A guy reincarnates, but just when he's getting his life together, he gets summoned to another world. Watch as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Cardinal World and makes some friends along the way. Harem Multicross This is a cross post of a fic I have on another site. Thanks for reading! Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp
Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Chapter 25: Return!
Support me if you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead. pat reon *.com* / theogbasilisk
- Felix -
I walked into the extremely high end jewelry store, I got a call telling me my order was ready earlier today and decided to come pick it up as soon as possible so I can finish everything up in this world.
I used Transform to shift my facial features slightly when I first ordered what I wanted so I shifted back into that form while using some intention based Magic to make it so that no one noticed my transformation.
I walked past the security guard and was met by the clerk, "Ah! Hello sir! It's nice to see you again. Follow me right this way, I will get your orders for you."
I nodded and followed him to the back of the store. There weren't all that many people in the store, and each person who was had someone helping them.
This was one of the higher end jewelry stores in Japan, they had jewelry that could go for hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars. And this was also where I had my custom made gift for Lalatina made.
It didn't take long for the clerk to come out with two fancy looking jewelry boxes in his hands. He placed them on the table in front of me and slowly opened the one on the left to reveal a beautiful choker necklace that could also serve as a collar. It was made primarily from platinum but it also had bits of gold and some diamonds on it. But what stood out front and center was the name tag which read.
Property of Felix White
Yup, it's a collar that could also serve as a choker for Lalatina. I thought she would like something like this, what with her degenerate desires, though I guess I have turned into a degenerate for fulfilling and taking part in those desires.
Oh well, if you can't beat them, join them. I will accept my degeneratehood.
I'll enchant it with some Magic to add some other effects onto it later on. But overall I was satisfied with it.
The clerk then closed the box and slowly opened the one on the right to reveal a necklace with a diamond pendant attached to it. The chain itself was made of platinum while the diamond was the highest quality the store had to offer and was1 Carrot in weight. Some fancy ass shit, but oh well, Saeko deserves it.
I nodded at him causing a smile to grow on his face, he went to go and properly package both the items while I went to look around the store.
Maybe I should get something for Raiden?
I safely stored all the jewelry in my Stomach and teleported back home. I ended up getting a brooch for Raiden as well, while I got Kurumi a bracelet, they might be sad that I got stuff for everyone back home, but nothing for them even though they are here with me.
Women are hard to understand so it's always best to play it safe. I also picked up those fancy chocolates for Raiden to try later.
I ended up spending a fuck ton of money on all the jewelry I got, truly sugar daddy Satoru has my back. Maybe I'll give him something when I leave as thanks for making everything easy for me in this world.
Once I was back home, in my room specifically, I could sense Satoru in the living room. It seemed he stopped by for something, and I think I know why.
As I was walking to the living room I was able to hear Satoru chatting with the Old Man. It seems like they get along.
I turned the corner and saw both Satoru and the Old Man sitting across from each other, they both noticed me almost immediately, though I'm sure the Old Man sensed me long before seeing as I wasn't concealing my presence completely. I was just preventing any of my Magicules from leaking out of my body.
It seems Raiden served them some tea and snacks.
Raiden noticed my arrival immediately and approached me. "Welcome back Master."
I gave her a nod, "Thanks Raiden."
Kurumi also showed up and jumped on my shoulder. I gave her a pet as Satoru stood up.
"Ah, hey Felix!"
"Sup, you come here for something?" I asked.
He turned around and picked up a large case that he was keeping next to him. "Yup! Here's what you asked for, a minigun! You wouldn't believe the look that the Prime Minister had when I told him that you wanted a minigun. Here is the customized Desert Eagle, it was comparatively easier to get than the minigun."
I smirked and took the case from his hand, "Hah! I bet, it's a pretty odd request after all."
"Ah, I forgot to mention but are you trying to make me go broke?! Do you know how much money you spent at that jewelry store?"
"Haha, nope, I just know it was a bunch."
He sighed. "I can't win with you." Heh, now you know what it's like for others when they are with you. It's just your karmic justice.
I stored the case with the minigun inside of it in my Stomach. I can enchant it to fire bullets made of Magicules, and make it so each bullet blows up later.
"Ah, that ability of yours sure is convenient, being able to store anything sounds helpful."
