
A Tough Life from Hereon

The walls of the cliff were robust, resembling rock. Even though the hills were created by the Mudropper using soil sourced from beyond the Sanrey Plains, the fact that they currently looked no different from an actual hill spoke volumes about the Mudropper's power.

And this had all been achieved in a month.

Inala was honestly impressed by it as he approached the cliff wall and touched it, 'This feels no different from lava solidifying into rock over time. It's amazing!'

As he thought, an Empyrean Zinger Scout landed on his shoulder, allowing him to access its memories and witness the Mudropper in action.

Primary Nature—Sandy-Grey!

The Mudropper consumes soil, processes it in its body and spits it out in the form of sand typically. The grey sand has the property of assimilating anything and everything into it, matter or energy.