
I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)

A normal guy reincarnates, but just when he's getting his life together, he gets summoned to another world. Watch as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Cardinal World and makes some friends along the way. Harem Multicross This is a cross post of a fic I have on another site, I will post daily for now, but may spontaneously stop if this stops being worth it. I plan to divide the chapters into parts as well. Anyways, thanks for reading! Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp

theogbasilisk · Anime et bandes dessinées
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125 Chs

Chapter 19: Exploration

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 19: Exploration


- Interlude Kurumi's Sidequest -

Once she got her Master's permission to explore, she quickly took to the streets, though some people were staring and pointing at her.

Possibly due to the fact that she wasn't hiding her tails or ears, after all why should she hide her glorious form?

"Woah! Is that a Nine Tailed Fox?!"

"Is she cosplaying?"

People complimenting her appearance are indirectly praising her Master, after all when one compliments someone else's pet they are basically complimenting the pet owner.

"Could she be one of those Cursed Spirits from Tokyo that people are talking about?"

"Nah man, they were said to be evil, if she was one of them wouldn't she be causing trouble? Plus no Cursed Spirit can be beautiful right? Not to mention that we aren't even in Tokyo."

"Heh, who knows if what the government is telling us is the truth, they might have lied to us when they said they are only in Tokyo."

Hmm, she could see how some would confuse her with those Cursed Spirits as most don't have much knowledge on Cursed Spirits.

One boy was whispering something to one of his friends, most wouldn't be able to hear what he was saying, but she was not most.

"Woah! She's hotter than all the porn actresses I've seen!"

Porn actress? What's that? She will have to look it up on that device her Master gave her sometime.

She saw her Master using it to look up information so she should be able to use it for her own research.

Quite the ingenious idea these humans came up with, according to her Master, you can use the phone to look into an almost unlimited amount of information.

Such a thing is truly amazing, being able to access anything you want from the comfort of your own home.

The internet he called it.

These humans may be weak, but they do have some interesting inventions.

She looked around the street, it looked like one filled with higher end stores, many well dressed men and women were going about their business, though she also spotted some younger humans, teenagers she learned they were called.

One of those very teenagers had brought up that porn thing as well, it must be something special to have caught the attention of the younger generation.

Along with that she could tell there was an underlying current of panic and fear in everyone, they tried to hide it but she could see through them. Most weren't sure what was going to happen with their lives. According to her Master, these people had no idea about Jujutsu Sorcerers before it was revealed, and are still recovering from everything that has happened.

He expected things to spiral even more out of control once people had some more time to think.

He said he was surprised that stores and restaurants were even open during this time. Apparently according to her Master's friend the only reason this country's economy hasn't completely collapsed is due to the government forcefully keeping a lid on things. They are spreading information that everything will be fine in the hopes that it can calm people down.

But her Master said that such a tactic won't work for long, he expected Japan to struggle immensely in the coming weeks.

Still, she wanted to take advantage of the time she had in order to explore.

Hmm, now what should she do? She wanted to learn more about the culture of her Master's old world. He always said that the food was delicious, so maybe she will try that first.

She ignored the looks she was getting as she made her way to a cafe of sorts. On the way to a cafe she saw in the distance, she saw one of those Cursed Spirits on one of the human's shoulders. How odd.

Should she deal with it?

She knew most Cursed Spirits were inherently malicious, and she was feeling generous so she used one of her tailed beast's abilities, Gravity Manipulation. Thanks to her perfect control she was able to focus the ability solely on the Cursed Spirit, compressing it and instantly killing it without anyone noticing.

She soon arrived at the cafe she was eyeing, she looked around and noticed that they had maids working here, it must be a nice establishment in that case.

Once she walked in she was greeted by one of the maids, she seemed slightly scared but built up the courage to approach her, "Hello ma'am, how may I help you today?"

She looked at the maid in confusion, why else would she be here if it wasn't to eat. "I would like to eat here."

The maid seemed relieved, maybe she also thought she was a Cursed Spirit? 

"I see, will it be a table for one?"

"Yes, it is just me."

"I see, please follow me then." 

She was quickly guided to her seat and given a menu to look through. She didn't have much of an idea of what some of the items on the menu were, but thankfully they had images of each item on the menu.

She ended up ordering a few things as she was curious about the taste of multiple items. She didn't have to worry about stomach space seeing as she was capable of eating however much food she wanted.

As she was waiting for the maid to bring her food she thought of what else she could do today. Maybe she could go to one of the clothing stores her Master had mentioned in the past? If he likes what she wears, maybe he will dote on her more?

She also wanted to fight one of those so-called Cursed Spirits, even though she knew that most were not capable of matching even a fraction of her strength, she was still curious about them.