I nodded. "Indeed, I always have everything I need right here with me."
The Old Man decided to interrupt. "You finish what you need to kid?"
I nodded. "Yup, I picked up everything I need, just that one last thing to do before I leave." I do want to head back to the Cardinal World sometime soon, I'm beginning to miss Milim's shenanigans, Rimuru's easy to mess with personality, Veldora's chaotic personality, and of course Saeko and her Saekoness. Then there is Arcueid, Megumin, and Lalatina, and of course Ingvild. I haven't spent much time with her, something I should definitely correct upon returning.
Satoru had an odd expression on his face. "So you're leaving already? I knew you would leave eventually but it hasn't been all that long since you've been here."
I nodded, "Yup! I had a good time here but I've got a ton of ideas for things I want to do back in the Cardinal World. This world was a vacation for me to relax in, and I was able to relax plenty. Besides, I can always come back if I want to."
"Heh, well come see me before you leave then. I want to say don't do anything too crazy with this plan of yours, but I'm looking forward to what you do. This world could use some change. I assume this plan involves replacing Tengen's barrier that draws Cursed Energy into Japan?"
I nodded. "Yup! Look forward to it."
"Heh, I will." Satoru then looked at the Old Man, "I'll be seeing you around."
The Old Man nodded. I had Raiden escort Satoru out while I sat down and chatted with the Old Man.
"It seems you got along with Satoru quite well."
"Heh, he's a fun one. Quite arrogant too."
"Well, he is the 'Honored One' haha, if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know then nothing else will."
"Ha, he's just like you described him. So that's who I'll be working with for the foreseeable future huh?"
"Yup, just you two making sure the world doesn't go to shit."
"Well at least it won't be boring with him around."
"It definitely won't be boring, even if it might take a few years for the true changes to become apparent."
The Old Man nodded. "Indeed, going by what you plan to do it will take at least 15-20 years for the new Jujutsu Sorcerers that will be born all over the world to become old enough to make any differences."
"Yeah, that's why if I do return to this world it'll be after a few decades. Though I may pop in for a little bit in between."
"Heh, this time it'll be you leaving rather than me."
I rolled my eyes. "Don't be a baby, I'll pop in to take you to the Cardinal World sometime if you want."
"Maybe, I'll have to see how things go here first."
I nodded as I got up. "Alright, I'll be making my announcement explaining all the changes to the world soon."
"Got it kid."
Raiden had left to go prepare dinner while Kurumi is still on my shoulder. Hmm, I better make sure I have everything that I wanted to do in this world done. I don't want to miss anything after all.
Once I was in my room I went through my memories, making sure I did everything necessary for my cough cough experiment in this world.
I already have the crystals that will maintain the barrier I need to put around the world made and safely stored in my Stomach. I already have the Magic for everything figured out, I made the dungeons and hid the weapons. I do still have to put leaderboards in every major city, and then configure them so they can use data from the barrier to display the strongest people in this world.
But I'm pretty sure I've got basically everything setup, I should be able to do it whenever I feel like.
Hmm, maybe I should go around the world and show Raiden and Kurumi a bit more about this world. We've only stuck to Japan so far so I might as well show them everything.
Umu, that's what I'll do for the next few days, and then announcement time.
It's been a few days since we left for our little sight seeing trip, and we're finally about to head back now.
We ended up visiting mostly famous attractions, we obviously couldn't see all of Earth in a mere few days.
We saw the Statue of Liberty, we went to Paris and saw the Eiffel Tower. Of course we ate some fancy ass food in Paris, it's a mandatory part of the experience. We went and saw some pyramids in Egypt, along with the Himalayas. We went to the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. We went to a bunch of places, and travel was incredibly easy since I could just teleport us around the world, no Nation was going to bother us about teleporting into their Nations either. Power makes everything a lot easier.
I look to my right, "You two ready to go back?"
"Yes Master." Raiden said.
While Kurumi just gave a nod so I snapped my fingers, teleporting all of us back to the place we are staying at in Japan. The Old Man chose not to come, he said he had time to explore everything on his own, and he didn't want to interrupt anything. I just rolled my eyes and left.
"Ah, that was an amazing trip Master, these humans can build some beautiful things even without Magic." Kurumi said.
