
This me?

I wouldn't be called a loner but I loved the stillness of my room, warm Cherokee county embodied my favourites; serenity, dullness, peacefulness and well, less drama.

John brushed up my hair as my lovely romance fiction dazzled the stars outta my eyes. What manner of sorcery is this story that I had tears, well of joy, sift down my cheeks. Cheeky, right?

Oops, actually I felt reluctant to sleep hence the book. I loved love, I love to be caressed, adored, held, smooched, worshiped. I loved attention, only that it's short-lived. Yes!

I'ma sleep now yeah, but I'd wake up a different person, detesting every single thing I've craved earlier.

John knows it, I do too. he's caved in but I feel less concerned. Bipolar? well, not really y'all! I'm just a sweet soul having less grip on her emotions

"Babes, you wanna have strawberry ice cream. I've got some whipped up cream and Greek yogurt to be used."

"Yes please" .

I love John! especially in such moments he's able to read my mind. Damn! he's good! but well, I don't really like him clingy, I'm all sweaty from all the tender and squashy grips he's had on me. I'd tell him during my bad moods.


I looked over as his phone screen lit up. An SMS dropped in and caught my attention. I'm not really sneaky or whatever but I felt some thrills in having sneak peaks at his phone. I'ma love those spooky mumbo jumbo of messages from his friends, well except that tonight's message was a lil different.

"You busy, my love?" I shouted across the room to get across the whirling sound of blender, he must be busy preparing the ice cream. John always loved home made food as opposed to me. I'd rather order pizza and call it a night yeah, but not John.

Pastries and snacks, juices, real traditional dishes were all prepared by him. I guess it's a sort of way to get me some compensation for housing him, well, he's crashing in on my house. John had lost his job and little savings in a failed project and had nothing left. As his girlfriend, I thought it wise on lifting some of his burden and have him focusing on getting new gigs. I don't really mind doing this for him, he'd do the same for me though.

"Yes babes, wadup?" he replied once he turned down the blender, he must have been done.

"Yo! you've got some messages from momma. She good?"

In a heartbeat he'd been before me as he grabbed the phone to have a look. I observed him, I watched the trepidation in his face cower to unmask itself. Damn! I hate to see my man like this.

"Wadup? momma need anything?" I stood to envelope my arms around his waist from behind, he once told me it calmed him and I needed him here, calm.

"Momma is sick and hasn't been to work for a while, she's requesting some funds. Babes, I'm drained and got no penny on me" . I felt him shook under my hug, man was beaten up and I don't blame him.

"Shhhhh Shhhhhhh. How much does momma need?" I asked, I gotta get him some funds and have him finish up those ice creams, I'm loaded y'all know?.

"Three thousand dollars"

"Wow" I involuntarily whispered. That's a hell lotta money, I've got bills too and not like I can't give it to him but damn! I've got to push back on some plans.

I finally asked a skipped question I nearly missed to ask, "What does momma need this money for?"

"She's got to settle loan sharks. I swear babes, I'll pay back" he answered and added as he swirled me around to hold both hands. Damn! this things works each time on me, the locked gazes on me, stroking and swinging my hands slightly, it jumbles up everything in my head.

"I'll transfer tomorrow"

He lifted me up in a hug as his tongues did wonders on my mouth and anywhere it felt delicious.

"Ah! not the ears dumbo!" but hell no, he went diving into my ear lobes frolicking and licking to his satisfaction. That turns me into marshmallows, I don't even like marshmallows!

I could feel it'd be a long night, I'd barely walk to my office tomorrow. One of the advantages or disadvantages of living with an opposite gender.

Well, dream cut short as my legs hit my sofa as I was being airlifted to one of the bedrooms in my flat.

I live in a flat at the last floor of a skyscraper. Not really much but it was my castle, three sofas of single, double and triple make, one glass rectangular table sitting proudly at the centre. Few paintings of me and Rihanna, I love that girl, damn! hanging on the wall. Tapestries and chimney to keep my home warm in winter.

I also have a television set of flat screen Samsung product, beautiful thing you know. I've got this modem chimney not needing logs of wood as of old chimneys back in the day. Pots of artificial flowers sat at either sides of my room, I'm a flower person. This me, simple and comfortable girl of 24, well paying job with contracts paying me millions sometimes. Well, not of late, I've got some issues to be tackled; psychologically. Whoops! Back to my room description.

My doors and windows were of glasses, shiny with sheen lustres as John is a good home keeper. I have two bedroom of one heralding my queen size bed and few cupboard I kept some stuffs, wardrobes sitting opposite my bed and few shoe racks bearing my shoes. It may not seem much to you but they're all my best collections and I'm so proud to rock them and the other room is for John. I had him have it because I hate to share room some nights, my twin sometimes seeks isolation from the rest of the world, you know about the gemini twin, right?

I have pure animosity for crowded room, I love space hence the tall arrangements of towering shoes lying in different compartments of purposes; sneakers took the last slide, my sandals sat on top them, my business shoes sat at the uppermost rack while casual shoes sat between the two.

John took care of stuffs like home cleaning and arrangements, I only sit down to cite what I love and detest, John does the most.

I'm sorry for being rude, my name is Gemini and I'm a gemini, sweet, right? I know folks. Mom is into astrology stuffs, I guess she named me this cos I was born on a sunny day of June 14.

That's enough of me today, I've got to massage my legs, I can see a bit of swell and John is a good masseur. See y'all in a bit.

Woohoo! I did it, I finally let out some steams from this story I've been cooking up for years! You like, is it confusing? Do you like the into? Sit back, grab your popcorn and wait as I bring Gemini to life.

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