After all that Sukuna was quite strong, she would have been able to beat him thanks to most of his abilities being ineffective against her, but he was still quite strong. Raw power wise he seemed to be on the level of one of the stronger Greater Daemons her Master recruited, but she wouldn't be surprised if he was capable of beating an Arch Daemon in the right conditions.

Satoru Gojo, or as this country likes to call him, Gojo Satoru is quite strong as well. She isn't really sure why the people of this country introduce themselves by saying their last name first, but she just ignored it.

Though he would likely have a much harder time as he is in her home world.

Still, he wields an impressive amount of strength for this world. Compared to those other people, he might as well be unbeatable.

"Here you go miss, here is one omurice, one curry rice, one parfait, and one coffee." The food did look quite appetizing.

The omurice sounded very good, she tried rice in Tempest, and then she had it in Azeroth and she loved it. It's a shame the rest of the world doesn't have access to it.

And rice wrapped in egg has to be good.

She has had curry before so that wasn't completely unfamiliar, and coffee was one of the luxurious items available back home, and seeing as she was the direct subordinate of a Demon Lord, she could easily gain access to all sorts of luxuries most couldn't even dream of.

She truly is lucky that her Master spared her when he decimated Clayman's army.

As she was about to begin eating she sensed someone approaching her position, it seemed to be a young boy.

"Uhm, miss may I get a picture with you? I've never seen such realistic cosplay before!"


"What is this cosplay you speak of?"

"Ah, you're really getting into the role of a mysterious kitsune huh? Well Miss, cosplay is basically the practice of dressing up as someone from an anime, manga, movie, video game, or just fantasy creatures in general."

How odd. But she wasn't one to judge another world's customs. She didn't see a reason to deny him so she agreed.

She stood next to the boy who took out what her Master called a phone. 

"Thanks for the picture!"

She gave him a nod and went back to eating her food.

The food was quite good, though not on the level of Raiden's cooking, but that was to be expected. The food Raiden made was made from the highest of quality ingredients.

Once she was finished the maid from earlier came up to her, "I hope everything was good Miss."

"Indeed, the food was adequate." Adequate was all she could give with her standards. She was far too used to the luxurious meals she would receive back in Azeroth.

"I see, was there anything you had an issue with?"

"No, I am simply used to higher quality ingredients, you have done well with what you had to work with." 

"I see, I'm sure the chefs will be happy to hear that. Now here is your bill, feel free to take as much time as you need."

She gave the maid the card that her Master gave to her before she left, once everything was paid for she left to continue on her adventure.

She wanted to buy some new clothing to impress her Master with.

It didn't take her long to find a clothing store, she ended up asking someone for directions so it didn't take very long.

"Hello Miss! Did you need help with anything today?"

She turned towards the voice, "Yes, I would like to purchase clothing that will impress my Master and make him dote on me."

"... Your Master?"

"Yes, I am his pet, is there a problem?"

She heard the woman whisper, "It's one of those days huh?"

Was today some sort of special day?

- Felix -

As I'm working on my plan for this world I consider if they have elemental alignments similar to how every living thing has an alignment in the Cardinal World.

That could make everything a bit more interesting, especially if someone has an affinity for Space or Time.

Would only those with Cursed Energy have an alignment? 

'Notice. All humans in this world with a few exceptions like Maki Zenin and Toji Fushiguro have Cursed Energy, most are just born unable to use it.' 

'Ah, that's right. I forgot about that, thanks Odin.'

Then maybe they don't even have any specific alignment seeing as the elements aren't as big of a thing in this world.

If they do have alignments, Satoru's would probably be Space, or Light. Sukuna's would probably be Fire, and maybe something else like Wind or Darkness.

Kurumi's alignment is Earth, Raiden's was Wind originally but mutated into Lightning, Saeko's is a bit of an odd one, she has an alignment for Death, a completely unheard of alignment, so obviously there are exceptions, but that might be due to her revival. Adalman has an alignment for Light which is ironic seeing as he is undead. Alignments can also change as you evolve.

Then beyond a simple alignment, is an Elemental Soul. Elemental Soul's are a type of Spiritual Lifeform considered to be a superior version of normal Elementals. I didn't know about such a thing at first, Ramiris talked about Spirits and Elementals when I first met her in her labyrinth, but she never talked about Elemental Souls.

She just told me about the grades of Elementals, and called it a day.

Damn brat probably forgot.

Apparently there is said to be only 8 types of Elemental Souls, each matching to one of the 8 elements. Though I know that to be false seeing as there was also said to only be 8 types of possible elemental alignments, which is obviously false since Death is not one of those 8.

None of my subordinates possess an Elemental Soul, though I believe if they evolve they will acquire one.

Beings with Elemental Souls possess the ability to rewrite the laws of the world, in a way similar to 'Law Manipulation', but the degree they are capable of manipulating the laws varies from person to person.

According to Odin, it is theoretically possible for someone to be able to rewrite the laws of the world on a level similar to that of Ultimate Skill wielders.