"Indeed, the mastery some of those chefs had over their food is also impressive." Of course Raiden focuses on the cooking. Girl is far too dedicated as my maid, she wants to make me the best food she literally can. Oh well, if it's what she enjoys then who am I to stop her?
Though in my opinion her food is far better, that might just be because of personal bias though.
We also ended up doing some shopping, Raiden went to some fancy store in Paris, I'm not sure which one, I just gave her the credit card to do whatever with. But she returned with a few new maid outfits she wanted to try out, they each have a bit of a different style. For example, one of them was super seductive. She also bought some other more modern clothes which looked absolutely ravishing on her.
"Alright you two, start packing up whatever it is you want to take with you back to the Cardinal World and I'll store it safely so it doesn't get damaged during the trip back."
The two of them nodded and then went to pack up everything they wanted. I wasn't surprised when Raiden went to the kitchen, she probably wants to take some tools back with her.
While they did that I decided to fly past the upper atmosphere and further into the void of space. Everything looked so small from up here.
Thankfully I didn't need anything to sustain myself as a Spiritual Lifeform, that included oxygen.
The Earth truly looks incredibly small from up here. It's astonishing to believe that over 8 billion people live on that tiny rock. It's even crazier to think I could probably destroy said tiny rock with a punch.
'Correct, the Master is capable of destroying the planet Earth with a punch.'
That's actually fucking absurd, especially when physical strength isn't my main focus. Though Satanael makes up for that, Milim and her busted ass Skill.
Still without said busted Skill I would likely be weaker than I am now seeing as I have Satanael passively running at 40% since it doesn't take much wrath at all to use it at that level, and due to my mastery over it thanks to Odin.
I noticed some satellites orbiting around the Earth, it looks like a bunch of Nations are going to know I was up here. Oh well, they can't do shit about it.
'Hey Odin could you analyze some of these satellites? Who knows if this information will prove useful in the future.'
'Notice. Odin has already done so the moment that the Master left Earth.'
'Ah, as expected of you Odin.'
I turned to look at planet Earth's source of life, the sun. It would be funny if I blotted out the sun for a day.
Ah! No I won't, that would probably fuck the Earth up a bunch.
'Correct. If the star known as the sun was blotted out for a day, after 8 minutes the last light from the sun would reach the Earth, plunging the entire planet into darkness. The temperature would drop, especially on the side of the planet facing away from the sun. Depending on how long the sun is blotted out for, photosynthesis may stop which will affect the oxygen supply and food production for almost all life forms. An-'
'Okay, that's enough Odin, I think I got the picture now. No blotting out the sun if I wish for life on Earth to remain the same ish.'
Stupid intrusive thoughts.
I turned back towards Earth and began doing what I came up here to do. I snapped my fingers which didn't create any sound due to being in the void of space. Still an invisible barrier was erected around the entire planet, I'm sure this would drain most beings completely dry of their Magicules.
Now for the crystals.
I take all of the crystals I created and bind them to the barrier I just placed over Earth. Now it's time to place this halfway inside this dimension, and halfway outside.
I focus on my power as this is something I haven't done before, I don't want to mess it up. Sure Odin could do this herself but I do want to know how my main Skill works without her doing everything. She can tap in if it looks like I'm going to mess up.
Skills are instinctual abilities, you don't need any training to use the Skill itself, but if you want to master your Skill you need to be comfortable with it. That means lots and lots of practicing.
Alright! Now that those are working properly I don't need to worry about maintaining the barrier.
All that I have to do now is inform all the earthlings of all the changes I made and create the leaderboards which I'll do after I do that.
I start heading back down towards Earth. Once I was within Earth's gravitational pull I stopped all of my flight abilities and just let myself fall.
It was quite an interesting experience, just letting go and letting nature do its thing.
Some time later I deployed my wings so that I wouldn't crash into the ocean. I wasn't interested in swimming with the fishes today.
I took my time flying back to Japan.
As I was flying back I noticed a plane above me so I flew up to say hi. I noticed a kid at the window seat who was staring at me so I gave him a wave. The kid gave a slow wave back, he turned to his side, probably to tell his guardian about me, but unfortunately for him, by the time they looked I would be gone.
