them.

Finally, I bid farewell to Bibi Dong and gave her some emergency items in case something unexpected happens while she was not in the Douluo Continent to protect them, and also bid farewell to Xiao Wu and her mother who had become members of the Spirit Hall and thus fully adapted.

After a few minutes, two rays of golden light descended to the ground and began to envelop Gu Yuena and Shen Wèizhī, as they both greeted the family and friends they had made over time.

End of Episode 13