Even normal Elementals are considered to be degraded Elemental Souls, though there are Elementals that far outstrip Elemental Souls, like the Elemental Lords.

There aren't many that have a true Elemental Soul, I personally think that Divinity is a requirement for having an Elemental Soul as I have not met any beings without Divinity that possess an Elemental Soul, but I may be wrong and you just need to evolve further to unlock such a thing?

Maybe human Saints possess them?

Veldora has an Elemental Soul with three alignments, Space, Water, and Wind. Fucking True Dragons.

While my own Elemental Soul is one that is a bit out of the box.

It's Infinity.

My affinity for Space evolved over time into an affinity for Space-Time, which according to Odin, became an Elemental Soul of Infinity after my Harvest Festival.

It didn't grant me much seeing as I already have an Ultimate Skill based on it, but it was still something cool to discover.

And similar to the rankings between Elementals, an Elemental Soul can also be ranked, Medium Grade Elemental Souls, Greater Grade Elemental Souls, and Supreme Grade Elemental Souls.

I possess a Greater Grade Elemental Soul, while Veldora has a Supreme Grade one seeing as he is a True Dragon.

True Dragons are cheats I tell you, literally born at the top of the world.

I'm a bit of a completionist so I want to find a way to evolve further, to basically 'max all my stats out', even if there isn't a need to. 

It's just something I want to do, an ambition of sorts, something even the legendary Guy Crimson has failed to accomplish.

There must be a way to evolve into a Supreme Grade Elemental Soul/Spirit, after all with Odin, anything is possible.

'Now how's the design of the crystals going so far Odin?'

'Answer, it has already been completed.'

'Great, now I just need to power these, and put them at the metaphysical edge of the world.'

But I can do that later. No need to rush after all. 

I hear Kurumi enter the house, it seems she is back from her adventure, it took her quite a long time, I wonder what she got up to.

Raiden should be preparing dinner right about now so she came back at the right time.

I went out to greet Kurumi and was surprised when I found her in a completely new outfit. She was taking out a bunch of bags from her Spatial Storage when she turned to me.

"Ah, Master! How do I look!" She did a few poses as I continued to admire her.

I give her a thumbs up, "You look great Kurumi, modern clothing suits you!"

She gives me a happy grin while blushing, "Thank you Master! I got even more stuff, come look!"

She then went on to show me some of the clothing she got, she seriously got a lot of clothes, i'm worried she is going to make Satoru go broke. She even got some rather risque lingerie. Apparently one of the employees at the store she was shopping at said it would blow the mind of any hetrosexual male. And she is right.

I give her a sagely nod, "It seems you have discovered one of the many hobbies of women, shopping."

"Indeed! I had an enjoyable time, though people kept asking me for pictures and who I was cosplaying as." 

Ah, you Japanese people, never change. It doesn't surprise me that she was mistaken for a cosplayer, an especially good one at that due to how realistic she must have looked.

Kurumi and I continued to chat while we waited for Raiden to finish making food. I wonder what she is going to cook up with modern ingredients.

Apparently Kurumi went shopping at multiple stores, she likely spent a pretty penny for all the stuff she bought.

"Master, Kurumi, the food is ready!"

Kurumi and I took our seats at the dining table as we waited eagerly for the food to be presented to us. We might not need food or sleep to function, but we sure as hell enjoy both of those.

Especially food, food is good. It's the small things that make an immortal life worth living.

Once Raiden brought out the food and set it on the table she said, "I heard you mention once in the past that you enjoy pizza Master, so I made two pizzas, along with buffalo wings."

I stared at Raiden with stars in my eyes, "Yes! Haha, it's been so long since I've had wings and pizza! Thanks Raiden!"

She bowed as she said, "It was my pleasure Master, I am glad that you are happy with what I made."

Kurumi looks interested, "If my Master enjoys this food so much then it must be good."

Once Raiden took her seat we all began to dig in. Man it's been so long since I've had pizza and wings. Truly Raiden is a gift from the heavens, I think I'd cry if she didn't cook for me anymore.

I notice both Raiden and Kurumi are eating their slices of pizza with a fork and knife, kinda weird not gonna lie, but they probably don't want to be messy.

However they both seem to be enjoying it, the flavor of buffalo wings is hard to replicate so they haven't really had anything similar to it in the Cardinal World. 

It's a pretty simple recipe as well, you just need to marinate the chicken in some buttermilk, coat it in flour, then fry it. The buffalo sauce is even easier, you just need hot sauce and butter.

A simple dish, but quite delicious.

As we were eating a question popped up in my mind. "By the way Kurumi, how much money did you spend today?"

She wiped her mouth with a napkin, "Hmm? I think somewhere around 1,000,000 yen?"

I stare at her in shock. Just what the fuck did she buy? She bought a bunch of clothes, but even then I don't think it should cost that much, must be the fucking brand.