It didn't take me long to get back to Japan. I still need to create the dungeon in Shibuya for the Unique Grade Curse weapon I plan to have sealed there.
I made myself invisible to the point where no one could detect me in this world except probably Satoru due to his Six Eyes.
I don't want anyone to see where the dungeon is just yet after all.
I looked down at Shibuya, the place is a wreck, buildings are torn asunder, windows broken, vehicles laying around, this place looks like it went through an apocalypse, and it wouldn't be incorrect to say it did.
"Well, I might as well get started then." I mumbled.
I touched down on the ground and used a combination of my abilities to dig out a massive underground complex. I made sure to fortify everything so that it wouldn't collapse in on itself.
The dungeon was located about a mile underground, though I did create a pathway connecting to the dungeon, one just needed to find the pathway.
Once the layout was finished I really got to work.
I smirked as I looked around my newly made dungeon, complete with traps, illusions, golems, and of course a ton of Curses will be laid on whosoever enters this dungeon.
Maybe I'll call it the Cursed Dungeon.
I hid the Cursed Unique Grade weapon at the end of the dungeon so whoever wants it needs to get through the entire dungeon, even with all the Curses placed on them. I don't think many in this world are capable of that.
Now that that's done I guess it's time to head back.
By the time I was back it was night time, I guess I'll do my thing tomorrow, then we can leave this world.
I woke up with a yawn. I turned to my side and noticed Raiden wasn't here with me. It seems she got up early, probably to wrap up some things seeing as we are leaving soon.
After I came back yesterday I stored whatever it was that Raiden and Kurumi wanted to take back. I myself made sure to bring the Nintendo Switch and the TV back with us along with a few spare controllers so I could play with Rimuru, Milim and Veldora. I made sure to pick up some games other than Smash as well, like Mario Kart. I'm sure we can find a way to charge it once we're back in the Cardinal World. I'm sure that scientist of Rimuru's Vesta can figure something out. I also analyzed some solar panels so that will be enough to power the TV and the Switch at the very least.
That dude is a genius, he can pull off some crazy ass things. Surprisingly Gabiru has been helping him with his research, who knew that the Raiden simp would grow up?
While we were on our little world tour I had Odin analyze a bunch of the technology in this world, like the electrical towers, solar panels, windmills, and a bunch of other stuff.
Suffice to say I have everything needed to modernize the Cardinal World, though I'll probably hold off on doing so. I'll leave the revolutionizing to Rimuru, that seems like a lot of work after all. I'm fine with keeping the modern comforts to myself, I am a selfish guy after all.
I got up out of bed and began getting ready for the day. I plan to do my announcement today so I should dress stylishly, a Demon Lord has to look nice in public after all. I plan to project the announcement all over the world, kind of like a video. They'll be able to see me and hear me talking.
Hmm, I think I should go for the classic Demon Lord look, a coat made with the skin of an Arch Dragon, a black shirt underneath, and then some black pants. The all black look fits me well after all.
Heh, my coat became God Grade over time as well, it has been sitting in my Stomach soaking up my Magicules, and I also upgraded it a bit with Stardust.
This thing could tank a nuke and be perfectly okay, perfect for a Demon Lord.
Once I was finished getting ready I heard a knock on my door. Already knowing who it was I said, "Come in Raiden."
The door opened to reveal my beautiful Dragon maid. She took a look at me and nodded, "You look amazing Master, as befitting of a Demon Lord."
"You think so? That's the look I was going for."
She nodded, "Indeed, to the normal people I'm sure you will give quite the intimidating image." Well, that wasn't really the goal, but I am a Demon Lord, of course I'm going to be intimidating to the normies.
"That's fine then."
I left the room with Raiden in tow. "Did you make anything for breakfast?"
"Yes Master. I decided to make something more simple since you said you would like a more homey dish once in a while. So I made a grilled cheese sandwich." I haven't had one of those in a long while.
"I see, I look forward to trying it."
The Old Man and Kurumi were already in the living room eating. So I was the last one up then huh?
I quickly finished up the grilled cheese Raiden made. "Alright, I'm going to finish some last minute things and then announce everything to the world."
" "Yes Master." "
"Already time huh kid?"
"Yup, I'll see you guys in a little bit."
