
Chapter 13 Part 5

Maybe I can have a Daemon watch her when Arcueid returns. She should be here soon seeing as she sent me a message saying that she was on her way here earlier today.

Finally I can hand off all this work to her, freedom is in my sight!

Still, Granbell Rosso is definitely someone I need to plan for, maybe I'll have Arcueid figure out a good way to deal with him.

He isn't the only one, there were two people who were able to give Glenda orders, Granbell, and his grandaughter Mariabell, Glenda doesn't know much about Mariabell as she got most of her orders from Granbell, but she did say that Mariabell and Granbell had a secret force under them called the Blood Shadows.

She herself was part of that group.

Along with that, Ingvild herself decided to serve me of her own volition since she said that she thought that I was a good person, and someone that was worthy to serve. She said there weren't many of those in this world. 

Absolutely hilarious, me a good person?

I ended up telling her about what I did to Clayman's army, I didn't want her serving me due to some fantasy she conjured up in her mind, it would end badly for her when she inevitably finds out that I'm not who she pictured.

She simply said that I did what I had to do to bring the people I cared for back, after all they had attacked first, and were planning to invade a country without provocation.

Then she brought up the fact that I didn't kill her or Glenda even though they were here with malicious intention, that did cause me to pause for a moment, but I just told her I'm not a good person, that doesn't mean I'm unreasonable or lack empathy.

For some reason, after I said that she looked at me smugly, I just gave up at that point.

Since she decided to serve me I ended up naming her Ingvild, she became a Daemon Duke. Her magicule capacity is slightly lower than that of Raiden, Kurumi's and Saeko's, which is something surprising, after all the training they have done, along with the Gifts they received from my Harvest Festival, they would potentially be able to match a weaker True Demon Lord.

In a fight I still wouldn't be sure who would win.

They each have their own specialities, and their overall strength is close enough that fighting experience might decide the winner.

I was also able to analyze her skills in detail through the connection I now have with her. Her Unique Skill: Kraken allows her absolute control over the sea, and water in general. Along with this, since it is a fusion of her clan trait, Sea Serpent of the End, and her Sacred Gear, it also possesses the ability to weaken, strengthen and control Dragons, though controlling True Dragons is beyond it. Maybe if she evolves it into an Ultimate Skill, its controlling effect might extend to True Dragons. Still, her ability to weaken, strengthen and control Dragons is not to be underestimated. Even Dragons vastly stronger than her can be controlled, though it is possible to resist this with pure willpower.

Along with this, she cannot control Dragons with Ultimate Skills, or Dragons with Divinity. 

Ingvild is a natural counter to Raiden, much to the latter's displeasure, though I do think that Raiden is capable of resisting Ingvild's control, though she is still vulnerable to being weakened. And even then, according to Odin, I can easily free her from Ingvild's control through our connection, not that I think Ingvild would do something like that.

Even Raiden couldn't bring herself to dislike Ingvild though, she's a sweetheart after all. She enjoys singing, and when she does, I often see Raiden listening in if she is nearby.

To think Raiden would be charmed with music.

'Notice, the coordinates for the world known as 'Jujutsu Kaisen' have been determined, Master is capable of traveling to that world at will.'

For real?! I can finally travel to another world? Ghaha, this is gonna be a lot of fun. My Slice of Life adventure is in sight!

Before I do that, it's best if I make sure that everything is going well around my territory. 

I expand my senses to see what's going on in my territory and I find myself surprised. I sense three unknown beings coming towards my castle, though they don't seem to have hostile intent.

They seem to be decently strong as well. What is it with a bunch of random people showing up in my territory? Is there an invitation I don't know about?

"Saeko, three unknown people are coming towards the castle, come greet them with me at the front."

"I see, do you want me to beat them up?!"

"No Saeko, I don't want you to beat them up yet, only beat them up if they turn out to be hostile."

"Yes Felix-sama!"

"Raiden, Megumin, Kurumi, Ingvild, Glenda, you guys don't need to come, Saeko alone should be able to handle it."

Once I hear everyone's agreements I cut the communication off.

Once we arrive I see three majin waiting for us, all three of them are rather large. The one in the lead with earrings stepped up, "Oh, are you the Demon Lord Felix? And is that your subordinate? My old man told me about you, he said you were quite strong. Quite the compliment from someone like him, how interesting, let me get warm–"

"Big bro, leave the Demon Lord to us! We want to have some fun too! How about you fight the girl he brought with him?"

"Mmm-Mmmhmm, that's right, my tummy hungry so she is fine."

It seems they are brothers and came here to pick a fight. Still, their father told them about me? Seeing as these guys seem to be Giants, it must have been Dagruel that told them about me. Now what could he want?

If they are his sons, I need to be careful, I don't want to have to fight Dagruel, he is incredibly powerful, not someone I want to fight for no real reason. It seems like a pain in the ass.

"Shut up! Felix-sama does not have time to deal with you worms! His time is precious so let me take all three of you on and get rid of you!" 

Ah, if they wanted to fight I was going to have Saeko beat them up, so this works with my plans.


"Oi oi, are you looking down on us?"

"I was going to hold back on you since you're a woman, but not anymore, get ready to cry."