That's around $7,000 USD, that's an absurd amount of money to spend on a shopping trip.

Kurumi looked worried upon seeing my expression, "Was that too much Master? I can return the items if you want."

I laughed as I said, "Nah, I'm rich as hell now, I was just surprised at how much you spent, but if it makes you happy then go for it." I may not have a bunch of money in this world, but I do still have a ton of gold in my 'Stomach', though I'd rather not sell that for money that I'll only end up using in this world.

Thankfully Satoru came to the rescue with his credit card.

Kurumi ended up spending my sugar daddy Satoru's money, but he's a Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer, and a Clan Head, I'm sure he's loaded.

Kurumi smiled at me happily, "Thank you Master!"

- Gojo Satoru -

He stared at his phone screen almost not believing what he was seeing in his bank account.

He closed his phone as he looked up at the sky, "Curse you Felix! I told you not to spend all of my money! I'm a poor man you know!"

Most of his assets were seized when the higher ups announced him as a Curse User, they did previously wield a significant amount of power in Japan, but they weren't able to do anything to the Gojo Clan assets as the other clans wouldn't stand for it. But his personal accounts were different, and while he will get those back, it's a somewhat annoying process so he hasn't started it yet.

Along with that the value of Japanese currency has gone down since Shibuya, just like Mei Mei said it would.

That greedy woman sold all her properties in Japan and exchanged all her yen into other currencies.

He didn't think he had an urgent need for money, but apparently he was wrong. Oh well, he can just take some money from one of the Gojo Clan accounts.

"Mama, what's that?"

"Hush, remember, don't be like him in the future."

"Okay mama!"

This was all somehow Felix's fault, he just knew it.

He had to get back to work now, civilians are being evacuated so Jujutsu Sorcerers can deal with the Cursed Spirits that Kenjaku released more easily. Most were dealt with but there were some stragglers.

- Felix -

All of a sudden I sneezed, hmm, someone must be talking about me.

"Are you okay Master?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Raiden, but thanks for asking."

We went back to eating our food while talking about all sorts of things. Raiden wanted to go out sometime to try out the food of a bunch of restaurants, she said she might gain some inspiration for a new dish.

I seriously need to find a way to go to the world of Food Wars or Toriko, Raiden would thrive in those worlds.

Toriko would probably benefit more with all the unique ingredients, the amount of ingredients in that world is absurd, but Food Wars isn't bad either. 

I might be able to have fun in Toriko as well since Toriko can scale pretty high, from beings that can wipe out countries, to beings like the Gourmet Gods that can theoretically eat an entire galaxy. I should still be able to deal with them relatively easily if I had to, I'm broken as hell now.

Well, no reason to ponder about that, Odin needs to find the coordinates for that world first.

Right now Odin is using my memories to scour the multiverse for worlds similar to my memories, so hopefully I'll end up having a large list of potential worlds to visit.

If she can't find a fictional world by the time I want to hop worlds next, I'll just go to one of the worlds Odin has discovered that I don't recognize. Though I don't consider that likely, seeing as Odin should be able to find DxD fairly easily due to Ingvild. I honestly just prefer to visit what I previously considered to be fictional worlds first, it's safer that way. Caution is your friend when doing things like traveling worlds. 

I do want to eventually explore all of Veldanava's creation, I just wish to do so cautiously.

I don't want to just randomly hop worlds, who knows where the hell I'll show up, that's why I'm having Odin look for fictional worlds first as I am able to determine the threat level much easier that way. Those worlds may deviate from what is considered canon, but I'll still have a far better idea of the threat level than some random unknown world.

And while I am capable of almost instantly teleporting back to the Cardinal World if I have to, who knows if someone in another world has a way to stop that.

The multiverse is massive, it would be foolish of me to not consider the possibility that when I randomly jump worlds, I may show up in a world with beings on my level, if not higher, and they might be able to sense my arrival and consider me a foreign invader and attempt to deal with me. They might even have a way to prevent me from jumping back to the Cardinal World though I don't think that is very likely. But according to Odin it is still theoretically possible if someone has the same or higher level authority over Space-Time as I do thanks to Ouroboros. 

It's best to be safe with these kinds of things, I'm not in a hurry, I have a basically immortal life to explore other worlds, so I'll just have Odin search for worlds until I feel like I am capable of handling any sort of threat that appears.

According to Odin I am also capable of leaving this multiverse altogether with Ouroboros, though Odin highly suggested I do not do that, and I agree with her.

Who the fuck knows what's out there, there might be other mutiverses like Marvel, and DC, but along with that there could also be a whole lot of nothingness. And seeing what Ouroboros is named after, I feel like there might be some tentacle monsters out there as well, fuck that.

But I do eventually want to leave this multiverse and see what's out there, though I'll only consider such a notion when I'm basically Omnipotent, and who knows if that'll ever happen.