Once I left the house I flew directly up, it would be pretty cool to project an image of me in space when I'm doing my announcement. I can easily deal with there being no way to really talk in the void of space since there is no medium for sound to travel through. I do have Law Domination and am an Ultimate Skill wielder after all. The laws of the world are mere suggestions at this point.
I made sure there was a backdrop of the sun, just for style points.
Once I was all ready, I began. I knew that public speaking class would come in handy someday.
- Gojo Satoru -
Satoru stared at the image of Felix that popped up in the middle of the Tokyo Jujutsu School.
Is he in space? Of course he can casually visit space. And is that the sun in the background?
"Hello earthlings, it is I, your Overlord, Demon Lord Felix White! Now you might be wondering why I am doing this? Well it's safe to say there are going to be some changes in this world of yours, and I am gracious enough to explain them.
Is he going to?
Well that's one way to bring change, so far the world hasn't completely bought into Jujutsu Sorcerers being real, some still doubt that fact, of course most world governments know it to be true, but the common people are different. After all they want to believe that everything is fine, that there aren't beings that are capable of extinguishing their lives with ease, it's a normal human reaction.
"As I'm sure most of you have realized, the world is changing, there are people with true power out there, not just political, and financial, but real power. The power to destroy cities and even countries. There are some of you that doubt this of course, but that's up to you. If you continue to doubt this after my announcement then you will be left behind in this coming age, after all I'm not going to put effort into convincing a bunch of randoms what's true and what's not. I'm just here to tell you what's going to be happening now."
He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He checked who it was and wasn't surprised that it was Yoshinobu.
He accepted the call, "Satoru! What the hell is your friend doing?!"
"Heh, well he's creating a new age it seems."
"Ugh, this isn't the way to do it, the world should be brought into the fold slowly, naturally. Not all at once, all that will cause is chaos. Did you know he was going to do this?"
"Nope~." Well that was a bit of a white lie, he knew Felix would do something, just not what. "I think chaos is what he is after."
Yoshinobu sighed. "Well there isn't anything we can do about this now is there?"
"Nope. Where is this being played?"
"So far we were able to figure out it is being played in Kyoto, Tokyo even though it is still uninhabited. The island where all the citizens of Tokyo were evacuated to, it's playing all over Japan. Maybe even all over the world."
"I see, I'll talk to you later then." He then cut the call and focused back onto what Felix was saying.
It seems he is explaining Cursed Energy and Cursed Spirits. Well this is bound to be interesting.
After Felix explained everything about their hidden world and his plans he had to hide his shock, after all what Felix claimed to have done was enormous. It would quite literally change the world, though that's probably what he was after.
Felix claimed to have made it so that the optimal conditions for the birth of Sorcerers was present all over the world. That meant Japan would no longer keep the monopoly on Jujutsu Sorcerers as well as Cursed Spirits. They would be born all over the world now, with no real way to monitor and control all these Sorcerers there is going to be trouble.
Thankfully they have a couple of years before these changes start showing their effects. Long enough for him to establish some sort of organization that can monitor these Sorcerers and send them to deal with Cursed Spirits.
He was already working on something similar for Japan as he wanted to change the system, he just needed to change his plans a bit to make it work for the entire planet rather than just Japan.
And from his chat with Ronald he knew he could count on his help in case things start to get a bit out of hand. Strong people are needed to maintain some form of order now that people have learned that it is possible to gain true tangible strength.
And then there were those hidden weapons Felix talked about. Even the lowest ranking weapons, the Special Grade weapons as Felix called them were incredibly useful. The ability to freely be able to use one elemental ability could come in handy in a pinch.
The weapons kept getting more and more powerful as they ranked up, apparently Felix placed 2 Unique Grade weapons in 2 different dungeons hidden throughout the world.
Now where would he be placed on this leaderboard of Felix's?
- Felix -
I think that turned out pretty good. I explained everything about this world that may have been kept hidden from the common people.
Cursed Energy, Innate Techniques, Cursed Spirits, Sorcerers, the Sorcerer Families, everything. Once that was done I explained the changes I made, from it being possible for Sorcerers to be born all over the world, to Cursed Energy being far more present in other countries than it previously was as it isn't all being sucked into Japan anymore. I also explained the new dungeons that I created along with the weapons I hid.
