
I'm A God-Level Refugee

Global catastrophe, the end of the world! Yan Long accidentally inherited a god-level shelter and started hoarding millions of tons of supplies. Since then, he has become the only resource supplier and arms dealer in the apocalypse! While the others were still starving, he was enjoying a red wine steak! While others are cut off from electricity, he secretly turned on his nuclear power generating unit! Recruiting, this shelter only accepts young and beautiful women under the age of 25, and those over 25 are rough!" "You're a fighter pilot? Good! I'll give you two meals a day and meat every week." "Are you a big star? I'm sorry, we need people with actual skills!" Watch Yan Long as he dominates the post-apocalyptic planet while doing everything with ease, whether it's facing a tsunami, an earthquake, or the beginning of the Ice Age.

MelodramaticDaddy · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Aren't you here to save people?

The rescuer is naturally Yan Long!

Leading a small team to fight, his primary goal is to rescue all kinds of top talents!

Adam has already grasped the location of many talented people through their mobile phone signals and then forwarded it to the tablet of each squad leader to guide them through navigation.

Therefore, the efficiency of the six teams is extremely high, saving a lot of targeted people along the way.

The team led by Yan found Song Zhiwen's location not far away from the base, and then swept the zombies standing in their way, successfully rescuing him.

"Good harvest!" Yan grinned while looking at the information on the tablet: "Professor Song Zhiwen, a world-leading scientist, not only has major achievements in physics but also has taught at various universities."

"It's really amazing to have a talent like you in Jiang City! Get to know me. I am the manager of Shelter A1. You can call me Yan Long."

"It's nice to meet the two of you. Now, you both have two choices. The first is to choose to follow me, and the second is to fend for yourself!"

Song Zhiwen shook hands with Yan in a daze!

He was not a fool. He felt something was weird about this situation.

This young man is the leader of the team.

And this convoy with modern armed forces is not from the military, but then wouldn't the government send the army? And where did these weapons come from? What's worse, he also had no idea what this man wanted!

Various questions lingered in his mind, and Song Zhiwen didn't know whether to ask him!

"Get in the car first. We are in a hurry to save the next target."

Yan gestured kindly!

The father and daughter hesitated for a moment, then got in the vehicle.

After all, the streets are full of zombies, and it was too dangerous outside.

Apart from following Yan Long, they couldn't find another way to survive.

After the two got into the car, the team sped forward again.

"Go straight to the location of the next target and rescue them," Yan ordered, as the convoy turned right sharply around the corner of a narrow junction.

Along the way, the escort soldiers opened fire frantically, and they easily shot any zombies that approached the convoy dead.

This sturdy and elite combat power once again shone in the eyes of Song Zhiwen and his daughter.

"Who the hell are you?" Song Zhiwen couldn't help but ask.

"Let's put it this way!" Yan explained briefly: "We should be regarded as a shelter organization born to deal with the doomsday. We are now helping all kinds of top talents to ensure the continuity and competitiveness of China and its citizens."

"Oh yes! I spread the information about the zombie virus that was sent some days ago, but it obviously didn't catch many people's attention."

"As for the organisation, you don't need to know too much for the time being. Do you still have any questions?"

Yan gave them a polite smile!

Song Zhiwen and his daughter were dumbfounded.

A lot of information flood through their ears.

In short, Yan has a mysterious organizational background behind him.

And he has long known the existence of the zombie virus, and has already made a lot of preparations for the apocalypse?

"H-How is that possible?" Wanwan exclaimed in shock.

Her father's face was also full of disbelief.

As the vice president of the National Science Academy, he knows more than anyone else.

How did this young man grasp the news that even the top officials of China could not get?

How powerful is the force behind Yan Long?

"There are many things in this world that you don't understand yet. I don't need to explain them to you one by one."

"And when you return to our shelter, you will be even more shocked and see some incredible things."

"So be quiet. I don't have time to chat with you right now!"

Yan waved his hands casually, and the two immediately shut up!

Song Zhiwen and his daughter are not ignorant, they can see the current situation.

The man in front of them possessed an incomprehensible power.

Moreover, in Jiang City, he may be the only organized paramilitary force carrying out the rescue plan.

They had both watched the soldiers slaughtering the zombies with their own eyes!

Many infected perished under the gun's muzzle, unable to stop any bullets.

Four or five groups of the remaining rescue targets were located and placed inside the bus of the convoy, including hundreds of orphans and teachers from an orphanage.

This powerful armed force appeared to be a god-like presence during the apocalypse.

When they were desperate, he easily rescued everyone.

Sitting on Yan's off-road vehicle, Song Wanwan, who was in a state of panic until a few minutes ago, glanced at the young man seated next to her and couldn't help but smile. This man, who was known as Yan Long, was just a few years older than she was. He was also the leader of this convoy. She felt incredibly safe with him. And without her noticing, a ripple travelled through her heart.

But as they were passing an intersection, Wanwan exclaimed: "Stop, stop, there are people there! Help them!"

Yan Long took the chance to look over!

I saw a street not far away. Hundreds of zombies were gathering, madly attacking a shop on the side. There were bursts of screams and calls for help. Across the wooden barricade, you could see more than a dozen survivors, who were frighteningly resisting the attack of the zombies.

However, after Yan glanced at them, his eyes turned back indifferently, as if he hadn't seen them.

The other members of the escort team didn't even look at it. They looked around other areas vigilantly. They ignored any zombies that did not threaten the team.

"W-What's going on?" Wanwan asked anxiously: "Didn't you see the survivors? We should save them!"

"Mister Yan, didn't you say you're here to save people?" Song Zhiwen also became anxious: "There are survivors ahead, let's save them quickly or they will die."


"I'm sorry!" Yan Long shook his head with a sigh and said, "They are not my rescue targets, and I will not save them."


Song Zhiwen and his daughter were stunned in shock!

They saw Yan trying his best to save everyone till now, and thought he was their great saviour.

There are over 100 orphans who have just been rescued on the bus in the back, but how can he turn a blind eye to the survivors in front of him?

"Mister Yan, are you crazy?" Song Zhiwen exclaimed in disbelief: "They are our compatriots, how can you not help them? Isn't this too cold?"

"Didn't you just say righteously that you are here to save people?" Wanwan also said angrily, "You can't save these people now, don't you think your words are in conflict?"


To their surprise, Yan did not respond.

Instead, he just looked at them blankly, as if he was looking at a mentally disabled person and asked, "Are you finished?"


Too lazy to proof-read the previous chapters. Go easy on me.

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