Oh well, I'll just enjoy the journey.

I also feel like I haven't been using Ouroboros to its full potential, I've been using the same old tricks which is definitely unacceptable, but in my defense I haven't really needed to branch out as no one I've met is really capable of pushing me beyond my limits at this point, except Guy and the True Dragons. And I don't see myself fighting any of them for no reason.

Still I have so many fictional works that I can take inspiration from so I definitely need to test some more stuff out at some point, if only for fun.


"What other types of food would you like me to make for you while we are here Master?"

I turn towards Raiden as I consider what to respond with, "Hmm, I don't really have much of a preference, anything you make is great so just make whatever you feel like."

Raiden smiled as she said, "I see, I will endeavor to not disappoint you Master!"

I gave her a thumbs up before I went back to eating my food.

It didn't take me long to finish my portion of the food, "Alright, I'll be in my room if you two need anything."

Before I could leave Raiden said, "Would you like some company tonight Master?"


Is she asking what I think she's asking?

"Ara, how bold Raiden!" Even Kurumi is surprised.

"It is a maid's duty to take care of all of her Master's needs, since the others are not here for that, it falls to me to accomplish such a duty."

Eh, I'm not really interested if she's doing it just out of duty, "You don't have to force yourself Raiden, I can live without getting laid for a while. I don't want you to do such a thing out of duty for me."

"I see, if it was not solely out of duty but my selfish desire then?" 

"In such a scenario, I'd say I'd be honored."

Raiden blushed as she smiled, "I see, thank you Master."

She's saying thank you? Man she's way into this maid thing.

"Uh huh, I'll be in my room."

As I was leaving I could hear Kurumi and Raiden talking in hushed whispers, but I didn't listen in.

I knew Raiden was interested in me, but to think she would ask such a thing now. Oh well, I'm not complaining, she was direct about it, and she's an absolute bombshell, 10/10, actually all of my subordinates are 10s.

I'm really living the isekai dream.

Once I got to my room, I changed into some sleepwear and then went on my phone.

One thing I've missed is… memes.

Memes are truly one of the modern world's greatest creations.

I kept giggling to myself as I waited for Raiden to show up.

Along with looking at memes, social media is a good way to learn what's going on in the world, sure a lot of the stuff may be false, but it's a good way to figure out public opinion.

For one, most people are shit scared.

The fact that Shibuya is basically off the map is known all throughout the world. People are terrified that there are people out there that can do such a thing casually.

It's a valid fear.

Then there were others… that just didn't seem to give a shit about anything.

Mei Mei's broadcast was leaked out to foreign governments, and from there the common people were able to gain access to it.

I found a site that was able to gain access to Mei Mei's stream with only a minute of delay, and it also had a chat so I decided to see what people were saying at the time of the fight.

Once people saw the fight between Satoru, and Sukuna… well let's just say that the reactions weren't exactly what I expected.

Ayo, what the fuck, the world is doomed.

Can we just nuke Japan?

Is it me, or is Sukuna really hot?

Ah yes, the internet and its priorities.

Sukuna, and Satoru both have a bunch of fans now, humans will be humans I guess.

Still, worshiping Sukuna? The guy who would gladly kill you for shits and giggles? Come on guys.

It isn't even a minority that are fans of Sukuna, he has a not insignificant amount of supporters.

Though I bet most of them are goth teens.

Then once I showed up, things got even more interesting.

Who the hell is this guy?

Is it me or does he look similar to Satoru-sama?

What the fuck?! How is he just toying with Sukuna like that?! The guy who we learned destroyed a large chunk of Shibuya! Just what is wrong with this world?

What the hell! Did he just recreate the Explosion spell from Konosuba?!

Woah! He even has a sexy maid! Badass!

People just went on and on, these guys seriously have no sense of self preservation.

Still, it is quite entertaining reading people's reactions to everything going on around the world.

A good way to pass the time if nothing else.

- Raiden -

She continued to use this device, a phone Kurumi called it to research the best ways to please her Master.

When her Master had left the table, Kurumi told her about this interesting thing she heard about. When Kurumi went out, she overheard someone mention something about her being more attractive than any porn actress.

Kurumi got curious and ended up searching up what this porn was, and was extremely surprised when she found videos of humans engaging in procreation.

She was rather amused that humans had such things freely available online.

When she brought up wanting to bed her Master earlier, Kurumi lent her the phone and showed her some websites that would prepare her, Kurumi called it research.

She is happy she took Kurumi's advice, what Saeko, and Lalatina told her was not nearly enough to thoroughly satisfy her Master, though they did help her with learning her Master's preferences.

Once she went to her room she had done extensive research in order to make sure she thoroughly satisfied her Master, she was his maid after all.

She did not want to disappoint her Master as she was not experienced in the carnal acts, thankfully the internet as Kurumi called it helped her with her troubles.