Now I only need to create the leaderboards which shouldn't be difficult. I plan to put a couple in each country, I'm sure people will find a way to spread out the information on them, whether that's by having a 24/7 livestream on it or something else.
Well, I might as well get that done now.
I turned towards one of the Sorcerers that were present at the Tokyo Campus. "Hey, do you know where Satoru is?"
"A-ah, he's in the classroom down the hall and to the right."
I'm here to say goodbye to Satoru since I plan to leave this world after this. Satoru said he would be here, so here I am.
I walked into the classroom that the Sorcerer told me to and was met with a bunch of shocked students, as well as a grinning Satoru.
"Ah, look who it is, the man of the hour! Or is it decade at this point?"
I gave him a nod. "Satoru."
I took a look at the students, there was Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Maki, Toge, and Panda. I wonder why they're all here, I'm pretty sure they are in different years.
"Alright, give me a couple of minutes my students! I have something to do." They didn't respond as they were still staring at me but Satoru didn't care either way.
"Let's go to the roof."
I nodded. "Alright." I gave Yuji a wave as I was leaving, one that he returned.
Hmm, isn't it a common trope to confess on the roof?
"Ah, if you plan to confess to me I'm sorry to say that I'm not into other dudes."
"Huh?" Satoru seemed confused for a moment before he broke down and fell to the floor in front of me. He began to bang his fists into the floor, "Oh no! My plans have failed before they could even start?"
I snorted. "Alright, let's get moving Satoru, I wanna head back soon."
He sighed. "Couldn't let me have my fun could you?" He said as he got up off the floor.
"It seemed like it would take you a while."
He pouted. "It would have been good!"
"I'm sure it would have."
We continued talking like that until we got to the roof, Satoru unlocked the door for us and led me through.
"So how come all of your years are grouped together? I thought they each had different classes?"
"Eh, I thought it was a good idea seeing as the world is getting more chaotic, can get them more used to working with each other, and they are all around the same level seeing as they all grew a lot recently."
"I see, I assume Yuta is out doing Special Grade things?"
"Yup! He's out on a mission right now."
"Got it."
"That's one hell of a thing you did, it's actually pretty funny, most of the world is calling you a madman which might be true. But they don't see the consequences of you not doing what you did. Either way, the world is going to change."
"Yup, that was my goal. I wonder where this change will take this world."
"I wonder too, will we thrive or fall?"
I patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry I think everything will work out."
"Haha, you think I'm worrying? I'm excited! Who knows what sort of interesting people will be born all over the world? Maybe I'll meet someone similar to me? Someone who is born with the stars aligned in their favor."
"Maybe you will. You really were born a cheat weren't you? You had Limitless, and the Six Eyes, the perfect combination."
Satoru smirked. "Haha, that's why I'm the Honored One!"
I rolled my eyes. "Humble too."
"Hah, so you're leaving soon huh?"
"Yup, I've done everything I wanted to here, had a nice little vacation but it's time to head back for me." I'll inevitably visit some other worlds but I don't want to spend super long on each world. I don't want to become too involved with their affairs unless necessary, it's best to just let things happen naturally, me visiting a world may doom it or save it, there is no way to predict what will happen once an outside influence like me interferes.
That's not something I worry about though, whatever happens happens.
He leaned off the edge of the roof as he said, "This world being called a vacation really puts things into perspective."
I wasn't really sure how to respond to that so I just shrugged my shoulders.
He turned around, "Welp, enough of that." He offered his hand and I took it, "It was nice meetin ya Felix, make sure to stop by sometime."
I smirked. "Of course I will, hopefully when I return you won't be as weak as you are now."
"Haha, you can count on that."
"By the way, tell Megumi that while his sister may be gone from his life, it doesn't necessarily mean she is gone. After all I died and look what happened to me, if the kid could get a better outlook on life I'm sure he'll go far."
"I'll do that then, thanks for caring about him."
"Good, by the way I made you these." I let go of his hand and chucked a box at him, a box that contained some brass knuckles that utilizes Curse Magic, every hit that lands with those will cause his opponent to lose more and more energy.
"Figure out the effects on your own."
