
I'm A God-Level Refugee

Global catastrophe, the end of the world! Yan Long accidentally inherited a god-level shelter and started hoarding millions of tons of supplies. Since then, he has become the only resource supplier and arms dealer in the apocalypse! While the others were still starving, he was enjoying a red wine steak! While others are cut off from electricity, he secretly turned on his nuclear power generating unit! Recruiting, this shelter only accepts young and beautiful women under the age of 25, and those over 25 are rough!" "You're a fighter pilot? Good! I'll give you two meals a day and meat every week." "Are you a big star? I'm sorry, we need people with actual skills!" Watch Yan Long as he dominates the post-apocalyptic planet while doing everything with ease, whether it's facing a tsunami, an earthquake, or the beginning of the Ice Age.

MelodramaticDaddy · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Vehicle Modification Plan, Brutal!

After inspecting the arsenal,

Yan Long's sense of security has increased a lot again.

The days of the apocalypse are approaching day by day, and with soldiers, food, guns and cannons in hand, can you be as stable as Mount Tai and not be afraid of any wind and waves?

"Your Excellency", Suzaki reminded me: "A batch of vehicles has just been delivered to the refit workshop. Do you want to take a look?"

"Come! Let's see!"

Yan nodded and went straight to the first floor with Baimu and Suzaki.

Last time, he ordered Adam to order a batch of trucks and forklifts.

Then suddenly thought, to buy simply buy a little more.

After all, it is impossible to produce armoured vehicles by themselves in a short period, and temporarily modifying other vehicles is sufficient for the early stage of the apocalypse.

Therefore, Adam placed another order and ordered a lot of various types of cars. At this moment, they are being delivered to the shelter continuously.

In the maintenance and assembly office on the first floor, there are rows of large trucks, pickup trucks, off-road vehicles, as well as dozens of buses and heavy bulldozers.

"Tsk, not bad!"

Yan immediately laughed when he saw this.

These vehicles, if well-modified, would not be inferior to military-grade armoured vehicles.

Imagine a heavy bulldozer driving the road, pickup trucks firing on both sides of the convoy, and a bus loaded with people and goods.

Where can Yan not go?

What zombie can stop this kind of convoy?

Once the doomsday breaks out, he can dominate everywhere!

There is no need to hide in a shelter to survive.

"Adam, come up with a drawing of the modification plan!" Yan ordered.

"Yes, Master!"

"The vehicle has been scanned, and the required blueprints are being designed..."

"The design is complete. Please accept it!"

Adam's mechanical voice kept ringing!

The tablet in Yan's hand flickered for a while.

A page opened and revealed many drawings of the vehicle.

Adam used his powerful computing power to design dozens of modifications, ranging from exterior to interior and minor performance improvements.

"Don't be so troublesome!" Yan frowned and reminded: "we only plan to use these vehicles for transition. Once the armoured vehicle production line is developed, their role will be reduced.

"We don't have a lot of time and manpower to waste right now, and we don't have the energy to do large-scale modifications to these vehicles, so everything has to be simplified!"

"In a word, replace the glass of each car with bulletproof ones, or simply hang an iron plate to block the attack of the zombies!"

"The front and rear bumpers of the vehicle need to be replaced with anti-collision devices, and they will inevitably hit zombies during combat driving. These are essential, and nothing else needs to be changed."

Yan keeps making his demands!

Adam immediately revised these transformation drawings.

With a simple goal, it quickly reduced the drawings to seven or eight.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Yan glanced at it and smiled with satisfaction!

The drawings that Adam came up with were quite in line with his wishes.

Take the modified drawings of a bus as an example. We should replace the four wheels with explosion-proof wheels. The glass should be made bullet-proof, and pieces of steel plate are hung on the outer layer.

The most exaggerated drawing is the heavy bulldozer!

It is equipped with steel plates on all four sides!

Transforming it into a giant steel monster!

Once on the road, no zombie tide can resist its crushing force.

The cost of this modification is also very low. It's not complicated, and any soldier in the maintenance team can easily complete it.

"The maintenance team will transfer some people to complete the modification of these vehicles as soon as possible," Yan said.


Baimu quickly agreed.

"Well!" After Yan Long nodded, he whispered silently, "Everything is ready. I only owe Dongfeng!"

In the current situation, there is not much he can do.

Time is passing minute by minute.

The entire shelter is constantly preparing for war.

When the end-time natural disaster arrives, it will depend on luck, whether life or death will arrive for him!

"However, it is possible to select a group of talents in advance."

Yan frowned and pondered the possibility of this idea!

The number of artificial humans in a satellite-level shelter is limited, and it can only accommodate up to 5,000 people. Naturally, other living spaces cannot be wasted.

In the apocalypse, talent is also an extremely important resource.

All kinds of top scientists, technicians, soldiers, and professors will be the most valuable sparks for mankind.

Yan now has absolute control over the shelter and can hire some special talents, which is much better than accepting survivors after the doomsday erupts.

"Adam, search for all kinds of scientists and technicians in this city!" Yan ordered casually; "Make a detailed list."

"Yes!" Adam agreed, and then reminded: "The master wants to recruit these talents, right? Most of them have already received notices, and if something happens, they will flee to the government shelter in advance. You don't need to contact them."

"I won't contact them." Yan smiled indifferently. "Once disaster strikes, there will always be people who do not want to stay in the shelter for various reasons. I need to know who should be rescued and who should not be rescued. ."


Adam quickly collected information on various talents!

With such computing power, no one can escape from his surveillance.

"In addition!" Yan continued: "Make a list of the major orphanages in the city. When the end comes, I will take these orphans and nurture them."


Adam agreed again.

Yan smiled with satisfaction and said nothing more.

Children are the future of a country and a civilization.

Even if they are temporarily not helpful to the shelter, he does not want these children to die in troubled times.

And the plasticity of children is the strongest!

The underage children are trained in the shelter and may become his absolute loyalists in the future, which is also a beautiful thing for him.

"Master, please see that the list has been completed, and the candidates on the list have also been monitored."

"Among them, there are 14,326 top talents from all around the city!"

"There are 7,785 children under the age of 18 in the city's orphanages!"

As Adam reported, he displayed many lists.

Yan looked at the information, and there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.
