
I'm a Genius

This novel is base on futuristic and business management and mind you this is my first work and my work hope it okay and please tolerate my novice mistake it's a must for a newbie thanks @everyone who gonna it

DaoistqSobV4 · Romance
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1 Chs


2322 Earth8 [1]

" Professor Jack we are here on behalf of the government to bring you to the military base for your safety sir" said a black rugged man in a military uniform

"No you think I will go with you I'd rather die here than keep my life with you people" Jack was enrage because he knew when the government the chip on his hand that will be the end for him.

"Jack we don't have much time here before they figured out your position so I'm sorry we would have to use force " he then made a gesture to the people behind him but before they could move even an inch a loud bang was hard from the outside followed by gun shot .

"General there armies from the other side here sir" A soldier rushed in to report.

Boys get ready to face them we...." Before he could finish his sentence a terrifying red beams penetrated the lab killing the General without doubt.

Seeing this scene jack knew he was fucked he don't have no other choice than to destroy the USB and enter his unfinished soul transiting machine.a

voices sounded in jack mind has he open is eyes he look at his vicinity as soon as his eyes open.

"Did it work?" he ask with a trembling voice

" Oh my thank you hahahaha I'm alive " he laughed out hesterically with a moisted red eyes

Okay before we go further I will use this to brief about the origin of jack, Jack is a well known scientist from 300+ years later he has made or invent epoch and jaw dropping technology be it for the military or civilian his projects and knowledge is well acknowledged.

But it was not enough for jack who yearn for something more something supernatural beyond the reach of man ' Immortality' he abandoned his colleagues and went in search of immortality with his knowledge it took him 32 year to finally succeed but not quite after his experiment he tried to further his research but was discovered by the government and the rest of the world who think he succeed they all covet his half done work and tried to silence him he entered a time machine and here he's from 2322 to 2013


March 10 2013 parallel Earth

Jack has now settle down his racing heart and sought out his memories and found out he's in a parallel world and in a body of a 21 year old jobbless guys .

"Good thing I built that damn machine " he sigh while thinking about his past life