Thanks to her Thought Acceleration, and increased comprehension ability she was able to easily comprehend the information she was seeing.

Now, she was ready to serve her Master.

- Felix -

Soon enough I heard a knock on my door, I was beginning to think she had changed her mind, and I didn't want to use my senses to figure out what she was doing either.

I opened the door and was met with a blushing Raiden. 

"Come in." I gave her a smile as I said, 

"Yes Master."

I took a good look at her, she was still wearing her maid outfit, no make up, or anything like that either.

"You look beautiful Raiden." You always gotta set the mood before things like this.

Somehow, her blush got even deeper, "Thank you Master."

She looked nervous, it seems like she has no idea what to do from here on.

She acted so confident when asking to sleep with me earlier too.

I'm not going to bother asking if she still wants to do this, after all she came all the way to my room, she should know if she backed down I wouldn't have minded.

I slowly approached Raiden and took her chin in my hand, she closed her eyes and I took the chance to kiss her.

We made out for a few minutes, oxygen wasn't something I needed, and Raiden can hold her breath for a long, long time.

Eventually we pulled back causing a string of saliva to form between our two mouths.

I took this chance to cast one of the new Sex Magics I created with Odin's help.

Enhance Pleasure, and Increase Sensitivity both make for a deadly combo.

Raiden was already starting to feel the effects.

"Mmmph, Master~, I want to serve you~!"

She's keep her maid thing going even when having sex huh? Though I can't deny that it's kinda hot.

But, if that's what she wants to do, then I'm not going to stop her, I could feel a tent pitching in my pants after all.

I gave her a nod as I took a seat on my bed, I also took this chance to place a barrier over the room. I doubt Kurumi wants to listen in after all.

Or maybe she does? I don't know what sort of kinks she has.

Raiden slid down to her knees in front of me, and slid off my pajamas together with my underwear causing my now half chub cock to spring free causing Raiden's eyes to go wide.

She lets out a hot pant as she says, "Wow… So much bigger than they said…"

Even being who I am, hearing a compliment about my dick size is extremely ego boosting.

And did she say bigger than they said? Why the fuck are they talking about my sex life?

Actually, I should have expected that, after I learned about their cult-like activities I should have expected such a thing.

Ugh, that's still kind of embarrassing, I bet it was Saeko too, Lalatina wouldn't share such a thing without my permission.

Lalatina's training has been going well, at this point she is basically my adoring, worshipful little love slave.

And she loves it.

Which is hot.

Who knew that having a self proclaimed masochistic slave is amazing.

Now I'm kinda thankful that whatever went wrong with my attack happened, I don't think Lalatina would have turned out the way she is if it weren't for that, a self proclaimed masochistic slave.

Still, I shouldn't be thinking about another woman now.

I notice Raiden staring at my dick, her eyes have gone cross eyed.

I notice her hand slowly start to approach, once she is close enough she starts running her fingers along my cock.

She sniffs my cock heavily as her nostrils flare, she slowly leaned towards the tip and gave it a kiss.

I groan in appreciation, it's important to let your lovers know you enjoy what they are doing, usually it only motivates them more.

She started to lick around the tip as her adoring eyes stared at me, she increased the pace after seeing that I was enjoying what she was doing.

Once she got the tip wet she slowly dragged her tongue up and down my dick, covering it all over in her saliva.

Once it was sufficiently lubed she inhaled my dick, taking it to the halfway point before pulling back up.

Raiden should be capable of suppressing her gag reflex fairly easily, but she wasn't for some reason.

Maybe she learned from the others that I like the sensation of a woman gagging on my dick?

Maybe I should thank them then, it seems they've given her other tips as well, she generally knows what to do without me having to guide her.

I could feel her breath tickle me as she slowly pushed my dick further, and further down her throat, I could hear her slobbering noisily before her mouth eventually reached the base of my cock.

She eventually pulled back up and leaned towards my balls, causing my cock to rest across her features. 

Not going to lie, seeing something like that was incredibly alluring.

Her nostrils flared, tickling the underside of my cock as she started to lap at my balls. Her hand reached up towards the base of my cock as she began to give me a handjob as well. 

- Raiden -

She continued to please her Master to the best of her abilities. She was rather surprised when she first saw her Master's shaft, it was far bigger than the ones she saw in the videos, and articles as they were called, but she should have expected such a thing.

Her Master is the best after all.

Hearing her Master groan she redoubled her efforts to please her Master, as she ignored the pleasurable sensation coming from her nethers, along with the heat that was starting to build up.

She must serve her Master first and foremost after all, but if she archives a climax from serving her Master, then that would just be a side effect of her pleasing her Master.

She licked up towards her Master's tip as she felt his hand come to rest on her head.

His fingers gently went through her hair, almost causing her to purr like Kurumi does.