I walked backwards falling off the edge of the building. I gotta leave a stylish last impression after all.
- Gojo Satoru -
Satoru didn't even bother checking if Felix was okay after walking off the building. He pocketed the box Felix gave him, he'll check it out later after his students are gone.
It didn't take him long to see Felix fly back up and past the roof and into the sky.
He shook his head. "Show off." But he couldn't hide the smile on his face.
Now he needed to finish setting up the agency, an agency that would monitor all Sorcerers in the country and hold them all accountable for their actions. Without something like that this world will turn into a lawless land in the blink of an eye.
- Felix -
Now with most of the goodbyes out of the way, I guess it's time to head back to the Cardinal World.
"Raiden, Kurumi! Are you two ready?" I called out from the front of the house.
Raiden showed up in front of me with a trail of lightning following behind her, hopefully that didn't cause a ton of damage.
Kurumi wasn't far behind her.
I turned towards Raiden, "We are both ready Master." I saw Kurumi was nodding, so that's that.
"Alright, let me go see the Old Man and then we can leave. You two can wait outside, it shouldn't take too long."
I ended up finding the Old Man in the living room reading a book. He was an avid reader back when he was alive so he's been catching up on some literature. I told him to read some Light Novels at some point, I wish I was here to see his reaction to some of the more… interesting ones.
The Old Man looked up from his book. "So you leaving now?"
"Yup, just stopping by to say goodbye."
"Alright kid, don't worry about your little project here, I'll take care of it. Being back in the modern world is a plus too, so many things I missed."
"Haha, well you're welcome for summoning you then."
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, get outta here."
"You know you'll miss me! And remember to rely on Yuji!" I yelled out as I was leaving. I made sure to destroy the training dimension I created, I don't want whoever lives here next to come across that.
Raiden and Kurumi were waiting where I told them to. "Anywhere you guys wanna stop by before we leave?"
Raiden shook her head, "No Master, I packed everything I need."
Kurumi jumped in. "I did as well! This world is fun, there are so many cool things here!"
I nodded. "Indeed, modern technology has advanced an incredible amount without any Angels attacking any Nation that makes any sort of advancement."
Seriously, those Angels are the only reason the Cardinal World isn't nearly as modernized as it could be. They attack any and all sufficiently advanced kingdoms every 500 years.
Shitty pigeons.
"Alright, let's get going." I raised my hand in their direction.
Now that they are safely stored in my Stomach we can leave, I took one last look at the place we stayed at. It was a fun vacation, at least I got to learn a bit more about this world and how it works.
I may or may not have started the end of the world, but eh, it'll be fine, it would have happened with or without me anyway.
At least we had fun, I'm definitely going to have to take Saeko, Arcueid, Megumin, and Lalatina with me next time. Hopefully to a world that can at least withstand a fraction of their power.
Welp, time to go.
I appeared in the conference room at the very moment I left.
"Ah! Felix-sama, you have already returned it seems!" I turned towards the voice and was met with my beautiful purple haired Oni.
I gave her a smile. "Yup, I'm back Saeko!"
"Welcome back my Lord." I turned towards Arcueid who was bowing.
"Haha, It feels kinda weird knowing it hasn't even been a moment for you, whereas for me it's been far longer than that."
"Hah! Did you encounter any cool abilities?" I turned towards the explosion maniac in our group. "I didn't, but I did get you something that I think you'll like, I'll give it to you later." I haven't Enchanted the minigun yet after all.
"Ah Master, I am pleased that you have returned." Wasn't Lalatina in lala land when I left? How did she recover already?
"Heh, it's nice to see you too Lalatina."
"Ah, Master~!" Okay, I'm going to tune her out, this is not the time for horny.
All of a sudden a voice resounded in my head.
Extra Skill: Cleave gained.
Extra Skill: Dismantle gained.
Extra Skill….
Intrinsic Skill: Adapter gained.
Muhahaha unlimited powahh!
'Query. Would the Master like for Odin to create a Skill utilizing the data from Hirumi Higurama's Technique?'
'Ah, that ability. Maybe hold off on it for now until we gather more data Odin. I don't particularly need this urgently after all. I'd prefer if my Ruler Skill is top of the line when I get it.'
