
I'm A God-Level Refugee

Global catastrophe, the end of the world! Yan Long accidentally inherited a god-level shelter and started hoarding millions of tons of supplies. Since then, he has become the only resource supplier and arms dealer in the apocalypse! While the others were still starving, he was enjoying a red wine steak! While others are cut off from electricity, he secretly turned on his nuclear power generating unit! Recruiting, this shelter only accepts young and beautiful women under the age of 25, and those over 25 are rough!" "You're a fighter pilot? Good! I'll give you two meals a day and meat every week." "Are you a big star? I'm sorry, we need people with actual skills!" Watch Yan Long as he dominates the post-apocalyptic planet while doing everything with ease, whether it's facing a tsunami, an earthquake, or the beginning of the Ice Age.

MelodramaticDaddy · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Emergency Announcement, National Panic!

Time goes by!

Yan Long's reserves in the shelter are getting more and more abundant.

Not only are the major warehouses full of various materials, but the arsenal worked overtime and the entire escort team had already been armed to the teeth, and a huge amount of ammunition had been stored.

Three days before the doomsday, material delivery was completely stopped.

Adam's purchase plan is all done!

A retrofit program for several hundred vehicles has also been completed.

The Shelter, which had been lively for over ten days, closed its doors again, and no one could enter or go out.

At the same time, the outside world caused an uproar because of the news of the disaster.

In the morning, in a luxurious suite at the core headquarters on the 40th floor of the Shelter, Yan Long woke up from Suzaki's soft fragrance. The clothes dropped on the floor indicated the madness of last night.

Under the care of Suzaki, he quickly finished washing up!

While eating breakfast, the electronic screen on the wall suddenly lit up.

Adam's face appeared on it and said, "Master, you may be interested in this news."

After that, the electronic screen was replaced by an outside TV news station!

A female host on the TV was broadcasting an announcement repeatedly with a serious face.

[Everyone, please note that the government issued an emergency announcement at 8:00 this morning, announcing that a special department with the highest authority- The Earthquake Relief committee will be established!]

[The chief of the committee, Xu Hao, immediately issued a red alert to the 1.2 billion citizens. A meteorite numbered DK619 is approaching our planet. Over the past few months, all countries have worked together to formulate a destruction plan, but all of them have failed! ]

[Scientists predict that this huge meteorite will collide with Earth in 38 hours and 25 minutes, and set off a huge tsunami-earthquake disaster, which may bring unpredictable losses to all of mankind!]

[The committee solemnly reminds everyone to prepare for disasters, reserve water and food, and plan for long-term survival. ]

[Major schools, companies, and organizations should immediately stop all group activities, stay at home with peace of mind, avoid all unnecessary going out, and go to the nearest rescue point for help in times of danger.]

[Xu Hao, head of the committee, also said that the state will try to protect people's lives and health and property from damage. Please keep in mind that the laws of the country have a binding force at all times. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to violate the law and harm others. Once found, the law enforcement agencies will never tolerate it!]

As soon as the words fell, Adam displayed a lot of pictures!

This is the surprised reaction of people all over the country after hearing the news.

"Damn it, Huge meteorite? Why can't it be destroyed?"

"It's over. It's not the end of the world, is it?"

"Meteorite your Uncle! I have to take the exam in two days!"

"Exam? Eat shit instead. It's the end of the world. Hurry up and go home!"

"Mom, hurry up and go to the supermarket. I have nothing in my house. I have to starve to death when disaster strikes."

People all around the world are panicking!

On the screen, many people crowded into the supermarket and frantically snapped up all kinds of living supplies!

The streets were also in chaos, and many people were anxious.

"Hoo! It's finally here!"

Yan sighed silently in his heart, with bitterness and even more expectation.

Take out your mobile phone and look at it. Whether it is a circle of friends, a chatting app, or major news forums, there are discussions about meteorites everywhere.

In fact, at this moment, most people do not realize how terrible this disaster is!

Scientists have long estimated that this meteorite landing will cause a sustained tsunami and a major earthquake of magnitude 12 or more that will spread across the world.

I don't know how many people will die by then!

The officials did not dare to announce this news, fearing that it would cause panic among the whole people!

As a result, many people did not take it seriously and thought it was a temporary earthquake.

"Adam, check the city's shelters!" Yan ordered casually.


Adam agreed.

After a while, a large number of surveillance pictures appeared on the electronic screen.

This is the surveillance video of the major shelters, all of which have been hacked by Adam.

"Master, please see, there are 14 official shelters in this city!" Adam introduced: "Among them, one underground shelter for the city government, three air-raid shelters, and the rest are playground-style shelters, It can accommodate 530,000 people to avoid disasters, and the relevant departments are currently evacuating the people."

"Park shelter?"

Yan's eyes flashed a hint of depression!

What's the use of this thing?

Do you think the disasters are just tsunamis and earthquakes?

The so-called park-style shelters are emergency shelters and rescue places set up in major parks, where people can be evacuated in the event of an earthquake.

These venues are all set up with tents, and they can accommodate a lot of people!

But once the zombies strike, hell mode will be activated in these places in an instant, hundreds of thousands of people will gather, and the scene where 80 or 90% of them are infected by zombies makes people palpitate.

"Jiang City has a population of over 10 million. How many people will die by then?!"

Yan Long sighed helplessly, but could not save them.

[Ding dong!]

The phone vibrated!

Yan glanced curiously, only to find that someone added him to the chatting app, and it was his high school classmate's group.

Dozens of classmates were having a heated discussion!

The content of the discussion is nothing more than a dispute over the intensity of the disaster and how to avoid it.

"Damn it, I just went to the supermarket to snap up a big purchase, but I only managed to grab a pack of noodles. It's over!"

"I grabbed nothing. Fortunately, my mother stocked up on a lot of rice at home. She shouldn't starve to death!"

"Haha, I live in a rural area, and I am not afraid of earthquakes or tsunamis. I produce my own rice. Even If I can't buy rice for a year, I will not starve to death."

"Woooooo, envy and envy, I beg for support!"

Few seconds later,

The class flower, Su Yaoite, greeted the entire class and said, "Little friends, our family has built a private shelter. Who wants to come and live? You're welcome to sign up!"


Yan immediately became interested when he saw those words.


The class flower invites you to her private shelter. Do you accept? [YES/NO]

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