She could feel the pleasure coasting through her body from her Master's fingers.

She had heard from Saeko that her Master had developed some sort of magic to increase his partner's pleasure, but she didn't think it would be this good.

A gurgled moan escaped her lips as she quivers in pleasure.

She could feel the pleasure travel down her spine and into every part of her body.

Her core clenched as she felt the heat rise up from her sex. She could feel her skin flush as she gasped, releasing air from her suddenly dry lips.

She instinctively leaned further into her Master's touch.

She could feel the heat become more and more intense as her Master kept on touching her. She continued to serve her Master as she did her best to ignore the rising pleasure.

She kissed his slit as she tasted something absolutely divine on her tongue, on the internet it said that most women don't enjoy the taste of sperm, but it seems she was not one of those women.

Her Master's essence tasted amazing, maybe it was due to some magic on her Master's part, but she did not care, she continued to suck on her Master's slit, craving for more.

Eventually she felt the heat from her core reach a breaking point, her body was getting hotter and hotter, and she could feel her sex get wetter and wetter.

She tried to control herself, but she was not able to, and so with a squeal she came explosively, making a mess of her silk panties. 

She shuddered in pleasure as she tried to regain control of herself, the flood of sensations caused her to lose the tight grip of control she normally has over herself. 

She went back to running her tongue over her Master's shaft, hoping that she was pleasuring him well. She opened her mouth wide and slowly took him deeper and deeper down her throat, ignoring her gurgles and chokes. All that currently mattered to her was bringing her Master more pleasure.

She flicked her tongue lovingly on the underside of her Master's cock, from the groans her Master was releasing, she was doing well. 

- Felix -

I groaned in pleasure as I watched Raiden take my dick deeper, and deeper down her throat. The sensation of her throat closing in on my shaft was practically divine.

Blowjobs are awesome.

Raiden's eyelashes fluttered as she continued to gurgle on my cock, once she reached the base I could tell that she had another orgasm due to her twitching in place. The gurgled moan around my cock felt amazing.

I could see drool starting to leak down the side of her mouth, and onto her breasts.

I take this opportunity to bend forward slightly and grope Raiden's breasts causing her to moan.

This Sex Magic is seriously a lot of fun.

I save its more extreme uses for Lalatina, as she is the only one who really enjoys denial play, and who I am comfortable giving mind breaking orgasms.

She's already fucked in the head so she can't get any worse.

Raiden's tits feel amazing, soft and squishy, but also firm. She won't ever have to worry about sag due to her evolutions, so I get to enjoy these tits for a long time to come.

Raiden's pace slowed down once she took me to the base, but she never stopped. I could see the outline of my cock going down her throat which made for an alluring sight.

Thankfully I have perfect memory recall, so I can revisit this moment any time I want to.

Raiden started to shift her hips slightly so she could grind her sex on my foot, I could feel how wet she was through her panties, she was sopping.

I started to play with her sex with my toes causing her to let out gurgles moans as she continued to choke herself on my cock.

I slide her panties to the side and start to touch her directly with my toes. I have quite a lot of experience doing something similar to Lalatina, it seems these two share some characteristics, though Raiden isn't a super masochist like Lalatina.

I pull my hand away from her breasts as Raiden slowly slides up my length, until she finally pops off my length making a wet noise. 

"Ahh~ Thank you Master~!" She's thanking me? She really is super subby huh?

"I should be thanking you, that felt amazing. But now that you've had your fun, it's my turn now."

"Do what you please with me Master~!"

"Lie down on the bed." I order, Raiden seems to be the type to get off on being told what to do when having sex.

She slowly gets off the ground and lays down on my bed, I notice her looking up at me nervously.

I give her a smile, "Now let me explore this beautiful body of yours."

"Yes please Master!"

I quickly get on top of her as I get rid of her maid outfit and store it in my 'Stomach' leaving her in just a black lace bra, and a thong.

She really wore some daring clothes tonight huh?

I noticed Raiden's cheeks redding even more after I saw what she was wearing.

Ah, a girl's first time is truly great, Saeko was similar at first, now she is much more confident in bed.

I head for Raiden's massive breasts first, I've been dying to get a good look at these.

I unclip her bra and reveal her gorgeous round breasts to the open air. My hands go to her tits, groping and squeezing them while she moans out. Her nipples are rock hard so I lean down and start to suck on one while slightly pinching the other.

I feel Raiden grab the back of my head and push me further into her breasts as she continues to pant, and moan out. I eventually release her nipple causing Raiden to let go of her grip on my head, I take this chance to lean towards Raiden's head and start another make out session.

I continue to grope her breasts as I easily dominate Raiden's tongue. I swallow her moans as one of my hands starts to slowly reach down between her thighs. 

I feel her wet sex, I lightly flick her love nub as I slide one finger inside of her which increased Raiden's moans.