Ah sexism is a thing here it seems.

"Mmmm, my tummy reacted to your words a bit, it seems I am going to get a grand meal."

Saeko should be able to handle these three quite easily, don't get me wrong, they are strong, probably around Demon Lord Seed level, but Saeko is stronger.

And the one rule this world follows is… numbers don't mean anything to the strong.

"Oye, Saeko, just make sure not to destroy the Castle, or the building surrounding it, I just had those built!"

"Yes!" That's my girl.

"Ghaha, I admire your boldness woman, say, if you retract your words, we'll go easy on you." 

Do they not sense the difference between them? Ah! Why is Saeko concealing her 'Aura'! Did she want these guys to provoke her into a fight?!

And I thought she had learned, I guess it was too much to ask for.

Saeko sneered at them, and even taunted them, "Ha! As if you weaklings can beat me!"

Hearing that the three of them rushed at her together. The fat guy was surprisingly agile, he launched himself at Saeko like a cannon. Though Saeko was unfazed by this, she just kicked him away towards the guy with the earrings. She is incredibly strong physically as well, not just magically. 

She appeared next to the second guy with vertical teardrop-like markings on the side of his face. She grabbed him and threw him over her shoulder while he was stupefied at what was happening.

That guy isn't going to be getting up for the remainder of the fight.

"Ugghh, how dare you harm my bro!"

The guy with earrings sprang up from behind Saeko to try and get a sneak attack, unfortunately for him, he was not successful. Saeko quickly turned around and lifted the guy up by the neck knocking him unconscious in the process before throwing him at the last remaining brother.

"W-what the hell! We are Giants you know! Shouldn't we be the stronger ones?!"

Saeko laughed at them with disdain as she launched herself towards the last guy, he tried to avoid but she was just too fast for him. She grabbed his arms and started twisting them, almost as if to test his strength.

How pitiful, the guys arms were folded in a super weird angle, I would be worried if I didn't know they all had Self-Regeneration. The guy is definitely in a lot of pain though. Saeko didn't seem to care though as she finished him off with a punch to the face.

"Alright good job Saeko, that's enough, hopefully they've learned their lesson, just leave them out here, hopefully they will leave when they wake up."


As we are heading back in I contemplate what a Demon Lord like Dagruel could want with sending his sons here.

Oh well, hopefully they go back home, or behave themselves.

"Hey! Wait!" Oh? They already woke up? Well I guess it's to be expected that they are durable, they are Giants after all.

Saeko turned back to look at them, "Eh?! You wanna be beat up again?!" Why does she sound like Megumin?

"Woah, this Demon Lord is stronger than the old man said if he has subordinates like that!"

"Indeed, this Demon Lord Felix must be a monster!"

"Mmmm-Mhmmm, strong."

"Sigh, what do you three want?" Might as well hear them out so that I can get a clear picture of what is going on.

"Yes Sir! We are the sons of Demon Lord Dagruel, I am the eldest son Dagura."

"I am his second son Ryura."

"I am the third son Debura." So you can talk normally?

At least I know I was correct in my suspicions, it always feels great being right.

"The old man wanted us to go train under Demon Lord Felix." said the oldest Dagura.

"We were just messing around a bit back home, but the old man lost his temper and kicked us out."

"Yup, we were chased out!"

Haha, Dagruel couldn't handle his kids so he kicked them out. I don't know why I find that funny, but I do.

Hmm, maybe I can hand them to Saeko, she should be able to beat some obedience into them, I do need some more strong subordinates after all.

"Alright, I'll leave you guys in Saeko's hands, but my only requirement is that I need to name you." It's best to be able to ascertain their loyalty that way. 

"Yes sir! That's fine with us!"

"Understood! We will follow big sis's lead!" Big sis? When did she become your big sis? Whatever, I'll leave that to Saeko to sort out.

"Alright, I name you Dagura, Ryura, and Debura." Now that I named them I can have Odin monitor them through the connection, who knows, they might be spies. 

"Thank you!"

I turn towards Saeko, "Alright, do what you will with them."

"Yes Felix-sama, I will turn them into useful warriors for you!"


As I'm heading back in I sense Arcuied teleport back along with quite a few other Daemons. Some of them seem to be decently strong too. Though there is one that stands out, she must be the Primordial Violet.

Well, time to deal with that. Then maybe I can travel to Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm excited for that. I can think of quite a few things I can bring back that could be useful, like food, modern weapons. Seeing as Glenda has a gun that is capable of firing magicule bullets, I wonder what other ways modern weaponry can be enhanced.

Along with that Odin should be able to analyze some interesting Curse Techniques, I never got past Gojo's sealing so I have no clue what sort of techniques could have popped up, but hopefully the trip will turn out to be fun.


I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4 I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

Felix upgrades his abilities a decent bit this chapter, Infinity Prison is no joke, it was capable of trapping a True Dragon. Along with that, having an analysis of Veldora's Probability Manipulation definitely won't be useful in the future, wink wink.

We also get to meet Ingvild in this chapter. I tried to stay as true to her personality as I could, while also adding a bit of understanding of the world. She has been basically enslaved for a while after all, that's bound to change a person.

Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!