"Are you okay Felix-sama?" Ah, I probably had a weird expression on my face. "Yup, perfectly good Saeko, in fact better than good!"
"Ah! I see, that's good! Did you have fun on your trip Felix-sama?"
"Yup, I met a few interesting people, and was even able to grow a little stronger from this trip." More than a little stronger actually, Adapter is certifiably broken.
"Oh?" Arcueid seemed to be interested now. "For there to be things in this world which could boost your already unmatched strength is quite incredible my Lord."
I nodded. "I didn't expect it either, of course there was no one there able to match me, but some of the abilities there are incredible, I was able to analyze them and bring them to this world for me to utilize."
"I see, still quite impressive." I nodded, I didn't expect there to be an ability like Adaptation there either.
"Let me release Raiden and Kurumi, then I'm going to head to the training ground to test out some of these new Skills."
I raised my hand and released those two from my Stomach, Kurumi was the first to say something. "Ah, it's nice being back."
Raiden nodded, "Indeed."
"Heh, well you guys can talk amongst yourself, I want to test these Skills out." I haven't gotten any truly new Skills in a long time, at least Skills that I feel comfortable using as I don't want to recreate a bunch of Ultimate Skills, I have a feeling my soul won't be able to handle all that strain.
Once I heard their agreement I teleported to the training ground. I got a bunch of new Skills, though most I don't see myself using… ever.
'Would the Master like for Odin to convert the unneeded Skills into energy to utilize in the future?'
'Yeah do that, you already know which Skills I want to keep.'
'Correct. It is done.'
Nice, now it's time to test out the goodies.
Cleave remains the same, it's basically a slashing attack that adjusts itself depending on the target's toughness and the amount of Magicules they possess, of course the tougher and stronger the target, the more Magicules the attack will cost me. It has the same restriction of needing to touch the target as well.
I can generally use this to one shot any opponent below the Awakened Demon Lord level. It is even capable of cutting through Spiritual Matter, so being a Spiritual Being will not save you from this. If one isn't capable of healing their Spiritual Body then they are basically doomed since Cleave will dice that right up.
Dismantle is a ranged slashing attack that is primarily used to target inanimate objects, but I am also capable of adjusting it to attack living beings as well. And just like Sukuna I am capable of targeting the 'world' with it, basically severing space. This Skill has the potential to grow into a far stronger Skill, one that could theoretically cut connections between beings, like a Soul Corridor, or the Soul itself.
I plan to use Cleave and Dismantle for more casual fights, fights where I am far above my opponent, one where I can mess around in. Cleave and Dismantle are fun abilities after all.
I gained some other Skills but those were turned into energy seeing as I don't plan to use them.
I decided to not create a new Unique Skill with the data from Cook and The Comedian as in the end it will just be a Unique Skill. I'd rather wait until I can create such a Skill at the Ultimate level.
Then there is Adapter, now boy is this busted. Rather than having the wheel that Mahoraga had, my Skill works based on Analysis. The more understanding of an ability I have, the more I adapt to it. This is a Skill that works perfectly with Odin seeing as she can analyze almost anything.
In some cases it can even transform me slightly if that is the best way to adapt to something.
Though Adapter is not capable of adapting to any Ultimate Skills sadly, that would be far too broken to start out with. Maybe I can upgrade it over time?
'Is that possible Odin?'
'Answer. Inconclusive, it is theoretically possible to continue to enhance Intrinsic Skill: Adapter, but it would require an immense amount of energy. The only scenario in which the Master successfully enhances Adapter is likely one in which the Master himself undergoes an evolution.'
So it all routes back to evolution huh? I need to evolve past a Devil Lord to get Adapter to the stage I want it to be. Once I am capable of adapting to even Ultimate Skills, I think it will be safe to say that I am basically unbeatable in this world. Well, that's only more motivation then.
'Now is Sukuna ready?'
Heh, well it seems like I'll be getting a new butler soon.
I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4 I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.
Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)
Author's Note:
Sup guys, we are finally back to Tensuraa, and Felix got a busted ass ability in Adapter. Hopefully the ending of the JJK arc didn't feel rushed, I didn't want to stick around there too long, in fact 10 chapters was far more than originally planned, but shit happens.
Anyways thanks for reading, if you guys enjoyed leave a like!