Raiden pulled back slightly as she said, "Mmmph~ Mashter, it fwees so good~!"

"Haha, I'm glad then."

Raiden leans towards me as her tongue searches for my own, I oblige her and continue to kiss her. It seems Raiden really likes kisses.

I eventually pull my finger out of Raiden's sex as I lean back. I give her a grin as I say, "Now, it's time for the even more fun part."

Raiden looks nervous but also excited, "Yes Master~!"

"Lean back, and spread your legs wide."

She follows my instructions, I quickly line myself up with her dripping vagina as I look into Raiden's eyes.

Seeing that she is ready, I shove myself in, not having to worry about any sort of pain or anything my entrance may cause. 

Sex Magic for the win!

Raiden is tight, extremely so. 

The moment I enter her Raiden's eyes go wide as she moans out, "Mashter~!"

I feel her cum instantly as her sex leaks her juices all over my dick and thighs.

Her eyes are rolled up but I still see her arms flailing around wildly trying to reach for me. I take this as the sign that she wants to hug me and so I oblige her.

The moment I'm within range Raiden's eyes gain some focus as she kisses me, I feel her tongue prodding my teeth as if asking for permission to enter. I quickly allow her tongue entry as I wrestle her tongue back into submission with my own.

I swallow her moans as I continue to thrust into her. I thrust as deep as I can into her, to the point where I can feel a little bump at the end of each thrust, a sign that I had reached the door to her baby chamber.

Even though I knew I couldn't get her pregnant the thought of cumming directly into her womb turned our lovemaking session far more animalistic.

Eventually Raiden pulls back as she looks into my eyes lustfully, "More pwease Mashter~!"

Seeing as I haven't fully sheathed myself inside of her, I grip her hips tightly and forcefully push the rest of my length inside of her.

"Ohhhh~! Yeshh Mashterr~! It fwees so gooood~!"

I could see a bulge in her stomach, though Raiden doesn't seem to care about that at all.

I slide my hands from her hips to her bubble ass cheeks, I easily lift her up by her butt and sit up changing our position. I feel Raiden's tongue start to lick my face, then my neck.

I take this opportunity to take one of her nipples in my mouth and start sucking.

"Ahhh~ Mashter, I'm cwumming again~!"

I feel her sex tighten up as her inner walls begin to flutter around my cock.

Her entire body began to tremble as she reached another orgasm.

"Mmmph~ I love this Mashter~ I love pleasing you like this~!" Raiden wailed.

I could see her mouth open as her tongue lolled out, along with her beautiful purple eyes rolled up.

"Do you now? Then you won't mind if I do this to you whenever I want?"

"Yesh~ pwease do me whenever you want~! I am your servant~!"

"Then I'll make sure to come to you whenever I feel horny."


I feel my own orgasm coming, I can easily hold it off but decide not to, Spiritual Beings have full control over their bodies, so I have no refractory period after all. I might as well come buckets inside Raiden.

"Raiden, I'm going to cum soon." I groan out

"Inside me~! Inside me pwease~!"

"You don't even need to ask, ah, I was planning on doing so anyway."

I continue to thrust into Raiden, building up my orgasm more and more before I eventually release inside of her causing her an orgasm of her own.

Raiden gains a dopey grin on her face as she giggles, "Twank you Master~ That was so good~!"

"Heh, we aren't done yet."

Raiden giggles as she says, "Ah, relieve yourself of your lusts on my body~! Your maid is always available for you~!"

"Don't worry, I will my dear maid."

I flip Raiden over causing our position to shift into doggy style.

As I pull out of her I feel her sex grip me tightly, almost refusing to let me out, but she isn't nearly strong enough to impede me.

Once I am fully out of her I thrust myself back into her sex fully causing Raiden to squeal.

"Ahhhh~! So goood Mashter~! Ahh, I wuv you~!"

Even though Raiden isn't capable of seeing me right now, I smile down at her as I continue to thrust into her, "And I love you too my precious maid."

I ignore Raiden's giggles as I grope her asscheeks while continuing to have my way with her.

She's in for a long night.


I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4 I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

Sup guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter. I went into more detail about some more obscure things in tensura, one of them being elemental souls. It wasn't ever said that daemons had elemental souls, but I saw no reason why they wouldn't so I included that.

I tried to show what's currently going on in Japan, people are panicked, but they aren't going crazy or anything just yet. The Japanese government is suppressing as much of the panic as they can as Jujutsu Sorcerers work overtime to deal with the Cursed Spirits Kenjaku released. Along with that, most of them aren't even capable of seeing Cursed Spirits so they are quite relaxed.

It's been a few chapters since we got some 'plot', and I thought this was a good time so there's that, though it went for far longer than I initially planned, oh well, hopefully you all enjoyed it.

Anyways, thanks for reading, see ya.

Support me if you want on pat reon *.com* / theogbasilisk