
I'm A God-Level Refugee

Global catastrophe, the end of the world! Yan Long accidentally inherited a god-level shelter and started hoarding millions of tons of supplies. Since then, he has become the only resource supplier and arms dealer in the apocalypse! While the others were still starving, he was enjoying a red wine steak! While others are cut off from electricity, he secretly turned on his nuclear power generating unit! Recruiting, this shelter only accepts young and beautiful women under the age of 25, and those over 25 are rough!" "You're a fighter pilot? Good! I'll give you two meals a day and meat every week." "Are you a big star? I'm sorry, we need people with actual skills!" Watch Yan Long as he dominates the post-apocalyptic planet while doing everything with ease, whether it's facing a tsunami, an earthquake, or the beginning of the Ice Age.

MelodramaticDaddy · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Crazy purchasing of resources!

Yan Long figured out the current situation of the shelter!

In one sentence, it is outdated, in dire need of repair, empty, and underfunded.

"Adam, do you have any suggestions for repairing the shelter and strengthening the base within half a month?" Yan couldn't help frowning and asked.

"Master!" After a quick analysis, Adam replied: "Currently, the shelter can maintain the lowest power operation, and you only have 1000 crystal cores, so your best choice is to create artificial humans."

"First, you should manufacture androids with combat, maintenance, and medical skills as soon as possible. They can help you complete the repair and expansion of the shelter."

"Second, since the shelter is in short supply of all kinds of material reserves, you should quickly collect and purchase all kinds of seeds, cotton, oil, minerals, food and other materials for storage."

"Third, farming sites in living areas should be quickly sown with seeds and use soil-less cultivation technology to complete the self-supply of food as soon as possible."

"I also recommended repairing the arsenal immediately and resuming the production of various military weapons to strengthen the armed forces of the shelter."

Adam's analysis came up with a lot of suggestions.

Yan immediately chuckled when he heard the words. These suggestions were to the point, as expected, of a supercomputer.

He naturally knows about the androids, which are a major feature of the game.

Players can use futuristic technology to create loyal, powerful androids with various skills.

An android soldier requires 5 cores.

Currently, Yan has 1000 crystal cores, and it looks like he can recruit 200 people.

Once an army of androids is created, this sanctuary is truly impregnable.

"However, I don't have the money to buy supplies."

"Such a large warehouse is empty. How can I take advantage of this half month to stock up on supplies?"

Yan Long was distressed.

A penny beats a hero, and he can't rob before the apocalypse begins, right?

"Don't worry, master." Adam reminded: "The world's network defences are very simple. If you need it, I can secretly transfer a batch of funds from major banks to your name, ensuring that no one will notice. "


Yan's eyes lit up!

Yeah, why didn't he think of that?

Adam is an epoch-making artificial intelligence, the God of the Internet!

Money is just a number. Isn't it too easy for him?

Just go to an overseas bank and look at all of the unsupervised black accounts, or accounts that have been deceased, and no one inherits. Is the money in it still allowed to be transferred?

And it will be the end of the world in half a month. Won't any amount of money become waste paper by then?

What if someone finds out? Could someone still arrest him?

"Okay!" Yan Long commanded directly: "Make a purchase immediately, contact various companies in the province, and purchase food, meat, seeds, petroleum, gasoline, etc. at high prices for all the materials we need, and must arrive within a week. We need to fill all warehouses up."

"In addition, hundreds of virtual accounts need to be established, and we can transfer one or two million dollars from overseas banks to pay the company in batches."

"The price doesn't matter, it can be several times higher than the market price, as long as they deliver it as soon as possible."

"Money is precious in normal times, but in troubled times, they do not differ from waste paper, and time is the most precious."

Yan Long gave a series of orders, and Adam agreed immediately!

All kinds of data flickered, many bank networks were successfully invaded, hundreds of accounts were quickly established, and funds were quickly put in place.

Massive acquisition plans have been made within 0.01 seconds, and orders are quickly placed with various companies.

These things are too simple for Adam.

Everything is done easily, just wait for someone to deliver it after payment.


He breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing this.

The presence of artificial intelligence is indeed a convenience.

It solved a lot of trouble for him.

If Yan were to order so many supplies, he might not do it within a few months, but Adam did everything in the blink of an eye.

"Go, go to the 36th floor!"

Yan lifted his foot and stepped into the elevator.

There was no need to use the buttons. Adam has already controlled the elevator to go down.

The four-sided glass elevator goes straight down the courtyard to a depth of over 100 meters.

This experience is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even if Yan has played this game, it secretly amazed him at this moment.

The 36th floor is the supercomputer centre. It is already a very important place in the sanctuary. The common residents have no permission and are not qualified to come here.

This floor is divided into two areas:

Area A is full of huge computer centres flashing with blue light. This is where Adam's body is. Without these computers, their ability will be reduced.

In the B area, there are warehouse-like structures, which look very sci-fi, and should be the equipment that breeds artificial humans.

Whether it is a supercomputer or an artificial human incubator, there are different degrees of damage inflicted on the devices.

However, there is no rush to fix them at the moment, because many of them can still be used reluctantly.

"Adam, check the situation of the breeding warehouse," Yan ordered.

"Yes! The self-inspection program has started." Adam flashed and replied: "The self-inspection program is completed, 12 of the 100 artificial human incubators are seriously damaged and cannot be used, 38 are mildly damaged and need to be repaired urgently, and the remaining 50 are in a normal state."

"Each incubator needs to consume 5 crystal cores and 24 hours to breed an android warrior. Will the master start it right away?"

Yan Long is not unfamiliar with this process.

He immediately nodded and instructed: "Open it, 50 incubators will start working, and 20 combat soldiers, 10 maintenance, medical, and management soldiers will be produced, and there is no gender limit."


Adam agreed, and the 50 intact incubators quickly turned on the blue lights.

A large amount of electric energy was sent over, crystal-like nuclei were automatically put into it, and the nutrient solution in the incubator boiled.

These sci-fi-like products exerted terrifying energy.

A well-preserved embryo is constantly being conceived.


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